Example #1
File: DHT.c Project: nypox/nctox
void doFriends()
    uint32_t i, j;
    uint32_t temp_time = unix_time();
    uint32_t num_nodes = 0;
    uint32_t rand_node;
    uint32_t index[MAX_FRIEND_CLIENTS];
    for(i = 0; i < num_friends; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < MAX_FRIEND_CLIENTS; j++)
            if(friends_list[i].client_list[j].timestamp + Kill_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is not dead.
                //TODO: Make this better, it only works if the function is called more than once per second.
                if((temp_time - friends_list[i].client_list[j].timestamp) % PING_INTERVAL == 0)
                if(friends_list[i].client_list[j].timestamp + BAD_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is good.
                    index[num_nodes] = j;
        if(friend_lastgetnode[i] + GET_NODE_INTERVAL <= temp_time && num_nodes != 0)
            rand_node = rand() % num_nodes;
            friend_lastgetnode[i] = temp_time;
Example #2
File: DHT.c Project: nypox/nctox
//Ping each client in the close nodes list every 60 seconds.
//Send a get nodes request every 20 seconds to a random good node in the list.
void doClose()//tested
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t temp_time = unix_time();
    uint32_t num_nodes = 0;
    uint32_t rand_node;
    uint32_t index[LCLIENT_LIST];
    for(i = 0; i < LCLIENT_LIST; i++)
        if(close_clientlist[i].timestamp + Kill_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is not dead.
            //TODO: Make this better, it only works if the function is called more than once per second.
            if((temp_time - close_clientlist[i].timestamp) % PING_INTERVAL == 0)
            if(close_clientlist[i].timestamp + BAD_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is good.
                index[num_nodes] = i;
    if(close_lastgetnodes + GET_NODE_INTERVAL <= temp_time && num_nodes != 0)
        rand_node = rand() % num_nodes;
        close_lastgetnodes = temp_time;
Example #3
//Ping each client in the close nodes list every 60 seconds.
//Send a get nodes request every 20 seconds to a random good node in the list.
void doClose()//tested
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t temp_time = unix_time();
    uint32_t num_nodes = 0;
    uint32_t rand_node;
    uint32_t index[LCLIENT_LIST];
    for(i = 0; i < LCLIENT_LIST; i++)
        if(close_clientlist[i].timestamp + Kill_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is not dead.
            if((close_clientlist[i].last_pinged + PING_INTERVAL) <= temp_time)
                pingreq(close_clientlist[i].ip_port, close_clientlist[i].client_id);
                close_clientlist[i].last_pinged = temp_time;
            if(close_clientlist[i].timestamp + BAD_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is good.
                index[num_nodes] = i;
    if(close_lastgetnodes + GET_NODE_INTERVAL <= temp_time && num_nodes != 0)
        rand_node = rand() % num_nodes;
        close_lastgetnodes = temp_time;
Example #4
File: DHT.c Project: nypox/nctox
int handle_sendnodes(char * packet, uint32_t length, IP_Port source)//tested
    if(length >  (5 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + MAX_SENT_NODES * (CLIENT_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IP_Port))) || 
    (length - 5 - CLIENT_ID_SIZE) % (CLIENT_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IP_Port)) != 0)
        return 1;
    uint32_t num_nodes = (length - 5 - CLIENT_ID_SIZE) / (CLIENT_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IP_Port));
    uint32_t i;
    uint32_t ping_id;
    memcpy(&ping_id, packet + 1, 4);    
    if(!is_gettingnodes(source, ping_id))
        return 1;
    Node_format nodes_list[MAX_SENT_NODES];
    memcpy(nodes_list, packet + 5 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE, num_nodes * (CLIENT_ID_SIZE + sizeof(IP_Port)));
    for(i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++)
    addto_lists(source, packet + 5);
    return 0;
Example #5
int handle_getnodes(uint8_t * packet, uint32_t length, IP_Port source)
    uint64_t ping_id;
    if(length != 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + sizeof(ping_id) + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + ENCRYPTION_PADDING)
        return 1;
    if(memcmp(packet + 1, self_public_key, CLIENT_ID_SIZE) == 0)//check if packet is from ourself.
        return 1;
    uint8_t plain[sizeof(ping_id) + CLIENT_ID_SIZE];
    int len = decrypt_data(packet + 1, self_secret_key, packet + 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE, 
                                       packet + 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, 
                                       sizeof(ping_id) + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + ENCRYPTION_PADDING, plain);
    if(len != sizeof(ping_id) + CLIENT_ID_SIZE)
        return 1;
    memcpy(&ping_id, plain, sizeof(ping_id));
    sendnodes(source, packet + 1, plain + sizeof(ping_id), ping_id);
    pingreq(source, packet + 1);//TODO: make this smarter?
    return 0;
Example #6
int handle_sendnodes(uint8_t * packet, uint32_t length, IP_Port source)
    uint64_t ping_id;
    if(length > (1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + sizeof(ping_id)
                 + sizeof(Node_format) * MAX_SENT_NODES + ENCRYPTION_PADDING) || 
    (length - (1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + sizeof(ping_id) 
                 + ENCRYPTION_PADDING)) % (sizeof(Node_format)) != 0 ||
     length < 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES + sizeof(ping_id) 
                                 + sizeof(Node_format) + ENCRYPTION_PADDING)
        return 1;
    uint32_t num_nodes = (length - (1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES 
                         + sizeof(ping_id) + ENCRYPTION_PADDING)) / sizeof(Node_format);
    uint8_t plain[sizeof(ping_id) + sizeof(Node_format) * MAX_SENT_NODES]; 
    int len = decrypt_data(packet + 1, self_secret_key, packet + 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE, 
                                       packet + 1 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE + crypto_box_NONCEBYTES, 
                                       sizeof(ping_id) + num_nodes * sizeof(Node_format) + ENCRYPTION_PADDING, plain);
    if(len != sizeof(ping_id) + num_nodes * sizeof(Node_format))
        return 1;
    memcpy(&ping_id, plain, sizeof(ping_id));
    if(!is_gettingnodes(source, ping_id))
        return 1;
    Node_format nodes_list[MAX_SENT_NODES];
    memcpy(nodes_list, plain + sizeof(ping_id), num_nodes * sizeof(Node_format));
    uint32_t i;
    for(i = 0; i < num_nodes; i++)
        pingreq(nodes_list[i].ip_port, nodes_list[i].client_id);
    addto_lists(source, packet + 1);
    return 0;
Example #7
File: DHT.c Project: nypox/nctox
int handle_getnodes(char * packet, uint32_t length, IP_Port source)
    if(length != (5 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE*2))
        return 1;
    uint32_t ping_id;
    memcpy(&ping_id, packet + 1, 4);
    sendnodes(source, packet + 5 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE, ping_id);
    IP_Port bad_ip = {{{0}}, 0};
    if(is_gettingnodes(bad_ip, ping_id))//check if packet is from ourself.
        return 1;
    return 0;
Example #8
File: DHT.c Project: nypox/nctox
int handle_pingreq(char * packet, uint32_t length, IP_Port source)//tested
    if(length != 5 + CLIENT_ID_SIZE)
        return 1;
    uint32_t ping_id;
    memcpy(&ping_id, packet + 1, 4);
    IP_Port bad_ip = {{{0}}, 0};
    if(is_pinging(bad_ip, ping_id))//check if packet is from ourself.
        return 1;
    pingres(source, ping_id);
    return 0;
Example #9
void doDHTFriends()
    uint32_t i, j;
    uint32_t temp_time = unix_time();
    uint32_t num_nodes = 0;
    uint32_t rand_node;
    uint32_t index[MAX_FRIEND_CLIENTS];
    for(i = 0; i < num_friends; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < MAX_FRIEND_CLIENTS; j++)
            if(friends_list[i].client_list[j].timestamp + Kill_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is not dead.
                if((friends_list[i].client_list[j].last_pinged + PING_INTERVAL) <= temp_time)
                    pingreq(friends_list[i].client_list[j].ip_port, friends_list[i].client_list[j].client_id);
                    friends_list[i].client_list[j].last_pinged = temp_time;
                if(friends_list[i].client_list[j].timestamp + BAD_NODE_TIMEOUT > temp_time)//if node is good.
                    index[num_nodes] = j;
        if(friends_list[i].lastgetnode + GET_NODE_INTERVAL <= temp_time && num_nodes != 0)
            rand_node = rand() % num_nodes;
            friends_list[i].lastgetnode = temp_time;