Example #1
// Helper to remove an enclosing circle from an image.
// If there isn't one, then the image will most likely get badly mangled.
// The returned pix must be pixDestroyed after use. NULL may be returned
// if the image doesn't meet the trivial conditions that it uses to determine
// success.
static Pix* RemoveEnclosingCircle(Pix* pixs) {
  Pix* pixsi = pixInvert(NULL, pixs);
  Pix* pixc = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
  pixSetOrClearBorder(pixc, 1, 1, 1, 1, PIX_SET);
  pixSeedfillBinary(pixc, pixc, pixsi, 4);
  pixInvert(pixc, pixc);
  Pix* pixt = pixAnd(NULL, pixs, pixc);
  l_int32 max_count;
  pixCountConnComp(pixt, 8, &max_count);
  // The count has to go up before we start looking for the minimum.
  l_int32 min_count = MAX_INT32;
  Pix* pixout = NULL;
  for (int i = 1; i < kMaxCircleErosions; i++) {
    pixErodeBrick(pixc, pixc, 3, 3);
    pixt = pixAnd(NULL, pixs, pixc);
    l_int32 count;
    pixCountConnComp(pixt, 8, &count);
    if (i == 1 || count > max_count) {
      max_count = count;
      min_count = count;
    } else if (i > 1 && count < min_count) {
      min_count = count;
      pixout = pixCopy(NULL, pixt);  // Save the best.
    } else if (count >= min_count) {
      break;  // We have passed by the best.
  return pixout;
 * \brief   recogShowPath()
 * \param[in]    recog with LUT's pre-computed
 * \param[in]    select 0 for Viterbi; 1 for rescored
 * \return  pix debug output), or NULL on error
static PIX *
recogShowPath(L_RECOG  *recog,
              l_int32   select)
char       textstr[16];
l_int32    i, n, index, xloc, dely;
l_float32  score;
L_BMF     *bmf;
NUMA      *natempl_s, *nascore_s, *naxloc_s, *nadely_s;
PIX       *pixs, *pix0, *pix1, *pix2, *pix3, *pix4, *pix5;
L_RDID    *did;


    if (!recog)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("recog not defined", procName, NULL);
    if ((did = recogGetDid(recog)) == NULL)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("did not defined", procName, NULL);

    bmf = bmfCreate(NULL, 8);
    pixs = pixScale(did->pixs, 4.0, 4.0);
    pix0 = pixAddBorderGeneral(pixs, 0, 0, 0, 40, 0);
    pix1 = pixConvertTo32(pix0);
    if (select == 0) {  /* Viterbi */
        natempl_s = did->natempl;
        nascore_s = did->nascore;
        naxloc_s = did->naxloc;
        nadely_s = did->nadely;
    } else {  /* rescored */
        natempl_s = did->natempl_r;
        nascore_s = did->nascore_r;
        naxloc_s = did->naxloc_r;
        nadely_s = did->nadely_r;

    n = numaGetCount(natempl_s);
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        numaGetIValue(natempl_s, i, &index);
        pix2 = pixaGetPix(recog->pixa_u, index, L_CLONE);
        pix3 = pixScale(pix2, 4.0, 4.0);
        pix4 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pix3, 5, 5);
        pixXor(pix4, pix4, pix3);
        numaGetFValue(nascore_s, i, &score);
        snprintf(textstr, sizeof(textstr), "%5.3f", score);
        pix5 = pixAddTextlines(pix4, bmf, textstr, 1, L_ADD_BELOW);
        numaGetIValue(naxloc_s, i, &xloc);
        numaGetIValue(nadely_s, i, &dely);
        pixPaintThroughMask(pix1, pix5, 4 * xloc, 4 * dely, 0xff000000);
    return pix1;
Example #3
 *  pixMorphSequence()
 *      Input:  pixs
 *              sequence (string specifying sequence)
 *              dispsep (horizontal separation in pixels between
 *                       successive displays; use zero to suppress display)
 *      Return: pixd, or null on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) This does rasterop morphology on binary images.
 *      (2) This runs a pipeline of operations; no branching is allowed.
 *      (3) This only uses brick Sels, which are created on the fly.
 *          In the future this will be generalized to extract Sels from
 *          a Sela by name.
 *      (4) A new image is always produced; the input image is not changed.
 *      (5) This contains an interpreter, allowing sequences to be
 *          generated and run.
 *      (6) The format of the sequence string is defined below.
 *      (7) In addition to morphological operations, rank order reduction
 *          and replicated expansion allow operations to take place
 *          downscaled by a power of 2.
 *      (8) Intermediate results can optionally be displayed.
 *      (9) Thanks to Dar-Shyang Lee, who had the idea for this and
 *          built the first implementation.
 *      (10) The sequence string is formatted as follows:
 *            - An arbitrary number of operations,  each separated
 *              by a '+' character.  White space is ignored.
 *            - Each operation begins with a case-independent character
 *              specifying the operation:
 *                 d or D  (dilation)
 *                 e or E  (erosion)
 *                 o or O  (opening)
 *                 c or C  (closing)
 *                 r or R  (rank binary reduction)
 *                 x or X  (replicative binary expansion)
 *                 b or B  (add a border of 0 pixels of this size)
 *            - The args to the morphological operations are bricks of hits,
 *              and are formatted as a.b, where a and b are horizontal and
 *              vertical dimensions, rsp.
 *            - The args to the reduction are a sequence of up to 4 integers,
 *              each from 1 to 4.
 *            - The arg to the expansion is a power of two, in the set
 *              {2, 4, 8, 16}.
 *      (11) An example valid sequence is:
 *               "b32 + o1.3 + C3.1 + r23 + e2.2 + D3.2 + X4"
 *           In this example, the following operation sequence is carried out:
 *             * b32: Add a 32 pixel border around the input image
 *             * o1.3: Opening with vert sel of length 3 (e.g., 1 x 3)
 *             * C3.1: Closing with horiz sel of length 3  (e.g., 3 x 1)
 *             * r23: Two successive 2x2 reductions with rank 2 in the first
 *                    and rank 3 in the second.  The result is a 4x reduced pix.
 *             * e2.2: Erosion with a 2x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 0,0)
 *             * d3.2: Dilation with a 3x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 1,0)
 *             * X4: 4x replicative expansion, back to original resolution
 *      (12) The safe closing is used.  However, if you implement a
 *           closing as separable dilations followed by separable erosions,
 *           it will not be safe.  For that situation, you need to add
 *           a sufficiently large border as the first operation in
 *           the sequence.  This will be removed automatically at the
 *           end.  There are two cautions: 
 *              - When computing what is sufficient, remember that if
 *                reductions are carried out, the border is also reduced.
 *              - The border is removed at the end, so if a border is
 *                added at the beginning, the result must be at the
 *                same resolution as the input!
pixMorphSequence(PIX         *pixs,
                 const char  *sequence,
                 l_int32      dispsep)
char    *rawop, *op;
l_int32  nops, i, j, nred, fact, w, h, x, y, border;
l_int32  level[4];
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!sequence)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Split sequence into individual operations */
    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    sarraySplitString(sa, sequence, "+");
    nops = sarrayGetCount(sa);

    if (!morphSequenceVerify(sa)) {
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not valid", procName, NULL);

        /* Parse and operate */
    border = 0;
    pixt1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixt2 = NULL;
    x = y = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nops; i++) {
        rawop = sarrayGetString(sa, i, 0);
        op = stringRemoveChars(rawop, " \n\t");
        switch (op[0])
        case 'd':
        case 'D':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'c':
        case 'C':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
            nred = strlen(op) - 1;
            for (j = 0; j < nred; j++)
                level[j] = op[j + 1] - '0';
            for (j = nred; j < 4; j++)
                level[j] = 0;
            pixt2 = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixt1, level[0], level[1],
                                               level[2], level[3]);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &fact);
            pixt2 = pixExpandReplicate(pixt1, fact);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
        case 'b':
        case 'B':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &border);
            pixt2 = pixAddBorder(pixt1, border, 0);
            pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);
            if (dispsep > 0) {
                pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
                x += dispsep;
            /* All invalid ops are caught in the first pass */
    if (border > 0) {
        pixt2 = pixRemoveBorder(pixt1, border);
        pixt1 = pixClone(pixt2);

    return pixt1;
Example #4
DoComparisonDwa2(L_REGPARAMS  *rp,
                 PIX          *pixs,
                 PIX          *pix1,
                 PIX          *pix2,
                 PIX          *pix3,
                 PIX          *pix4,
                 PIX          *pix5,
                 PIX          *pix6,
                 l_int32       size)  /* exactly decomposable */
    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "dilate", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "erode", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "open", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pix5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pix6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(rp, size, "close", pix1, pix2, pix3, pix4, pix5, pix6);

    return 0;
Example #5
DoComparisonDwa2(PIX     *pixs,
                 PIX     *pixt1,
                 PIX     *pixt2,
                 PIX     *pixt3,
                 PIX     *pixt4,
                 PIX     *pixt5,
                 PIX     *pixt6,
                 l_int32  size)  /* exactly decomposable */
    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickExtendDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt3.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt4.png", pixt4, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt3, pixt3, pixt4);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkxor.png", pixt3, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
Example #6
/* dwa composite with morph non-composite */
DoComparisonDwa5(PIX *pixs,
                 PIX *pixt1,
                 PIX *pixt2,
                 PIX *pixt3,
                 PIX *pixt4,
                 PIX *pixt5,
                 PIX *pixt6,
                 l_int32 isize) {
    l_int32 fact1, fact2, size;

    selectComposableSizes(isize, &fact1, &fact2);
    size = fact1 * fact2;

    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

/*    pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 100);  */
/*    pixDisplay(pixt2, 800, 100);  */

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    return 0;
Example #7
/* morph composite with morph non-composite */
DoComparisonDwa1(PIX *pixs,
                 PIX *pixt1,
                 PIX *pixt2,
                 PIX *pixt3,
                 PIX *pixt4,
                 PIX *pixt5,
                 PIX *pixt6,
                 l_int32 isize) {
    l_int32 fact1, fact2, size;

    selectComposableSizes(isize, &fact1, &fact2);
    size = fact1 * fact2;

    fprintf(stderr, "..%d..", size);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixDilateBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "dilate", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixErodeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "erode", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixOpenBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "open", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 1
    pixWrite("/tmp/junko1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junko2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt1, pixt1, pixt2);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkoxor.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);

#if 0
    pixDisplay(pixt1, 100, 100);
    pixDisplay(pixt2, 800, 100);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkpixt2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);

    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt1, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt3, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeCompBrick(pixt5, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Dwa: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    if (TIMING) startTimer();
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt2, pixs, size, 1);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt4, pixs, 1, size);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt6, pixs, size, size);
    if (TIMING) fprintf(stderr, "Time Rop: %7.3f sec\n", stopTimer());
    PixCompareDwa(size, "close", pixt1, pixt2, pixt3, pixt4, pixt5, pixt6);

#if 1
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkc1.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkc2.png", pixt2, IFF_PNG);
    pixXor(pixt1, pixt1, pixt2);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkcxor.png", pixt1, IFF_PNG);

    return 0;
 * \brief   pixMorphSequence()
 * \param[in]    pixs
 * \param[in]    sequence string specifying sequence
 * \param[in]    dispsep controls debug display of each result in the sequence:
 *                       0: no output
 *                       > 0: gives horizontal separation in pixels between
 *                            successive displays
 *                       < 0: pdf output; abs(dispsep) is used for naming
 * \return  pixd, or NULL on error
 * <pre>
 * Notes:
 *      (1) This does rasterop morphology on binary images.
 *      (2) This runs a pipeline of operations; no branching is allowed.
 *      (3) This only uses brick Sels, which are created on the fly.
 *          In the future this will be generalized to extract Sels from
 *          a Sela by name.
 *      (4) A new image is always produced; the input image is not changed.
 *      (5) This contains an interpreter, allowing sequences to be
 *          generated and run.
 *      (6) The format of the sequence string is defined below.
 *      (7) In addition to morphological operations, rank order reduction
 *          and replicated expansion allow operations to take place
 *          downscaled by a power of 2.
 *      (8) Intermediate results can optionally be displayed.
 *      (9) Thanks to Dar-Shyang Lee, who had the idea for this and
 *          built the first implementation.
 *      (10) The sequence string is formatted as follows:
 *            ~ An arbitrary number of operations,  each separated
 *              by a '+' character.  White space is ignored.
 *            ~ Each operation begins with a case-independent character
 *              specifying the operation:
 *                 d or D  (dilation)
 *                 e or E  (erosion)
 *                 o or O  (opening)
 *                 c or C  (closing)
 *                 r or R  (rank binary reduction)
 *                 x or X  (replicative binary expansion)
 *                 b or B  (add a border of 0 pixels of this size)
 *            ~ The args to the morphological operations are bricks of hits,
 *              and are formatted as a.b, where a and b are horizontal and
 *              vertical dimensions, rsp.
 *            ~ The args to the reduction are a sequence of up to 4 integers,
 *              each from 1 to 4.
 *            ~ The arg to the expansion is a power of two, in the set
 *              {2, 4, 8, 16}.
 *      (11) An example valid sequence is:
 *               "b32 + o1.3 + C3.1 + r23 + e2.2 + D3.2 + X4"
 *           In this example, the following operation sequence is carried out:
 *             * b32: Add a 32 pixel border around the input image
 *             * o1.3: Opening with vert sel of length 3 (e.g., 1 x 3)
 *             * C3.1: Closing with horiz sel of length 3  (e.g., 3 x 1)
 *             * r23: Two successive 2x2 reductions with rank 2 in the first
 *                    and rank 3 in the second.  The result is a 4x reduced pix.
 *             * e2.2: Erosion with a 2x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 0,0)
 *             * d3.2: Dilation with a 3x2 sel (origin will be at x,y: 1,0)
 *             * X4: 4x replicative expansion, back to original resolution
 *      (12) The safe closing is used.  However, if you implement a
 *           closing as separable dilations followed by separable erosions,
 *           it will not be safe.  For that situation, you need to add
 *           a sufficiently large border as the first operation in
 *           the sequence.  This will be removed automatically at the
 *           end.  There are two cautions:
 *              ~ When computing what is sufficient, remember that if
 *                reductions are carried out, the border is also reduced.
 *              ~ The border is removed at the end, so if a border is
 *                added at the beginning, the result must be at the
 *                same resolution as the input!
 * </pre>
pixMorphSequence(PIX         *pixs,
                 const char  *sequence,
                 l_int32      dispsep)
char    *rawop, *op, *fname;
char     buf[256];
l_int32  nops, i, j, nred, fact, w, h, x, y, border, pdfout;
l_int32  level[4];
PIX     *pixt1, *pixt2;
PIXA    *pixa;
SARRAY  *sa;


    if (!pixs)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("pixs not defined", procName, NULL);
    if (!sequence)
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not defined", procName, NULL);

        /* Split sequence into individual operations */
    sa = sarrayCreate(0);
    sarraySplitString(sa, sequence, "+");
    nops = sarrayGetCount(sa);
    pdfout = (dispsep < 0) ? 1 : 0;

    if (!morphSequenceVerify(sa)) {
        return (PIX *)ERROR_PTR("sequence not valid", procName, NULL);

        /* Parse and operate */
    pixa = NULL;
    if (pdfout) {
        pixa = pixaCreate(0);
        pixaAddPix(pixa, pixs, L_CLONE);
        snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "/tmp/seq_output_%d.pdf", L_ABS(dispsep));
        fname = genPathname(buf, NULL);
    border = 0;
    pixt1 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixt2 = NULL;
    x = y = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nops; i++) {
        rawop = sarrayGetString(sa, i, L_NOCOPY);
        op = stringRemoveChars(rawop, " \n\t");
        switch (op[0])
        case 'd':
        case 'D':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'e':
        case 'E':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixt2 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixt1, w, h);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'o':
        case 'O':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixOpenBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
        case 'c':
        case 'C':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d.%d", &w, &h);
            pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt1, pixt1, w, h);
        case 'r':
        case 'R':
            nred = strlen(op) - 1;
            for (j = 0; j < nred; j++)
                level[j] = op[j + 1] - '0';
            for (j = nred; j < 4; j++)
                level[j] = 0;
            pixt2 = pixReduceRankBinaryCascade(pixt1, level[0], level[1],
                                               level[2], level[3]);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'x':
        case 'X':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &fact);
            pixt2 = pixExpandReplicate(pixt1, fact);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
        case 'b':
        case 'B':
            sscanf(&op[1], "%d", &border);
            pixt2 = pixAddBorder(pixt1, border, 0);
            pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);
            /* All invalid ops are caught in the first pass */

            /* Debug output */
        if (dispsep > 0) {
            pixDisplay(pixt1, x, y);
            x += dispsep;
        if (pdfout)
            pixaAddPix(pixa, pixt1, L_COPY);
    if (border > 0) {
        pixt2 = pixRemoveBorder(pixt1, border);
        pixSwapAndDestroy(&pixt1, &pixt2);

    if (pdfout) {
        pixaConvertToPdf(pixa, 0, 1.0, L_FLATE_ENCODE, 0, fname, fname);

    return pixt1;
//Уменьшение в 2 раза
//Поиск угла
//Предварительное выпрямление
//Эрозия для удаления тонких линий
//Поиск box для обрезки белых полей изображения
//Обрезка предварительно выпрямленного изображения
//Получение трёх изображений:
PIX* LeptPrepareFile::getClearImage(PIX *pix, l_float32 *angle, l_float32 *conf)
	PIX        *pixReduce2, *pixDeskew, *pixCrop, *pixErode;
	PIXA       *pixa1, *pixa2;
	l_int32	   result;
	l_float32  _angle, _conf;
	l_int32    XC_crop, YC_crop, XC_old, YC_old, XC_new, YC_new;

	SetNULL(7, (void **)&pixReduce2, &pixDeskew, &pixCrop, &pixErode, &pixa1, &pixa2, &boxFirstCrop);
	SetNULL(2, (void **)angle, conf);
		LEP_STR_THROW(!pix, "Изображение не найдено");
		//Уменьшение в 2 раза для ускорения (при DPI = 600)
	if ((pix->xres == 600) && (pix->yres == 600))                 //В дальнейшем переработать потому как в текущем варианте обрабатывает корректно только DPI300 и DPI600
		pixReduce2 = pixReduceBinary2(pix, NULL);
		pixReduce2 = pixCreateTemplateNoInit(pix);
		LEP_STR_THROW(!pixReduce2, "Ошибка в pixReduceBinary2");

		pixCopy(pixReduce2, pix);

		LEP_STR_THROW(!pixReduce2, "Ошибка в pixReduceBinary2");
		//Поиск угла наклона
	result = pixFindSkewSweepAndSearch(pixReduce2, &_angle, &_conf,
						4,    //линеное уменьшение,  DEFAULT_SWEEP_REDUCTION = 4
						2,    //бинарное уменьшение, DEFAULT_BS_REDUCTION = 2
						10,   //максимальный угол поиска
				    		0.1,  //дельта угла поиска
						0.01);//конечная дельта угла поиска, DEFAULT_MINBS_DELTA = 0.01
		LEP_STR_THROW(result != 0, "Ошибка поиска угла");
	if (angle) *angle = _angle;
	if (conf) *conf = _conf;
		//Предварительное выпрямление
	pixDeskew = pixRotate(pixReduce2, 3.1415926535 / 180. * _angle, L_ROTATE_AREA_MAP, L_BRING_IN_WHITE, 0, 0);
		LEP_STR_THROW(!pixDeskew, "Ошибка при предварительном повороте изображения");
		//Эрозия для удаления тонких линий
	pixErode = pixCreateTemplateNoInit(pixDeskew);
		LEP_STR_THROW(!pixErode, "Ошибка в pixCreateTemplateNoInit");
	pixCopy(pixErode, pixDeskew);
	pixErodeBrick(pixErode, pixErode, 3, 3);
		//pixWrite("c:\\temp0_0.tif", pixErode, IFF_TIFF_ZIP);
		//Поиск box для обрезки белых полей изображения
	result = pixClipBoxToForeground(pixErode, NULL, NULL, &boxFirstCrop);
		LEP_STR_THROW(result != 0, "Ошибка при поиске обрезки изображения");
		//Получение точки вокруг которой происходило вращение, с учётом обрезки
		XC_old = pixErode->w / 2;      //точка вращения старого изображения на старом изображении
		YC_old = pixErode->h / 2;
		XC_new = boxFirstCrop->w / 2;       //точка вращения нового изображения на новом изображении
		YC_new = boxFirstCrop->h / 2;
		XC_crop = boxFirstCrop->x + XC_new; //точка вращения нового изображения на старом изображении
		YC_crop = boxFirstCrop->y + YC_new;
		centerXRotate = XC_new - (XC_crop - XC_old);   //точка вращения старого изображения на новом изображении
		centerYRotate = YC_new - (YC_crop - YC_old);
		//Обрезка предварительно выпрямленного изображения
	pixCrop = pixClipRectangle(pixDeskew, boxFirstCrop, NULL);
		LEP_STR_THROW(!pixCrop, "Ошибка при обрезке изображения");
		//pixWrite("c:\\pixCrop.tif", pixCrop, IFF_TIFF_ZIP);
	}catch (string error)

	return pixCrop;

main(int    argc,
     char **argv)
l_int32      i, ok, same;
char         sequence[512];
PIX         *pixs, *pixref;
PIX         *pixt1, *pixt2, *pixt3, *pixt4, *pixt5, *pixt6;
PIX         *pixt7, *pixt8, *pixt9, *pixt10, *pixt11;
PIX         *pixt12, *pixt13, *pixt14;
SEL         *sel;
static char  mainName[] = "binmorph1_reg";

    if (argc != 1)
	exit(ERROR_INT(" Syntax: binmorph1_reg", mainName, 1));

    if ((pixs = pixRead("feyn.tif")) == NULL)
	exit(ERROR_INT("pix not made", mainName, 1));

        /* This works properly if there is an added border */
#if 1
    pixt1 = pixAddBorder(pixs, 32, 0);
    pixTransferAllData(pixs, &pixt1, 0, 0);
#endif  /* TEST_SYMMETRIC */

        /* This is our test sel */
    sel = selCreateBrick(HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT / 2, WIDTH / 2, SEL_HIT);

        /* Dilation */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing dilation\n");
    ok = TRUE;
    pixref = pixDilate(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilate(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilate(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.1 + d1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixDilateBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilateBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixDilateBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateBrickDwa(pixt9, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixDilateBrickDwa(pixt10, pixt10, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixDilateCompBrickDwa(pixt11, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Erosion */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing erosion\n");
    pixref = pixErode(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErode(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErode(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixErodeBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErodeBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixErodeBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeBrickDwa(pixt9, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixErodeBrickDwa(pixt10, pixt10, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixErodeCompBrickDwa(pixt11, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Opening */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing opening\n");
    pixref = pixOpen(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpen(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixOpen(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "o%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.%d + d%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "e%d.1 + e1.%d + d%d.1 + d1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt5 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixOpenBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenBrick(pixt7, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixOpenBrick(pixt8, pixt8, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixOpenBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenBrickDwa(pixt10, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixOpenBrickDwa(pixt11, pixt11, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "o%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkref.png", pixref, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12.png", pixt12, IFF_PNG);
    pixt13 = pixXor(NULL, pixref, pixt12);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12a.png", pixt13, IFF_PNG);

    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt14 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixOpenCompBrickDwa(pixt14, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt14, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt14 !\n"); ok = FALSE;


        /* Closing */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing closing\n");
    pixref = pixClose(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixClose(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixClose(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.%d + e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "d%d.1 + d1.%d + e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt5 = pixCloseBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseBrick(pixt6, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixCloseBrick(pixt7, pixt7, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;

        /* Safe closing (using pix, not pixs) */
    fprintf(stderr, "Testing safe closing\n");
    pixref = pixCloseSafe(NULL, pixs, sel);   /* new one */
    pixt1 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseSafe(pixt1, pixs, sel);           /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt1, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt1 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt2 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixCloseSafe(pixt2, pixt2, sel);          /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt2, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt2 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "c%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt3 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, atomic */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt3, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt3 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "b32 + d%d.%d + e%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt4 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt4, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt4 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "b32 + d%d.1 + d1.%d + e%d.1 + e1.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT,
            WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt5 = pixMorphSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* sequence, separable^2 */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt5, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt5 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt6 = pixCloseSafeBrick(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt6, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt6 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt7 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt7, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt7, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt7 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt8 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);  /* in-place */
    pixCloseSafeBrick(pixt8, pixt8, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt8, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt8 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt9 = pixCloseBrickDwa(NULL, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* new one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt9, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt9 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt10 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseBrickDwa(pixt10, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt10, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt10 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt11 = pixCopy(NULL, pixs);
    pixCloseBrickDwa(pixt11, pixt11, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* in-place */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt11, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt11 !\n"); ok = FALSE;
    sprintf(sequence, "c%d.%d", WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    pixt12 = pixMorphCompSequence(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* comp sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt12, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt12!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt13 = pixMorphSequenceDwa(pixs, sequence, 0);    /* dwa sequence */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt13, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt13!\n"); ok = FALSE;
    pixt14 = pixCreateTemplate(pixs);
    pixCloseCompBrickDwa(pixt14, pixs, WIDTH, HEIGHT);  /* existing one */
    pixEqual(pixref, pixt14, &same);
    if (!same) {
        fprintf(stderr, "pixref != pixt14 !\n"); ok = FALSE;

#if 0
    pixWrite("/tmp/junkref.png", pixref, IFF_PNG);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12.png", pixt12, IFF_PNG);
    pixt13 = pixXor(NULL, pixref, pixt12);
    pixWrite("/tmp/junk12a.png", pixt13, IFF_PNG);


    if (ok)
        fprintf(stderr, "All morph tests OK!\n");
