Example #1
 * @brief Gets the planet's class.
 * Usually classes are characters for planets (see space.h) and numbers
 * for stations.
 * @usage c = p:class()
 *    @luaparam p Planet to get the class of.
 *    @luareturn The class of the planet in a one char identifier.
 * @luafunc class( p )
static int planetL_class(lua_State *L )
   char buf[2];
   LuaPlanet *p;
   p = luaL_checkplanet(L,1);
   buf[0] = planet_getClass(p->p);
   buf[1] = '\0';
   return 1;
Example #2
 * @brief Saves a planet.
 *    @param writer Write to use for saving the star planet.
 *    @param p Planet to save.
 *    @return 0 on success.
static int dpl_savePlanet( xmlTextWriterPtr writer, const Planet *p )
    int i;

    xmlw_startElem( writer, "asset" );

    /* Attributes. */
    xmlw_attr( writer, "name", "%s", p->name );

    /* Explicit virtualness. */
    if (p->real == ASSET_VIRTUAL)
        xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "virtual" );

    /* Position. */
    if (p->real == ASSET_REAL) {
        xmlw_startElem( writer, "pos" );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "x", "%f", p->pos.x );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "y", "%f", p->pos.y );
        xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "pos" */

    /* GFX. */
    if (p->real == ASSET_REAL) {
        xmlw_startElem( writer, "GFX" );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "space", "%s", p->gfx_spacePath );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "exterior", "%s", p->gfx_exteriorPath );
        xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "GFX" */

    /* Presence. */
    if (p->faction >= 0) {
        xmlw_startElem( writer, "presence" );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "faction", "%s", faction_name( p->faction ) );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "value", "%f", p->presenceAmount );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "range", "%d", p->presenceRange );
        xmlw_endElem( writer );

    /* General. */
    if (p->real == ASSET_REAL) {
        xmlw_startElem( writer, "general" );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "class", "%c", planet_getClass( p ) );
        xmlw_elem( writer, "population", "%"PRIu64, p->population );
        xmlw_startElem( writer, "services" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_LAND )) {
            if (p->land_func == NULL)
                xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "land" );
                xmlw_elem( writer, "land", "%s", p->land_func );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_REFUEL ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "refuel" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_BAR ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "bar" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_MISSIONS ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "missions" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_COMMODITY ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "commodity" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_OUTFITS ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "outfits" );
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_SHIPYARD ))
            xmlw_elemEmpty( writer, "shipyard" );
        xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "services" */
        if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_LAND )) {
            xmlw_startElem( writer, "commodities" );
            for (i=0; i<p->ncommodities; i++)
                xmlw_elem( writer, "commodity", "%s", p->commodities[i]->name );
            xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "commodities" */
            xmlw_elem( writer, "description", "%s", p->description );
            if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_BAR ))
                xmlw_elem( writer, "bar", "%s", p->bar_description );
        xmlw_endElem( writer ); /* "general" */

    /* Tech. */
    if (planet_hasService( p, PLANET_SERVICE_LAND ))
        tech_groupWrite( writer, p->tech );

    xmlw_endElem( writer ); /** "planet" */

    return 0;