Example #1
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zpipeline - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A pipeline of threads sending ingress packets to the next thread.\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Device name\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <id:id...>   Threads affinity mask (per pipeline stage)\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-f              Flush packets immediately to the next stage (no buffering)\n");
Example #2
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zbounce_ipc - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A packet forwarder application between sw queue.\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <queue id>   Ingress zero queue id\n");
  printf("-o <queue id>   Egress zero queue id\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-f              Flush packets immediately\n");
  printf("-u              Guest VM (master on the host)\n");
Example #3
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zbounce - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A packet forwarder application between interfaces.\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Ingress device name\n");
  printf("-o <device>     Egress device name\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> cluster id\n");
  printf("-b              Bridge mode (forward in both directions)\n");
  printf("-g <core id>    Bind this app to a core (with -b use <core id>:<core id>)\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-f              Flush packets immediately\n");
  printf("-v              Verbose\n");
Example #4
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zfanout_ipc - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A master process sending all ingress packets to all the consumer processes (e.g. zcount_ipc -c <cluster id> -i <consumer id>).\n");
  printf("Note: this is an alternative to zbalance -m 2\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Device name\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-n <num_slaves> Number of slaves applications\n");
  printf("-q <len>        Number of slots in each queue (default: %u)\n", QUEUE_LEN);
  printf("-S <core id>    Enable Time Pulse thread and bind it to a core\n");
  printf("-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
Example #5
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zcount_ipc - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A simple packet counter application consuming packets from a sw queue.\n\n");
  printf("Usage: zcount_ipc -i <queue id> -c <cluster id>\n"
	 "                [-h] [-g <core id>] [-s] [-v] [-u] [-a]\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <queue id>   Zero queue id\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-v              Verbose: print packet data\n");
  printf("-s              In case of -v dump the buffer as sysdig event instead of packet bytes\n");
  printf("-u              Guest VM (master on the host)\n");
Example #6
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zsend - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A traffic generator able to replay synthetic udp packets or hex from standard input.\n"); 
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Device name\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-p <pps>        Rate (packets/s)\n");
  printf("-l <len>        Packet len (bytes)\n");
  printf("-n <num>        Number of packets\n");
  printf("-b <num>        Number of different IPs\n");
  printf("-z              Use burst API\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
Example #7
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zreplicator - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());

  printf("Read packets from multiple ingress devices and replicate it on multipe egress devices.\n\n");

  printf("Usage:  zreplicator [-h] -i <device> -o <device> -c <cluster id> [-g <core>]\n");

  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Ingress devices (comma-separated list)\n");
  printf("-o <device>     Egress devices (comma-separated list)\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <core_id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
Example #8
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zbalance - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A master thread balancing packets to multiple consumer threads counting packets.\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Device name (comma-separated list)\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-m <hash mode>  Hashing modes:\n"
         "                0 - No hash: Round-Robin (default)\n"
         "                1 - IP hash\n"
         "                2 - Fan-out\n");
  printf("-r <id>         Balancer thread core affinity\n");
  printf("-g <id:id...>   Consumer threads core affinity mask\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
Example #9
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zpipeline_ipc - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A master process sending packets from a source interface to a sw queue and from a sw queue to a destination interface (first and last stage of a pipeline)\n\n");
  printf("Usage: zpipeline_ipc -i <device>;<queue> -o <device>;<queue> -n <num queues>\n"
         "                    -c <cluster id> [-r <rx thread core>] [-t <tx thread core>]\n"
	 "                    [-h] [-a] [-f] [-Q <sock list>]\n\n");
  printf("-h                  Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>;<queue> Ingress device and destination queue\n");
  printf("-o <device>;<queue> Egress device and source queue\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id>     Cluster id\n");
  printf("-n <num queues>     Number of queues\n");
  printf("-r <rx thread core> Bind the rx thread to a core\n");
  printf("-t <tx thread core> Bind the tx thread to a core\n");
  printf("-a                  Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-f                  Flush packets immediately to the destination queue/egress device (no buffering)\n");
  printf("-Q <sock list>      Enable VM support (comma-separated list of QEMU monitor sockets)\n");
Example #10
void printHelp(void) {
  printf("zsend - (C) 2014 ntop.org\n");
  printf("Using PFRING_ZC v.%s\n", pfring_zc_version());
  printf("A traffic generator able to replay synthetic udp packets or hex from standard input.\n"); 
  printf("Usage:    zsend -i <device> -c <cluster id>\n"
	 "                [-h] [-g <core id>] [-p <pps>] [-l <len>] [-n <num>]\n"
	 "                [-b <num>] [-N <num>] [-S <core id>] [-P <core id>]\n"
	 "                [-z] [-a] [-Q <sock>]\n\n");
  printf("-h              Print this help\n");
  printf("-i <device>     Device name (optional: do not specify a device to create a cluster with a sw queue)\n");
  printf("-c <cluster id> Cluster id\n");
  printf("-g <core id>    Bind this app to a core\n");
  printf("-p <pps>        Rate (packets/s)\n");
  printf("-l <len>        Packet len (bytes)\n");
  printf("-n <num>        Number of packets\n");
  printf("-b <num>        Number of different IPs\n");
  printf("-N <num>        Simulate a producer for n2disk multi-thread (<num> threads)\n");
  printf("-S <core id>    Append timestamp to packets, bind time-pulse thread to a core\n");
  printf("-P <core id>    Use a time-pulse thread to control transmission rate, bind the thread to a core\n");
  printf("-z              Use burst API\n");
  printf("-a              Active packet wait\n");
  printf("-Q <sock>       Enable VM support to attach a consumer from a VM (<sock> is a QEMU monitor sockets)\n");