Example #1
int main(void)
		unsigned pulse_width = ping_read();
		unsigned long distance = time2dist(pulse_width);
		lprintf("Delta: %d \nDistance: %d \nOverflows: %d", pulse_width, distance, getOverflow());
Example #2
int main(void)
	//lprintf("%d", 4);
	char * str = "Degrees\tIR Distance (cm)\tSonar Distance (cm)\n\n\r";
	char degrees = 0;
		sprintf(str, "%d\t%d\t%d\n\r", degrees, ir_distance(), time2dist(ping_read()));
		degrees += 2;
		if(degrees > 180)
Example #3
 * Takes 180 data points from the ping sensor, converts all values into cm, and puts all objects into the given container
 * @param objects an array of objects used to store any data collected by sweepScan
void sweepScan(Object objects[]) {
	int degrees = 0;
	int objectCount = 0; //number of objects already scanned
	int prevDetectionStatus = 0; //previous state of object detection
	move_servo(0); //move servo to starting position
	wait_ms(1000); //wait for initializations to finish
	int finalValuesCalculated = 1;
	while(degrees < 180) { //for one full rotation
		move_servo(degrees); //sweep servo
		degrees++; //increments of 2 degrees
		ping_read(delta); //take ping sensor data
		wait_ms(10); //wait for return pulse
		int foundDelta = delta;
		pingDistance = timeToDist(foundDelta); //convert ping data to cm
		quantization = avgSensorResults(); //read from ADC channel 2 (IR sensor)
		IRdistance = 2364.5*(pow(quantization, -0.888));	//convert quantization to distance in cm
		int objectDetected = 0; //whether or not an object is being detected
		//int distDifference = abs(IRdistance-pingDistance); //determine the absolute value of the difference between sensor values
		if (IRdistance < 85 && prevDetectionStatus == 0) { //if an object is near and was not previously being detected
			objectDetected = 1; //an object is near
			Object scannedObject; //create a new object struct
			scannedObject.degreePosition = degrees; //set degrees to current servo position
			scannedObject.scannedDegrees = 1; //currently been scanned for one degree
			scannedObject.cmDistance = 0; //distance according to ping sensor
			scannedObject.isValid = 1;
			objects[objectCount] = scannedObject; //add object to objects array
			objectCount++;	//increment object count by 1
			prevDetectionStatus = objectDetected;
			finalValuesCalculated = 0;
		else if (IRdistance < 150 && prevDetectionStatus == 1) { //if an object is still being detected
			objectDetected = 1;

		else if (IRdistance > 150 && prevDetectionStatus == 1) { //if a large change in IRdistance has occurred (noise) but an object was being scanned
			objectDetected = 1;	//ignore IRdistance and continue scanning object
			prevDetectionStatus = 0; //if the large gap persists, assume object is no longer being scanned
		if (objectDetected) { //if currently scanning an object
			objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees++; //increase number of degrees scanned for each servo rotation
			objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance += pingDistance;
		if (objectDetected == 0 && finalValuesCalculated == 0) { //if the object is no longer being detected, perform final calculations
			objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance = (objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance/objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees);
			objects[objectCount-1].cmWidth = ((2*objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance) * tan(((objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees)*3.14)/360)); //calculate width using angular diameter formula
			finalValuesCalculated = 1;
		//lprintf("Objects: %d\nDegrees: %d\nWidth: %d", objectCount, objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees, objects[objectCount-1].cmWidth); //FOR DEBUG ONLY
		/*char toPrint[31]; //contains string to pass to putty
		toPrint[0] = ' ';
		sprintf(toPrint, "%d      %d      %lu     %d\n\r", degrees, IRdistance, pingDistance, objectDetected);
		serial_putString(toPrint, 29); //send string to putty for debug
Example #4
 * Takes 180 data measurements from the ping sensor, converts them to cm values, and determines the smallest object's index, width, and distance.
void scanSmallestObj() {
	int degrees = 0;
	Object objects[10]; //holds scanned objects for later analysis
	int objectCount = 0; //number of objects already scanned
	int prevDetectionStatus = 0; //previous state of object detection
	move_servo(0); //move servo to starting position
	wait_ms(1500); //wait for initializations to finish
	int finalValuesCalculated = 1;
	while(degrees < 180) { //for one full rotation
		move_servo(degrees); //sweep servo
		degrees++; //increments of 2 degrees
		ping_read(delta); //take ping sensor data
		wait_ms(50); //wait for return pulse
		int foundDelta = delta;
		pingDistance = timeToDist(foundDelta); //convert ping data to cm
		quantization = avgSensorResults(); //read from ADC channel 2 (IR sensor)
		IRdistance = 2364.5*(pow(quantization, -0.888));	//convert quantization to distance in cm
		int objectDetected = 0; //whether or not an object is being detected
		//int distDifference = abs(IRdistance-pingDistance); //determine the absolute value of the difference between sensor values
		if (IRdistance < 85 && prevDetectionStatus == 0) { //if an object is near and was not previously being detected
			objectDetected = 1; //an object is near
			Object scannedObject; //create a new object struct
			scannedObject.degreePosition = degrees; //set degrees to current servo position
			scannedObject.scannedDegrees = 1; //currently been scanned for one degree
			scannedObject.cmDistance = 0; //distance according to ping sensor
			objects[objectCount] = scannedObject; //add object to objects array
			objectCount++;	//increment object count by 1
			prevDetectionStatus = objectDetected;
			finalValuesCalculated = 0;
		else if (IRdistance < 150 && prevDetectionStatus == 1) { //if an object is still being detected
			objectDetected = 1;

		else if (IRdistance > 150 && prevDetectionStatus == 1) { //if a large change in IRdistance has occurred (noise) but an object was being scanned
			objectDetected = 1;	//ignore IRdistance and continue scanning object
			prevDetectionStatus = 0; //if the large gap persists, assume object is no longer being scanned
		if (objectDetected) { //if currently scanning an object
			objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees++; //increase number of degrees scanned for each servo rotation
			objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance += pingDistance;
		if (objectDetected == 0 && finalValuesCalculated == 0) { //if the object is no longer being detected, perform final calculations
			objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance = (objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance/objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees);
			objects[objectCount-1].cmWidth = ((2*objects[objectCount-1].cmDistance) * tan(((objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees)*3.14)/360)); //calculate width using angular diameter formula
			finalValuesCalculated = 1;
		lprintf("Objects: %d\nDegrees: %d\nWidth: %d", objectCount, objects[objectCount-1].scannedDegrees, objects[objectCount-1].cmWidth); //FOR DEBUG ONLY
		char toPrint[31]; //contains string to pass to putty
		toPrint[0] = ' ';
		sprintf(toPrint, "%d      %d      %lu     %d\n\r", degrees, IRdistance, pingDistance, objectDetected);
		serial_putString(toPrint, 29); //send string to putty
	int smallestWidth = 1023; //used to determine smallest object
	int index = 0; //current object index
	int removedObjects = 0; //running count of objects thrown out due to size or distance
	int prevRemovedObjects = 0; //objects removed prior to indicated index
	int totalRemovedObjects = 0;
	int loopRuns = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < objectCount; i++) {
		if (objects[i].cmWidth <= 3 || objects[i].cmDistance > 100) { //if the object is very small or very far away, throw it out
		else if ((objects[i].cmWidth < smallestWidth) && objects[i].cmWidth > 3) { //check if current object has new smallest width
			smallestWidth = objects[i].cmWidth; //replace smallest width with new value
			index = i; //lock onto index
			prevRemovedObjects = removedObjects; //use for index compensation before final print statement
			removedObjects = 0; //reset value for previous removed objects
	lprintf("Index: %d of %d\nDist (cm): %d\nAngular width: %d\nWidth (cm): %d\n", (index-prevRemovedObjects+1), (objectCount-removedObjects+prevRemovedObjects), objects[index].cmDistance, objects[index].scannedDegrees, objects[index].cmWidth); //final results
	move_servo(objects[index].degreePosition); //point to smallest object