Example #1
 * Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log
 * @param string $message
 * @param int $type
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param array $context
 * @return string
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Json, format){

	zval *message, *type, *timestamp, *context, *interpolated = NULL, *type_str = NULL, *log, *json;


	phalcon_fetch_params(1, 4, 0, &message, &type, &timestamp, &context);
	if (Z_TYPE_P(context) == IS_ARRAY) {
		PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&interpolated, this_ptr, "interpolate", message, context);
	else {
		interpolated = message;

	PHALCON_CALL_METHOD(&type_str, this_ptr, "gettypestring", type);
	array_init_size(log, 3);
	phalcon_array_update_string(&log, SL("type"), type_str, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_update_string(&log, SL("message"), interpolated, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_update_string(&log, SL("timestamp"), timestamp, PH_COPY);

	RETURN_MM_ON_FAILURE(phalcon_json_encode(json, log, 0 TSRMLS_CC));

	PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(return_value, json, PHP_EOL);
Example #2
 * Sets HTTP response body. The parameter is automatically converted to JSON
 *	$response->setJsonContent(array("status" => "OK"));
 * @param string $content
 * @param int $jsonOptions
 * @return Phalcon\Http\ResponseInterface
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Http_Response, setJsonContent){

	zval *content, *json_options = NULL, *json_content;
	int options = 0;


	phalcon_fetch_params(1, 1, 1, &content, &json_options);
	if (json_options) {
		options = phalcon_get_intval(json_options);
	phalcon_json_encode(json_content, content, options TSRMLS_CC);
	phalcon_update_property_this(this_ptr, SL("_content"), json_content TSRMLS_CC);
Example #3
 * Applies a format to a message before sent it to the internal log
 * @param string $message
 * @param int $type
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param array $context
 * @return string
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Json, format){

	zval *message, *type, *timestamp, *context, interpolated = {}, type_str = {}, log = {}, json = {};

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 4, 0, &message, &type, &timestamp, &context);
	if (Z_TYPE_P(context) == IS_ARRAY) {
		PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(&interpolated, getThis(), "interpolate", message, context);
	} else {
		PHALCON_CPY_WRT(&interpolated, message);

	PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(&type_str, getThis(), "gettypestring", type);

	array_init_size(&log, 3);
	phalcon_array_update_str(&log, SL("type"), &type_str, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_update_str(&log, SL("message"), &interpolated, PH_COPY);
	phalcon_array_update_str(&log, SL("timestamp"), timestamp, PH_COPY);

	RETURN_ON_FAILURE(phalcon_json_encode(&json, &log, 0));

	PHALCON_CONCAT_VS(return_value, &json, PHP_EOL);
Example #4
 * Applies a format to a message before sending it to the log
 * @param string $message
 * @param int $type
 * @param int $timestamp
 * @param array $context
 * @return string
PHP_METHOD(Phalcon_Logger_Formatter_Firephp, format) {

	zval *message, *type, *type_str = NULL, *timestamp, *context, *interpolated = NULL;
	zval *payload, *body, *backtrace = NULL, *meta, *encoded;
	zval *show_backtrace, *enable_labels;
	int i_show_backtrace, i_enable_labels;
	smart_str result = { NULL, 0, 0 };
	uint i;
	Bucket *p;

	phalcon_fetch_params(0, 4, 0, &message, &type, &timestamp, &context);

	 * We intentionally do not use Phalcon's MM for better performance.
	 * All variables allocated with ALLOC_INIT_ZVAL() will have
	 * their reference count set to 1 and therefore they can be nicely
	 * put into the result array; when that array will be destroyed,
	 * all inserted variables will be automatically destroyed, too
	 * and we will just save some time by not using Z_ADDREF_P and Z_DELREF_P

	if (Z_TYPE_P(context) == IS_ARRAY) {
		PHALCON_CALL_METHODW(&interpolated, this_ptr, "interpolate", message, context);
	else {
		interpolated = message;

		zval *params[] = { type };
		if (FAILURE == phalcon_call_method(&type_str, this_ptr, "gettypestring", 1, params TSRMLS_CC)) {

	show_backtrace   = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(getThis(), SL("_showBacktrace"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC);
	enable_labels    = phalcon_fetch_nproperty_this(getThis(), SL("_enableLabels"), PH_NOISY TSRMLS_CC);
	i_show_backtrace = zend_is_true(show_backtrace);
	i_enable_labels  = zend_is_true(enable_labels);

	 * Get the backtrace. This differs for different PHP versions.
	 * 5.3.6+ allows us to skip the function arguments which will save some memory
	 * For 5.4+ there is an extra argument.
	if (i_show_backtrace) {

#if PHP_VERSION_ID < 50306
		zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, 0 TSRMLS_CC);
#elif PHP_VERSION_ID < 50400
		zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS TSRMLS_CC);
		zend_fetch_debug_backtrace(backtrace, 1, DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 0 TSRMLS_CC);

		if (Z_TYPE_P(backtrace) == IS_ARRAY) {
			HashPosition pos;
			HashTable *ht = Z_ARRVAL_P(backtrace);
			zval **ppzval;
			int found = 0;
			ulong idx;
			char *key;
			uint key_len;

			 * At this point we know that the backtrace is the array.
			 * Again, we intentionally do not use Phalcon's API because we know
			 * that we are working with the array / hash table and thus we can
			 * save some time by omitting Z_TYPE_P(x) == IS_ARRAY checks

			for (
				zend_hash_internal_pointer_reset_ex(ht, &pos);
				zend_hash_has_more_elements_ex(ht, &pos) == SUCCESS;
			) {
				zend_hash_get_current_data_ex(ht, (void**)&ppzval, &pos);
				zend_hash_get_current_key_ex(ht, &key, &key_len, &idx, 0, &pos);
				zend_hash_move_forward_ex(ht, &pos);

				if (Z_TYPE_PP(ppzval) == IS_ARRAY) {
					 * Here we need to skip the latest calls into Phalcon's core.
					 * Calls to Zend internal functions will have "file" index not set.
					 * We remove these entries from the array.
					if (!found && !zend_hash_quick_exists(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("file"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("file")))) {
						zend_hash_index_del(ht, idx);
					else {
						 * Remove args and object indices. They usually give
						 * too much information; this is not suitable to send
						 * in the HTTP headers
						zend_hash_quick_del(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), "args", sizeof("args"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("args")));
						zend_hash_quick_del(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), "object", sizeof("object"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("object")));
						found = 1;

			 * Now we need to renumber the hash table because we removed several
			 * heading elements. If we don't do this, json_encode() will convert
			 * this array to a JavaScript object which is an unwanted side effect
			p = ht->pListHead;
			i = 0;
			while (p != NULL) {
				p->nKeyLength = 0;
				p->h = i++;
				p = p->pListNext;

			ht->nNextFreeElement = i;

	 * The result will looks like this:
	 * array(
	 *     array('Type' => 'message type', 'Label' => 'message'),
	 *     array('backtrace' => array(backtrace goes here)
	 * )
	array_init_size(payload, 2);

	array_init_size(meta, 4);
	add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Type"), type_str);

	if (i_show_backtrace && Z_TYPE_P(backtrace) == IS_ARRAY) {
		zval **ppzval;

		if (likely(SUCCESS == zend_hash_index_find(Z_ARRVAL_P(backtrace), 0, (void**)&ppzval)) && likely(Z_TYPE_PP(ppzval) == IS_ARRAY)) {
			zval **file = NULL, **line = NULL;

			zend_hash_quick_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("file"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("file")), (void**)&file);
			zend_hash_quick_find(Z_ARRVAL_PP(ppzval), SS("line"), zend_inline_hash_func(SS("line")), (void**)&line);

			if (likely(file != NULL)) {
				add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("File"), *file);

			if (likely(line != NULL)) {
				add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Line"), *line);

	if (i_enable_labels) {
		add_assoc_zval_ex(meta, SS("Label"), interpolated);

	if (!i_enable_labels && !i_show_backtrace) {
		body = interpolated;
	else if (i_enable_labels && !i_show_backtrace) {
	else {
		array_init_size(body, 2);

		if (i_show_backtrace) {
			add_assoc_zval_ex(body, SS("backtrace"), backtrace);

		if (!i_enable_labels) {
			add_assoc_zval_ex(body, SS("message"), interpolated);

	add_next_index_zval(payload, meta);
	add_next_index_zval(payload, body);

	/* Convert everything to JSON */
	if (FAILURE == phalcon_json_encode(encoded, payload, 0 TSRMLS_CC)) {

	/* As promised, kill the payload and all associated elements */

	 * We don't want to use Phalcon's concatenation API because it
	 * requires the memory manager. Therefore we fall back to using smart strings.
	 * smart_str_alloc4() will allocate all required memory amount (plus some more)
	 * in one go and this allows us to avoid performance penalties due to
	 * memory reallocations.
	if (Z_TYPE_P(encoded) == IS_STRING && Z_STRVAL_P(encoded) != NULL) {
		smart_str_alloc4(&result, (uint)(Z_STRLEN_P(encoded) + 2 + 5), 0, i);

		 * The format is:
		 * <size>|[meta,body]|
		 * Meta and body are contained in encoded inside the array, as required
		 * by the protocol specification
		 * @see http://www.firephp.org/Wiki/Reference/Protocol
		smart_str_append_long(&result, Z_STRLEN_P(encoded));
		smart_str_appendc(&result, '|');
		smart_str_appendl(&result, Z_STRVAL_P(encoded), Z_STRLEN_P(encoded));
		smart_str_appendc(&result, '|');

	/* We don't need the JSON message anymore */
	/* Do not free the smart string because we steal its data for zval */
	RETURN_STRINGL(result.c, result.len, 0);