Example #1
HRESULT CMpcAudioRenderer::InitCoopLevel()
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IVideoWindow* pVideoWindow = nullptr;
    HWND hWnd = nullptr;

    hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface(IID_PPV_ARGS(&pVideoWindow));
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
    if (!hWnd) {
        hWnd = GetTopWindow(nullptr);

    ASSERT(hWnd != nullptr);
    if (!m_useWASAPI) {
        hr = m_pDS->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY);
    } else if (hTask == nullptr) {
        // Ask MMCSS to temporarily boost the thread priority
        // to reduce glitches while the low-latency stream plays.
        DWORD taskIndex = 0;

        if (pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW) {
            hTask = pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(_T("Pro Audio"), &taskIndex);
            TRACE(_T("CMpcAudioRenderer::InitCoopLevel Putting thread in higher priority for WASAPI mode (lowest latency)\n"));
            hr = GetLastError();
            if (hTask == nullptr) {
                return hr;

    return hr;
  if (!m_hTask)
    // Ask MMCSS to temporarily boost the thread priority
    // to reduce glitches while the low-latency stream plays.
    DWORD taskIndex = 0;

    if (pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW)
      m_hTask = pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(L"Pro Audio", &taskIndex);
      Log("CWASAPIRenderFilter::EnableMMCSS Putting thread in higher priority for WASAPI mode");
      if (!m_hTask)
        return HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(GetLastError());
  return S_OK;
Example #3
HRESULT CMpcAudioRenderer::InitCoopLevel()
    HRESULT				hr				= S_OK;
    IVideoWindow*		pVideoWindow	= NULL;
    HWND				hWnd			= NULL;
    CComBSTR			bstrCaption;

    hr = m_pGraph->QueryInterface (__uuidof(IVideoWindow), (void**) &pVideoWindow);
    if (SUCCEEDED (hr))
        SAFE_RELEASE (pVideoWindow);
    if (!hWnd)
        hWnd = GetTopWindow(NULL);

    ATLASSERT(hWnd != NULL);
    if (!useWASAPI)
        hr = m_pDS->SetCooperativeLevel(hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY);
    else if (hTask == NULL)
        // Ask MMCSS to temporarily boost the thread priority
        // to reduce glitches while the low-latency stream plays.
        DWORD taskIndex = 0;

        if (pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW)
            hTask = pfAvSetMmThreadCharacteristicsW(TEXT("Pro Audio"), &taskIndex);
            TRACE(_T("CMpcAudioRenderer::InitCoopLevel Putting thread in higher priority for Wasapi mode (lowest latency)"));
            if (hTask == NULL)
                return hr;

    return hr;