Example #1
void cfg_dealloc( conf_t *cfg )
    if( cfg->dbdir ){
        pdealloc( cfg->dbdir );
    pdealloc( cfg );
Example #2
static void test_static_exec( const testdata_t data[], size_t len, const char *delim )
    usher_t *u = usher_alloc( delim, NULL );
    usher_error_t err;
    usher_glob_t glob;
    const testdata_t *item;
    size_t i, j, vlen;
    char *sval;
    for( i = 0; i < len; i++ ){
        do_insert( u, i, data );
    for( i = 0; i < len; i++ )
        item = &data[i];
        glob.nitems = 0;
        glob.items = NULL;
        err = usher_exec( u, item->key, &glob );
        if( err ){
            printf( "\nEXEC ERR[%zu]: %s -> %s\n", i, item->path, usher_strerror( err ) );
        else if( glob.nitems != item->globs.nitems ){
                "\nEXEC ERR[%zu]: %s -> number of catch param should be %zu but %zu\n",
                i, item->path, item->globs.nitems, glob.nitems
            printf( "key: %s\n", item->key );
        for( j = 0; j < glob.nitems; j++ ){
            assert( strcmp( (const char*)glob.items[j].name, (const char*)item->globs.items[j].name ) == 0 );
            vlen = glob.items[j].tail - glob.items[j].head;
            sval = pnalloc( vlen + 1, char );
            memcpy( sval, glob.items[j].head, vlen );
            sval[vlen] = 0;
            assert( strcmp( sval, (const char*)item->globs.items[j].head ) == 0 );
            pdealloc( sval );
        usher_glob_dealloc( &glob );
    usher_dealloc( u );
Example #3
conf_t *cfg_alloc( int argc, const char *argv[] )
    conf_t *cfg = palloc( conf_t );
    char *val = rindex( argv[0], '/' );
    int pagesize = getpagesize();
    size_t mbytes = 1048576 / pagesize;
    *val = 0;
    if( !cfg ){
        pfelog( malloc );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    else if( !val ){
        pdealloc( cfg );
        pfelog( rindex );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    *val = 0;
    // set default configration
    if( !( cfg->dbdir = realpath( argv[0], NULL ) ) ){
        pfelog( realpath, "%s", val );
        exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
    cfg->addr = DEFAULT_ADDR;
    cfg->nch = DEFAULT_NCHILD;
    cfg->bktsize = pagesize;
    cfg->mapsize = DEFAULT_DBMAPSIZE * mbytes * pagesize;
    cfg->flgs = DEFAULT_DBFLAGS;
    cfg->perm = DEFAULT_DBPERM;
    if( argc > 1 )
        char *opt;
        char *needle;
        int i = 1;
        for(; i < argc; i++ )
            // listen-address
            if( i + 1 == argc ){
                cfg->addr = argv[i];
                opt = (char*)argv[i];
                val = (char*)argv[++i];
                // check opt-type
                if( *opt != '-' || !isalpha( opt[1] ) || opt[2] ){
                    config_eexit( opt, "invalid option" );
                else if( !val ){
                    config_eexit( opt, "undefined value" );
                // check opt val
                errno = 0;
                switch( *opt )
                    // mapsize
                    case 'm':
                        cfg->mapsize = buf_strudec2u16( val, needle );
                        // invalid argument
                        if( errno ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(errno) );
                        else if( *needle ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(EINVAL) );
                        else if( !cfg->mapsize ){
                            cfg->mapsize = mbytes * pagesize;
                        else {
                            cfg->mapsize = cfg->mapsize * mbytes * pagesize;
                    // db dir
                    case 'd':
                        // remove default-dbdir
                        pdealloc( cfg->dbdir );
                        cfg->dbdir = realpath( val, NULL );
                        if( !cfg->dbdir ){
                            pfelog( realpath );
                    // flags
                    case 'f':
                        cfg->flgs = parse_flgs( val );
                    // perm
                    case 'p':
                        cfg->perm = buf_stroct2u16( val, needle );
                        if( errno ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(errno) );
                        else if( *needle ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(EINVAL) );
                        else if( !cfg->perm || cfg->perm > 4095 ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "0 < |%d| < 4095", cfg->perm );
                    // thread
                    case 't':
                        cfg->nch = buf_strudec2u8( val, needle );
                        if( errno ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(errno) );
                        else if( *needle ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(EINVAL) );
                        else if( !cfg->nch ){
                            cfg->nch = DEFAULT_NCHILD;
                    // bucket-size
                    case 'b':
                        cfg->bktsize = buf_strudec2u16( val, needle );
                        if( errno ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(errno) );
                            exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
                        else if( *needle ){
                            config_eexit( opt, "%s -- %s", val, strerror(EINVAL) );
                        else if( !cfg->bktsize ){
                            cfg->bktsize = pagesize;
                        config_eexit( opt, "%s", strerror(EINVAL) );
    return cfg;
Example #4
static afd_sock_t *_afd_sock_alloc_inet( int type, const char *addr, size_t len )
        // find port separator
        char *port = memchr( addr, ':', len );
        ptrdiff_t hlen = len;
        ptrdiff_t plen = 0;

        if( port )
            // port-number undefined
            if( !port[1] ) {
                errno = EINVAL;
                return NULL;
            // calc host and port length
            hlen = (uintptr_t)port - (uintptr_t)addr;
            plen = len - hlen - 1;
        // cannot use wildcard ip-address if port number unspecified
        else if( *addr == '*' ) {
            errno = EINVAL;
            return NULL;

        // valid host and port length
        if( hlen < ASYNCSOCK_FQDN_LEN && plen < ASYNCSOCK_PORT_LEN )
            const struct addrinfo hints = {
                // AI_PASSIVE:bind socket if node is null
                .ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE,
                // AF_INET:ipv4 | AF_INET6:ipv6
                .ai_family = AF_UNSPEC,
                // SOCK_STREAM:tcp | SOCK_DGRAM:udp | SOCK_SEQPACKET
                .ai_socktype = type,
                // IPPROTO_TCP:tcp | IPPROTO_UDP:udp | 0:automatic
                .ai_protocol = 0,
                // initialize
                .ai_addrlen = 0,
                .ai_canonname = NULL,
                .ai_addr = NULL,
                .ai_next = NULL
            struct addrinfo *res = NULL;
            int rc = 0;

            // getaddrinfo is better than inet_pton.
            // i wonder that can be ignore an overhead of creating socket
            // descriptor when i simply want to confirm correct address?
            // wildcard ip-address
            if( *addr == '*' ) {
                rc = getaddrinfo( NULL, port, &hints, &res );
            else {
                char host[hlen];
                memcpy( host, addr, hlen );
                host[hlen] = 0;
                rc = getaddrinfo( host, port, &hints, &res );

            if( rc == 0 )
                afd_sock_t *as = NULL;
                struct addrinfo *ptr = res;
                int fd = 0;

                errno = 0;
                    // try to create socket descriptor for find valid address
                    if( ( fd = socket( ptr->ai_family, ptr->ai_socktype,
                                       ptr->ai_protocol ) ) != -1 )
                        // init socket descriptor
                        if( afd_sockfd_init( fd ) )
                            struct sockaddr_in *inaddr = palloc( struct sockaddr_in );

                            if( inaddr && ( as = palloc( afd_sock_t ) ) ) {
                                as->fd = fd;
                                as->family = ptr->ai_family;
                                as->type = ptr->ai_socktype;
                                as->proto = ptr->ai_protocol;
                                as->addrlen = ptr->ai_addrlen;
                                as->addr = (void*)inaddr;
                                // copy struct sockaddr
                                memcpy( (void*)inaddr, (void*)ptr->ai_addr,
                                        (size_t)ptr->ai_addrlen );
                            else if( inaddr ) {
                                pdealloc( inaddr );
                        close( fd );

                } while( ( ptr = ptr->ai_next ) );

                // remove address-list
                freeaddrinfo( res );
                return as;

            return NULL;