Example #1
int update(ENVELOPE *env, POINT *p, FUNBAG *lpdf, METROPOLIS *metrop)

/* to update envelope to incorporate new point on log density*/
/* *env          : envelope attributes */
/* *p            : point to be incorporated */
/* *lpdf         : to evaluate log-density */
/* *metrop       : for metropolis step */

  POINT *m,*ql,*qr,*q;

  if(!(p->f) || (env->cpoint > env->npoint - 2)){
    /* y-value has not been evaluated or no room for further points */
    /* ignore this point */
    return 0;

  /* copy working POINT p to a new POINT q */
  q = env->p + env->cpoint++;
  q->x = p->x;
  q->y = p->y;
  q->f = 1;

  /* allocate an unused POINT for a new intersection */
  m = env->p + env->cpoint++;
  m->f = 0;
  if((p->pl->f) && !(p->pr->f)){
    /* left end of piece is on log density; right end is not */
    /* set up new intersection in interval between p->pl and p */
    m->pl = p->pl;
    m->pr = q;
    q->pl = m;
    q->pr = p->pr;
    m->pl->pr = m;
    q->pr->pl = q;
  } else if (!(p->pl->f) && (p->pr->f)){
    /* left end of interval is not on log density; right end is */
    /* set up new intersection in interval between p and p->pr */
    m->pr = p->pr;
    m->pl = q;
    q->pr = m;
    q->pl = p->pl;
    m->pr->pl = m;
    q->pl->pr = q;
  } else {
    /* this should be impossible */

  /* now adjust position of q within interval if too close to an endpoint */
  if(q->pl->pl != NULL){
    ql = q->pl->pl;
  } else {
    ql = q->pl;
  if(q->pr->pr != NULL){
    qr = q->pr->pr;
  } else {
    qr = q->pr;
  if (q->x < (1. - XEPS) * ql->x + XEPS * qr->x){
    /* q too close to left end of interval */
    q->x = (1. - XEPS) * ql->x + XEPS * qr->x;
    q->y = perfunc(lpdf,env,q->x);
  } else if (q->x > XEPS * ql->x + (1. - XEPS) * qr->x){
    /* q too close to right end of interval */
    q->x = XEPS * ql->x + (1. - XEPS) * qr->x;
    q->y = perfunc(lpdf,env,q->x);

  /* revise intersection points */
    /* envelope violation without metropolis */
    return 1;
    /* envelope violation without metropolis */
    return 1;
  if(q->pl->pl != NULL){
      /* envelope violation without metropolis */
      return 1;
  if(q->pr->pr != NULL){
      /* envelope violation without metropolis */
      return 1;

  /* exponentiate and integrate new envelope */

  return 0;
Example #2
int test(ENVELOPE *env, POINT *p, FUNBAG *lpdf, METROPOLIS *metrop)

/* to perform rejection, squeezing, and metropolis tests */
/* *env          : envelope attributes */
/* *p            : point to be tested */
/* *lpdf         : to evaluate log-density */
/* *metrop       : data required for metropolis step */

  double u,y,ysqueez,ynew,yold,znew,zold,w;
  POINT *ql,*qr;
  /* for rejection test */
  u = u_random() * p->ey;
  y = logshift(u,env->ymax);

  if(!(metrop->on) && (p->pl->pl != NULL) && (p->pr->pr != NULL)){
    /* perform squeezing test */
      ql = p->pl;
    } else {
      ql = p->pl->pl;
      qr = p->pr;
    } else {
      qr = p->pr->pr;
    ysqueez = (qr->y * (p->x - ql->x) + ql->y * (qr->x - p->x))
               /(qr->x - ql->x);
    if(y <= ysqueez){
      /* accept point at squeezing step */
      return 1;

  /* evaluate log density at point to be tested */
  ynew = perfunc(lpdf,env,p->x);
  /* perform rejection test */
  if(!(metrop->on) || ((metrop->on) && (y >= ynew))){
    /* update envelope */
    p->y = ynew;
    p->ey = expshift(p->y,env->ymax);
    p->f = 1;
      /* envelope violation without metropolis */
      return -1;
    /* perform rejection test */
    if(y >= ynew){
      /* reject point at rejection step */
      return 0;
    } else {
      /* accept point at rejection step */
      return 1;

  /* continue with metropolis step */
  yold = metrop->yprev;
  /* find envelope piece containing metrop->xprev */
  ql = env->p;
  while(ql->pl != NULL)ql = ql->pl;
  while(ql->pr->x < metrop->xprev)ql = ql->pr;
  qr = ql->pr;
  /* calculate height of envelope at metrop->xprev */
  w = (metrop->xprev - ql->x)/(qr->x - ql->x);
  zold = ql->y + w*(qr->y - ql->y);
  znew = p->y;
  if(yold < zold)zold = yold;
  if(ynew < znew)znew = ynew;
  w = ynew-znew-yold+zold;
  if(w > 0.0)w = 0.0;

  if(w > -YCEIL){
    w = exp(w);
  } else {
    w = 0.0;
  u = u_random();
  if(u > w){
    /* metropolis says dont move, so replace current point with previous */
    /* markov chain iterate */
    p->x = metrop->xprev;
    p->y = metrop->yprev;
    p->ey = expshift(p->y,env->ymax);
    p->f = 1;
    p->pl = ql;
    p->pr = qr;
  } else {
    /* trial point accepted by metropolis, so update previous markov */
    /* chain iterate */
    metrop->xprev = p->x;
    metrop->yprev = ynew;
  return 1;
Example #3
int arms (double *xinit, int ninit, double *xl, double *xr, 
	 double (*myfunc)(double x, void *mydata), void *mydata,
         double *convex, int npoint, int dometrop, double *xprev, double *xsamp,
         int nsamp, double *qcent, double *xcent,
         int ncent, int *neval)

/* to perform derivative-free adaptive rejection sampling with metropolis step */
/* *xinit       : starting values for x in ascending order */
/* ninit        : number of starting values supplied */
/* *xl          : left bound */
/* *xr          : right bound */
/* *myfunc      : function to evaluate log-density */
/* *mydata      : data required by *myfunc */
/* *convex      : adjustment for convexity */
/* npoint       : maximum number of envelope points */
/* dometrop     : whether metropolis step is required */
/* *xprev       : previous value from markov chain */
/* *xsamp       : to store sampled values */
/* nsamp        : number of sampled values to be obtained */
/* *qcent       : percentages for envelope centiles */
/* *xcent       : to store requested centiles */
/* ncent        : number of centiles requested */
/* *neval       : on exit, the number of function evaluations performed */


  ENVELOPE *env;      /* rejection envelope */
  POINT pwork;        /* a working point, not yet incorporated in envelope */
  int msamp=0;        /* the number of x-values currently sampled */
  FUNBAG lpdf;        /* to hold density function and its data */
  METROPOLIS *metrop; /* to hold bits for metropolis step */
  int i,err;

  /* check requested envelope centiles */
  for(i=0; i<ncent; i++){
    if((qcent[i] < 0.0) || (qcent[i] > 100.0)){
      /* percentage requesting centile is out of range */
      return 1005;

  /* incorporate density function and its data into FUNBAG lpdf */
  lpdf.mydata = mydata;
  lpdf.myfunc = myfunc;

  /* set up space required for envelope */
  env = (ENVELOPE *)malloc(sizeof(ENVELOPE));
  if(env == NULL){
    /* insufficient space */
    return 1006;
  env->p = NULL;

  /* start setting up metropolis struct */
  metrop = (METROPOLIS *)malloc(sizeof(METROPOLIS));
  if(metrop == NULL){
    /* insufficient space */
    return 1006;
  metrop->on = dometrop;

  /* set up initial envelope */
  err = initial(xinit,ninit,*xl,*xr,npoint,&lpdf,env,convex,
  if (err) {
    if ( env->p )
    return err;

  /* finish setting up metropolis struct (can only do this after */
  /* setting up env) */
    if((*xprev < *xl) || (*xprev > *xr)){
      /* previous markov chain iterate out of range */
      if( (*xprev < *xl) )
	*xsamp = *xl;
      if( (*xprev > *xr) )
	*xsamp = *xr;
      return 1007;
    metrop->xprev = *xprev;
    metrop->yprev = perfunc(&lpdf,env,*xprev);

  /* now do adaptive rejection */
  do {
    /* sample a new point */
    sample (env,&pwork);

    /* perform rejection (and perhaps metropolis) tests */
    i = test(env,&pwork,&lpdf,metrop);
    if(i == 1){
      /* point accepted */
      xsamp[msamp++] = pwork.x;
    } else if (i != 0) {
      /* envelope error - violation without metropolis */
      return 2000;
  } while (msamp < nsamp);

  /* nsamp points now sampled */
  /* calculate requested envelope centiles */
  for (i=0; i<ncent; i++){
    xcent[i] = pwork.x;

  /* free space */

  return 0;
Example #4
int initial (double *xinit, int ninit, double xl, double xr, int npoint,
	     FUNBAG *lpdf, ENVELOPE *env, double *convex, int *neval,
             METROPOLIS *metrop)

/* to set up initial envelope */
/* xinit        : initial x-values */
/* ninit        : number of initial x-values */
/* xl,xr        : lower and upper x-bounds */
/* npoint       : maximum number of POINTs allowed in envelope */
/* *lpdf        : to evaluate log density */
/* *env         : rejection envelope attributes */
/* *convex      : adjustment for convexity */
/* *neval       : current number of function evaluations */
/* *metrop      : for metropolis step */

  int i,j,k,mpoint;
  POINT *q;

    /* too few initial points */
    return 1001;

  mpoint = 2*ninit + 1;
  if(npoint < mpoint){
    /* too many initial points */
    return 1002;

  if((xinit[0] <= xl) || (xinit[ninit-1] >= xr)){
    /* initial points do not satisfy bounds */
    return 1003;

  for(i=1; i<ninit; i++){
    if(xinit[i] <= xinit[i-1]){
      /* data not ordered */
      return 1004;

  if(*convex < 0.0){
    /* negative convexity parameter */
    return 1008;

  /* copy convexity address to env */
  env->convex = convex;

  /* copy address for current number of function evaluations */
  env->neval = neval;
  /* initialise current number of function evaluations */
  *(env->neval) = 0;

  /* set up space for envelope POINTs */
  env->npoint = npoint;
  env->p = (POINT *)malloc(npoint*sizeof(POINT));
  if(env->p == NULL){
    /* insufficient space */
    return 1006;

  /* set up envelope POINTs */
  q = env->p;
  /* left bound */
  q->x = xl;
  q->f = 0;
  q->pl = NULL;
  q->pr = q+1;
  for(j=1, k=0; j<mpoint-1; j++){
      /* point on log density */
      q->x = xinit[k++];
      q->y = perfunc(lpdf,env,q->x);
      q->f = 1;
    } else {
      /* intersection point */
      q->f = 0;
    q->pl = q-1;
    q->pr = q+1;
  /* right bound */
  q->x = xr;
  q->f = 0;
  q->pl = q-1;
  q->pr = NULL;

  /* calculate intersection points */
  q = env->p;
  for (j=0; j<mpoint; j=j+2, q=q+2){
      /* envelope violation without metropolis */
      return 2000;

  /* exponentiate and integrate envelope */

  /* note number of POINTs currently in envelope */
  env->cpoint = mpoint;

  return 0;
Example #5
File: arms-R.c Project: rforge/dlm
SEXP arms (SEXP bounds, SEXP myldens, SEXP yprev, SEXP size, SEXP rho) {

/* to perform derivative-free adaptive rejection sampling with metropolis step */

/* bounds      : boundaries of the support of the density */
/* myldens     : R function to evaluate log density */
/* yprev       : previous value from markov chain */
/* size        : number of sampled values to be obtained */
/* rho         : R environment in which the logdensity is evaluated */

    double xl, xr, xinit[NINIT], convex=1.0;
    int i, npoint=100, nsamp, neval, err;
    SEXP ysamp;         /* sampled values */
    ENVELOPE *env;      /* rejection envelope */
    POINT pwork;        /* a working point, not yet incorporated in envelope */
    int msamp=0;        /* the number of x-values currently sampled */
    METROPOLIS *metrop; /* to hold bits for metropolis step */

    nsamp = INTEGER(size)[0];
    xl = REAL(bounds)[0];
    xr = REAL(bounds)[1];
    for (i=0; i<NINIT; i++)
        xinit[i] = xl + (i + 1.0) * (xr - xl)/(NINIT + 1.0);
    PROTECT( ysamp = NEW_NUMERIC(nsamp) );

    /* set up space required for envelope */
    /* env = (ENVELOPE *)malloc(sizeof(ENVELOPE)); */
    env = (ENVELOPE *)Calloc(1, ENVELOPE);
    if(env == NULL){
        /* insufficient space */
        error("insufficient space");

    /* start setting up metropolis struct */
    /* metrop = (METROPOLIS *)malloc(sizeof(METROPOLIS)); */
    metrop = (METROPOLIS *)Calloc(1, METROPOLIS);
    if(metrop == NULL){
        /* insufficient space */
         error("insufficient space");
    metrop->on = 1; 

    /* set up initial envelope */
    err = initial(xinit,NINIT,xl,xr,npoint,myldens,env,&convex,
        error("Can set err...");

    /* finish setting up metropolis struct (can only do this after */
    /* setting up env) */
        if((REAL(yprev)[0] < xl) || (REAL(yprev)[0] > xr)){
            /* previous markov chain iterate out of range */
            error("previous markov chain iterate out of range");
        metrop->xprev = REAL(yprev)[0];
        metrop->yprev = perfunc(myldens,env,REAL(yprev)[0],rho);

    /* now do adaptive rejection */
    do {
        /* sample a new point */
        sample (env,&pwork);

        /* perform rejection (and perhaps metropolis) tests */
        i = test(env,&pwork,myldens,metrop,rho);
        if(i == 1){
            /* point accepted */
            REAL(ysamp)[msamp++] = pwork.x;
        } else if (i != 0) {
            /* envelope error - violation without metropolis */
            error("envelope error - violation without metropolis");
    } while (msamp < nsamp);

    /* nsamp points now sampled */

    /* free space */

    return ysamp;