Example #1
static int ping_initialize_contexts (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	pingobj_iter_t *iter;
	int index;

	if (ping == NULL)
		return (EINVAL);

	index = 0;
	for (iter = ping_iterator_get (ping);
			iter != NULL;
			iter = ping_iterator_next (iter))
		ping_context_t *context;
		size_t buffer_size;

		context = context_create ();
		context->index = index;

		buffer_size = sizeof (context->host);
		ping_iterator_get_info (iter, PING_INFO_HOSTNAME, context->host, &buffer_size);

		buffer_size = sizeof (context->addr);
		ping_iterator_get_info (iter, PING_INFO_ADDRESS, context->addr, &buffer_size);

		ping_iterator_set_context (iter, (void *) context);


	return (0);
} /* }}} int ping_initialize_contexts */
Example #2
void AbstractRPM::pollPings()
#ifdef USE_PING
	pingobj_t *pingContext = ping_construct();

	std::map<Wt::WString, Wt::WString> ipToComputer;

	double timeout = 0.1;
	if (ping_setopt(pingContext, PING_OPT_TIMEOUT, (void *)&timeout))
		std::cerr << "ping_setopt failed: " << ping_get_error(pingContext) << std::endl;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < _computers.size(); i++) {
		if (_computers[i].ipAddress != Wt::WString()) {
			if (ping_host_add(pingContext, _computers[i].ipAddress.toUTF8().c_str()))
				std::cerr << "ping_host_add failed: " << ping_get_error(pingContext) << std::endl;
			ipToComputer[_computers[i].ipAddress] = _computers[i].name;

	while (1)
			boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lock(pollingThreadsExitLock);
			if (shouldExit)

		if (ping_send(pingContext) < 0)
			std::cerr << "ping_send failed: " << ping_get_error(pingContext) << std::endl;

		pingobj_iter_t *iter;
		for (iter = ping_iterator_get(pingContext); iter != NULL; iter = ping_iterator_next(iter)) {
			double ping;
			size_t size = sizeof(double);
			if (ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_LATENCY, (void*)&ping, &size))
				std::cerr << "ping_iterator_get_info/latency failed" << std::endl;

			char hostname[101];
			size_t hostname_len = sizeof(hostname);
			if (ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_USERNAME, (void*)hostname, &hostname_len))
				std::cerr << "ping_iterator_get_info/hostname failed" << std::endl;

			setPingDelay(ipToComputer[hostname], ping);


Example #3
static int on_resize (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	pingobj_iter_t *iter;
	int width = 0;
	int height = 0;
	int main_win_height;

	getmaxyx (stdscr, height, width);
	if ((height < 1) || (width < 1))
		return (EINVAL);

	main_win_height = height - (4 * host_num);
	wresize (main_win, main_win_height, /* width = */ width);
	/* Allow scrolling */
	scrollok (main_win, TRUE);
	/* wsetscrreg (main_win, 0, main_win_height - 1); */
	/* Allow hardware accelerated scrolling. */
	idlok (main_win, TRUE);
	wrefresh (main_win);

	for (iter = ping_iterator_get (ping);
			iter != NULL;
			iter = ping_iterator_next (iter))
		ping_context_t *context;

		context = ping_iterator_get_context (iter);
		if (context == NULL)

		if (context->window != NULL)
			delwin (context->window);
			context->window = NULL;
		context->window = newwin (/* height = */ 4,
				/* width = */ 0,
				/* y = */ main_win_height + (4 * context->index),
				/* x = */ 0);

	return (0);
} /* }}} */
Example #4
		/* eat up characters */;

	return (0);
} /* }}} int pre_loop_hook */

static int pre_sleep_hook (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	return (check_resize (ping));
} /* }}} int pre_sleep_hook */

static int post_sleep_hook (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	return (check_resize (ping));
} /* }}} int pre_sleep_hook */
#else /* if !USE_NCURSES */
static int pre_loop_hook (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	pingobj_iter_t *iter;

	for (iter = ping_iterator_get (ping);
			iter != NULL;
			iter = ping_iterator_next (iter))
		ping_context_t *ctx;
		size_t buffer_size;

		ctx = ping_iterator_get_context (iter);
		if (ctx == NULL)

		buffer_size = 0;
		ping_iterator_get_info (iter, PING_INFO_DATA, NULL, &buffer_size);

		printf ("PING %s (%s) %zu bytes of data.\n",
				ctx->host, ctx->addr, buffer_size);

	return (0);
} /* }}} int pre_loop_hook */
Example #5
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
    /* Local Vars */
    int         rv;
    pingobj_t   *oping;
    pingobj_iter_t *iter;

    uint32_t dropped=0, num=0;
    int ttl=0;
    double rt, rta=0;
    char haddr[40];
    size_t data_len, buf_len;

    /* Set signal handling and alarm */
    if (signal(SIGALRM, timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR)
        critical("Setup SIGALRM trap failed!");

    /* Process check arguments */
    if (process_arguments(argc, argv) != OK)
        unknown("Parsing arguments failed!");

    /* Start plugin timeout */

    /* Init liboping */
    oping = ping_construct();
    if (oping == NULL)
        unknown("Can't initialize liboping");

    rv = ping_setopt(oping, PING_OPT_AF, &ipv);
    if (rv != 0)
        unknown("liboping setup Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));
    rv = ping_setopt(oping, PING_OPT_DATA,
                     "monitoringplug/check_oping based on liboping.           ");
    if (rv != 0)
        unknown("liboping setup Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));
    if (interface) {
        rv = ping_setopt(oping, PING_OPT_DEVICE, (char *)interface);
        if (rv != 0)
            unknown("liboping setup Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));
    if (ttl) {
        rv = ping_setopt(oping, PING_OPT_TTL, &ttl);
        if (rv != 0)
            unknown("liboping setup Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));

    rv = ping_host_add(oping, hostname);
    if (rv != 0)
        unknown("liboping setup Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));

    for (; packets > 0; packets--) {
        rv = ping_send(oping);
        if (rv < 0)
            critical("Send Error: %s", ping_get_error(oping));

        for (iter = ping_iterator_get(oping); iter != NULL; iter = ping_iterator_next(iter)) {

            buf_len = sizeof(dropped);
            rv =  ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_DROPPED,
                                         &dropped, &buf_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");

            buf_len = sizeof(rt);
            rv =  ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_LATENCY,
                                         &rt, &buf_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");
            rta += rt;

            buf_len = sizeof(num);
            rv =  ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_SEQUENCE,
                                         &num, &buf_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");

            data_len = 0;
            rv = ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_DATA,
                                        NULL, &data_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");

            buf_len = sizeof(haddr);
            rv =  ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_ADDRESS,
                                         haddr, &buf_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");

            buf_len = sizeof(ttl);
            rv = ping_iterator_get_info(iter, PING_INFO_RECV_TTL,
                                        &ttl, &buf_len);
            if (rv != 0)
                unknown("liboping ping_iterator_get_info failed!");

            if (mp_verbose > 0 && ttl > 0)
                printf("%zu bytes from %s (%s): icmp_seq=%u ttl=%i time=%.2f ms\n",
                       data_len, hostname,  haddr, num, ttl, rt);

        if (quick && num > 0 &&
                get_status((float)(rta/num), rta_thresholds) == STATE_OK &&
                get_status((dropped*100)/num, lost_thresholds) == STATE_OK) {
        } else if (packets > 1) {
            if (interval.tv_sec || interval.tv_nsec)
                nanosleep(&interval, NULL);


    if (num == 0)
        critical("PING_INFO_SEQUENCE is 0");

    mp_perfdata_float("rta", (float)(rta/num), "s", rta_thresholds);
    mp_perfdata_int("pl", (int)(dropped*100)/num, "%", lost_thresholds);

    int result1, result2;

    result1 = get_status((float)(rta/num), rta_thresholds);
    result2 = get_status((dropped*100)/num, lost_thresholds);
    result1 = result1 > result2 ? result1 : result2;


    switch(result1) {
    case STATE_OK:
        ok("Packet loss = %d%, RTA = %.2f ms",
           (int)(dropped*100)/num, (float)(rta/num));
        warning("Packet loss = %d%, RTA = %.2f ms",
                (int)(dropped*100)/num, (float)(rta/num));
        critical("Packet loss = %d%, RTA = %.2f ms",
                 (int)(dropped*100)/num, (float)(rta/num));

    critical("You should never reach this point.");
Example #6
static int pre_loop_hook (pingobj_t *ping) /* {{{ */
	pingobj_iter_t *iter;
	int width = 0;
	int height = 0;
	int main_win_height;

	initscr ();
	cbreak ();
	noecho ();
	nodelay (stdscr, TRUE);

	getmaxyx (stdscr, height, width);
	if ((height < 1) || (width < 1))
		return (EINVAL);

	if (has_colors () == TRUE)
		start_color ();
		init_pair (OPING_GREEN,  COLOR_GREEN,  /* default = */ 0);
		init_pair (OPING_YELLOW, COLOR_YELLOW, /* default = */ 0);
		init_pair (OPING_RED,    COLOR_RED,    /* default = */ 0);

	main_win_height = height - (4 * host_num);
	main_win = newwin (/* height = */ main_win_height,
			/* width = */ 0,
			/* y = */ 0, /* x = */ 0);
	/* Allow scrolling */
	scrollok (main_win, TRUE);
	/* wsetscrreg (main_win, 0, main_win_height - 1); */
	/* Allow hardware accelerated scrolling. */
	idlok (main_win, TRUE);
	wmove (main_win, /* y = */ main_win_height - 1, /* x = */ 0);
	wrefresh (main_win);

	for (iter = ping_iterator_get (ping);
			iter != NULL;
			iter = ping_iterator_next (iter))
		ping_context_t *context;

		context = ping_iterator_get_context (iter);
		if (context == NULL)

		if (context->window != NULL)
			delwin (context->window);
			context->window = NULL;
		context->window = newwin (/* height = */ 4,
				/* width = */ 0,
				/* y = */ main_win_height + (4 * context->index),
				/* x = */ 0);

	/* Don't know what good this does exactly, but without this code
	 * "check_resize" will be called right after startup and *somehow*
	 * this leads to display errors. If we purge all initial characters
	 * here, the problem goes away. "wgetch" is non-blocking due to
	 * "nodelay" (see above). */
	while (wgetch (stdscr) != ERR)
		/* eat up characters */;

	return (0);
} /* }}} int pre_loop_hook */
Example #7
static int ping_dispatch_all (pingobj_t *pingobj) /* {{{ */
  pingobj_iter_t *iter;
  hostlist_t *hl;
  int status;

  for (iter = ping_iterator_get (pingobj);
      iter != NULL;
      iter = ping_iterator_next (iter))
  { /* {{{ */
    char userhost[NI_MAXHOST];
    double latency;
    size_t param_size;

    param_size = sizeof (userhost);
    status = ping_iterator_get_info (iter,
        userhost, &param_size);
    if (status != 0)
      WARNING ("ping plugin: ping_iterator_get_info failed: %s",
          ping_get_error (pingobj));

    for (hl = hostlist_head; hl != NULL; hl = hl->next)
      if (strcmp (userhost, hl->host) == 0)

    if (hl == NULL)
      WARNING ("ping plugin: Cannot find host %s.", userhost);

    param_size = sizeof (latency);
    status = ping_iterator_get_info (iter, PING_INFO_LATENCY,
        (void *) &latency, &param_size);
    if (status != 0)
      WARNING ("ping plugin: ping_iterator_get_info failed: %s",
          ping_get_error (pingobj));

    if (latency >= 0.0)
      hl->latency_total += latency;
      hl->latency_squared += (latency * latency);

      /* reset missed packages counter */
      hl->pkg_missed = 0;
    } else

    /* if the host did not answer our last N packages, trigger a resolv. */
    if ((ping_max_missed >= 0)
        && (hl->pkg_missed >= ((uint32_t) ping_max_missed)))
    { /* {{{ */
      /* we reset the missed package counter here, since we only want to
       * trigger a resolv every N packages and not every package _AFTER_ N
       * missed packages */
      hl->pkg_missed = 0;

      WARNING ("ping plugin: host %s has not answered %d PING requests,"
          " triggering resolve", hl->host, ping_max_missed);

      /* we trigger the resolv simply be removeing and adding the host to our
       * ping object */
      status = ping_host_remove (pingobj, hl->host);
      if (status != 0)
        WARNING ("ping plugin: ping_host_remove (%s) failed.", hl->host);
        status = ping_host_add (pingobj, hl->host);
        if (status != 0)
          ERROR ("ping plugin: ping_host_add (%s) failed.", hl->host);
    } /* }}} ping_max_missed */
  } /* }}} for (iter) */

  return (0);
} /* }}} int ping_dispatch_all */