Example #1
    void showBining(int num_pitch, float res_pitch, int min_pitch, int num_yaw, float res_yaw, int min_yaw, std::vector<std::vector<int> > & yaw_pitch_bins)
      std::cout << "\t\t";
      for (int j = 0; j < num_pitch; j++)
        std::cout << pcl_round (static_cast<float>(min_pitch) + res_pitch * static_cast<float>(j)) << "\t";

      std::cout << std::endl;

      for (int i = 0; i < num_yaw; i++)
        std::cout << pcl_round (static_cast<float>(min_yaw) + res_yaw * static_cast<float>(i)) << " => \t\t";
        for (int j = 0; j < num_pitch; j++)
          //std::cout <<  std::setprecision(3) << yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] / static_cast<float>(max_elems) << "\t";
          std::cout << yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] << "\t";

        std::cout << std::endl;
Example #2
template <typename PointInT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::ESFEstimation<PointInT, PointOutT>::computeESF (
    PointCloudIn &pc, std::vector<float> &hist)
  const int binsize = 64;
  unsigned int sample_size = 20000;
  srand (static_cast<unsigned int> (time (0)));
  int maxindex = static_cast<int> (pc.points.size ());

  int index1, index2, index3;
  std::vector<float> d2v, d1v, d3v, wt_d3;
  std::vector<int> wt_d2;
  d1v.reserve (sample_size);
  d2v.reserve (sample_size * 3);
  d3v.reserve (sample_size);
  wt_d2.reserve (sample_size * 3);
  wt_d3.reserve (sample_size);

  float h_in[binsize] = {0};
  float h_out[binsize] = {0};
  float h_mix[binsize] = {0};
  float h_mix_ratio[binsize] = {0};

  float h_a3_in[binsize] = {0};
  float h_a3_out[binsize] = {0};
  float h_a3_mix[binsize] = {0};
  float h_d1[binsize] = {0};

  float h_d3_in[binsize] = {0};
  float h_d3_out[binsize] = {0};
  float h_d3_mix[binsize] = {0};

  float ratio=0.0;
  float pih = static_cast<float>(M_PI) / 2.0f;
  float a,b,c,s;
  int th1,th2,th3;
  int vxlcnt = 0;
  int pcnt1,pcnt2,pcnt3;
  for (size_t nn_idx = 0; nn_idx < sample_size; ++nn_idx)
    // get a new random point
    index1 = rand()%maxindex;
    index2 = rand()%maxindex;
    index3 = rand()%maxindex;

    if (index1==index2 || index1 == index3 || index2 == index3)

    Eigen::Vector4f p1 = pc.points[index1].getVector4fMap ();
    Eigen::Vector4f p2 = pc.points[index2].getVector4fMap ();
    Eigen::Vector4f p3 = pc.points[index3].getVector4fMap ();

    // A3
    Eigen::Vector4f v21 (p2 - p1);
    Eigen::Vector4f v31 (p3 - p1);
    Eigen::Vector4f v23 (p2 - p3);
    a = v21.norm (); b = v31.norm (); c = v23.norm (); s = (a+b+c) * 0.5f;
    if (s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c) <= 0.001f)

    v21.normalize ();
    v31.normalize ();
    v23.normalize ();

    //TODO: .dot gives nan's
    th1 = static_cast<int> (pcl_round (acos (fabs (v21.dot (v31))) / pih * (binsize-1)));
    th2 = static_cast<int> (pcl_round (acos (fabs (v23.dot (v31))) / pih * (binsize-1)));
    th3 = static_cast<int> (pcl_round (acos (fabs (v23.dot (v21))) / pih * (binsize-1)));
    if (th1 < 0 || th1 >= binsize)
    if (th2 < 0 || th2 >= binsize)
    if (th3 < 0 || th3 >= binsize)

    //pcl::PointXYZ cog(((rand()%100)-50.0f) / 100.0f,((rand()%100)-50.0f) / 100.0f,((rand()%100)-50.0f) / 100.0f);
    // D1
    //                      d1v.push_back( pcl::euclideanDistance(cog, pc.points[index1]) );

    // D2
    d2v.push_back (pcl::euclideanDistance (pc.points[index1], pc.points[index2]));
    d2v.push_back (pcl::euclideanDistance (pc.points[index1], pc.points[index3]));
    d2v.push_back (pcl::euclideanDistance (pc.points[index2], pc.points[index3]));

    int vxlcnt_sum = 0;
    int p_cnt = 0;
    // IN, OUT, MIXED, Ratio line tracing, index1->index2
      const int xs = p1[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int ys = p1[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zs = p1[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int xt = p2[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int yt = p2[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zt = p2[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      wt_d2.push_back (this->lci (xs, ys, zs, xt, yt, zt, ratio, vxlcnt, pcnt1));
      if (wt_d2.back () == 2)
        h_mix_ratio[static_cast<int> (pcl_round (ratio * (binsize-1)))]++;
      vxlcnt_sum += vxlcnt;
      p_cnt += pcnt1;
    // IN, OUT, MIXED, Ratio line tracing, index1->index3
      const int xs = p1[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int ys = p1[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zs = p1[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p1[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p1[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int xt = p3[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int yt = p3[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zt = p3[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      wt_d2.push_back (this->lci (xs, ys, zs, xt, yt, zt, ratio, vxlcnt, pcnt2));
      if (wt_d2.back () == 2)
        h_mix_ratio[static_cast<int>(pcl_round (ratio * (binsize-1)))]++;
      vxlcnt_sum += vxlcnt;
      p_cnt += pcnt2;
    // IN, OUT, MIXED, Ratio line tracing, index2->index3
      const int xs = p2[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int ys = p2[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zs = p2[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p2[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p2[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int xt = p3[0] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[0])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[0])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int yt = p3[1] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[1])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[1])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      const int zt = p3[2] < 0.0? static_cast<int>(floor(p3[2])+GRIDSIZE_H): static_cast<int>(ceil(p3[2])+GRIDSIZE_H-1);
      wt_d2.push_back (this->lci (xs,ys,zs,xt,yt,zt,ratio,vxlcnt,pcnt3));
      if (wt_d2.back () == 2)
        h_mix_ratio[static_cast<int>(pcl_round(ratio * (binsize-1)))]++;
      vxlcnt_sum += vxlcnt;
      p_cnt += pcnt3;

    // D3 ( herons formula )
    d3v.push_back (sqrt (sqrt (s * (s-a) * (s-b) * (s-c))));
    if (vxlcnt_sum <= 21)
      wt_d3.push_back (0);
      h_a3_out[th1] += static_cast<float> (pcnt3) / 32.0f;
      h_a3_out[th2] += static_cast<float> (pcnt1) / 32.0f;
      h_a3_out[th3] += static_cast<float> (pcnt2) / 32.0f;
      if (p_cnt - vxlcnt_sum < 4)
        h_a3_in[th1] += static_cast<float> (pcnt3) / 32.0f;
        h_a3_in[th2] += static_cast<float> (pcnt1) / 32.0f;
        h_a3_in[th3] += static_cast<float> (pcnt2) / 32.0f;
        wt_d3.push_back (1);
        h_a3_mix[th1] += static_cast<float> (pcnt3) / 32.0f;
        h_a3_mix[th2] += static_cast<float> (pcnt1) / 32.0f;
        h_a3_mix[th3] += static_cast<float> (pcnt2) / 32.0f;
        wt_d3.push_back (static_cast<float> (vxlcnt_sum) / static_cast<float> (p_cnt));
  // Normalizing, get max
  float maxd1 = 0;
  float maxd2 = 0;
  float maxd3 = 0;

  for (size_t nn_idx = 0; nn_idx < sample_size; ++nn_idx)
    // get max of Dx
    if (d1v[nn_idx] > maxd1)
      maxd1 = d1v[nn_idx];
    if (d2v[nn_idx] > maxd2)
      maxd2 = d2v[nn_idx];
    if (d2v[sample_size + nn_idx] > maxd2)
      maxd2 = d2v[sample_size + nn_idx];
    if (d2v[sample_size*2 +nn_idx] > maxd2)
      maxd2 = d2v[sample_size*2 +nn_idx];
    if (d3v[nn_idx] > maxd3)
      maxd3 = d3v[nn_idx];

  // Normalize and create histogram
  int index;
  for (size_t nn_idx = 0; nn_idx < sample_size; ++nn_idx)
    h_d1[static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d1v[nn_idx] / maxd1 * (binsize-1)))]++ ;

    if (wt_d3[nn_idx] >= 0.999) // IN
      index = static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d3v[nn_idx] / maxd3 * (binsize-1)));
      if (index >= 0 && index < binsize)
      if (wt_d3[nn_idx] <= 0.001) // OUT
        index = static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d3v[nn_idx] / maxd3 * (binsize-1)));
        if (index >= 0 && index < binsize)
          h_d3_out[index]++ ;
        index = static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d3v[nn_idx] / maxd3 * (binsize-1)));
        if (index >= 0 && index < binsize)
  //normalize and create histogram
  for (size_t nn_idx = 0; nn_idx < d2v.size(); ++nn_idx )
    if (wt_d2[nn_idx] == 0)
      h_in[static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d2v[nn_idx] / maxd2 * (binsize-1)))]++ ;
    if (wt_d2[nn_idx] == 1)
      h_out[static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d2v[nn_idx] / maxd2 * (binsize-1)))]++;
    if (wt_d2[nn_idx] == 2)
      h_mix[static_cast<int>(pcl_round (d2v[nn_idx] / maxd2 * (binsize-1)))]++ ;

  //float weights[10] = {1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1,  1 , 1 ,  1};
  float weights[10] = {0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1.0f,  1.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f, 2.0f};

  hist.reserve (binsize * 10);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_a3_in[i] * weights[0]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_a3_out[i] * weights[1]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_a3_mix[i] * weights[2]);

  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_d3_in[i] * weights[3]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_d3_out[i] * weights[4]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_d3_mix[i] * weights[5]);

  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_in[i]*0.5f * weights[6]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_out[i] * weights[7]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_mix[i] * weights[8]);
  for (int i = 0; i < binsize; i++)
    hist.push_back (h_mix_ratio[i]*0.5f * weights[9]);

  float sm = 0;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist.size (); i++)
    sm += hist[i];

  for (size_t i = 0; i < hist.size (); i++)
    hist[i] /= sm;
Example #3
template<typename PointInT, typename PointNT, typename PointOutT> void
pcl::VFHEstimation<PointInT, PointNT, PointOutT>::computePointSPFHSignature (const Eigen::Vector4f &centroid_p,
                                                                             const Eigen::Vector4f &centroid_n,
                                                                             const pcl::PointCloud<PointInT> &cloud,
                                                                             const pcl::PointCloud<PointNT> &normals,
                                                                             const std::vector<int> &indices)
  Eigen::Vector4f pfh_tuple;
  // Reset the whole thing
  hist_f1_.setZero (nr_bins_f1_);
  hist_f2_.setZero (nr_bins_f2_);
  hist_f3_.setZero (nr_bins_f3_);
  hist_f4_.setZero (nr_bins_f4_);

  // Get the bounding box of the current cluster
  //Eigen::Vector4f min_pt, max_pt;
  //pcl::getMinMax3D (cloud, indices, min_pt, max_pt);
  //double distance_normalization_factor = (std::max)((centroid_p - min_pt).norm (), (centroid_p - max_pt).norm ());

  //Instead of using the bounding box to normalize the VFH distance component, it is better to use the max_distance
  //from any point to centroid. VFH is invariant to rotation about the roll axis but the bounding box is not,
  //resulting in different normalization factors for point clouds that are just rotated about that axis.

  double distance_normalization_factor = 1.0;
  if ( normalize_distances_ ) {
    Eigen::Vector4f max_pt;
    pcl::getMaxDistance (cloud, indices, centroid_p, max_pt);
    distance_normalization_factor = (centroid_p - max_pt).norm ();

  // Factorization constant
  float hist_incr;
  if (normalize_bins_) {
    hist_incr = 100.0 / (float)(indices.size () - 1);
  } else {
    hist_incr = 1.0;

  float hist_incr_size_component;
  if (size_component_)
    hist_incr_size_component = hist_incr;
    hist_incr_size_component = 0.0;

  // Iterate over all the points in the neighborhood
  for (size_t idx = 0; idx < indices.size (); ++idx)
    // Compute the pair P to NNi
    if (!computePairFeatures (centroid_p, centroid_n, cloud.points[indices[idx]].getVector4fMap (),
                              normals.points[indices[idx]].getNormalVector4fMap (), pfh_tuple[0], pfh_tuple[1],
                              pfh_tuple[2], pfh_tuple[3]))

    // Normalize the f1, f2, f3, f4 features and push them in the histogram
    int h_index = floor (nr_bins_f1_ * ((pfh_tuple[0] + M_PI) * d_pi_));
    if (h_index < 0)
      h_index = 0;
    if (h_index >= nr_bins_f1_)
      h_index = nr_bins_f1_ - 1;
    hist_f1_ (h_index) += hist_incr;

    h_index = floor (nr_bins_f2_ * ((pfh_tuple[1] + 1.0) * 0.5));
    if (h_index < 0)
      h_index = 0;
    if (h_index >= nr_bins_f2_)
      h_index = nr_bins_f2_ - 1;
    hist_f2_ (h_index) += hist_incr;

    h_index = floor (nr_bins_f3_ * ((pfh_tuple[2] + 1.0) * 0.5));
    if (h_index < 0)
      h_index = 0;
    if (h_index >= nr_bins_f3_)
      h_index = nr_bins_f3_ - 1;
    hist_f3_ (h_index) += hist_incr;

    if (normalize_distances_) 
      h_index = floor (nr_bins_f4_ * (pfh_tuple[3] / distance_normalization_factor));
      h_index = pcl_round (pfh_tuple[3] * 100);

    if (h_index < 0)
      h_index = 0;
    if (h_index >= nr_bins_f4_)
      h_index = nr_bins_f4_ - 1;

    hist_f4_ (h_index) += hist_incr_size_component;
Example #4
pcl::Permutohedral::initOLD (const std::vector<float> &feature, const int feature_dimension, const int N)
  // Compute the lattice coordinates for each feature [there is going to be a lot of magic here
  N_ = N;
  d_ = feature_dimension;
  HashTableOLD hash_table(d_, N_*(d_+1));

  // Allocate the class memory
  if (offsetOLD_) delete [] offsetOLD_;
  offsetOLD_ = new int[ (d_+1)*N_ ];
  if (barycentricOLD_) delete [] barycentricOLD_;
  barycentricOLD_ = new float[ (d_+1)*N_ ];
  // Allocate the local memory
  float * scale_factor = new float[d_];
  float * elevated = new float[d_+1];
  float * rem0 = new float[d_+1];
  float * barycentric = new float[d_+2];
  int * rank = new int[d_+1];
  short * canonical = new short[(d_+1)*(d_+1)];
  short * key = new short[d_+1];
  // Compute the canonical simplex
  for (int i=0; i<=d_; i++){
    for (int j=0; j<=d_-i; j++)
      canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = static_cast<short> (i);
    for (int j=d_-i+1; j<=d_; j++)
      canonical[i*(d_+1)+j] = static_cast<short> (i - (d_+1));
  // Expected standard deviation of our filter (p.6 in [Adams etal 2010])
  float inv_std_dev = std::sqrt (2.0f / 3.0f)* static_cast<float>(d_+1);
  // Compute the diagonal part of E (p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])
  for (int i=0; i<d_; i++)
    scale_factor[i] = 1.0f / std::sqrt (static_cast<float>(i+2)*static_cast<float>(i+1)) * inv_std_dev;
  // Compute the simplex each feature lies in
  for (int k=0; k<N_; k++)
  //for (int k = 0; k < 500; k++){
    // Elevate the feature (y = Ep, see p.5 in [Adams etal 2010])
    //const float * f = feature + k*feature_size;
    int index = k * feature_dimension;

    // sm contains the sum of 1..n of our faeture vector
    float sm = 0;
    for (int j = d_; j > 0; j--)
      //float cf = f[j-1]*scale_factor[j-1];
      float cf = feature[index + j-1] * scale_factor[j-1];
      elevated[j] = sm - static_cast<float>(j)*cf;
      sm += cf;
    elevated[0] = sm;

    // Find the closest 0-colored simplex through rounding
    float down_factor = 1.0f / static_cast<float>(d_+1);
    float up_factor = static_cast<float>(d_+1);
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<=d_; i++){
      int rd = static_cast<int> (pcl_round (down_factor * elevated[i]));
      rem0[i] = static_cast<float >(rd) * up_factor;
      sum += rd;
    // Find the simplex we are in and store it in rank (where rank describes what position coorinate i has in the sorted order of the features values)
    for (int i=0; i<=d_; i++)
      rank[i] = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<d_; i++)
      double di = elevated[i] - rem0[i];
      for (int j=i+1; j<=d_; j++)
        if (di < elevated[j] - rem0[j])

    // If the point doesn't lie on the plane (sum != 0) bring it back
    for (int i=0; i<=d_; i++){
      rank[i] += sum;
      if (rank[i] < 0){
        rank[i] += d_+1;
        rem0[i] += static_cast<float> (d_+1);
      else if (rank[i] > d_){
        rank[i] -= d_+1;
        rem0[i] -= static_cast<float> (d_+1);

    // Compute the barycentric coordinates (p.10 in [Adams etal 2010])
    for (int i=0; i<=d_+1; i++)
      barycentric[i] = 0;
    for (int i=0; i<=d_; i++){
      float v = (elevated[i] - rem0[i])*down_factor;
      barycentric[d_-rank[i]  ] += v;
      barycentric[d_-rank[i]+1] -= v;
    // Wrap around
    barycentric[0] += 1.0f + barycentric[d_+1];
    // Compute all vertices and their offset
    for (int remainder = 0; remainder <= d_; remainder++)
      for (int i = 0; i < d_; i++)
        key[i] = static_cast<short int> (rem0[i] + canonical[remainder * (d_ + 1) + rank[i]]);
      offsetOLD_[k*(d_+1)+remainder] = hash_table.find (key, true);
      barycentricOLD_[k*(d_+1)+remainder] = barycentric[remainder];
      baryOLD_.push_back (barycentric[remainder]);


  delete [] scale_factor;
  delete [] elevated;
  delete [] rem0;
  delete [] barycentric;
  delete [] rank;
  delete [] canonical;
  delete [] key;

  // Find the Neighbors of each lattice point
  // Get the number of vertices in the lattice
  M_ = hash_table.size();
  // Create the neighborhood structure
  if(blur_neighborsOLD_) delete[] blur_neighborsOLD_;
  blur_neighborsOLD_ = new Neighbors[ (d_+1)*M_ ];
  short * n1 = new short[d_+1];
  short * n2 = new short[d_+1];
  // For each of d+1 axes,
  for (int j = 0; j <= d_; j++){
    for (int i=0; i<M_; i++){
      const short * key = hash_table.getKey(i);
      //std::cout << *key << std::endl;
      for (int k=0; k<d_; k++){
        n1[k] = static_cast<short int> (key[k] - 1);
        n2[k] = static_cast<short int> (key[k] + 1);
      n1[j] = static_cast<short int> (key[j] + d_);
      n2[j] = static_cast<short int> (key[j] - d_);

      //std::cout << *n1 << "  |  " << *n2 << std::endl;
      blur_neighborsOLD_[j*M_+i].n1 = hash_table.find(n1);
      blur_neighborsOLD_[j*M_+i].n2 = hash_table.find(n2);
      std::cout << hash_table.find(n1) << "  |  " <<
      hash_table.find(n2) << std::endl;

  delete[] n1;
  delete[] n2;

Example #5
void pcl::face_detection::FaceDetectorDataProvider<FeatureType, DataSet, LabelType, ExampleIndex, NodeType>::initialize(std::string & data_dir)
  std::string start;
  std::string ext = std::string ("pcd");
  bf::path dir = data_dir;

  std::vector < std::string > files;
  getFilesInDirectory (dir, start, files, ext);

  //apart from loading the file names, we will do some bining regarding pitch and yaw
  std::vector < std::vector<int> > yaw_pitch_bins;
  std::vector < std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > > image_files_per_bin;

  float res_yaw = 15.f;
  float res_pitch = res_yaw;
  int min_yaw = -75;
  int min_pitch = -60;

  int num_yaw = static_cast<int>((std::abs (min_yaw) * 2) / static_cast<int>(res_yaw + 1.f));
  int num_pitch = static_cast<int>((std::abs (min_pitch) * 2) / static_cast<int>(res_pitch + 1.f));

  yaw_pitch_bins.resize (num_yaw);
  image_files_per_bin.resize (num_yaw);
  for (int i = 0; i < num_yaw; i++)
    yaw_pitch_bins[i].resize (num_pitch);
    image_files_per_bin[i].resize (num_pitch);
    for (int j = 0; j < num_pitch; j++)
      yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] = 0;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < files.size (); i++)
    std::stringstream filestream;
    filestream << data_dir << "/" << files[i];
    std::string file = filestream.str ();

    std::string pose_file (files[i]);
    boost::replace_all (pose_file, ".pcd", "_pose.txt");

    Eigen::Matrix4f pose_mat;
    pose_mat.setIdentity (4, 4);

    std::stringstream filestream_pose;
    filestream_pose << data_dir << "/" << pose_file;
    pose_file = filestream_pose.str ();

    bool result = readMatrixFromFile (pose_file, pose_mat);
    if (result)
      Eigen::Vector3f ea = pose_mat.block<3, 3> (0, 0).eulerAngles (0, 1, 2);
      ea *= 57.2957795f; //transform it to degrees to do the binning
      int y = static_cast<int>(pcl_round ((ea[0] + static_cast<float>(std::abs (min_yaw))) / res_yaw));
      int p = static_cast<int>(pcl_round ((ea[1] + static_cast<float>(std::abs (min_pitch))) / res_pitch));

      if (y < 0)
        y = 0;
      if (p < 0)
        p = 0;
      if (p >= num_pitch)
        p = num_pitch - 1;
      if (y >= num_yaw)
        y = num_yaw - 1;

      assert (y >= 0 && y < num_yaw);
      assert (p >= 0 && p < num_pitch);


      image_files_per_bin[y][p].push_back (file);

  pcl::face_detection::showBining (num_pitch, res_pitch, min_pitch, num_yaw, res_yaw, min_yaw, yaw_pitch_bins);

  int max_elems = 0;
  int total_elems = 0;

  for (int i = 0; i < num_yaw; i++)
    for (int j = 0; j < num_pitch; j++)
      total_elems += yaw_pitch_bins[i][j];
      if (yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] > max_elems)
        max_elems = yaw_pitch_bins[i][j];

  float average = static_cast<float> (total_elems) / (static_cast<float> (num_pitch + num_yaw));
  std::cout << "The average number of image per bin is:" << average << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Total number of images in the dataset:" << total_elems << std::endl;
  //reduce unbalance from dataset by capping the number of images per bin, keeping at least a certain min
  if (min_images_per_bin_ != -1)
    std::cout << "Reducing unbalance of the dataset." << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < num_yaw; i++)
      for (int j = 0; j < num_pitch; j++)
        if (yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] >= min_images_per_bin_)
          std::random_shuffle (image_files_per_bin[i][j].begin (), image_files_per_bin[i][j].end ());
          image_files_per_bin[i][j].resize (min_images_per_bin_);
          yaw_pitch_bins[i][j] = min_images_per_bin_;

        for (size_t ii = 0; ii < image_files_per_bin[i][j].size (); ii++)
          image_files_.push_back (image_files_per_bin[i][j][ii]);

  pcl::face_detection::showBining (num_pitch, res_pitch, min_pitch, num_yaw, res_yaw, min_yaw, yaw_pitch_bins);
  std::cout << "Total number of images in the dataset:" << image_files_.size () << std::endl;