Example #1
pjsip_route_hdr *
createRouteSet(const std::string &route, pj_pool_t *hdr_pool)
    pjsip_route_hdr *route_set = pjsip_route_hdr_create(hdr_pool);

    std::string host;
    int port = 0;
    size_t found = route.find(":");
    if (found != std::string::npos) {
        host = route.substr(0, found);
        port = atoi(route.substr(found + 1, route.length() - found).c_str());
    } else
        host = route;

    pjsip_route_hdr *routing = pjsip_route_hdr_create(hdr_pool);
    pjsip_sip_uri *url = pjsip_sip_uri_create(hdr_pool, 0);
    url->lr_param = 1;
    routing->name_addr.uri = (pjsip_uri*) url;
    pj_strdup2(hdr_pool, &url->host, host.c_str());
    url->port = port;

    RING_DBG("Adding route %s", host.c_str());
    pj_list_push_back(route_set, pjsip_hdr_clone(hdr_pool, routing));

    return route_set;
Example #2
pj_status_t init_registrar(RegStore* registrar_store,
                           RegStore* remote_reg_store,
                           HSSConnection* hss_connection,
                           AnalyticsLogger* analytics_logger,
                           ACRFactory* rfacr_factory,
                           int cfg_max_expires)
  pj_status_t status;

  store = registrar_store;
  remote_store = remote_reg_store;
  hss = hss_connection;
  analytics = analytics_logger;
  max_expires = cfg_max_expires;
  acr_factory = rfacr_factory;

  // Construct a Service-Route header pointing at the S-CSCF ready to be added
  // to REGISTER 200 OK response.
  pjsip_sip_uri* service_route_uri = (pjsip_sip_uri*)
  service_route_uri->lr_param = 1;

  // Add the orig parameter.  The UE must provide this back on future messages
  // to ensure we perform originating processing.
  pjsip_param *orig_param = PJ_POOL_ALLOC_T(stack_data.pool, pjsip_param);
  pj_strdup(stack_data.pool, &orig_param->name, &STR_ORIG);
  pj_strdup2(stack_data.pool, &orig_param->value, "");
  pj_list_insert_after(&service_route_uri->other_param, orig_param);

  service_route = pjsip_route_hdr_create(stack_data.pool);
  service_route->name = STR_SERVICE_ROUTE;
  service_route->sname = pj_str("");
  service_route->name_addr.uri = (pjsip_uri*)service_route_uri;

  status = pjsip_endpt_register_module(stack_data.endpt, &mod_registrar);

  return status;
Example #3
void process_register_request(pjsip_rx_data* rdata)
  pj_status_t status;
  int st_code = PJSIP_SC_OK;

  // Get the URI from the To header and check it is a SIP or SIPS URI.
  pjsip_uri* uri = (pjsip_uri*)pjsip_uri_get_uri(rdata->msg_info.to->uri);

    // Reject a non-SIP/SIPS URI with 404 Not Found (RFC3261 isn't clear
    // whether 404 is the right status code - it says 404 should be used if
    // the AoR isn't valid for the domain in the RequestURI).
    LOG_ERROR("Rejecting register request using non SIP URI");

  // Canonicalize the public ID from the URI in the To header.
  std::string public_id = PJUtils::aor_from_uri((pjsip_sip_uri*)uri);
  LOG_DEBUG("Process REGISTER for public ID %s", public_id.c_str());

  // Get the call identifier and the cseq number from the respective headers.
  std::string cid = PJUtils::pj_str_to_string((const pj_str_t*)&rdata->msg_info.cid->id);;
  int cseq = rdata->msg_info.cseq->cseq;
  pjsip_msg *msg = rdata->msg_info.msg;

  // Add SAS markers to the trail attached to the message so the trail
  // becomes searchable.
  SAS::TrailId trail = get_trail(rdata);
  LOG_DEBUG("Report SAS start marker - trail (%llx)", trail);
  SAS::Marker start_marker(trail, SASMarker::INIT_TIME, 1u);

  SAS::Marker calling_dn(trail, SASMarker::CALLING_DN, 1u);
  pjsip_sip_uri* calling_uri = (pjsip_sip_uri*)pjsip_uri_get_uri(rdata->msg_info.to->uri);
  calling_dn.add_var_param(calling_uri->user.slen, calling_uri->user.ptr);

  SAS::Marker cid_marker(trail, SASMarker::SIP_CALL_ID, 1u);
  cid_marker.add_var_param(rdata->msg_info.cid->id.slen, rdata->msg_info.cid->id.ptr);
  SAS::report_marker(cid_marker, SAS::Marker::Scope::TrailGroup);

  // Query the HSS for the associated URIs.
  // This should really include the private ID, but we don't yet have a
  // homestead API for it.  Homestead won't be able to query a third-party HSS
  // without the private ID.
  Json::Value* uris = hss->get_associated_uris(public_id, trail);
  if ((uris == NULL) ||
      (uris->size() == 0))
    // We failed to get the list of associated URIs.  This indicates that the
    // HSS is unavailable, the public identity doesn't exist or the public
    // identity doesn't belong to the private identity.  Reject with 403.
    LOG_ERROR("Rejecting register request with invalid public/private identity");

  // Determine the AOR from the first entry in the uris array.
  std::string aor = uris->get((Json::ArrayIndex)0, Json::Value::null).asString();
  LOG_DEBUG("REGISTER for public ID %s uses AOR %s", public_id.c_str(), aor.c_str());

  // Find the expire headers in the message.
  pjsip_expires_hdr* expires = (pjsip_expires_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr(msg, PJSIP_H_EXPIRES, NULL);

  // Get the system time in seconds for calculating absolute expiry times.
  int now = time(NULL);
  int expiry = 0;

  // The registration service uses optimistic locking to avoid concurrent
  // updates to the same AoR conflicting.  This means we have to loop
  // reading, updating and writing the AoR until the write is successful.
  RegData::AoR* aor_data = NULL;
    if (aor_data != NULL)
      delete aor_data; // LCOV_EXCL_LINE - Single-threaded tests mean we'll
                       //                  always pass CAS.

    // Find the current bindings for the AoR.
    aor_data = store->get_aor_data(aor);
    LOG_DEBUG("Retrieved AoR data %p", aor_data);

    if (aor_data == NULL)
      // Failed to get data for the AoR because there is no connection
      // to the store.  Reject the register with a 500 response.
      // LCOV_EXCL_START - local store (used in testing) never fails
      LOG_ERROR("Failed to get AoR binding for %s from store", aor.c_str());

    // Now loop through all the contacts.  If there are multiple contacts in
    // the contact header in the SIP message, pjsip parses them to separate
    // contact header structures.
    pjsip_contact_hdr* contact = (pjsip_contact_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr(msg, PJSIP_H_CONTACT, NULL);
    while (contact != NULL)
      if (contact->star)
        // Wildcard contact, which can only be used to clear all bindings for
        // the AoR.

      pjsip_uri* uri = (contact->uri != NULL) ?
                           (pjsip_uri*)pjsip_uri_get_uri(contact->uri) :

      if ((uri != NULL) &&
        // The binding identifier is based on the +sip.instance parameter if
        // it is present.  If not the contact URI is used instead.
        std::string contact_uri = PJUtils::uri_to_string(PJSIP_URI_IN_CONTACT_HDR, uri);
        std::string binding_id = get_binding_id(contact);
        if (binding_id == "")
          binding_id = contact_uri;
        LOG_DEBUG(". Binding identifier for contact = %s", binding_id.c_str());

        // Find the appropriate binding in the bindings list for this AoR.
        RegData::AoR::Binding* binding = aor_data->get_binding(binding_id);

        if ((cid != binding->_cid) ||
            (cseq > binding->_cseq))
          // Either this is a new binding, has come from a restarted device, or
          // is an update to an existing binding.
          binding->_uri = contact_uri;

          // TODO Examine Via header to see if we're the first hop
          // TODO Only if we're not the first hop, check that the top path header has "ob" parameter

          // Get the Path headers, if present.  RFC 3327 allows us the option of
          // rejecting a request with a Path header if there is no corresponding
          // "path" entry in the Supported header but we don't do so on the assumption
          // that the edge proxy knows what it's doing.
          pjsip_generic_string_hdr* path_hdr =
            (pjsip_generic_string_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(msg, &STR_PATH, NULL);
          while (path_hdr)
            std::string path = PJUtils::pj_str_to_string(&path_hdr->hvalue);
            LOG_DEBUG("Path header %s", path.c_str());

            // Extract all the paths from this header.
            Utils::split_string(path, ',', binding->_path_headers, 0, true);

            // Look for the next header.
            path_hdr = (pjsip_generic_string_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(msg, &STR_PATH, path_hdr->next);

          binding->_cid = cid;
          binding->_cseq = cseq;
          binding->_priority = contact->q1000;
          pjsip_param* p = contact->other_param.next;
          while ((p != NULL) && (p != &contact->other_param))
            std::string pname = PJUtils::pj_str_to_string(&p->name);
            std::string pvalue = PJUtils::pj_str_to_string(&p->value);
            binding->_params.push_back(std::make_pair(pname, pvalue));
            p = p->next;

          // Calculate the expiry period for the updated binding.
          expiry = (contact->expires != -1) ? contact->expires :
                       (expires != NULL) ? expires->ivalue : 300;
          if (expiry > 300)
            // Expiry is too long, set it to the maximum of 300 seconds (5 minutes).
            expiry = 300;

          binding->_expires = now + expiry;

          if (analytics != NULL)
            // Generate an analytics log for this binding update.
            analytics->registration(aor, binding_id, contact_uri, expiry);
      contact = (pjsip_contact_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr(msg, PJSIP_H_CONTACT, contact->next);
  while (!store->set_aor_data(aor, aor_data));

  if (aor_data != NULL)
    // Log the bindings.
    log_bindings(aor, aor_data);

  // Build and send the reply.
  pjsip_tx_data* tdata;
  status = PJUtils::create_response(stack_data.endpt, rdata, st_code, NULL, &tdata);
  if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
    // LCOV_EXCL_START - don't know how to get PJSIP to fail to create a response
    LOG_ERROR("Error building REGISTER %d response %s", st_code,
    delete aor_data;

  if (st_code != PJSIP_SC_OK)
    // LCOV_EXCL_START - we only reject REGISTER if something goes wrong, and
    // we aren't covering any of those paths so we can't hit this either
    status = pjsip_endpt_send_response2(stack_data.endpt, rdata, tdata, NULL, NULL);
    delete aor_data;

  // Add supported and require headers for RFC5626.
  pjsip_generic_string_hdr* gen_hdr;
  gen_hdr = pjsip_generic_string_hdr_create(tdata->pool,
  if (gen_hdr == NULL)
    // LCOV_EXCL_START - can't see how this could ever happen
    LOG_ERROR("Failed to add RFC 5626 headers");
    tdata->msg->line.status.code = PJSIP_SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
    status = pjsip_endpt_send_response2(stack_data.endpt, rdata, tdata, NULL, NULL);
    delete aor_data;
  pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)gen_hdr);

  // Add contact headers for all active bindings.
  for (RegData::AoR::Bindings::const_iterator i = aor_data->bindings().begin();
       i != aor_data->bindings().end();
    RegData::AoR::Binding* binding = i->second;
    if (binding->_expires > now)
      // The binding hasn't expired.
      pjsip_uri* uri = PJUtils::uri_from_string(binding->_uri, tdata->pool);
      if (uri != NULL)
        // Contact URI is well formed, so include this in the response.
        pjsip_contact_hdr* contact = pjsip_contact_hdr_create(tdata->pool);
        contact->star = 0;
        contact->uri = uri;
        contact->q1000 = binding->_priority;
        contact->expires = binding->_expires - now;
        for (std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::iterator j = binding->_params.begin();
             j != binding->_params.end();
          pjsip_param *new_param = PJ_POOL_ALLOC_T(tdata->pool, pjsip_param);
          pj_strdup2(tdata->pool, &new_param->name, j->first.c_str());
          pj_strdup2(tdata->pool, &new_param->value, j->second.c_str());
          pj_list_insert_before(&contact->other_param, new_param);
        pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)contact);
        // Contact URI is malformed.  Log an error, but otherwise don't try and
        // fix it.
        // LCOV_EXCL_START hard to hit - needs bad data in the store
        LOG_WARNING("Badly formed contact URI %s for address of record %s",
                    binding->_uri.c_str(), aor.c_str());
        // LCOV_EXCL_STOP

  // Deal with path header related fields in the response.
  pjsip_generic_string_hdr* path_hdr =
    (pjsip_generic_string_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(msg, &STR_PATH, NULL);
  if ((path_hdr != NULL) &&
    // We have bindings with path headers so we must require outbound.
    pjsip_require_hdr* require_hdr = pjsip_require_hdr_create(tdata->pool);
    require_hdr->count = 1;
    require_hdr->values[0] = STR_OUTBOUND;
    pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)require_hdr);

  // Echo back any Path headers as per RFC 3327, section 5.3.  We take these
  // from the request as they may not exist in the bindings any more if the
  // bindings have expired.
  while (path_hdr)
    pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)pjsip_hdr_clone(tdata->pool, path_hdr));
    path_hdr = (pjsip_generic_string_hdr*)pjsip_msg_find_hdr_by_name(msg, &STR_PATH, path_hdr->next);

  // Construct a Service-Route header pointing at the sprout cluster.  We don't
  // care which sprout handles the subsequent requests as they all have access
  // to all subscriber information.
  pjsip_sip_uri* service_route_uri = pjsip_sip_uri_create(tdata->pool, false);
  service_route_uri->port = stack_data.trusted_port;
  service_route_uri->transport_param = pj_str("TCP");
  service_route_uri->lr_param = 1;

  pjsip_route_hdr* service_route = pjsip_route_hdr_create(tdata->pool);
  service_route->name = STR_SERVICE_ROUTE;
  service_route->sname = pj_str("");
  service_route->name_addr.uri = (pjsip_uri*)service_route_uri;

  pjsip_msg_insert_first_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)service_route);

  // Add P-Associated-URI headers for all of the associated URIs.
  static const pj_str_t p_associated_uri_hdr_name = pj_str("P-Associated-URI");
  for (Json::ValueIterator it = uris->begin(); it != uris->end(); it++)
    pj_str_t associated_uri = {(char*)(*it).asCString(), strlen((*it).asCString())};
    pjsip_hdr* associated_uri_hdr =
    pjsip_msg_add_hdr(tdata->msg, associated_uri_hdr);
  delete uris;

  // Send the response, but prevent the transmitted data from being freed, as we may need to inform the
  // ASes of the 200 OK response we sent.
  status = pjsip_endpt_send_response2(stack_data.endpt, rdata, tdata, NULL, NULL);

  RegistrationUtils::register_with_application_servers(ifchandler, store, rdata, tdata, "");

  // Now we can free the tdata.

  LOG_DEBUG("Report SAS end marker - trail (%llx)", trail);
  SAS::Marker end_marker(trail, SASMarker::END_TIME, 1u);
  delete aor_data;
Example #4
int UE::send_message(std::string dest, std::string contents)
  timeval before;
  timeval after;
  pj_str_t to;
  stra(&to, dest.c_str());
  pj_str_t data;
  stra(&data, contents.c_str());
  pj_str_t message;
  stra(&message, "MESSAGE");
  pjsip_tx_data* tdata;
  pjsip_method msg_method;
  pjsip_method_init(&msg_method, _pool, &message);


  pjsip_tsx_create_uac(ua_module(), tdata, &_msg_tsx);

  pjsip_tpselector sel;
  sel.u.transport = _transport;
  pjsip_tsx_set_transport(_msg_tsx, &sel);
  pjsip_route_hdr* rt_hdr = pjsip_route_hdr_create(tdata->pool);
  rt_hdr->name_addr.uri = _server_uri;
  pjsip_msg_insert_first_hdr(tdata->msg, (pjsip_hdr*)rt_hdr);

  _msg_tsx->mod_data[ua_module()->id] = this;

  gettimeofday(&before, NULL);
  pj_status_t status = pjsip_tsx_send_msg(_msg_tsx, NULL);
  if (status != PJ_SUCCESS)
    return -1;
  while (_msg_tsx->state < PJSIP_TSX_STATE_COMPLETED)
    pthread_cond_wait(&_msg_cond, &_msg_mutex);
  gettimeofday(&after, NULL);
  //unsigned long latency = ((after.tv_sec - before.tv_sec) * 1000000) + (after.tv_usec - before.tv_usec);
  //printf("Message latency is %lu\n", latency);
  int ret = _msg_tsx->status_code;
  _msg_tsx = NULL;
  return ret;