Example #1
ps_reinit(ps_decoder_t *ps, cmd_ln_t *config)
    const char *path;
    const char *keyphrase;
    int32 lw;

    if (config && config != ps->config) {
        ps->config = cmd_ln_retain(config);

    err_set_debug_level(cmd_ln_int32_r(ps->config, "-debug"));
    ps->mfclogdir = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-mfclogdir");
    ps->rawlogdir = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-rawlogdir");
    ps->senlogdir = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-senlogdir");

    /* Fill in some default arguments. */

    /* Free old searches (do this before other reinit) */
    ps->searches = hash_table_new(3, HASH_CASE_YES);

    /* Free old acmod. */
    ps->acmod = NULL;

    /* Free old dictionary (must be done after the two things above) */
    ps->dict = NULL;

    /* Free d2p */
    ps->d2p = NULL;

    /* Logmath computation (used in acmod and search) */
    if (ps->lmath == NULL
        || (logmath_get_base(ps->lmath) !=
            (float64)cmd_ln_float32_r(ps->config, "-logbase"))) {
        if (ps->lmath)
        ps->lmath = logmath_init
            ((float64)cmd_ln_float32_r(ps->config, "-logbase"), 0,
             cmd_ln_boolean_r(ps->config, "-bestpath"));

    /* Acoustic model (this is basically everything that
     * uttproc.c, senscr.c, and others used to do) */
    if ((ps->acmod = acmod_init(ps->config, ps->lmath, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
        return -1;

    if (cmd_ln_int32_r(ps->config, "-pl_window") > 0) {
        /* Initialize an auxiliary phone loop search, which will run in
         * "parallel" with FSG or N-Gram search. */
        if ((ps->phone_loop =
             phone_loop_search_init(ps->config, ps->acmod, ps->dict)) == NULL)
            return -1;

    /* Dictionary and triphone mappings (depends on acmod). */
    /* FIXME: pass config, change arguments, implement LTS, etc. */
    if ((ps->dict = dict_init(ps->config, ps->acmod->mdef, ps->acmod->lmath)) == NULL)
        return -1;
    if ((ps->d2p = dict2pid_build(ps->acmod->mdef, ps->dict)) == NULL)
        return -1;

    lw = cmd_ln_float32_r(config, "-lw");

    /* Determine whether we are starting out in FSG or N-Gram search mode.
     * If neither is used skip search initialization. */

    /* Load KWS if one was specified in config */
    if ((keyphrase = cmd_ln_str_r(config, "-keyphrase"))) {
        if (ps_set_keyphrase(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, keyphrase))
            return -1;
        ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH);

    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(config, "-kws"))) {
        if (ps_set_kws(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, path))
            return -1;
        ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH);

    /* Load an FSG if one was specified in config */
    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(config, "-fsg"))) {
        fsg_model_t *fsg = fsg_model_readfile(path, ps->lmath, lw);
        if (!fsg)
            return -1;
        if (ps_set_fsg(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, fsg))
            return -1;
        ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH);
    /* Or load a JSGF grammar */
    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(config, "-jsgf"))) {
        if (ps_set_jsgf_file(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, path)
            || ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH))
            return -1;

    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-allphone"))) {
        if (ps_set_allphone_file(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, path)
                || ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH))
                return -1;

    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-lm")) && 
        !cmd_ln_boolean_r(ps->config, "-allphone")) {
        if (ps_set_lm_file(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH, path)
            || ps_set_search(ps, PS_DEFAULT_SEARCH))
            return -1;

    if ((path = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-lmctl"))) {
        const char *name;
        ngram_model_t *lmset;
        ngram_model_set_iter_t *lmset_it;

        if (!(lmset = ngram_model_set_read(ps->config, path, ps->lmath))) {
            E_ERROR("Failed to read language model control file: %s\n", path);
            return -1;

        for(lmset_it = ngram_model_set_iter(lmset);
            lmset_it; lmset_it = ngram_model_set_iter_next(lmset_it)) {
            ngram_model_t *lm = ngram_model_set_iter_model(lmset_it, &name);            
            E_INFO("adding search %s\n", name);
            if (ps_set_lm(ps, name, lm)) {
                return -1;

        name = cmd_ln_str_r(config, "-lmname");
        if (name)
            ps_set_search(ps, name);
        else {
            E_ERROR("No default LM name (-lmname) for `-lmctl'\n");
            return -1;

    /* Initialize performance timer. */
    ps->perf.name = "decode";

    return 0;
Example #2
ps_reinit(ps_decoder_t *ps, cmd_ln_t *config)
    char const *lmfile, *lmctl = NULL;

    if (config && config != ps->config) {
        ps->config = config;
#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
    /* Set up logging. */
    if (cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-logfn"))
        err_set_logfile(cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-logfn"));
    err_set_debug_level(cmd_ln_int32_r(ps->config, "-debug"));
    ps->mfclogdir = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-mfclogdir");
    ps->rawlogdir = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-rawlogdir");

    /* Fill in some default arguments. */

    /* Free old searches (do this before other reinit) */

    /* Free old acmod. */
    ps->acmod = NULL;

    /* Free old dictionary (must be done after the two things above) */
    ps->dict = NULL;

    /* Logmath computation (used in acmod and search) */
    if (ps->lmath == NULL
        || (logmath_get_base(ps->lmath) != 
            (float64)cmd_ln_float32_r(ps->config, "-logbase"))) {
        if (ps->lmath)
        ps->lmath = logmath_init
            ((float64)cmd_ln_float32_r(ps->config, "-logbase"), 0,
             cmd_ln_boolean_r(ps->config, "-bestpath"));

    /* Acoustic model (this is basically everything that
     * uttproc.c, senscr.c, and others used to do) */
    if ((ps->acmod = acmod_init(ps->config, ps->lmath, NULL, NULL)) == NULL)
        return -1;
    /* Make the acmod's feature buffer growable if we are doing two-pass search. */
    if (cmd_ln_boolean_r(ps->config, "-fwdflat")
        && cmd_ln_boolean_r(ps->config, "-fwdtree"))
        acmod_set_grow(ps->acmod, TRUE);

    if ((ps->pl_window = cmd_ln_int32_r(ps->config, "-pl_window"))) {
        /* Initialize an auxiliary phone loop search, which will run in
         * "parallel" with FSG or N-Gram search. */
        if ((ps->phone_loop = phone_loop_search_init(ps->config,
                                                     ps->acmod, ps->dict)) == NULL)
            return -1;
        ps->searches = glist_add_ptr(ps->searches, ps->phone_loop);

    /* Dictionary and triphone mappings (depends on acmod). */
    /* FIXME: pass config, change arguments, implement LTS, etc. */
    if ((ps->dict = dict_init(ps->config, ps->acmod->mdef)) == NULL)
        return -1;

    /* Determine whether we are starting out in FSG or N-Gram search mode. */
    if (cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-fsg") || cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-jsgf")) {
        ps_search_t *fsgs;

        if ((ps->d2p = dict2pid_build(ps->acmod->mdef, ps->dict)) == NULL)
            return -1;
        if ((fsgs = fsg_search_init(ps->config, ps->acmod, ps->dict, ps->d2p)) == NULL)
            return -1;
        fsgs->pls = ps->phone_loop;
        ps->searches = glist_add_ptr(ps->searches, fsgs);
        ps->search = fsgs;
    else if ((lmfile = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-lm"))
             || (lmctl = cmd_ln_str_r(ps->config, "-lmctl"))) {
        ps_search_t *ngs;

        if ((ps->d2p = dict2pid_build(ps->acmod->mdef, ps->dict)) == NULL)
            return -1;
        if ((ngs = ngram_search_init(ps->config, ps->acmod, ps->dict, ps->d2p)) == NULL)
            return -1;
        ngs->pls = ps->phone_loop;
        ps->searches = glist_add_ptr(ps->searches, ngs);
        ps->search = ngs;
    /* Otherwise, we will initialize the search whenever the user
     * decides to load an FSG or a language model. */
    else {
        if ((ps->d2p = dict2pid_build(ps->acmod->mdef, ps->dict)) == NULL)
            return -1;

    /* Initialize performance timer. */
    ps->perf.name = "decode";

    return 0;