static void delete_unused_classes(char osm_type, osmid_t osm_id, struct keyval *places) {
    int i,sz, slen;
    PGresult   *res;
    char tmp[16];
    char tmp2[2];
    char *cls, *clslist = 0;
    char const *paramValues[2];
    tmp2[0] = osm_type; tmp2[1] = '\0';
    paramValues[0] = tmp2;
    snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%" PRIdOSMID, osm_id);
    paramValues[1] = tmp;
    res = pgsql_execPrepared(ConnectionDelete, "get_classes", 2, paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);

    sz = PQntuples(res);
    if (sz > 0 && !places) {
        /* uncondtional delete of all places */
        pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DELETE FROM place WHERE osm_type = '%c' AND osm_id  = %" PRIdOSMID, osm_type, osm_id);
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            cls = PQgetvalue(res, i, 0);
            if (!getItem(places, cls)) {
                if (!clslist) {
                    clslist = malloc(strlen(cls)+3);
                    sprintf(clslist, "'%s'", cls);
                } else {
                    slen = strlen(clslist);
                    clslist = realloc(clslist, slen + 4 + strlen(cls));
                    sprintf(&(clslist[slen]), ",'%s'", cls); 


        if (clslist) {
           /* Stop any active copy */

           /* Delete all places for this object */
           pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DELETE FROM place WHERE osm_type = '%c' AND osm_id = %"
        PRIdOSMID " and class = any(ARRAY[%s])", osm_type, osm_id, clslist);
void output_gazetteer_t::delete_place(char osm_type, osmid_t osm_id)
   /* Stop any active copy */

   /* Delete all places for this object */
   pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DELETE FROM place WHERE osm_type = '%c' AND osm_id = %" PRIdOSMID, osm_type, osm_id);

void output_gazetteer_t::stop()
   /* Stop any active copy */

   /* Commit transaction */
   pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "COMMIT");

   if (ConnectionDelete)
   if (ConnectionError)

static void copy_error_data(const char *sql)
   unsigned int sqlLen = strlen(sql);

   if (hLog) fprintf(hLog, "%s", sql);

   /* Make sure we have an active copy */
   if (!CopyErrorActive)
      pgsql_exec(ConnectionError, PGRES_COPY_IN, "COPY import_polygon_error (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, country_code, updated, errormessage, prevgeometry, newgeometry) FROM stdin;");
      CopyErrorActive = 1;

   /* If the combination of old and new data is too big, flush old data */
   if (BufferErrorLen + sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("import_polygon_error", ConnectionError, BufferError);
      BufferErrorLen = 0;

    * If new data by itself is too big, output it immediately,
    * otherwise just add it to the buffer.
   if (sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("import_polygon_error", ConnectionError, sql);
      sqlLen = 0;
   else if (sqlLen > 0)
      strcpy(BufferError + BufferErrorLen, sql);
      BufferErrorLen += sqlLen;
      sqlLen = 0;

   /* If we have completed a line, output it */
   if (BufferErrorLen > 0 && BufferError[BufferErrorLen-1] == '\n')
      pgsql_CopyData("place", ConnectionError, BufferError);
      BufferErrorLen = 0;

static void copy_data(const char *sql)
   unsigned int sqlLen = strlen(sql);

   /* Make sure we have an active copy */
   if (!CopyActive)
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COPY_IN, "COPY place FROM STDIN");
      CopyActive = 1;

   /* If the combination of old and new data is too big, flush old data */
   if (BufferLen + sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("place", Connection, Buffer);
      BufferLen = 0;

    * If new data by itself is too big, output it immediately,
    * otherwise just add it to the buffer.
   if (sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("Place", Connection, sql);
      sqlLen = 0;
   else if (sqlLen > 0)
      strcpy(Buffer + BufferLen, sql);
      BufferLen += sqlLen;
      sqlLen = 0;

   /* If we have completed a line, output it */
   if (BufferLen > 0 && Buffer[BufferLen-1] == '\n')
      pgsql_CopyData("place", Connection, Buffer);
      BufferLen = 0;

void output_gazetteer_t::copy_data(const char *sql)
   unsigned int sqlLen = strlen(sql);

   /* Make sure we have an active copy */
   if (!CopyActive)
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COPY_IN, "COPY place (osm_type, osm_id, class, type, name, admin_level, housenumber, street, addr_place, isin, postcode, country_code, extratags, geometry) FROM STDIN");
      CopyActive = 1;

   /* If the combination of old and new data is too big, flush old data */
   if (BufferLen + sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("place", Connection, Buffer);
      BufferLen = 0;

    * If new data by itself is too big, output it immediately,
    * otherwise just add it to the buffer.
   if (sqlLen > BUFFER_SIZE - 10)
      pgsql_CopyData("Place", Connection, sql);
      sqlLen = 0;
   else if (sqlLen > 0)
      strcpy(Buffer + BufferLen, sql);
      BufferLen += sqlLen;
      sqlLen = 0;

   /* If we have completed a line, output it */
   if (BufferLen > 0 && Buffer[BufferLen-1] == '\n')
      pgsql_CopyData("place", Connection, Buffer);
      BufferLen = 0;

void output_gazetteer_t::delete_unused_classes(char osm_type, osmid_t osm_id) {
    char tmp2[2];
    tmp2[0] = osm_type; tmp2[1] = '\0';
    char const *paramValues[2];
    paramValues[0] = tmp2;
    paramValues[1] = (single_fmt % osm_id).str().c_str();
    PGresult *res = pgsql_execPrepared(ConnectionDelete, "get_classes", 2,
                                       paramValues, PGRES_TUPLES_OK);

    int sz = PQntuples(res);
    if (sz > 0 && !places.has_data()) {
        /* unconditional delete of all places */
        delete_place(osm_type, osm_id);
    } else {
        std::string clslist;
        for (int i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
            std::string cls(PQgetvalue(res, i, 0));
            if (!places.has_place(cls)) {
                clslist.reserve(clslist.length() + cls.length() + 3);
                if (!clslist.empty())
                    clslist += ',';
                clslist += '\'';
                clslist += cls;
                clslist += '\'';


        if (!clslist.empty()) {
           /* Stop any active copy */

           /* Delete all places for this object */
           pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK,
                      "DELETE FROM place WHERE osm_type = '%c' AND osm_id = %"
                       PRIdOSMID " and class = any(ARRAY[%s])",
                      osm_type, osm_id, clslist.c_str());
int output_gazetteer_t::start()
   int srid = m_options.projection->target_srs();

   places.srid_str = (boost::format("SRID=%1%;") % srid).str();


   /* Start a transaction */
   pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "BEGIN");

   /* (Re)create the table unless we are appending */
   if (!m_options.append) {
      /* Drop any existing table */
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS place");

      /* Create the new table */
      if (m_options.tblsmain_data) {
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK,
                     CREATE_PLACE_TABLE, "TABLESPACE", m_options.tblsmain_data->c_str());
      } else {
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, CREATE_PLACE_TABLE, "", "");
      if (m_options.tblsmain_index) {
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK,
                     CREATE_PLACE_ID_INDEX, "TABLESPACE", m_options.tblsmain_index->c_str());
      } else {
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, CREATE_PLACE_ID_INDEX, "", "");

      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_TUPLES_OK, "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('place', 'geometry', %d, 'GEOMETRY', 2)", srid);
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "ALTER TABLE place ALTER COLUMN geometry SET NOT NULL");

   return 0;
int output_gazetteer_t::connect() {
    /* Connection to the database */
    Connection = PQconnectdb(m_options.database_options.conninfo().c_str());

    /* Check to see that the backend connection was successfully made */
    if (PQstatus(Connection) != CONNECTION_OK) {
       std::cerr << "Connection to database failed: " << PQerrorMessage(Connection) << "\n";
       return 1;

    if (m_options.append) {
        ConnectionDelete = PQconnectdb(m_options.database_options.conninfo().c_str());
        if (PQstatus(ConnectionDelete) != CONNECTION_OK)
            std::cerr << "Connection to database failed: " << PQerrorMessage(Connection) << "\n";
            return 1;

        pgsql_exec(ConnectionDelete, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "PREPARE get_classes (CHAR(1), " POSTGRES_OSMID_TYPE ") AS SELECT class FROM place WHERE osm_type = $1 and osm_id = $2");
    return 0;
int output_gazetteer_t::start()
   reproj = m_options.projection;


   /* Start a transaction */
   pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "BEGIN");

   /* (Re)create the table unless we are appending */
   if (!m_options.append)
      /* Drop any existing table */
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS place");
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TYPE if exists keyvalue cascade");
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TYPE if exists wordscore cascade");
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TYPE if exists stringlanguagetype cascade");
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP TYPE if exists keyvaluetype cascade");
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS get_connected_ways(integer[])");

      /* Create types and functions */
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, CREATE_WORDSCORE_TYPE);

      /* Create the new table */
      if (m_options.tblsmain_data)
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK,
                     CREATE_PLACE_TABLE, "TABLESPACE", m_options.tblsmain_data->c_str());
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, CREATE_PLACE_TABLE, "", "");
      if (m_options.tblsmain_index)
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK,
                     CREATE_PLACE_ID_INDEX, "TABLESPACE", m_options.tblsmain_index->c_str());
          pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, CREATE_PLACE_ID_INDEX, "", "");

      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_TUPLES_OK, "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('place', 'geometry', %d, 'GEOMETRY', 2)", SRID);
      pgsql_exec(Connection, PGRES_COMMAND_OK, "ALTER TABLE place ALTER COLUMN geometry SET NOT NULL");

   return 0;