Example #1
/* add a key to a public keyring */
pgp_add_to_pubring(pgp_keyring_t *keyring, const pgp_pubkey_t *pubkey, pgp_content_enum tag)
	pgp_key_t	*key;
	time_t		 duration;

	if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "pgp_add_to_pubring (type %u)\n", tag);
	switch(tag) {
		EXPAND_ARRAY(keyring, key);
		key = &keyring->keys[keyring->keyc++];
		duration = key->key.pubkey.duration;
		(void) memset(key, 0x0, sizeof(*key));
		key->type = tag;
		pgp_keyid(key->sigid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, pubkey, keyring->hashtype);
		pgp_fingerprint(&key->sigfingerprint, pubkey, keyring->hashtype);
		key->key.pubkey = *pubkey;
		key->key.pubkey.duration = duration;
		return 1;
		/* subkey is not the first */
		key = &keyring->keys[keyring->keyc - 1];
		pgp_keyid(key->encid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, pubkey, keyring->hashtype);
		duration = key->key.pubkey.duration;
		(void) memcpy(&key->enckey, pubkey, sizeof(key->enckey));
		key->enckey.duration = duration;
		return 1;
		return 0;
Example #2
/* add a key to a secret keyring */
pgp_add_to_secring(pgp_keyring_t *keyring, const pgp_seckey_t *seckey)
	const pgp_pubkey_t	*pubkey;
	pgp_key_t		*key;

	if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "pgp_add_to_secring\n");
	if (keyring->keyc > 0) {
		key = &keyring->keys[keyring->keyc - 1];
		if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__) &&
		    key->key.pubkey.alg == PGP_PKA_DSA &&
		    seckey->pubkey.alg == PGP_PKA_ELGAMAL) {
			fprintf(stderr, "pgp_add_to_secring: found elgamal seckey\n");
	EXPAND_ARRAY(keyring, key);
	key = &keyring->keys[keyring->keyc++];
	(void) memset(key, 0x0, sizeof(*key));
	pubkey = &seckey->pubkey;
	pgp_keyid(key->sigid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, pubkey, keyring->hashtype);
	pgp_fingerprint(&key->sigfingerprint, pubkey, keyring->hashtype);
	key->type = PGP_PTAG_CT_SECRET_KEY;
	key->key.seckey = *seckey;
	if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "pgp_add_to_secring: keyc %u\n", keyring->keyc);
	return 1;
Example #3
\ingroup Core_WritePackets
\brief Write a One Pass Signature packet
\param seckey Secret Key to use
\param hash_alg Hash Algorithm to use
\param sig_type Signature type
\param output Write settings
\return 1 if OK; else 0
pgp_write_one_pass_sig(pgp_output_t *output, 
			const pgp_seckey_t *seckey,
			const pgp_hash_alg_t hash_alg,
			const pgp_sig_type_t sig_type)
	uint8_t   keyid[PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE];

	pgp_keyid(keyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &seckey->pubkey, PGP_HASH_SHA1); /* XXX - hardcoded */
	return pgp_write_ptag(output, PGP_PTAG_CT_1_PASS_SIG) &&
		pgp_write_length(output, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 1) &&
		pgp_write_scalar(output, 3, 1)	/* version */ &&
		pgp_write_scalar(output, (unsigned)sig_type, 1) &&
		pgp_write_scalar(output, (unsigned)hash_alg, 1) &&
		pgp_write_scalar(output, (unsigned)seckey->pubkey.alg, 1) &&
		pgp_write(output, keyid, 8) &&
		pgp_write_scalar(output, 1, 1);
Example #4
pgp_key_t pgp_getkeybyaddr (ADDRESS * a, short abilities, pgp_ring_t keyring,
                            int oppenc_mode)
  ADDRESS *r, *p;
  LIST *hints = NULL;

  int multi   = 0;
  int match;

  pgp_key_t keys, k, kn;
  pgp_key_t the_strong_valid_key = NULL;
  pgp_key_t a_valid_addrmatch_key = NULL;
  pgp_key_t matches = NULL;
  pgp_key_t *last = &matches;
  pgp_uid_t *q;

  if (a && a->mailbox)
    hints = pgp_add_string_to_hints (hints, a->mailbox);
  if (a && a->personal)
    hints = pgp_add_string_to_hints (hints, a->personal);

  if (! oppenc_mode )
    mutt_message (_("Looking for keys matching \"%s\"..."), a->mailbox);
  keys = pgp_get_candidates (keyring, hints);

  mutt_free_list (&hints);

  if (!keys)
    return NULL;

  dprint (5, (debugfile, "pgp_getkeybyaddr: looking for %s <%s>.",
	      a->personal, a->mailbox));

  for (k = keys; k; k = kn)
    kn = k->next;

    dprint (5, (debugfile, "  looking at key: %s\n",
		pgp_keyid (k)));

    if (abilities && !(k->flags & abilities))
      dprint (5, (debugfile, "  insufficient abilities: Has %x, want %x\n",
		  k->flags, abilities));

    match                = 0;   /* any match 		  */

    for (q = k->address; q; q = q->next)
      r = rfc822_parse_adrlist (NULL, NONULL (q->addr));

      for (p = r; p; p = p->next)
	int validity = pgp_id_matches_addr (a, p, q);

	if (validity & PGP_KV_MATCH)	/* something matches */
	  match = 1;

        if ((validity & PGP_KV_VALID)
            && (validity & PGP_KV_ADDR))
          if (validity & PGP_KV_STRONGID)
            if (the_strong_valid_key && the_strong_valid_key != k)
              multi = 1;
            the_strong_valid_key = k;
            a_valid_addrmatch_key = k;

      rfc822_free_address (&r);

    if (match)
      *last  = pgp_principal_key (k);
      kn     = pgp_remove_key (&keys, *last);
      last   = pgp_get_lastp (k);

  pgp_free_key (&keys);

  if (matches)
    if (oppenc_mode)
      if (the_strong_valid_key)
        pgp_remove_key (&matches, the_strong_valid_key);
        k = the_strong_valid_key;
      else if (a_valid_addrmatch_key)
        pgp_remove_key (&matches, a_valid_addrmatch_key);
        k = a_valid_addrmatch_key;
        k = NULL;
    else if (the_strong_valid_key && !multi)
       * There was precisely one strong match on a valid ID.
       * Proceed without asking the user.
      pgp_remove_key (&matches, the_strong_valid_key);
      k = the_strong_valid_key;
       * Else: Ask the user.
      if ((k = pgp_select_key (matches, a, NULL)))
	pgp_remove_key (&matches, k);

    pgp_free_key (&matches);

    return k;

  return NULL;
Example #5
static pgp_key_t pgp_select_key (pgp_key_t keys,
                                 ADDRESS * p, const char *s)
  int keymax;
  pgp_uid_t **KeyTable;
  MUTTMENU *menu;
  int i, done = 0;
  char helpstr[LONG_STRING], buf[LONG_STRING], tmpbuf[STRING];
  char cmd[LONG_STRING], tempfile[_POSIX_PATH_MAX];
  FILE *fp, *devnull;
  pid_t thepid;
  pgp_key_t kp;
  pgp_uid_t *a;
  int (*f) (const void *, const void *);

  int unusable = 0;

  keymax = 0;
  KeyTable = NULL;

  for (i = 0, kp = keys; kp; kp = kp->next)
    if (!option (OPTPGPSHOWUNUSABLE) && (kp->flags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE))
      unusable = 1;

    for (a = kp->address; a; a = a->next)
      if (!option (OPTPGPSHOWUNUSABLE) && (a->flags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE))
	unusable = 1;

      if (i == keymax)
	keymax += 5;
	safe_realloc (&KeyTable, sizeof (pgp_uid_t *) * keymax);

      KeyTable[i++] = a;

  if (!i && unusable)
    mutt_error _("All matching keys are expired, revoked, or disabled.");
    mutt_sleep (1);
    return NULL;

  switch (PgpSortKeys & SORT_MASK)
    case SORT_DATE:
      f = pgp_compare_date;
    case SORT_KEYID:
      f = pgp_compare_keyid;
    case SORT_ADDRESS:
      f = pgp_compare_address;
    case SORT_TRUST:
      f = pgp_compare_trust;
  qsort (KeyTable, i, sizeof (pgp_uid_t *), f);

  helpstr[0] = 0;
  mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Exit  "), MENU_PGP, OP_EXIT);
  strcat (helpstr, buf);	/* __STRCAT_CHECKED__ */
  mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Select  "), MENU_PGP,
  strcat (helpstr, buf);	/* __STRCAT_CHECKED__ */
  mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Check key  "), MENU_PGP, OP_VERIFY_KEY);
  strcat (helpstr, buf);	/* __STRCAT_CHECKED__ */
  mutt_make_help (buf, sizeof (buf), _("Help"), MENU_PGP, OP_HELP);
  strcat (helpstr, buf);	/* __STRCAT_CHECKED__ */

  menu = mutt_new_menu (MENU_PGP);
  menu->max = i;
  menu->make_entry = pgp_entry;
  menu->help = helpstr;
  menu->data = KeyTable;

  if (p)
    snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("PGP keys matching <%s>."), p->mailbox);
    snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), _("PGP keys matching \"%s\"."), s);

  menu->title = buf;

  kp = NULL;

  mutt_clear_error ();

  while (!done)
    switch (mutt_menuLoop (menu))

    case OP_VERIFY_KEY:

      mutt_mktemp (tempfile, sizeof (tempfile));
      if ((devnull = fopen ("/dev/null", "w")) == NULL)	/* __FOPEN_CHECKED__ */
	mutt_perror _("Can't open /dev/null");
      if ((fp = safe_fopen (tempfile, "w")) == NULL)
	safe_fclose (&devnull);
	mutt_perror _("Can't create temporary file");

      mutt_message _("Invoking PGP...");

      snprintf (tmpbuf, sizeof (tmpbuf), "0x%s",
          pgp_fpr_or_lkeyid (pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent)));

      if ((thepid = pgp_invoke_verify_key (NULL, NULL, NULL, -1,
		    fileno (fp), fileno (devnull), tmpbuf)) == -1)
	mutt_perror _("Can't create filter");
	unlink (tempfile);
	safe_fclose (&fp);
	safe_fclose (&devnull);

      mutt_wait_filter (thepid);
      safe_fclose (&fp);
      safe_fclose (&devnull);
      mutt_clear_error ();
      snprintf (cmd, sizeof (cmd), _("Key ID: 0x%s"), 
		pgp_keyid (pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent)));
      mutt_do_pager (cmd, tempfile, 0, NULL);
      menu->redraw = REDRAW_FULL;


    case OP_VIEW_ID:

      mutt_message ("%s", NONULL (KeyTable[menu->current]->addr));


      /* XXX make error reporting more verbose */

      if (option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST))
	if (!pgp_key_is_valid (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent))
	  mutt_error _("This key can't be used: expired/disabled/revoked.");

      if (option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST) &&
	  (!pgp_id_is_valid (KeyTable[menu->current])
	   || !pgp_id_is_strong (KeyTable[menu->current])))
	char *s = "";
	char buff[LONG_STRING];
	if (KeyTable[menu->current]->flags & KEYFLAG_CANTUSE)
	  s = N_("ID is expired/disabled/revoked.");
	else switch (KeyTable[menu->current]->trust & 0x03)
	  case 0:
	    s = N_("ID has undefined validity.");
	  case 1:
	    s = N_("ID is not valid.");
	  case 2:
	    s = N_("ID is only marginally valid.");

	snprintf (buff, sizeof (buff), _("%s Do you really want to use the key?"),

	if (mutt_yesorno (buff, M_NO) != M_YES)
	  mutt_clear_error ();

# if 0
      kp = pgp_principal_key (KeyTable[menu->current]->parent);
# else
      kp = KeyTable[menu->current]->parent;
# endif
      done = 1;

    case OP_EXIT:

      kp = NULL;
      done = 1;

  mutt_menuDestroy (&menu);
  FREE (&KeyTable);

  set_option (OPTNEEDREDRAW);

  return (kp);
Example #6
\ingroup HighLevel_Sign
\brief Sign a file
\param inname Input filename
\param outname Output filename. If NULL, a name is constructed from the input filename.
\param seckey Secret Key to use for signing
\param armored Write armoured text, if set.
\param overwrite May overwrite existing file, if set.
\return 1 if OK; else 0;

pgp_sign_file(pgp_io_t *io,
		const char *inname,
		const char *outname,
		const pgp_seckey_t *seckey,
		const char *hashname,
		const int64_t from,
		const uint64_t duration,
		const unsigned armored,
		const unsigned cleartext,
		const unsigned overwrite)
	pgp_create_sig_t	*sig;
	pgp_sig_type_t	 sig_type;
	pgp_hash_alg_t	 hash_alg;
	pgp_memory_t		*infile;
	pgp_output_t		*output;
	pgp_hash_t		*hash;
	unsigned		 ret;
	uint8_t			 keyid[PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE];
	int			 fd_out;

	sig = NULL;
	sig_type = PGP_SIG_BINARY;
	infile = NULL;
	output = NULL;
	hash = NULL;
	fd_out = 0;

	/* find the hash algorithm */
	hash_alg = pgp_str_to_hash_alg(hashname);
	if (hash_alg == PGP_HASH_UNKNOWN) {
		(void) fprintf(io->errs,
			"pgp_sign_file: unknown hash algorithm: \"%s\"\n",
		return 0;

	/* read input file into buf */
	infile = pgp_memory_new();
	if (!pgp_mem_readfile(infile, inname)) {
		return 0;

	/* setup output file */
	fd_out = open_output_file(&output, inname, outname,
				(armored) ? "asc" : "gpg", overwrite);
	if (fd_out < 0) {
		return 0;

	/* set up signature */
	sig = pgp_create_sig_new();
	if (!sig) {
		pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd_out);
		return 0;

	pgp_start_sig(sig, seckey, hash_alg, sig_type);

	if (cleartext) {
		if (pgp_writer_push_clearsigned(output, sig) != 1) {
			return 0;

		/* Do the signing */
		pgp_write(output, pgp_mem_data(infile), (unsigned)pgp_mem_len(infile));

		/* add signature with subpackets: */
		/* - creation time */
		/* - key id */
		ret = pgp_writer_use_armored_sig(output) &&
				pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)from, "birth") &&
				pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)duration, "expiration");
		if (ret == 0) {
			pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd_out);
			return 0;

		pgp_keyid(keyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &seckey->pubkey, hash_alg);
		ret = pgp_add_issuer_keyid(sig, keyid) &&
			pgp_end_hashed_subpkts(sig) &&
			pgp_write_sig(output, sig, &seckey->pubkey, seckey);

		pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd_out);

		if (ret == 0) {
			PGP_ERROR_1(&output->errors, PGP_E_W, "%s",
			    "Cannot sign file as cleartext");
	} else {
		/* set armoured/not armoured here */
		if (armored) {

		/* write one_pass_sig */
		pgp_write_one_pass_sig(output, seckey, hash_alg, sig_type);

		/* hash file contents */
		hash = pgp_sig_get_hash(sig);
		hash->add(hash, pgp_mem_data(infile), (unsigned)pgp_mem_len(infile));

#if 1
		/* output file contents as Literal Data packet */
		pgp_write_litdata(output, pgp_mem_data(infile),
			(const int)pgp_mem_len(infile),
		/* XXX - agc - sync with writer.c 1094 for ops_writez */
		pgp_setup_memory_write(&litoutput, &litmem, bufsz);
		pgp_setup_memory_write(&zoutput, &zmem, bufsz);
			(const int)pgp_mem_len(infile), PGP_LDT_BINARY);
		pgp_writez(zoutput, pgp_mem_data(litmem), pgp_mem_len(litmem));

		/* add creation time to signature */
		pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)from, "birth");
		pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)duration, "expiration");
		/* add key id to signature */
		pgp_keyid(keyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &seckey->pubkey, hash_alg);
		pgp_add_issuer_keyid(sig, keyid);
		pgp_write_sig(output, sig, &seckey->pubkey, seckey);

		/* tidy up */
		pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd_out);


		ret = 1;

	return ret;
Example #7
/* sign a file, and put the signature in a separate file */
pgp_sign_detached(pgp_io_t *io,
			const char *f,
			char *sigfile,
			pgp_seckey_t *seckey,
			const char *hash,
			const int64_t from,
			const uint64_t duration,
			const unsigned armored, const unsigned overwrite)
	pgp_create_sig_t	*sig;
	pgp_hash_alg_t	 hash_alg;
	pgp_output_t		*output;
	pgp_memory_t		*mem;
	uint8_t	 	 	 keyid[PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE];
	int			 fd;

	/* find out which hash algorithm to use */
	hash_alg = pgp_str_to_hash_alg(hash);
	if (hash_alg == PGP_HASH_UNKNOWN) {
		(void) fprintf(io->errs,"Unknown hash algorithm: %s\n", hash);
		return 0;

	/* setup output file */
	fd = open_output_file(&output, f, sigfile,
				(armored) ? "asc" : "sig", overwrite);
	if (fd < 0) {
		(void) fprintf(io->errs,"Can't open output file: %s\n", f);
		return 0;

	/* create a new signature */
	sig = pgp_create_sig_new();
	pgp_start_sig(sig, seckey, hash_alg, PGP_SIG_BINARY);

	/* read the contents of 'f', and add that to the signature */
	mem = pgp_memory_new();
	if (!pgp_mem_readfile(mem, f)) {
		pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd);
		return 0;
	/* set armoured/not armoured here */
	if (armored) {
	pgp_sig_add_data(sig, pgp_mem_data(mem), pgp_mem_len(mem));

	/* calculate the signature */
	pgp_add_time(sig, from, "birth");
	pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)duration, "expiration");
	pgp_keyid(keyid, sizeof(keyid), &seckey->pubkey, hash_alg);
	pgp_add_issuer_keyid(sig, keyid);
	pgp_write_sig(output, sig, &seckey->pubkey, seckey);
	pgp_teardown_file_write(output, fd);

	return 1;
Example #8
\ingroup HighLevel_Sign
\brief Signs a buffer
\param input Input text to be signed
\param input_len Length of input text
\param sig_type Signature type
\param seckey Secret Key
\param armored Write armoured text, if set
\return New pgp_memory_t struct containing signed text
\note It is the caller's responsibility to call pgp_memory_free(me)

pgp_memory_t *
pgp_sign_buf(pgp_io_t *io,
		const void *input,
		const size_t insize,
		const pgp_seckey_t *seckey,
		const int64_t from,
		const uint64_t duration,
		const char *hashname,
		const unsigned armored,
		const unsigned cleartext)
	pgp_litdata_enum	 ld_type;
	pgp_create_sig_t	*sig;
	pgp_sig_type_t	 sig_type;
	pgp_hash_alg_t	 hash_alg;
	pgp_output_t		*output;
	pgp_memory_t		*mem;
	uint8_t			 keyid[PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE];
	pgp_hash_t		*hash;
	unsigned		 ret;

	sig = NULL;
	sig_type = PGP_SIG_BINARY;
	output = NULL;
	mem = pgp_memory_new();
	hash = NULL;
	ret = 0;

	hash_alg = pgp_str_to_hash_alg(hashname);
	if (hash_alg == PGP_HASH_UNKNOWN) {
		(void) fprintf(io->errs,
			"pgp_sign_buf: unknown hash algorithm: \"%s\"\n",
		return NULL;

	/* setup literal data packet type */
	ld_type = (cleartext) ? PGP_LDT_TEXT : PGP_LDT_BINARY;

	if (input == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(io->errs,
			"pgp_sign_buf: null input\n");
		return NULL;

	/* set up signature */
	if ((sig = pgp_create_sig_new()) == NULL) {
		return NULL;
	pgp_start_sig(sig, seckey, hash_alg, sig_type);

	/* setup writer */
	pgp_setup_memory_write(&output, &mem, insize);

	if (cleartext) {
		/* Do the signing */
		/* add signature with subpackets: */
		/* - creation time */
		/* - key id */
		ret = pgp_writer_push_clearsigned(output, sig) &&
			pgp_write(output, input, (unsigned)insize) &&
			pgp_writer_use_armored_sig(output) &&
			pgp_add_time(sig, from, "birth") &&
			pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)duration, "expiration");
		if (ret == 0) {
			return NULL;
	} else {
		/* set armoured/not armoured here */
		if (armored) {
		if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
			fprintf(io->errs, "** Writing out one pass sig\n");
		/* write one_pass_sig */
		pgp_write_one_pass_sig(output, seckey, hash_alg, sig_type);

		/* hash memory */
		hash = pgp_sig_get_hash(sig);
		hash->add(hash, input, (unsigned)insize);

		/* output file contents as Literal Data packet */
		if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
			(void) fprintf(stderr, "** Writing out data now\n");
		pgp_write_litdata(output, input, (const int)insize, ld_type);
		if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {
			fprintf(stderr, "** After Writing out data now\n");

		/* add creation time to signature */
		pgp_add_time(sig, from, "birth");
		pgp_add_time(sig, (int64_t)duration, "expiration");
		/* add key id to signature */
		pgp_keyid(keyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &seckey->pubkey, hash_alg);
		pgp_add_issuer_keyid(sig, keyid);

		/* write out sig */
		pgp_write_sig(output, sig, &seckey->pubkey, seckey);

		/* tidy up */
	return mem;
Example #9
BODY *pgp_make_key_attachment (char *tempf)
  BODY *att;
  char buff[LONG_STRING];
  char tempfb[_POSIX_PATH_MAX], tmp[STRING];
  FILE *tempfp;
  FILE *devnull;
  struct stat sb;
  pid_t thepid;
  pgp_key_t key;
  unset_option (OPTPGPCHECKTRUST);

  key = pgp_ask_for_key (_("Please enter the key ID: "), NULL, 0, PGP_PUBRING);

  if (!key)    return NULL;

  snprintf (tmp, sizeof (tmp), "0x%s", pgp_keyid (pgp_principal_key (key)));
  pgp_free_key (&key);

  if (!tempf)
    mutt_mktemp (tempfb, sizeof (tempfb));
    tempf = tempfb;

  if ((tempfp = safe_fopen (tempf, tempf == tempfb ? "w" : "a")) == NULL)
    mutt_perror _("Can't create temporary file");
    return NULL;

  if ((devnull = fopen ("/dev/null", "w")) == NULL)	/* __FOPEN_CHECKED__ */
    mutt_perror _("Can't open /dev/null");
    safe_fclose (&tempfp);
    if (tempf == tempfb)
      unlink (tempf);
    return NULL;

  mutt_message _("Invoking PGP...");

  if ((thepid = 
       pgp_invoke_export (NULL, NULL, NULL, -1,
			   fileno (tempfp), fileno (devnull), tmp)) == -1)
    mutt_perror _("Can't create filter");
    unlink (tempf);
    safe_fclose (&tempfp);
    safe_fclose (&devnull);
    return NULL;

  mutt_wait_filter (thepid);

  safe_fclose (&tempfp);
  safe_fclose (&devnull);

  att = mutt_new_body ();
  att->filename = safe_strdup (tempf);
  att->unlink = 1;
  att->use_disp = 0;
  att->type = TYPEAPPLICATION;
  att->subtype = safe_strdup ("pgp-keys");
  snprintf (buff, sizeof (buff), _("PGP Key %s."), tmp);
  att->description = safe_strdup (buff);
  mutt_update_encoding (att);

  stat (tempf, &sb);
  att->length = sb.st_size;

  return att;
static int pgp_send_menu (int bits, int *redraw)
  pgp_key_t *p;
  char input_signas[SHORT_STRING];
  char input_micalg[SHORT_STRING];

  switch (mutt_multi_choice (_("(e)ncrypt, (s)ign, sign (a)s, (b)oth, select (m)ic algorithm, or (f)orget it? "),
  case 1: /* (e)ncrypt */
    bits |= PGPENCRYPT;

  case 2: /* (s)ign */
    bits |= PGPSIGN;

  case 3: /* sign (a)s */


    if ((p = pgp_ask_for_key (_("Sign as: "), NULL, KEYFLAG_CANSIGN, PGP_PUBRING)))
      snprintf (input_signas, sizeof (input_signas), "0x%s", pgp_keyid (p));
      mutt_str_replace (&PgpSignAs, input_signas);
      mutt_str_replace (&PgpSignMicalg, pgp_pkalg_to_mic (p->algorithm));
      pgp_free_key (&p);
      bits |= PGPSIGN;
      pgp_void_passphrase ();	/* probably need a different passphrase */
      bits &= ~PGPSIGN;

    *redraw = REDRAW_FULL;

  case 4: /* (b)oth */

  case 5: /* select (m)ic algorithm */
    if (!(bits & PGPSIGN))
      mutt_error _("This doesn't make sense if you don't want to sign the message.");
      /* Copy the existing MIC algorithm into place */
      strfcpy(input_micalg, NONULL (PgpSignMicalg), sizeof (input_micalg));

      if (mutt_get_field (_("MIC algorithm: "), input_micalg, sizeof (input_micalg), 0) == 0)
	if (mutt_strcasecmp (input_micalg, "pgp-md5") && mutt_strcasecmp (input_micalg, "pgp-sha1")
	   && mutt_strcasecmp (input_micalg, "pgp-rmd160"))
	  mutt_error _("Unknown MIC algorithm, valid ones are: pgp-md5, pgp-sha1, pgp-rmd160");
	  mutt_str_replace (&PgpSignMicalg, input_micalg);

  case 6: /* (f)orget it */
    bits = 0;
  if (!*redraw)
    redraw_pgp_lines (bits);
  return (bits);
Example #11
int dc_pgp_create_keypair(dc_context_t* context, const char* addr, dc_key_t* ret_public_key, dc_key_t* ret_private_key)
	int              success = 0;
	pgp_key_t        seckey;
	pgp_key_t        pubkey;
	pgp_key_t        subkey;
	uint8_t          subkeyid[PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE];
	uint8_t*         user_id = NULL;
	pgp_memory_t*    pubmem = pgp_memory_new();
	pgp_memory_t*    secmem = pgp_memory_new();
	pgp_output_t*    pubout = pgp_output_new();
	pgp_output_t*    secout = pgp_output_new();

	memset(&seckey, 0, sizeof(pgp_key_t));
	memset(&pubkey, 0, sizeof(pgp_key_t));
	memset(&subkey, 0, sizeof(pgp_key_t));

	if (context==NULL || addr==NULL || ret_public_key==NULL || ret_private_key==NULL
	 || pubmem==NULL || secmem==NULL || pubout==NULL || secout==NULL) {
		goto cleanup;

	/* Generate User ID.
	By convention, this is the e-mail-address in angle brackets.

	As the user-id is only decorative in Autocrypt and not needed for Delta Chat,
	so we _could_ just use sth. that looks like an e-mail-address.
	This would protect the user's privacy if someone else uploads the keys to keyservers.

	However, as eg. Enigmail displayes the user-id in "Good signature from <user-id>,
	for now, we decided to leave the address in the user-id */
	#if 0
		user_id = (uint8_t*)dc_mprintf("<%08X@%08X.org>", (int)random(), (int)random());
		user_id = (uint8_t*)dc_mprintf("<%s>", addr);

	/* generate two keypairs */
	if (!pgp_rsa_generate_keypair(&seckey, DC_KEYGEN_BITS, DC_KEYGEN_E, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)
	 || !pgp_rsa_generate_keypair(&subkey, DC_KEYGEN_BITS, DC_KEYGEN_E, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0)) {
		goto cleanup;

	/* Create public key, bind public subkey to public key
	------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	pubkey.type = PGP_PTAG_CT_PUBLIC_KEY;
	pgp_pubkey_dup(&pubkey.key.pubkey, &seckey.key.pubkey);
	memcpy(pubkey.pubkeyid, seckey.pubkeyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE);
	pgp_fingerprint(&pubkey.pubkeyfpr, &seckey.key.pubkey, 0);
	add_selfsigned_userid(&seckey, &pubkey, (const uint8_t*)user_id, 0/*never expire*/);

	EXPAND_ARRAY((&pubkey), subkey);
		pgp_subkey_t* p = &pubkey.subkeys[pubkey.subkeyc++];
		pgp_pubkey_dup(&p->key.pubkey, &subkey.key.pubkey);
		pgp_keyid(subkeyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &pubkey.key.pubkey, PGP_HASH_SHA1);
		memcpy(p->id, subkeyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE);

	EXPAND_ARRAY((&pubkey), subkeysig);
	add_subkey_binding_signature(&pubkey.subkeysigs[pubkey.subkeysigc++], &pubkey, &subkey, &seckey);

	/* Create secret key, bind secret subkey to secret key
	------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	EXPAND_ARRAY((&seckey), subkey);
		pgp_subkey_t* p = &seckey.subkeys[seckey.subkeyc++];
		pgp_seckey_dup(&p->key.seckey, &subkey.key.seckey);
		pgp_keyid(subkeyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &seckey.key.pubkey, PGP_HASH_SHA1);
		memcpy(p->id, subkeyid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE);

	EXPAND_ARRAY((&seckey), subkeysig);
	add_subkey_binding_signature(&seckey.subkeysigs[seckey.subkeysigc++], &seckey, &subkey, &seckey);

	/* Done with key generation, write binary keys to memory
	------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

	pgp_writer_set_memory(pubout, pubmem);
	if (!pgp_write_xfer_key(pubout, &pubkey, 0/*armored*/)
	 || pubmem->buf==NULL || pubmem->length <= 0) {
		goto cleanup;

	pgp_writer_set_memory(secout, secmem);
	if (!pgp_write_xfer_key(secout, &seckey, 0/*armored*/)
	 || secmem->buf==NULL || secmem->length <= 0) {
		goto cleanup;

	dc_key_set_from_binary(ret_public_key, pubmem->buf, pubmem->length, DC_KEY_PUBLIC);
	dc_key_set_from_binary(ret_private_key, secmem->buf, secmem->length, DC_KEY_PRIVATE);

	success = 1;

	if (pubout) { pgp_output_delete(pubout); }
	if (secout) { pgp_output_delete(secout); }
	if (pubmem) { pgp_memory_free(pubmem); }
	if (secmem) { pgp_memory_free(secmem); }
	pgp_key_free(&seckey); /* not: pgp_keydata_free() which will also free the pointer itself (we created it on the stack) */
	return success;
Example #12
int pgpdb_getnext(KEYRING *keydb, BUFFER *key, BUFFER *keyid, BUFFER *userid)
     /* store next key from keydb with specified keyid/userid in key. */
  int found = 0;
  int type;
  long ptr;
  int tempbuf = 0;
  BUFFER *p, *i, *thisid;

  p = buf_new();
  i = buf_new();
  thisid = buf_new();

  if (key == NULL) {
    tempbuf = 1;
    key = buf_new();
  assert(key != keyid);
  while (!found) {
    type = pgp_getpacket(keydb->db, key);
    if (type == -1)
    if (type != PGP_PUBKEY && type != PGP_SECKEY)
    if ((keyid == NULL || keyid->length == 0) &&
	(userid == NULL || userid->length == 0))
      found = 1;

    if (keyid && keyid->length > 0) {
      pgp_keyid(key, thisid);
      if (buf_eq(keyid, thisid))
	found = 1;

    pgp_packet(key, type);

    while ((ptr = keydb->db->ptr, type = pgp_getpacket(keydb->db, p)) > 0) {
      switch (type) {
      case PGP_SECKEY:
      case PGP_PUBKEY:
	keydb->db->ptr = ptr;
	goto nextkey;
      case PGP_PUBSUBKEY:
      case PGP_SECSUBKEY:
	if (keyid && keyid->length > 0) {
	  pgp_keyid(p, thisid);
	  if (buf_eq(keyid, thisid))
	    found = 1;
      case PGP_USERID:
#ifdef DEBUG
	printf("%s\n", p->data);
#endif /* DEBUG */
	if (userid && userid->length > 0 && bufifind(p, userid->data))
	  found = 1;
      pgp_packet(p, type);
      buf_cat(key, p);
  if (tempbuf)
  return (found ? 0 : -1);
Example #13
 \ingroup HighLevel_KeyGenerate
 \brief Generates an RSA keypair
 \param numbits Modulus size
 \param e Public Exponent
 \param keydata Pointer to keydata struct to hold new key
 \return 1 if key generated successfully; otherwise 0
 \note It is the caller's responsibility to call pgp_keydata_free(keydata)
static unsigned 
rsa_generate_keypair(pgp_key_t *keydata,
			const int numbits,
			const unsigned long e,
			const char *hashalg,
			const char *cipher)
	pgp_seckey_t *seckey;
	RSA            *rsa;
	BN_CTX         *ctx;
	pgp_output_t *output;
	pgp_memory_t   *mem;

	ctx = BN_CTX_new();
	pgp_keydata_init(keydata, PGP_PTAG_CT_SECRET_KEY);
	seckey = pgp_get_writable_seckey(keydata);

	/* generate the key pair */

	rsa = RSA_generate_key(numbits, e, NULL, NULL);

	/* populate pgp key from ssl key */

	seckey->pubkey.version = PGP_V4;
	seckey->pubkey.birthtime = time(NULL);
	seckey->pubkey.days_valid = 0;
	seckey->pubkey.alg = PGP_PKA_RSA;

	seckey->pubkey.key.rsa.n = BN_dup(rsa->n);
	seckey->pubkey.key.rsa.e = BN_dup(rsa->e);

	seckey->s2k_usage = PGP_S2KU_ENCRYPTED_AND_HASHED;
	seckey->s2k_specifier = PGP_S2KS_SALTED;
	/* seckey->s2k_specifier=PGP_S2KS_SIMPLE; */
	if ((seckey->hash_alg = pgp_str_to_hash_alg(hashalg)) == PGP_HASH_UNKNOWN) {
		seckey->hash_alg = PGP_HASH_SHA1;
	seckey->alg = pgp_str_to_cipher(cipher);
	seckey->octetc = 0;
	seckey->checksum = 0;

	seckey->key.rsa.d = BN_dup(rsa->d);
	seckey->key.rsa.p = BN_dup(rsa->p);
	seckey->key.rsa.q = BN_dup(rsa->q);
	seckey->key.rsa.u = BN_mod_inverse(NULL, rsa->p, rsa->q, ctx);
	if (seckey->key.rsa.u == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "seckey->key.rsa.u is NULL\n");
		return 0;


	pgp_keyid(keydata->sigid, PGP_KEY_ID_SIZE, &keydata->key.seckey.pubkey, seckey->hash_alg);
	pgp_fingerprint(&keydata->sigfingerprint, &keydata->key.seckey.pubkey, seckey->hash_alg);

	/* Generate checksum */

	output = NULL;
	mem = NULL;

	pgp_setup_memory_write(&output, &mem, 128);

	pgp_push_checksum_writer(output, seckey);

	switch (seckey->pubkey.alg) {
	case PGP_PKA_DSA:
		return pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.dsa.x);
	case PGP_PKA_RSA:
		if (!pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.rsa.d) ||
		    !pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.rsa.p) ||
		    !pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.rsa.q) ||
		    !pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.rsa.u)) {
			return 0;
		return pgp_write_mpi(output, seckey->key.elgamal.x);

		(void) fprintf(stderr, "Bad seckey->pubkey.alg\n");
		return 0;

	/* close rather than pop, since its the only one on the stack */
	pgp_teardown_memory_write(output, mem);

	/* should now have checksum in seckey struct */

	/* test */
	if (pgp_get_debug_level(__FILE__)) {

	return 1;