void LLFloaterGesture::onClickPlay()
	const LLUUID& item_id = mGestureList->getCurrentID();
	if(item_id.isNull()) return;

	LL_DEBUGS("Gesture")<<" Trying to play gesture id: "<< item_id <<LL_ENDL;
		// we need to inform server about gesture activating to be consistent with LLPreviewGesture and  LLGestureComboList.
		BOOL inform_server = TRUE;
		BOOL deactivate_similar = FALSE;
		LLGestureMgr::instance().setGestureLoadedCallback(item_id, boost::bind(&LLFloaterGesture::playGesture, this, item_id));
		LLViewerInventoryItem *item = gInventory.getItem(item_id);
		if (item)
			LLGestureMgr::instance().activateGestureWithAsset(item_id, item->getAssetUUID(), inform_server, deactivate_similar);
			LL_DEBUGS("Gesture")<< "Activating gesture with inventory ID: " << item_id <<LL_ENDL;
BOOL LLGestureMgr::triggerGesture(KEY key, MASK mask)
	std::vector <LLMultiGesture *> matching;
	item_map_t::iterator it;

	// collect matching gestures
	for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
		LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;

		// asset data might not have arrived yet
		if (!gesture) continue;

		if (gesture->mKey == key
			&& gesture->mMask == mask)

	// choose one and play it
	if (matching.size() > 0)
		U32 random = ll_rand(matching.size());
		LLMultiGesture* gesture = matching[random];
		return TRUE;
	return FALSE;
Example #3
// Convenience function that looks up the item_id for you.
void LLGestureManager::playGesture(const LLUUID& item_id)
	item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(item_id);
	if (it == mActive.end()) return;

	LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
	if (!gesture) return;

// Function: execute sit down gesture
void GestureManager::sitDown()
	// Activate stiffness
	std_srvs::Empty empty;
	// Execute sit down motion
	//playGesture("stand", "gesture", "global", "sit down");
	playGesture(motion_state::body_state::SIT, motion_state::motion_type::GESTURE, gesture_names::gesture_subtype::GLOBAL, gesture_names::gesture_motion_names::GLOBAL_SIT_DOWN);
	// Publish body status
	publishBodyStatus("sat down");
// Function: execute stand init gesture
void GestureManager::standInit()
	// Activate stiffness
	std_srvs::Empty empty;
	// Execute stand init motion
	//playGesture("stand", "gesture", "global", "stand init");
	playGesture(motion_state::body_state::STAND, motion_state::motion_type::GESTURE, gesture_names::gesture_subtype::GLOBAL, gesture_names::gesture_motion_names::GLOBAL_STAND_INIT);
	// Publish body status
	publishBodyStatus("woke up");
// Convenience function that looks up the item_id for you.
void LLGestureMgr::playGesture(const LLUUID& item_id, bool local)
	const LLUUID& base_item_id = get_linked_uuid(item_id);

	item_map_t::iterator it = mActive.find(base_item_id);
	if (it == mActive.end()) return;

	LLMultiGesture* gesture = (*it).second;
	if (!gesture) return;

// Function: execute stand up from chair gesture
void GestureManager::standFromChair()
	// Activate stiffness
	std_srvs::Empty empty;
	// Execute stand chair motion
	//playGesture("stand", "gesture", "global", "stand chair");
	playGesture(motion_state::body_state::STAND, motion_state::motion_type::GESTURE, gesture_names::gesture_subtype::GLOBAL, gesture_names::gesture_motion_names::GLOBAL_STAND_FROM_CHAIR);
	// Rest
	// Wakeup
// Function: execute sit down in chair gesture
void GestureManager::sitChairInit()
	// Activate stiffness
	std_srvs::Empty empty;
	// Execute stand chair motion
	playGesture(motion_state::body_state::SIT, motion_state::motion_type::GESTURE, gesture_names::gesture_subtype::GLOBAL, gesture_names::gesture_motion_names::GLOBAL_SIT_CHAIR_START_POS);
	// Rest
	// Disable stiffness
	// Publish body status
	publishBodyStatus("sat chair");
void GestureManager::playGestureSequence(const string body_status, const string type, const string subtype)
	nao_gestures::GestureSequence gesture_sequence_srv;
	//ROS_INFO("Number of gestures: %ld", (long int)gesture_generator_srv.response.num);
	for (int i = 0; i < gesture_sequence_srv.response.num; i++)
		const string motion_name = gesture_sequence_srv.response.gestures[i];
		//ROS_INFO("%d Gesture Name: %s", i, gesture_sequence_srv.response.gestures[i].c_str());
		// For each gesture generated call execute motion service
		playGesture(gesture_sequence_srv.request.animation_body_status, gesture_sequence_srv.request.animation_motion_type,
				gesture_sequence_srv.request.animation_motion_subtype, motion_name);
// Iterates through space delimited tokens in string, triggering any gestures found.
// Generates a revised string that has the found tokens replaced by their replacement strings
// and (as a minor side effect) has multiple spaces in a row replaced by single spaces.
BOOL LLGestureMgr::triggerAndReviseString(const std::string &utf8str, std::string* revised_string)
	std::string tokenized = utf8str;

	BOOL found_gestures = FALSE;
	BOOL first_token = TRUE;

	typedef boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char> > tokenizer;
	boost::char_separator<char> sep(" ");
	tokenizer tokens(tokenized, sep);
	tokenizer::iterator token_iter;

	for( token_iter = tokens.begin(); token_iter != tokens.end(); ++token_iter)
		const char* cur_token = token_iter->c_str();
		LLMultiGesture* gesture = NULL;

		// Only pay attention to the first gesture in the string.
		if( !found_gestures )
			// collect gestures that match
			std::vector <LLMultiGesture *> matching;
			item_map_t::iterator it;
			for (it = mActive.begin(); it != mActive.end(); ++it)
				gesture = (*it).second;

				// Gesture asset data might not have arrived yet
				if (!gesture) continue;
				if (LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(gesture->mTrigger, cur_token) == 0)
				gesture = NULL;

			if (matching.size() > 0)
				// choose one at random
					S32 random = ll_rand(matching.size());

					gesture = matching[random];

					if (!gesture->mReplaceText.empty())
						if( !first_token )
							if (revised_string)
								revised_string->append( " " );

						// Don't muck with the user's capitalization if we don't have to.
						if( LLStringUtil::compareInsensitive(cur_token, gesture->mReplaceText) == 0)
							if (revised_string)
								revised_string->append( cur_token );
							if (revised_string)
								revised_string->append( gesture->mReplaceText );
					found_gestures = TRUE;
			// This token doesn't match a gesture.  Pass it through to the output.
			if( !first_token )
				if (revised_string)
					revised_string->append( " " );
			if (revised_string)
				revised_string->append( cur_token );

		first_token = FALSE;
		gesture = NULL;
	return found_gestures;