Example #1
static double
pdf_value(PDF *p, const char *key, double value, int minver)
    if (p->compatibility < minver)
	pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_PAR_VERSION,
            key, pdc_get_pdfversion(p->pdc, minver), 0, 0);

    return value;
Example #2
    void *opaque,
    pdc_output *out,
    int compatibility,
    pdc_outctl *oc)
    static const char *fn = "pdc_init_output";
    pdc_core *pdc = out->pdc;
    int i;

    pdc_cleanup_output(out, pdc_false);

    out->opaque		= opaque;

    out->lastobj	= 0;
#if defined(MVS) || defined(MVS_TEST)
    out->fopenparams    = oc->fopenparams;
    out->recordsize     = oc->recordsize;

    if (out->file_offset == NULL) {
	out->file_offset_capacity = ID_CHUNKSIZE;

	out->file_offset = (pdc_off_t *) pdc_malloc(pdc,
		sizeof(pdc_off_t) * out->file_offset_capacity, fn);

    for (i = 1; i < out->file_offset_capacity; ++i)
	out->file_offset[i] = PDC_BAD_ID;

    out->compresslevel	= PDF_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION;
    out->compr_changed	= pdc_false;
    out->flush = oc->flush;

    memcpy(out->id[0], out->id[1], MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH);

    if (!pdc_init_stream(pdc, out, oc->filename, oc->fp, oc->writeproc))
	return pdc_false;

	/* Write the document header */
	pdc_printf(out, "%%PDF-%s\n", pdc_get_pdfversion(pdc, compatibility));

#define PDC_MAGIC_BINARY "\045\344\343\317\322\012"
	pdc_write(out, PDC_MAGIC_BINARY, sizeof(PDC_MAGIC_BINARY) - 1);

    out->open = pdc_true;

    return pdc_true;
Example #3
static double
pdf_pos_value(PDF *p, const char *key, double value, int minver)
    if (p->compatibility < minver)
	pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_PAR_VERSION,
            key, pdc_get_pdfversion(p->pdc, minver), 0, 0);

    if (value <= 0)
	pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_PAR_ILLVALUE,
	    pdc_errprintf(p->pdc, "%f", value), key, 0, 0);

    return value;
Example #4
pdf__create_action(PDF *p, const char *type, const char *optlist)
    pdc_resopt *resopts = NULL;
    pdc_clientdata data;
    pdf_action *action;
    pdf_actiontype atype;
    pdf_dest *dest = NULL;
    pdc_bool verbose = pdc_true;
    pdc_bool hasdest = pdc_false;
    pdc_encoding htenc;
    int htcp;
    const char *keyword;
    char **strlist;
    int i, k, ns;

    if (type == NULL || *type == '\0')
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_EMPTY, "type", 0, 0, 0);

    k = pdc_get_keycode_ci(type, pdf_action_pdfkeylist);
    if (k == PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND)
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_ILLARG_STRING, "type", type, 0, 0);
    atype = (pdf_actiontype) k;

    if (atype == pdf_javascript)
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDF_E_UNSUPP_JAVASCRIPT, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    /* compatibility */
    if (p->compatibility < PDC_1_6 && atype == pdf_goto3dview)
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_PAR_VERSION, type,
                  pdc_get_pdfversion(p->pdc, PDC_1_6), 0, 0);
    if (p->compatibility < PDC_1_5 &&
        (atype == pdf_setocgstate || atype == pdf_trans))
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_PAR_VERSION, type,
                  pdc_get_pdfversion(p->pdc, PDC_1_5), 0, 0);

    /* new action */
    action = pdf_new_action(p);
    action->atype = atype;

    /* Parsing option list */
    pdf_set_clientdata(p, &data);
    resopts = pdc_parse_optionlist(p->pdc, optlist, pdf_create_action_options,
                                   &data, pdc_true);

    keyword = "actionwarning";
    pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &verbose, NULL);
    verbose = pdf_get_errorpolicy(p, resopts, verbose);

    htenc = pdf_get_hypertextencoding_opt(p, resopts, &htcp, pdc_true);

    keyword = "destination";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, &strlist))
        if (!pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                          (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_goto | pdf_gotor)))
            action->dest = pdf_parse_destination_optlist(p, strlist[0],
                    (atype == pdf_goto) ? 0 : 1,
                    (atype == pdf_goto) ? pdf_locallink : pdf_remotelink);
            hasdest = pdc_true;
        keyword = "destname";
        if (atype == pdf_goto || atype == pdf_gotor)
            dest = pdf_get_option_destname(p, resopts, htenc, htcp);
        else if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL))
            pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                           (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_goto | pdf_gotor));
        if (dest)
            action->dest = dest;
            hasdest = pdc_true;

    /* filename or url */
    for (i = 0; ; i++)
        keyword = pdf_filename_keylist[i].word;
        if (keyword == NULL)

        if (!pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL) ||
            pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                               (pdf_actiontype) pdf_filename_keylist[i].code))

        /* DON'T change order */

        /* native filename */
        if (!i)
            action->nativefilename = pdf_get_opt_filename(p, keyword, resopts,
                                                          htenc, htcp);

        /* Unicode filename */
        pdf_get_opt_textlist(p, keyword, resopts, htenc, htcp, pdc_true,
                             NULL, &action->filename, NULL);

        pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM);

    keyword = "parameters";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL) &&
        !pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_launch))
        action->parameters =
            (char *) pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM);

    keyword = "operation";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &k, NULL) &&
        !pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                            (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_launch | pdf_movie)))
        if ((atype == pdf_launch && k >= PDF_MIN_MOVIEKEY) ||
            (atype == pdf_movie && k < PDF_MIN_MOVIEKEY))
            pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_OPT_ILLKEYWORD, keyword,
                      pdc_get_keyword(k, pdf_operation_pdfkeylist), 0, 0);
        action->operation =
            (char *) pdc_get_keyword(k, pdf_operation_pdfkeylist);

    keyword = "defaultdir";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL) &&
        !pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_launch))
        action->defaultdir =
            (char *) pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM);

    keyword = "menuname";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL) &&
        !pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_named))
        action->menuname =
            (char *) pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVE1ELEM);

    keyword = "namelist";
    ns = pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, NULL, NULL);
    if (ns && !pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                  (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_hide | pdf_submitform | pdf_resetform)))
        action->namelist = (char **) pdc_save_lastopt(resopts, PDC_OPT_SAVEALL);
        action->nsnames = ns;

    keyword = "exportmethod";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &k, NULL))
        action->exportmethod = (pdf_exportmethod) k;
        if (!pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_submitform))
            if ((action->exportmethod & pdf_exp_fdf &&
                 (action->exportmethod | pdf_allfdf) != pdf_allfdf) ||
                (action->exportmethod & pdf_exp_html &&
                 (action->exportmethod | pdf_allhtml) != pdf_allhtml) ||
                (action->exportmethod & pdf_exp_xfdf &&
                 (action->exportmethod | pdf_allxfdf) != pdf_allxfdf) ||
                (action->exportmethod & pdf_exp_pdf &&
                 (action->exportmethod | pdf_allpdf) != pdf_allpdf))
                pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_OPT_ILLCOMB, keyword, 0, 0, 0);
            if (action->exportmethod & pdf_exp_fdf)
                action->exportmethod = (pdf_exportmethod)
                    (action->exportmethod & ~pdf_exp_fdf);

    keyword = "newwindow";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->newwindow, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                           (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_gotor | pdf_launch));

    keyword = "ismap";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->ismap, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_uri);

    keyword = "hide";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->hide, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_hide);

    keyword = "exclude";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->exclude, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype,
                (pdf_actiontype) (pdf_submitform | pdf_resetform));

    keyword = "submitemptyfields";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->submitemptyfields, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_submitform);

    keyword = "canonicaldate";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->canonicaldate, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_submitform);

    keyword = "transition";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->transition, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_trans);

    keyword = "duration";
    if (pdc_get_optvalues(keyword, resopts, &action->duration, NULL))
        pdf_opt_effectless(p, keyword, atype, pdf_trans);

    /* required options */
    keyword = NULL;
    if (!hasdest &&
        (atype == pdf_goto || atype == pdf_gotor))
        keyword = "destination";
    if (!action->filename &&
        (atype == pdf_gotor || atype == pdf_launch || atype == pdf_importdata))
        keyword = "filename";
    if (!action->menuname && atype == pdf_named)
        keyword = "menuname";
    if (!action->namelist && atype == pdf_hide)
        keyword = "namelist";
    if (!action->filename &&
        (atype == pdf_uri || atype == pdf_submitform))
        keyword = "url";
    if (keyword)
        pdc_error(p->pdc, PDC_E_OPT_NOTFOUND, keyword, 0, 0, 0);

    return pdf_get_max_action(p);
Example #5
pdc_resopt *
pdc_parse_optionlist(pdc_core *pdc, const char *optlist,
                     const pdc_defopt *defopt,
                     const pdc_clientdata *clientdata, pdc_bool verbose)
    static const char *fn = "pdc_parse_optionlist";
    pdc_bool logg5 = pdc_logg_is_enabled(pdc, 5, trc_optlist);
    const char *stemp1 = NULL, *stemp2 = NULL, *stemp3 = NULL, *s1, *s2;
    char **items = NULL, *keyword = NULL;
    char **values = NULL, *value = NULL, **strings = NULL;
    int i, j, k, nd, is, iss, it, iv, icoord;
    int numdef, nitems = 0, nvalues, ncoords = 0, errcode = 0;
    void *resval;
    double dz, maxval;
    int retval, iz;
    pdc_sint32 lz = 0;
    pdc_uint32 ulz = 0;
    size_t len;
    const pdc_defopt *dopt = NULL;
    pdc_resopt *resopt = NULL;
    pdc_bool ignore = pdc_false;
    pdc_bool boolval = pdc_false;
    pdc_bool tocheck = pdc_false;
    pdc_bool issorted = pdc_true;
    pdc_bool ishandle = pdc_true;
    pdc_bool isutf8 = pdc_false;

    pdc_logg_cond(pdc, 1, trc_optlist, "\n\tOption list: \"%T\"\n",
                      optlist ? optlist : "", 0);

    /* split option list */
    if (optlist != NULL)
        nitems = pdc_split_stringlist(pdc, optlist, PDC_OPT_LISTSEPS,
                                      PDC_SPLIT_ISOPTLIST, &items);
        isutf8 = pdc_is_utf8_bytecode(optlist);
    if (nitems < 0)
        keyword = (char *) optlist;
        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_NOTBAL;

    /* initialize result list */
    for (numdef = 0; defopt[numdef].name != NULL; numdef++)
	/* */ ;

    /* allocate temporary memory for option parser result struct */
    resopt = (pdc_resopt *) pdc_calloc_tmp(pdc, numdef * sizeof(pdc_resopt),
                                    fn, pdc, pdc_cleanup_optionlist_tmp);
    for (i = 0; i < numdef; i++)
        resopt[i].numdef = numdef;
        resopt[i].defopt = &defopt[i];

        if (defopt[i].flags & PDC_OPT_IGNOREIF1 ||
            defopt[i].flags & PDC_OPT_IGNOREIF2 ||
            defopt[i].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRIF1 ||
            defopt[i].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRIF2 ||
            defopt[i].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRED)
            tocheck = pdc_true;

        if (i && issorted)
            issorted = (strcmp(defopt[i-1].name, defopt[i].name) <= 0) ?
                       pdc_true : pdc_false;

    /* loop over all option list elements */
    for (is = 0; is < nitems; is++)
        pdc_bool isequal = pdc_false;

        /* search keyword */
        boolval = pdc_undef;
        keyword = items[is];
        for (it = 0; it < numdef; it++)
            s1 = keyword;
            s2 = defopt[it].name;

            /* if (!pdc_stricmp(keyword, defopt[it].name))
             *     isequal = pdc_true;
            for (; *s1; ++s1, ++s2)
                if (pdc_tolower(*s1) != pdc_tolower(*s2))
            if (pdc_tolower(*s1) == pdc_tolower(*s2))
                isequal = pdc_true;

            /* special handling for booleans */
            if (defopt[it].type == pdc_booleanlist)
                if (isequal ||
                    (keyword[1] != 0 &&
                     !pdc_stricmp(&keyword[2], defopt[it].name)))
                    iss = is + 1;
                    if (iss == nitems ||
                        (pdc_stricmp(items[iss], "true") &&
                         pdc_stricmp(items[iss], "false")))
                        i = pdc_strincmp(defopt[it].name, "no", 2) ? 0 : 2;
                        if (!pdc_strincmp(&keyword[i], "no", 2))
                            boolval = pdc_false;
                        else if (isequal)
                            boolval = pdc_true;

            if (isequal)

        if (logg5)
            pdc_logg(pdc, "\t\t\toption \"%s\" specified: ", keyword);

        if (it == numdef)
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_UNKNOWNKEY;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* initialize */
        dopt = &defopt[it];
        ignore = pdc_false;
        nvalues = 1;
        values = NULL;
        ishandle = pdc_true;

        /* compatibility */
        if (clientdata && clientdata->compatibility)
            int compatibility = clientdata->compatibility;

            for (iv = PDC_1_3; iv <= PDC_X_X_LAST; iv++)
                if (logg5 && (dopt->flags & (1L<<iv)))
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "(compatibility >= %s) ",
                             pdc_get_pdfversion(pdc, iv));

                if ((dopt->flags & (1L<<iv)) && compatibility < iv)
                    if (logg5)
                        pdc_logg(pdc, "\n");
                    stemp2 = pdc_get_pdfversion(pdc, compatibility);
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_VERSION;
                    goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* not supported */
        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_UNSUPP)
            if (logg5)
                pdc_logg(pdc, "(unsupported)\n");

            keyword = (char *) dopt->name;
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_UNSUPP;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* parse values */
        if (boolval == pdc_undef)
            if (is == nitems)
                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_NOVALUES;
                goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;
            if (!ignore)
                if (dopt->type == pdc_stringlist &&
                    resopt[it].flags |= PDC_OPT_ISUTF8;

                if (dopt->type != pdc_stringlist || dopt->maxnum > 1)
                    nvalues = pdc_split_stringlist(pdc, items[is],
                                    (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_SUBOPTLIST) ?
                                    PDC_OPT_LISTSEPS : NULL,
                                    PDC_SPLIT_ISOPTLIST, &values);

                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_DUPORIGVAL)
                    resopt[it].origval = pdc_strdup(pdc, items[is]);

        /* ignore */
        if (ignore) continue;

        /* number of values check */
        if (nvalues < dopt->minnum)
            stemp2 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%d", dopt->minnum);
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOFEWVALUES;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;
        else if (nvalues > dopt->maxnum)
            stemp2 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%d", dopt->maxnum);
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOMANYVALUES;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* number of values must be even */
        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_EVENNUM && (nvalues % 2))
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ODDNUM;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* number of values must be odd */
        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_ODDNUM && !(nvalues % 2))
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_EVENNUM;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

        /* deprecated option since PDFlib 7 */
        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PDFLIB_7)
            pdc_logg_cond(pdc, 2, trc_api,
                  "[Option \"%s\" is deprecated since PDFlib 7]\n",

        /* option already exists */
        if (resopt[it].num)
            pdc_delete_optvalue(pdc, &resopt[it]);

        /* no values */
        if (!nvalues ) continue;

        /* maximal value */
        switch (dopt->type)
            case pdc_3ddatahandle:
            maxval = clientdata->max3ddata;

            case pdc_3dviewhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->max3dview;

            case pdc_actionhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxaction;

            case pdc_bookmarkhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxbookmark;

            case pdc_colorhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxcolor;

            case pdc_documenthandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxdocument;

            case pdc_fonthandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxfont;

            case pdc_gstatehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxgstate;

            case pdc_iccprofilehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxiccprofile;

            case pdc_imagehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maximage;

	    case pdc_layerhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxlayer;

            case pdc_pagehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxpage;

            case pdc_patternhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxpattern;

            case pdc_shadinghandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxshading;

            case pdc_tablehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxtable;

            case pdc_templatehandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxtemplate;

            case pdc_textflowhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxtextflow;

            case pdc_stringhandle:
            maxval = clientdata->maxstring;

            case pdc_polylinelist:
            ncoords = 0;

            maxval = dopt->maxval;
            ishandle = pdc_false;

        /* allocate value array */
        resopt[it].val = pdc_calloc(pdc,
                            (size_t) (nvalues * pdc_typesizes[dopt->type]), fn);
        resopt[it].num = nvalues;
        resopt[it].currind = it;

        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PERCENT)
            memset(resopt[it].pcbits, 0, PDC_PCBITS_SIZE);

        if (logg5)
            pdc_logg(pdc, "{");

        /* analyze type */
        resval = resopt[it].val;
        for (iv = 0; iv < nvalues; iv++)
            errcode = 0;
            if (dopt->maxnum > 1 && nvalues)
                value = values[iv];
                value = items[is];
            if (logg5)
                pdc_logg(pdc, "%s{%T}", iv ? " " : "", value, 0);
            switch (dopt->type)
                /* boolean list */
                case pdc_booleanlist:
                if (boolval == pdc_true || !pdc_stricmp(value, "true"))
                    *(pdc_bool *) resval = pdc_true;
                else if (boolval == pdc_false || !pdc_stricmp(value, "false"))
                    *(pdc_bool *) resval = pdc_false;
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLBOOLEAN;

                /* string list */
                case pdc_stringlist:
                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_NOSPACES)
                    if (pdc_split_stringlist(pdc, value, NULL, 0, &strings) > 1)
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLSPACES;
                    pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, strings);
                if (!errcode)
                    len = strlen(value);
                    dz = (double) len;
                    if (dz < dopt->minval)
                        stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%d", (int) dopt->minval);
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOSHORTSTR;
                    else if (dz > maxval)
                        stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%d", (int) maxval);
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOLONGSTR;

                    if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CONVUTF8)
                        int flags = PDC_CONV_EBCDIC | PDC_CONV_WITHBOM;

                        if (isutf8 || (resopt[it].flags & PDC_OPT_ISUTF8))
                            flags |= PDC_CONV_ISUTF8;

                        *((char **) resval) =
                            pdc_convert_name(pdc, value, 0, flags);
                        *((char **) resval) = pdc_strdup(pdc, value);

                /* keyword list */
                case pdc_keywordlist:
                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CASESENS)
                    iz = pdc_get_keycode(value, dopt->keylist);
                    iz = pdc_get_keycode_ci(value, dopt->keylist);
                if (iz == PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND)
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLKEYWORD;
                    *(int *) resval = iz;

                /* character list */
                case pdc_unicharlist:
                iz = pdc_string2unicode(pdc, value, dopt->flags, dopt->keylist,
                if (iz < 0)
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLCHAR;
                dz = iz;
                if (dz < dopt->minval)
                    stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%g", dopt->minval);
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOSMALLVAL;
                else if (dz > maxval)
                    stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%g", maxval);
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOBIGVAL;
                *(int *) resval = iz;

                /* string list */
                case pdc_polylinelist:
                    int np = pdc_split_stringlist(pdc, value, NULL, 0,
                    pdc_polyline *pl = (pdc_polyline *) resval;

                    pl->np = np / 2;
                    pl->p = NULL;

                    /* number of coordinates must be even */
                    if (np % 2)
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ODDNUM;
                        np = 0;

                    /* polyline must be a box */
                    else if ((dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_ISBOX) && np != 4)
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLBOX;
                        np = 0;

                    /* polyline will be closed */
                    else if ((dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CLOSEPOLY) && np <= 4)
                        errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLPOLYLINE;
                        np = 0;

                    /* polyline not empty */
                    if (np)
                        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CLOSEPOLY)
                            pl->np += 1;
                        pl->p = (pdc_vector *) pdc_malloc(pdc,
                                        pl->np * sizeof(pdc_vector), fn);

                        iz = PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND;
                        j = 0;
                        icoord = ncoords;
                        for (i = 0; i < np; i++)
                            char *sk = strings[i];

                            if (dopt->keylist)
                                /* optional keyword list */
                                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CASESENS)
                                    iz = pdc_get_keycode(sk, dopt->keylist);
                                    iz = pdc_get_keycode_ci(sk, dopt->keylist);
                            if (iz == PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND)
                                /* percentage */
                                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PERCENT)
                                    k = (int) strlen(sk) - 1;
                                    if (sk[k] == '%')
                                        sk[k] = 0;
                                        if (ncoords < PDC_MAX_PERCENTS)
                                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOMANYPERCVALS;

                                retval = pdc_str2double(sk, &dz);
                                if (!retval)
                                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLNUMBER;
                                else if (pdc_getbit(resopt[it].pcbits, ncoords))
                                    if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PERCRANGE)
                                        if (dz < 0)
                                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOSMALLPERCVAL;
                                        if (dz > 100)
                                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOBIGPERCVAL;
                                    dz /= 100.0;
                                dz = (double) iz;

                            if (!(i % 2))
                                pl->p[j].x = dz;
                                pl->p[j].y = dz;

                        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CLOSEPOLY)
                            pl->p[pl->np - 1] = pl->p[0];
                            if (pdc_getbit(resopt[it].pcbits, icoord))
                                pdc_setbit(resopt[it].pcbits, ncoords);
                            if (pdc_getbit(resopt[it].pcbits, icoord + 1))
                                pdc_setbit(resopt[it].pcbits, ncoords);
                    pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, strings);

                /* number list */
                case pdc_3ddatahandle:
                case pdc_3dviewhandle:
                case pdc_actionhandle:
                case pdc_bookmarkhandle:
                case pdc_colorhandle:
                case pdc_documenthandle:
                case pdc_fonthandle:
                case pdc_gstatehandle:
                case pdc_iccprofilehandle:
                case pdc_imagehandle:
                case pdc_layerhandle:
                case pdc_pagehandle:
                case pdc_patternhandle:
                case pdc_shadinghandle:
                case pdc_tablehandle:
                case pdc_templatehandle:
                case pdc_textflowhandle:
                case pdc_integerlist:
                case pdc_floatlist:
                case pdc_doublelist:
                case pdc_scalarlist:

                if (dopt->keylist &&
                    (!(dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_KEYLIST1) || !iv))
                    /* optional keyword and/or allowed integer list */
                    if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_CASESENS)
                        iz = pdc_get_keycode(value, dopt->keylist);
                        iz = pdc_get_keycode_ci(value, dopt->keylist);
                    if (iz == PDC_KEY_NOTFOUND)
                        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_INTLIST)
                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLINTEGER;
                        switch (dopt->type)
                            case pdc_integerlist:
                            *(int *) resval = iz;

                            case pdc_floatlist:
                            *(float *) resval = (float) iz;

                            case pdc_doublelist:
                            *(double *) resval = (double) iz;

                            case pdc_scalarlist:
                            *(pdc_scalar *) resval = (pdc_scalar) iz;

                /* percentage */
                if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PERCENT)
                    i = (int) strlen(value) - 1;
                    if (value[i] == '%')
                        value[i] = 0;
                        if (iv < PDC_MAX_PERCENTS)
                            pdc_setbit(resopt[it].pcbits, iv);
                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOMANYPERCVALS;

                case pdc_stringhandle:

                if (dopt->type == pdc_floatlist ||
                    dopt->type == pdc_doublelist ||
                    dopt->type == pdc_scalarlist)
                    retval = pdc_str2double(value, &dz);
                    if (dopt->minval >= 0)
                        retval = pdc_str2integer(value, PDC_INT_UNSIGNED, &ulz);
                        dz = ulz;
                        retval = pdc_str2integer(value, 0, &lz);
                        dz = lz;

                    if (retval && ishandle && pdc->hastobepos &&
                        dopt->type != pdc_bookmarkhandle &&
                        dopt->type != pdc_stringhandle)
                        dz -= 1;
                        lz = (pdc_sint32) dz;
                        ulz = (pdc_uint32) dz;
                if (!retval)
                    errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLNUMBER;
                    if (pdc_getbit(resopt[it].pcbits, iv))
                        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_PERCRANGE)
                            if (dz < 0)
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOSMALLPERCVAL;
                            if (dz > 100)
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOBIGPERCVAL;
                        dz /= 100.0;

                    if (errcode == 0)
                        if (dz < dopt->minval)
                            if (ishandle)
                                stemp3 = pdc_get_keyword(dopt->type,
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLHANDLE;
                                stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%g", dopt->minval);
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOSMALLVAL;
                        else if (dz > maxval)
                            if (ishandle)
                                stemp3 = pdc_get_keyword(dopt->type,
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ILLHANDLE;
                                stemp3 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%g", maxval);
                                errcode = PDC_E_OPT_TOOBIGVAL;
                        else if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_NOZERO &&
                                 fabs(dz) < PDC_FLOAT_PREC)
                            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_ZEROVAL;
                        else if (dopt->type == pdc_scalarlist)
                            *(pdc_scalar *) resval = dz;
                        else if (dopt->type == pdc_doublelist)
                            *(double *) resval = dz;
                        else if (dopt->type == pdc_floatlist)
                            *(float *) resval = (float) dz;
                            if (dopt->minval >= 0)
                                *(pdc_uint32 *) resval = ulz;
                                *(pdc_sint32 *) resval = lz;

            if (errcode)
                stemp2 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%.*s", PDC_ERR_MAXSTRLEN, value);
                goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

            /* increment value pointer */
            resval = (void *) ((char *)(resval) + pdc_typesizes[dopt->type]);
        pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, values);
        values = NULL;

        if (logg5)
            pdc_logg(pdc, "}\n");

        /* build OR bit pattern */
        if (dopt->flags & PDC_OPT_BUILDOR && nvalues > 1)
            int *bcode = (int *) resopt[it].val;
            for (iv = 1; iv < nvalues; iv++)
                bcode[0] |= bcode[iv];
            resopt[it].num = 1;
    pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, items);
    items = NULL;

    /* required and to be ignored options */
    for (is = 0; tocheck && is < numdef; is++)
        /* to be ignored option */
        if (resopt[is].num)
            nd = 0;
            if (defopt[is].flags & PDC_OPT_IGNOREIF1) nd = 1;
            if (defopt[is].flags & PDC_OPT_IGNOREIF2) nd = 2;
            for (it = is - 1; it >= is - nd && it >= 0; it--)
                if (resopt[it].num)
                    pdc_delete_optvalue(pdc, &resopt[is]);
                    if (verbose)
                        pdc_warning(pdc, PDC_E_OPT_IGNORE, defopt[is].name,
                                    defopt[it].name, 0, 0);

        /* required option */
        if (!resopt[is].num &&
            ((defopt[is].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRED) ||
             (defopt[is].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRIF1 && resopt[is-1].num) ||
             (defopt[is].flags & PDC_OPT_REQUIRIF2 &&
              (resopt[is-1].num || resopt[is-2].num))))
            keyword = (char *) defopt[is].name;
            errcode = PDC_E_OPT_NOTFOUND;
            goto PDC_OPT_SYNTAXERROR;

    /* is no sorted */
    if (!issorted)
        qsort((void *)resopt, (size_t) numdef, sizeof(pdc_resopt),

    /* global UTF-8 check after sort */
    if (isutf8)
        resopt[0].isutf8 = pdc_true;

    /* index of last got option */
    resopt[0].lastind = -1;

    /* protocol */
    if (pdc_logg_is_enabled(pdc, 1, trc_optlist))
        for (is = 0; is < numdef; is++)
            if (resopt[is].num)
                pdc_logg(pdc, "\tOption \"%s\": %d value%s found\n",
                         resopt[is].defopt->name, resopt[is].num,
                         resopt[is].num == 1 ? "" : "s");
            else if (logg5)
                pdc_logg(pdc, "\t\t\toption \"%s\" not specified\n",
            for (iv = 0; iv < resopt[is].num; iv++)
                switch (resopt[is].defopt->type)
                    case pdc_booleanlist:
                    case pdc_keywordlist:
                    case pdc_integerlist:
                    case pdc_3ddatahandle:
                    case pdc_3dviewhandle:
                    case pdc_actionhandle:
                    case pdc_bookmarkhandle:
                    case pdc_colorhandle:
                    case pdc_documenthandle:
                    case pdc_fonthandle:
                    case pdc_gstatehandle:
                    case pdc_iccprofilehandle:
                    case pdc_imagehandle:
                    case pdc_layerhandle:
                    case pdc_pagehandle:
                    case pdc_patternhandle:
                    case pdc_shadinghandle:
                    case pdc_tablehandle:
                    case pdc_templatehandle:
                    case pdc_textflowhandle:
                    case pdc_stringhandle:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: %d\n",
                             iv + 1, *((int *) resopt[is].val + iv));

                    case pdc_stringlist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: \"%T\"\n",
                             iv + 1, *((char **) resopt[is].val + iv), 0);

                    case pdc_floatlist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: %f\n",
                             iv + 1, *((float *) resopt[is].val + iv));

                    case pdc_doublelist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: %f\n",
                             iv + 1, *((double *) resopt[is].val + iv));

                    case pdc_scalarlist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: %f\n",
                             iv + 1, *((pdc_scalar *) resopt[is].val + iv));

                    case pdc_unicharlist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\tValue %d: %d\n",
                             iv + 1, *((int *) resopt[is].val + iv));

                    case pdc_polylinelist:
                    pdc_logg(pdc, "\t\t#%d: ", iv + 1);
                        pdc_polyline *pl = (pdc_polyline *) resopt[is].val + iv;

                        for (j = 0; j < pl->np; j++)
                            pdc_logg(pdc, "%f,%f  ", pl->p[j].x, pl->p[j].y);
                        pdc_logg(pdc, "\n");

    return resopt;

    stemp1 = pdc_errprintf(pdc, "%.*s", PDC_ERR_MAXSTRLEN, keyword);
    pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, items);
    pdc_cleanup_stringlist(pdc, values);

    pdc_set_errmsg(pdc, errcode, stemp1, stemp2, stemp3, 0);
    if (verbose)
        pdc_error(pdc, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    return NULL;
Example #6
** Returns CMap slot and for standard CJK fonts: fontandle.
** pdc_invalidenc: predefined CMap not found
** pdc_cid or pdc_unicode: predefined CMap found
** *o_slot:
** >= 0:  standard font found
**  < 0:  |error code|
pdf_handle_cidfont(PDF *p, const char *fontname, const char *encoding,
                   pdc_encoding enc, pdf_font *font, int *o_slot,
                   pdc_encoding *newenc)
    const char *encapiname = encoding;
    fnt_cmap_info cmapinfo;
    const fnt_font_metric *fontmetric;
    pdc_bool isidentity = pdc_false;
    pdc_bool isstdfont = pdc_false;
    pdc_bool iscjkcp = pdc_false;
    int charcoll, slot;

    (void) enc;
    (void) iscjkcp;
    (void) encapiname;

    *o_slot = -1;
    *newenc = pdc_invalidenc;

     * Look whether font is already in the cache.
     * If font with same name and encoding is found,
     * returns its slot number.

    for (slot = 0; slot < p->fonts_number; slot++)
        if (p->fonts[slot].ft.enc == pdc_cid &&
            p->fonts[slot].opt.fontstyle == font->opt.fontstyle &&
            p->fonts[slot].opt.embedding == font->opt.embedding &&
            !strcmp(p->fonts[slot].apiname, fontname) &&
            !strcmp(p->fonts[slot].ft.cmapname, encoding))
            *o_slot = slot;
            *newenc = pdc_cid;
            return pdc_true;

    /* Check the requested CMap */
    charcoll = fnt_get_predefined_cmap_info(encoding, &cmapinfo);
    if (charcoll == (int) cc_none)
        return pdc_true;

    pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font,
        "\tPredefined CMap \"%s\" found\n", encoding);

    /* Check whether this CMap is supported in the desired PDF version */
    if (cmapinfo.compatibility > p->compatibility)
        pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_DOC_PDFVERSION,
            encoding, pdc_get_pdfversion(p->pdc, p->compatibility), 0, 0);
        return pdc_false;

    /* For Unicode capable language wrappers only UCS2/UTF16 CMaps allowed */
    if (cmapinfo.codesize == 0 && p->pdc->unicaplang)
        pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_NEEDUCS2, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        return pdc_false;

    /* Check whether the font name is among the known Acrobat CJK fonts */
    charcoll = fnt_get_preinstalled_cidfont(fontname, &fontmetric);
    isidentity = cmapinfo.charcoll == (int) cc_identity;
    if (isidentity)
        cmapinfo.charcoll = abs(charcoll);

    /* known Acrobat CID font */
    if (charcoll != (int) cc_none)
        pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font,
            "\tStandard CJK font \"%s\" found\n", fontname);

        /* Selected CMap and known standard font don't match */
        if ((cmapinfo.charcoll != abs(charcoll) ||
             (charcoll == (int) cc_japanese && cmapinfo.codesize == -2)))
            pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_CJK_UNSUPP_CHARCOLL,
                           0, 0, 0, 0);
            return pdc_false;
        isstdfont = pdc_true;

        /* Embedding not possible */
        if (font->opt.embedding)
            pdc_set_errmsg(p->pdc, PDF_E_FONT_EMBEDCMAP, 0, 0, 0, 0);
            return pdc_false;
#ifdef WIN32
    else if (iscjkcp && !p->pdc->ptfrun)
        return pdc_true;

    /* embedding check */
    if (!pdf_check_font_embedding(p, font, fontname))
        return pdc_false;

    /* supplement number, number of codes = (maximal) number of CIDs */
    font->supplement = fnt_get_supplement(&cmapinfo, p->compatibility);
    if (isidentity)
        font->supplement = -1;
    font->ft.numcodes = fnt_get_maxcid(cmapinfo.charcoll, font->supplement) + 1;

        font->passthrough = pdc_true;
        font->codesize = 0;

    /* CMap and default settings */
    font->ft.vertical = cmapinfo.vertical;
    font->ft.cmapname = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, encoding);
    if (font->outcmapname == NULL)
        font->outcmapname = pdc_strdup(p->pdc, encoding);
    font->ft.enc = pdc_cid;
    font->iscidfont = pdc_true;

    /* Fill up the font struct */
    fnt_fill_font_metric(p->pdc, &font->ft, pdc_false, fontmetric);

    /* CID widths not available */
        font->widthsmissing = pdc_true;

    pdc_logg_cond(p->pdc, 1, trc_font,
        "\n\t%s CJK font: \"%s\"\n\tPredefined CMap: \"%s\"\n"
        "\tOrdering: \"%s\"\n\tSupplement: %d\n",
        font->ft.isstdfont ? "Adobe Standard" : "Custom", fontname, encoding,
        fnt_get_ordering_cid(font->ft.m.charcoll), font->supplement);

    *newenc = pdc_cid;

    return pdc_true;