Example #1
static void
general_composite_rect  (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
                         pixman_composite_info_t *info)
    uint64_t stack_scanline_buffer[(SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH * 3 + 7) / 8];
    uint8_t *scanline_buffer = (uint8_t *) stack_scanline_buffer;
    uint8_t *src_buffer, *mask_buffer, *dest_buffer;
    pixman_iter_t src_iter, mask_iter, dest_iter;
    pixman_combine_32_func_t compose;
    pixman_bool_t component_alpha;
    iter_flags_t narrow, src_flags;
    iter_flags_t rgb16;
    int Bpp;
    int i;

    if ((src_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT)		    &&
	(!mask_image || mask_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT) &&
	(dest_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT))
	narrow = ITER_NARROW;
	Bpp = 4;
	narrow = 0;
	Bpp = 8;

    // XXX: This special casing is bad. Ideally, we'd keep the general code general perhaps
    // by having it deal more specifically with different intermediate formats
    if (
	(dest_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_16_FORMAT && (src_image->type == LINEAR || src_image->type == RADIAL)) &&
	( op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC ||
         (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER && (src_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_IS_OPAQUE))
	) {
	rgb16 = ITER_16;
    } else {
	rgb16 = 0;

    if (width * Bpp > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
	scanline_buffer = pixman_malloc_abc (width, 3, Bpp);

	if (!scanline_buffer)

    src_buffer = scanline_buffer;
    mask_buffer = src_buffer + width * Bpp;
    dest_buffer = mask_buffer + width * Bpp;

    /* src iter */
    src_flags = narrow | op_flags[op].src | rgb16;

    _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (imp->toplevel, &src_iter, src_image,
					  src_x, src_y, width, height,
					  src_buffer, src_flags);

    /* mask iter */
    if ((src_flags & (ITER_IGNORE_ALPHA | ITER_IGNORE_RGB)) ==
	/* If it doesn't matter what the source is, then it doesn't matter
	 * what the mask is
	mask_image = NULL;

    component_alpha =
        mask_image			      &&
        mask_image->common.type == BITS       &&
        mask_image->common.component_alpha    &&
        PIXMAN_FORMAT_RGB (mask_image->bits.format);

    _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (
	imp->toplevel, &mask_iter, mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, width, height,
	mask_buffer, narrow | (component_alpha? 0 : ITER_IGNORE_RGB));

    /* dest iter */
    _pixman_implementation_dest_iter_init (
	imp->toplevel, &dest_iter, dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, width, height,
	dest_buffer, narrow | op_flags[op].dst | rgb16);

    compose = _pixman_implementation_lookup_combiner (
	imp->toplevel, op, component_alpha, narrow, !!rgb16);

    if (!compose)

    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
	uint32_t *s, *m, *d;

	m = mask_iter.get_scanline (&mask_iter, NULL);
	s = src_iter.get_scanline (&src_iter, m);
	d = dest_iter.get_scanline (&dest_iter, NULL);

	compose (imp->toplevel, op, d, s, m, width);

	dest_iter.write_back (&dest_iter);

    if (scanline_buffer != (uint8_t *) stack_scanline_buffer)
	free (scanline_buffer);
static void
general_composite_rect  (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
                         pixman_composite_info_t *info)
    uint64_t stack_scanline_buffer[(SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH * 3 + 7) / 8];
    uint8_t *scanline_buffer = (uint8_t *) stack_scanline_buffer;
    uint8_t *src_buffer, *mask_buffer, *dest_buffer;
    pixman_iter_t src_iter, mask_iter, dest_iter;
    pixman_combine_32_func_t compose;
    pixman_bool_t component_alpha;
    iter_flags_t narrow, src_iter_flags;
    int Bpp;
    int i;

    if ((src_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT)		    &&
	(!mask_image || mask_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT) &&
	(dest_image->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT))
	narrow = ITER_NARROW;
	Bpp = 4;
	narrow = 0;
	Bpp = 8;

    if (width * Bpp > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
	scanline_buffer = pixman_malloc_abc (width, 3, Bpp);

	if (!scanline_buffer)

    src_buffer = scanline_buffer;
    mask_buffer = src_buffer + width * Bpp;
    dest_buffer = mask_buffer + width * Bpp;

    /* src iter */
    src_iter_flags = narrow | op_flags[op].src;

    _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (imp->toplevel, &src_iter, src_image,
					  src_x, src_y, width, height,
					  src_buffer, src_iter_flags, info->src_flags);

    /* mask iter */
    if ((src_iter_flags & (ITER_IGNORE_ALPHA | ITER_IGNORE_RGB)) ==
	/* If it doesn't matter what the source is, then it doesn't matter
	 * what the mask is
	mask_image = NULL;

    component_alpha =
        mask_image			      &&
        mask_image->common.type == BITS       &&
        mask_image->common.component_alpha    &&
        PIXMAN_FORMAT_RGB (mask_image->bits.format);

    _pixman_implementation_src_iter_init (
	imp->toplevel, &mask_iter, mask_image, mask_x, mask_y, width, height,
	mask_buffer, narrow | (component_alpha? 0 : ITER_IGNORE_RGB), info->mask_flags);

    /* dest iter */
    _pixman_implementation_dest_iter_init (
	imp->toplevel, &dest_iter, dest_image, dest_x, dest_y, width, height,
	dest_buffer, narrow | op_flags[op].dst, info->dest_flags);

    compose = _pixman_implementation_lookup_combiner (
	imp->toplevel, op, component_alpha, narrow);

    if (!compose)

    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
	uint32_t *s, *m, *d;

	m = mask_iter.get_scanline (&mask_iter, NULL);
	s = src_iter.get_scanline (&src_iter, m);
	d = dest_iter.get_scanline (&dest_iter, NULL);

	compose (imp->toplevel, op, d, s, m, width);

	dest_iter.write_back (&dest_iter);

    if (scanline_buffer != (uint8_t *) stack_scanline_buffer)
	free (scanline_buffer);
static void
general_composite_rect  (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
                         pixman_op_t              op,
                         pixman_image_t *         src,
                         pixman_image_t *         mask,
                         pixman_image_t *         dest,
                         int32_t                  src_x,
                         int32_t                  src_y,
                         int32_t                  mask_x,
                         int32_t                  mask_y,
                         int32_t                  dest_x,
                         int32_t                  dest_y,
                         int32_t                  width,
                         int32_t                  height)
    uint8_t stack_scanline_buffer[SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH * 3];
    const pixman_format_code_t src_format =
	src->type == BITS ? src->bits.format : 0;
    const pixman_format_code_t mask_format =
	mask && mask->type == BITS ? mask->bits.format : 0;
    const pixman_format_code_t dest_format =
	dest->type == BITS ? dest->bits.format : 0;
    const int src_wide = PIXMAN_FORMAT_IS_WIDE (src_format);
    const int mask_wide = mask && PIXMAN_FORMAT_IS_WIDE (mask_format);
    const int dest_wide = PIXMAN_FORMAT_IS_WIDE (dest_format);
    const int wide = src_wide || mask_wide || dest_wide;
    const int Bpp = wide ? 8 : 4;
    uint8_t *scanline_buffer = stack_scanline_buffer;
    uint8_t *src_buffer, *mask_buffer, *dest_buffer;
    fetch_scanline_t fetch_src = NULL, fetch_mask = NULL, fetch_dest = NULL;
    pixman_combine_32_func_t compose;
    store_scanline_t store;
    source_image_class_t src_class, mask_class;
    pixman_bool_t component_alpha;
    uint32_t *bits;
    int32_t stride;
    int i;

    if (width * Bpp > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
	scanline_buffer = pixman_malloc_abc (width, 3, Bpp);

	if (!scanline_buffer)

    src_buffer = scanline_buffer;
    mask_buffer = src_buffer + width * Bpp;
    dest_buffer = mask_buffer + width * Bpp;

    src_class = _pixman_image_classify (src,
                                        src_x, src_y,
                                        width, height);


    if (mask)
	mask_class = _pixman_image_classify (mask,
	                                     src_x, src_y,
	                                     width, height);

    if (op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR)
	fetch_src = NULL;
    else if (wide)
	fetch_src = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;
	fetch_src = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;

    if (!mask || op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR)
	fetch_mask = NULL;
    else if (wide)
	fetch_mask = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;
	fetch_mask = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;

    if (op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR || op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC)
	fetch_dest = NULL;
    else if (wide)
	fetch_dest = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;
	fetch_dest = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;

    if (wide)
	store = _pixman_image_store_scanline_64;
	store = _pixman_image_store_scanline_32;

    /* Skip the store step and composite directly into the
     * destination if the output format of the compose func matches
     * the destination format.
    if (!wide &&
        !dest->common.alpha_map &&
        !dest->bits.write_func &&
        (op == PIXMAN_OP_ADD || op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER) &&
        (dest->bits.format == PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8 ||
         dest->bits.format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8))
	store = NULL;

    if (!store)
	bits = dest->bits.bits;
	stride = dest->bits.rowstride;
	bits = NULL;
	stride = 0;

    component_alpha =
        fetch_src                       &&
        fetch_mask                      &&
        mask                            &&
        mask->common.type == BITS       &&
        mask->common.component_alpha    &&
        PIXMAN_FORMAT_RGB (mask->bits.format);

    if (wide)
	if (component_alpha)
	    compose = (pixman_combine_32_func_t)_pixman_implementation_combine_64_ca;
	    compose = (pixman_combine_32_func_t)_pixman_implementation_combine_64;
	if (component_alpha)
	    compose = _pixman_implementation_combine_32_ca;
	    compose = _pixman_implementation_combine_32;

    if (!compose)

    if (!fetch_mask)
	mask_buffer = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
	/* fill first half of scanline with source */
	if (fetch_src)
	    if (fetch_mask)
		/* fetch mask before source so that fetching of
		   source can be optimized */
		fetch_mask (mask, mask_x, mask_y + i,
		            width, (void *)mask_buffer, 0, 0);

		    fetch_mask = NULL;

	    if (src_class == SOURCE_IMAGE_CLASS_HORIZONTAL)
		fetch_src (src, src_x, src_y + i,
		           width, (void *)src_buffer, 0, 0);
		fetch_src = NULL;
		fetch_src (src, src_x, src_y + i,
		           width, (void *)src_buffer, (void *)mask_buffer,
	else if (fetch_mask)
	    fetch_mask (mask, mask_x, mask_y + i,
	                width, (void *)mask_buffer, 0, 0);

	if (store)
	    /* fill dest into second half of scanline */
	    if (fetch_dest)
		fetch_dest (dest, dest_x, dest_y + i,
		            width, (void *)dest_buffer, 0, 0);

	    /* blend */
	    compose (imp->toplevel, op,
		     (void *)dest_buffer,
		     (void *)src_buffer,
		     (void *)mask_buffer,

	    /* write back */
	    store (&(dest->bits), dest_x, dest_y + i, width,
	           (void *)dest_buffer);
	    /* blend */
	    compose (imp->toplevel, op,
		     bits + (dest_y + i) * stride + dest_x,
	             (void *)src_buffer, (void *)mask_buffer, width);

    if (scanline_buffer != stack_scanline_buffer)
	free (scanline_buffer);
Example #4
static void
general_composite_rect  (pixman_implementation_t *imp,
                         pixman_op_t              op,
                         pixman_image_t *         src,
                         pixman_image_t *         mask,
                         pixman_image_t *         dest,
                         int32_t                  src_x,
                         int32_t                  src_y,
                         int32_t                  mask_x,
                         int32_t                  mask_y,
                         int32_t                  dest_x,
                         int32_t                  dest_y,
                         int32_t                  width,
                         int32_t                  height)
    uint8_t stack_scanline_buffer[SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH * 3];
    uint8_t *scanline_buffer = stack_scanline_buffer;
    uint8_t *src_buffer, *mask_buffer, *dest_buffer;
    fetch_scanline_t fetch_src = NULL, fetch_mask = NULL, fetch_dest = NULL;
    pixman_combine_32_func_t compose;
    store_scanline_t store;
    source_image_class_t src_class, mask_class;
    pixman_bool_t component_alpha;
    uint32_t *bits;
    int32_t stride;
    int narrow, Bpp;
    int i;

    narrow =
	(src->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT)		&&
	(!mask || mask->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT)	&&
	(dest->common.flags & FAST_PATH_NARROW_FORMAT);
    Bpp = narrow ? 4 : 8;

    if (width * Bpp > SCANLINE_BUFFER_LENGTH)
	scanline_buffer = pixman_malloc_abc (width, 3, Bpp);

	if (!scanline_buffer)

    src_buffer = scanline_buffer;
    mask_buffer = src_buffer + width * Bpp;
    dest_buffer = mask_buffer + width * Bpp;

    src_class = _pixman_image_classify (src,
                                        src_x, src_y,
                                        width, height);


    if (mask)
	mask_class = _pixman_image_classify (mask,
	                                     src_x, src_y,
	                                     width, height);

    if (op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR)
	fetch_src = NULL;
    else if (narrow)
	fetch_src = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;
	fetch_src = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;

    if (!mask || op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR)
	fetch_mask = NULL;
    else if (narrow)
	fetch_mask = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;
	fetch_mask = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;

    if (op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR || op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC)
	fetch_dest = NULL;
    else if (narrow)
	fetch_dest = _pixman_image_get_scanline_32;
	fetch_dest = _pixman_image_get_scanline_64;

    if (narrow)
	store = _pixman_image_store_scanline_32;
	store = _pixman_image_store_scanline_64;

    /* Skip the store step and composite directly into the
     * destination if the output format of the compose func matches
     * the destination format.
     * If the destination format is a8r8g8b8 then we can always do
     * this. If it is x8r8g8b8, then we can only do it if the
     * operator doesn't make use of destination alpha.
    if ((dest->bits.format == PIXMAN_a8r8g8b8)	||
	(dest->bits.format == PIXMAN_x8r8g8b8	&&
	 (op == PIXMAN_OP_OVER		||
	  op == PIXMAN_OP_ADD		||
	  op == PIXMAN_OP_SRC		||
	  op == PIXMAN_OP_CLEAR		||
	  op == PIXMAN_OP_DST)))
	if (narrow &&
	    !dest->common.alpha_map &&
	    store = NULL;

    if (!store)
	bits = dest->bits.bits;
	stride = dest->bits.rowstride;
	bits = NULL;
	stride = 0;

    component_alpha =
        fetch_src                       &&
        fetch_mask                      &&
        mask                            &&
        mask->common.type == BITS       &&
        mask->common.component_alpha    &&
        PIXMAN_FORMAT_RGB (mask->bits.format);

    if (narrow)
	if (component_alpha)
	    compose = _pixman_implementation_combine_32_ca;
	    compose = _pixman_implementation_combine_32;
	if (component_alpha)
	    compose = (pixman_combine_32_func_t)_pixman_implementation_combine_64_ca;
	    compose = (pixman_combine_32_func_t)_pixman_implementation_combine_64;

    if (!compose)

    if (!fetch_mask)
	mask_buffer = NULL;

    for (i = 0; i < height; ++i)
	/* fill first half of scanline with source */
	if (fetch_src)
	    if (fetch_mask)
		/* fetch mask before source so that fetching of
		   source can be optimized */
		fetch_mask (mask, mask_x, mask_y + i,
		            width, (void *)mask_buffer, 0);

		    fetch_mask = NULL;

	    if (src_class == SOURCE_IMAGE_CLASS_HORIZONTAL)
		fetch_src (src, src_x, src_y + i,
		           width, (void *)src_buffer, 0);
		fetch_src = NULL;
		fetch_src (src, src_x, src_y + i,
		           width, (void *)src_buffer, (void *)mask_buffer);
	else if (fetch_mask)
	    fetch_mask (mask, mask_x, mask_y + i,
	                width, (void *)mask_buffer, 0);

	if (store)
	    /* fill dest into second half of scanline */
	    if (fetch_dest)
		fetch_dest (dest, dest_x, dest_y + i,
		            width, (void *)dest_buffer, 0);

	    /* blend */
	    compose (imp->toplevel, op,
		     (void *)dest_buffer,
		     (void *)src_buffer,
		     (void *)mask_buffer,

	    /* write back */
	    store (&(dest->bits), dest_x, dest_y + i, width,
	           (void *)dest_buffer);
	    /* blend */
	    compose (imp->toplevel, op,
		     bits + (dest_y + i) * stride + dest_x,
	             (void *)src_buffer, (void *)mask_buffer, width);

    if (scanline_buffer != stack_scanline_buffer)
	free (scanline_buffer);