Example #1
static void xml_read_shader_graph(const XMLReadState& state, Shader *shader, pugi::xml_node graph_node)
	ShaderGraph *graph = new ShaderGraph();

	map<string, ShaderNode*> nodemap;

	nodemap["output"] = graph->output();

	for(pugi::xml_node node = graph_node.first_child(); node; node = node.next_sibling()) {
		ShaderNode *snode = NULL;

		if(string_iequals(node.name(), "image_texture")) {
			ImageTextureNode *img = new ImageTextureNode();

			xml_read_string(&img->filename, node, "src");
			img->filename = path_join(state.base, img->filename);
			xml_read_enum(&img->color_space, ImageTextureNode::color_space_enum, node, "color_space");
			xml_read_enum(&img->projection, ImageTextureNode::projection_enum, node, "projection");
			xml_read_float(&img->projection_blend, node, "projection_blend");

			snode = img;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "environment_texture")) {
			EnvironmentTextureNode *env = new EnvironmentTextureNode();

			xml_read_string(&env->filename, node, "src");
			env->filename = path_join(state.base, env->filename);
			xml_read_enum(&env->color_space, EnvironmentTextureNode::color_space_enum, node, "color_space");
			xml_read_enum(&env->projection, EnvironmentTextureNode::projection_enum, node, "projection");

			snode = env;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "osl_shader")) {
			OSLScriptNode *osl = new OSLScriptNode();

			/* Source */
			xml_read_string(&osl->filepath, node, "src");
			if(path_is_relative(osl->filepath)) {
				osl->filepath = path_join(state.base, osl->filepath);

			/* Generate inputs/outputs from node sockets
			 * Note: ShaderInput/ShaderOutput store shallow string copies only!
			 * Socket names must be stored in the extra lists instead. */
			/* read input values */
			for(pugi::xml_node param = node.first_child(); param; param = param.next_sibling()) {
				if (string_iequals(param.name(), "input")) {
					string name;
					if (!xml_read_string(&name, param, "name"))
					ShaderSocketType type = xml_read_socket_type(param, "type");
					osl->add_input(osl->input_names.back().c_str(), type);
				else if (string_iequals(param.name(), "output")) {
					string name;
					if (!xml_read_string(&name, param, "name"))
					ShaderSocketType type = xml_read_socket_type(param, "type");
					osl->add_output(osl->output_names.back().c_str(), type);
			snode = osl;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "sky_texture")) {
			SkyTextureNode *sky = new SkyTextureNode();
			xml_read_enum(&sky->type, SkyTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			xml_read_float3(&sky->sun_direction, node, "sun_direction");
			xml_read_float(&sky->turbidity, node, "turbidity");
			xml_read_float(&sky->ground_albedo, node, "ground_albedo");
			snode = sky;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "noise_texture")) {
			snode = new NoiseTextureNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "checker_texture")) {
			snode = new CheckerTextureNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "brick_texture")) {
			BrickTextureNode *brick = new BrickTextureNode();

			xml_read_float(&brick->offset, node, "offset");
			xml_read_int(&brick->offset_frequency, node, "offset_frequency");
			xml_read_float(&brick->squash, node, "squash");
			xml_read_int(&brick->squash_frequency, node, "squash_frequency");

			snode = brick;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "gradient_texture")) {
			GradientTextureNode *blend = new GradientTextureNode();
			xml_read_enum(&blend->type, GradientTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			snode = blend;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "voronoi_texture")) {
			VoronoiTextureNode *voronoi = new VoronoiTextureNode();
			xml_read_enum(&voronoi->coloring, VoronoiTextureNode::coloring_enum, node, "coloring");
			snode = voronoi;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "musgrave_texture")) {
			MusgraveTextureNode *musgrave = new MusgraveTextureNode();
			xml_read_enum(&musgrave->type, MusgraveTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			snode = musgrave;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "magic_texture")) {
			MagicTextureNode *magic = new MagicTextureNode();
			xml_read_int(&magic->depth, node, "depth");
			snode = magic;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "noise_texture")) {
			NoiseTextureNode *dist = new NoiseTextureNode();
			snode = dist;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "wave_texture")) {
			WaveTextureNode *wave = new WaveTextureNode();
			xml_read_enum(&wave->type, WaveTextureNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			snode = wave;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "normal")) {
			NormalNode *normal = new NormalNode();
			xml_read_float3(&normal->direction, node, "direction");
			snode = normal;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "mapping")) {
			snode = new MappingNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "ward_bsdf")) {
			snode = new WardBsdfNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "diffuse_bsdf")) {
			snode = new DiffuseBsdfNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "translucent_bsdf")) {
			snode = new TranslucentBsdfNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "transparent_bsdf")) {
			snode = new TransparentBsdfNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "velvet_bsdf")) {
			snode = new VelvetBsdfNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "toon_bsdf")) {
			ToonBsdfNode *toon = new ToonBsdfNode();
			xml_read_enum(&toon->component, ToonBsdfNode::component_enum, node, "component");
			snode = toon;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "glossy_bsdf")) {
			GlossyBsdfNode *glossy = new GlossyBsdfNode();
			xml_read_enum(&glossy->distribution, GlossyBsdfNode::distribution_enum, node, "distribution");
			snode = glossy;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "glass_bsdf")) {
			GlassBsdfNode *diel = new GlassBsdfNode();
			xml_read_enum(&diel->distribution, GlassBsdfNode::distribution_enum, node, "distribution");
			snode = diel;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "refraction_bsdf")) {
			RefractionBsdfNode *diel = new RefractionBsdfNode();
			xml_read_enum(&diel->distribution, RefractionBsdfNode::distribution_enum, node, "distribution");
			snode = diel;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "hair_bsdf")) {
			HairBsdfNode *hair = new HairBsdfNode();
			xml_read_enum(&hair->component, HairBsdfNode::component_enum, node, "component");
			snode = hair;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "emission")) {
			EmissionNode *emission = new EmissionNode();
			xml_read_bool(&emission->total_power, node, "total_power");
			snode = emission;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "ambient_occlusion")) {
			snode = new AmbientOcclusionNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "background")) {
			snode = new BackgroundNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "absorption_volume")) {
			snode = new AbsorptionVolumeNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "scatter_volume")) {
			snode = new ScatterVolumeNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "subsurface_scattering")) {
			SubsurfaceScatteringNode *sss = new SubsurfaceScatteringNode();
			//xml_read_enum(&sss->falloff, SubsurfaceScatteringNode::falloff_enum, node, "falloff");
			snode = sss;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "geometry")) {
			snode = new GeometryNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "texture_coordinate")) {
			snode = new TextureCoordinateNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "light_path")) {
			snode = new LightPathNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "light_falloff")) {
			snode = new LightFalloffNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "object_info")) {
			snode = new ObjectInfoNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "particle_info")) {
			snode = new ParticleInfoNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "hair_info")) {
			snode = new HairInfoNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "value")) {
			ValueNode *value = new ValueNode();
			xml_read_float(&value->value, node, "value");
			snode = value;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "color")) {
			ColorNode *color = new ColorNode();
			xml_read_float3(&color->value, node, "value");
			snode = color;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "mix_closure")) {
			snode = new MixClosureNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "add_closure")) {
			snode = new AddClosureNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "invert")) {
			snode = new InvertNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "mix")) {
			MixNode *mix = new MixNode();
			xml_read_enum(&mix->type, MixNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			xml_read_bool(&mix->use_clamp, node, "use_clamp");
			snode = mix;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "gamma")) {
			snode = new GammaNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "brightness")) {
			snode = new BrightContrastNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "combine_rgb")) {
			snode = new CombineRGBNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "separate_rgb")) {
			snode = new SeparateRGBNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "combine_hsv")) {
			snode = new CombineHSVNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "separate_hsv")) {
			snode = new SeparateHSVNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "hsv")) {
			snode = new HSVNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "wavelength")) {
			snode = new WavelengthNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "blackbody")) {
			snode = new BlackbodyNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "attribute")) {
			AttributeNode *attr = new AttributeNode();
			xml_read_ustring(&attr->attribute, node, "attribute");
			snode = attr;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "camera")) {
			snode = new CameraNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "fresnel")) {
			snode = new FresnelNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "layer_weight")) {
			snode = new LayerWeightNode();
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "wireframe")) {
			WireframeNode *wire = new WireframeNode;
			xml_read_bool(&wire->use_pixel_size, node, "use_pixel_size");
			snode = wire;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "normal_map")) {
			NormalMapNode *nmap = new NormalMapNode;
			xml_read_ustring(&nmap->attribute, node, "attribute");
			xml_read_enum(&nmap->space, NormalMapNode::space_enum, node, "space");
			snode = nmap;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "tangent")) {
			TangentNode *tangent = new TangentNode;
			xml_read_ustring(&tangent->attribute, node, "attribute");
			xml_read_enum(&tangent->direction_type, TangentNode::direction_type_enum, node, "direction_type");
			xml_read_enum(&tangent->axis, TangentNode::axis_enum, node, "axis");
			snode = tangent;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "math")) {
			MathNode *math = new MathNode();
			xml_read_enum(&math->type, MathNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			xml_read_bool(&math->use_clamp, node, "use_clamp");
			snode = math;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "vector_math")) {
			VectorMathNode *vmath = new VectorMathNode();
			xml_read_enum(&vmath->type, VectorMathNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			snode = vmath;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "vector_transform")) {
			VectorTransformNode *vtransform = new VectorTransformNode();
			xml_read_enum(&vtransform->type, VectorTransformNode::type_enum, node, "type");
			xml_read_enum(&vtransform->convert_from, VectorTransformNode::convert_space_enum, node, "convert_from");
			xml_read_enum(&vtransform->convert_to, VectorTransformNode::convert_space_enum, node, "convert_to");
			snode = vtransform;
		else if(string_iequals(node.name(), "connect")) {
			/* connect nodes */
			vector<string> from_tokens, to_tokens;

			string_split(from_tokens, node.attribute("from").value());
			string_split(to_tokens, node.attribute("to").value());

			if(from_tokens.size() == 2 && to_tokens.size() == 2) {
				/* find nodes and sockets */
				ShaderOutput *output = NULL;
				ShaderInput *input = NULL;

				if(nodemap.find(from_tokens[0]) != nodemap.end()) {
					ShaderNode *fromnode = nodemap[from_tokens[0]];

					foreach(ShaderOutput *out, fromnode->outputs)
						if(string_iequals(xml_socket_name(out->name), from_tokens[1]))
							output = out;

						fprintf(stderr, "Unknown output socket name \"%s\" on \"%s\".\n", from_tokens[1].c_str(), from_tokens[0].c_str());
Example #2
void    main_skin_check_ini_value(char *textposition,
								  Associate * associate)
	char    name[128] = "";
	int     x = 0, y = 0, w = 0, h = 0, maxw = 0, x2 = 0, y2 = 0, w2 =
										 0, h2 = 0;
	char    tooltip[100] = "";
	int teller = 0;
	while (teller < strlen(textposition))
		if (textposition[teller] == '=' || textposition[teller] == ',')
			textposition[teller] = ' ';
	// sscanf(textposition, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %[^\0]",
	sscanf(textposition, "%s %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %s",
		   name, &x, &y, &w, &h, &maxw, &x2, &y2, &w2, &h2, tooltip);
	for (teller = 0; teller < Lastone; teller++)
		if (stricmp(name, associate[teller].name) == 0)
			main_skin_set_struct_value(associate[teller].Object, x, y, w,
									   h, maxw, x2, y2, w2, h2, tooltip);
		if (stricmp(name, "PlaylistSkin") == 0)
			char    pathbuf[MAX_PATH];
			if (path_is_relative(textposition + strlen(name) + 1))
				strcpy(pathbuf, options.main_skin_file);
				strcat(pathbuf, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
				strcpy(pathbuf, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
			if (!globals.playlist_bool_force_skin_from_options)
				strcpy(options.playlist_skin_file, pathbuf);
		if (stricmp(name, "transparentcolor") == 0)
			int     colortext;
			sscanf(textposition, "%s %x", name, &colortext);
			Skin.transparentcolor = colortext;
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpCoolUp") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.CoolUp, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpCoolDown") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.CoolDown, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpCoolSwitch") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.CoolSwitch, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpTextFont") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.aTextFont, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpTimeFont") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.aTimeFont, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "BmpTrackFont") == 0)
			strcpy(Skin.aTrackFont, textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
		if (stricmp(name, "NextSkin") == 0)
			if (stricmp(textposition + strlen(name) + 1, "default") == 0)
				globals.main_bool_skin_next_is_default = TRUE;
				char    drive[_MAX_DRIVE];
				char    fname[MAX_PATH];
				char    modpathbuf[MAX_PATH];
				char    ext[_MAX_EXT];
				char    dir[_MAX_DIR];
				char    skinfile2[MAX_PATH];
				strcpy(skinfile2, options.main_skin_file);
				main_get_program_path(GetModuleHandle(NULL), modpathbuf,
				_splitpath(textposition + strlen(name) + 1, drive, dir,
						   fname, ext);
				if (strcmp(drive, "") == 0)
					sprintf(options.main_skin_file, "%s%s%s", skinfile2,
							fname, ext);
						   textposition + strlen(name) + 1);
				if (_access(options.main_skin_file, 0) == -1)
					sprintf(options.main_skin_file, "%s%s%s%s", modpathbuf,
							dir, fname, ext);
				globals.main_bool_skin_next_is_default = FALSE;