Example #1
 * InitCatalogCache - initialize the caches
 * Note that no database access is done here; we only allocate memory
 * and initialize the cache structure.  Interrogation of the database
 * to complete initialization of a cache happens upon first use
 * of that cache.
	int			cacheId;
	int			i,

	StaticAssertStmt(SysCacheSize == (int) lengthof(cacheinfo),
					 "SysCacheSize does not match syscache.c's array");


	SysCacheRelationOidSize = SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize = 0;

	for (cacheId = 0; cacheId < SysCacheSize; cacheId++)
		SysCache[cacheId] = InitCatCache(cacheId,
		if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId]))
			elog(ERROR, "could not initialize cache %u (%d)",
				 cacheinfo[cacheId].reloid, cacheId);
		/* Accumulate data for OID lists, too */
		SysCacheRelationOid[SysCacheRelationOidSize++] =
		SysCacheSupportingRelOid[SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize++] =
		SysCacheSupportingRelOid[SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize++] =
		/* see comments for RelationInvalidatesSnapshotsOnly */

	Assert(SysCacheRelationOidSize <= lengthof(SysCacheRelationOid));
	Assert(SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize <= lengthof(SysCacheSupportingRelOid));

	/* Sort and de-dup OID arrays, so we can use binary search. */
	pg_qsort(SysCacheRelationOid, SysCacheRelationOidSize,
			 sizeof(Oid), oid_compare);
	for (i = 1, j = 0; i < SysCacheRelationOidSize; i++)
		if (SysCacheRelationOid[i] != SysCacheRelationOid[j])
			SysCacheRelationOid[++j] = SysCacheRelationOid[i];
	SysCacheRelationOidSize = j + 1;

	pg_qsort(SysCacheSupportingRelOid, SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize,
			 sizeof(Oid), oid_compare);
	for (i = 1, j = 0; i < SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize; i++)
		if (SysCacheSupportingRelOid[i] != SysCacheSupportingRelOid[j])
			SysCacheSupportingRelOid[++j] = SysCacheSupportingRelOid[i];
	SysCacheSupportingRelOidSize = j + 1;

	CacheInitialized = true;
Example #2
 * InitCatalogCache - initialize the caches
 * Note that no database access is done here; we only allocate memory
 * and initialize the cache structure.  Interrogation of the database
 * to complete initialization of a cache happens upon first use
 * of that cache.
	int			cacheId;
	int			i,
				j = 0;


	MemSet(SysCache, 0, sizeof(SysCache));

	for (cacheId = 0; cacheId < SysCacheSize; cacheId++)
		SysCache[cacheId] = InitCatCache(cacheId,
		if (!PointerIsValid(SysCache[cacheId]))
			elog(ERROR, "could not initialize cache %u (%d)",
				 cacheinfo[cacheId].reloid, cacheId);
		SysCacheRelationOid[SysCacheRelationOidSize++] =
		/* see comments for RelationInvalidatesSnapshotsOnly */

	/* Sort and dedup OIDs. */
	pg_qsort(SysCacheRelationOid, SysCacheRelationOidSize,
			 sizeof(Oid), oid_compare);
	for (i = 1; i < SysCacheRelationOidSize; ++i)
		if (SysCacheRelationOid[i] != SysCacheRelationOid[j])
			SysCacheRelationOid[++j] = SysCacheRelationOid[i];
	SysCacheRelationOidSize = j + 1;

	CacheInitialized = true;
Example #3
static void
	int						i;
	int						num_buffers;
	int						log_level		= DEBUG3;
	SavedBuffer			   *saved_buffers;
	volatile BufferDesc	   *bufHdr;			// XXX: Do we really need volatile here?
	FILE				   *file			= NULL;
	int						database_counter= 0;
	Oid						prev_database	= InvalidOid;
	Oid						prev_filenode	= InvalidOid;
	ForkNumber				prev_forknum	= InvalidForkNumber;
	BlockNumber				prev_blocknum	= InvalidBlockNumber;
	BlockNumber				range_counter	= 0;
	const char			   *savefile_path;

	 * XXX: If the memory request fails, ask for a smaller memory chunk, and use
	 * it to create chunks of save-files, and make the workers read those chunks.
	 * This is not a concern as of now, so deferred; there's at least one other
	 * place that allocates (NBuffers * (much_bigger_struct)), so this seems to
	 * be an acceptable practice.

	saved_buffers = (SavedBuffer *) palloc(sizeof(SavedBuffer) * NBuffers);

	/* Lock the buffer partitions for reading. */
	for (i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFER_PARTITIONS; ++i)
		LWLockAcquire(FirstBufMappingLock + i, LW_SHARED);

	/* Scan and save a list of valid buffers. */
	for (num_buffers = 0, i = 0, bufHdr = BufferDescriptors; i < NBuffers; ++i, ++bufHdr)
		/* Lock each buffer header before inspecting. */

		/* Skip invalid buffers */
		if ((bufHdr->flags & BM_VALID) && (bufHdr->flags & BM_TAG_VALID))
			saved_buffers[num_buffers].database	= bufHdr->tag.rnode.dbNode;
			saved_buffers[num_buffers].filenode	= bufHdr->tag.rnode.relNode;
			saved_buffers[num_buffers].forknum	= bufHdr->tag.forkNum;
			saved_buffers[num_buffers].blocknum	= bufHdr->tag.blockNum;



	/* Unlock the buffer partitions in reverse order, to avoid a deadlock. */
	for (i = NUM_BUFFER_PARTITIONS - 1; i >= 0; --i)
		LWLockRelease(FirstBufMappingLock + i);

	 * Sort the list, so that we can optimize the storage of these buffers.
	 * The side-effect of this storage optimization is that when reading the
	 * blocks back from relation forks, it leads to sequential reads, which
	 * improve the restore speeds quite considerably as compared to random reads
	 * from different blocks all over the data directory.
	pg_qsort(saved_buffers, num_buffers, sizeof(SavedBuffer), SavedBufferCmp);

	/* Connect to the database and start a transaction for database name lookups. */
	BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnection(guc_default_database, NULL);
	pgstat_report_activity(STATE_RUNNING, "saving buffers");

	for (i = 0; i < num_buffers; ++i)
		int j;
		SavedBuffer *buf = &saved_buffers[i];

		if (i == 0)
			 * Special case for global objects. The sort brings them to the
			 * front of the list.

			/* Make sure the first buffer we save belongs to global object. */
			Assert(buf->database == InvalidOid);

			 * Database number (and save-file name) 1 is reserverd for storing
			 * list of buffers of global objects.
			database_counter = 1;

			savefile_path = getSavefileName(database_counter);
			file = fileOpen(savefile_path, PG_BINARY_W);
			writeDBName("", file, savefile_path);

			prev_database = buf->database;

		if (buf->database != prev_database)
			char *dbname;

			 * We are beginning to process a different database than the
			 * previous one; close the save-file of previous database, and open
			 * a new one.

			dbname = get_database_name(buf->database);

			Assert(dbname != NULL);

			if (file != NULL)
				fileClose(file, savefile_path);

			savefile_path = getSavefileName(database_counter);
			file = fileOpen(savefile_path, PG_BINARY_W);
			writeDBName(dbname, file, savefile_path);


			/* Reset trackers appropriately */
			prev_database	= buf->database;
			prev_filenode	= InvalidOid;
			prev_forknum	= InvalidForkNumber;
			prev_blocknum	= InvalidBlockNumber;
			range_counter	= 0;

		if (buf->filenode != prev_filenode)
			/* We're beginning to process a new relation; emit a record for it. */
			fileWrite("r", 1, file, savefile_path);
			fileWrite(&(buf->filenode), sizeof(Oid), file, savefile_path);

			/* Reset trackers appropriately */
			prev_filenode	= buf->filenode;
			prev_forknum	= InvalidForkNumber;
			prev_blocknum	= InvalidBlockNumber;
			range_counter	= 0;

		if (buf->forknum != prev_forknum)
			 * We're beginning to process a new fork of this relation; add a
			 * record for it.
			fileWrite("f", 1, file, savefile_path);
			fileWrite(&(buf->forknum), sizeof(ForkNumber), file, savefile_path);

			/* Reset trackers appropriately */
			prev_forknum	= buf->forknum;
			prev_blocknum	= InvalidBlockNumber;
			range_counter	= 0;

				(errmsg("writer: writing block db %d filenode %d forknum %d blocknum %d",
						database_counter, prev_filenode, prev_forknum, buf->blocknum)));

		fileWrite("b", 1, file, savefile_path);
		fileWrite(&(buf->blocknum), sizeof(BlockNumber), file, savefile_path);

		prev_blocknum = buf->blocknum;

		 * If a continuous range of blocks follows this block, then emit one
		 * entry for the range, instead of one for each block.
		range_counter = 0;

		for ( j = i+1; j < num_buffers; ++j)
			SavedBuffer *tmp = &saved_buffers[j];

			if (tmp->database		== prev_database
				&& tmp->filenode	== prev_filenode
				&& tmp->forknum		== prev_forknum
				&& tmp->blocknum	== (prev_blocknum + range_counter + 1))

		if (range_counter != 0)
				(errmsg("writer: writing range db %d filenode %d forknum %d blocknum %d range %d",
						database_counter, prev_filenode, prev_forknum, prev_blocknum, range_counter)));

			fileWrite("N", 1, file, savefile_path);
			fileWrite(&range_counter, sizeof(range_counter), file, savefile_path);

			i += range_counter;

			(errmsg("Buffer Saver: saved metadata of %d blocks", num_buffers)));

	Assert(file != NULL);
	fileClose(file, savefile_path);


	pgstat_report_activity(STATE_IDLE, NULL);