Example #1
bool MiniGolf::Update(){
	ball.position = ball.position->add(ball.velocity);
	camManager->setCamTarg(ball.position->getX(), ball.position->getZ(), ball.position->getY());
	//golfball.setVelocity(0, 0, 0);	
	ball.aim = arrowAngle;
	//Find the current tile we are on
	Tile* currTile = getTile(ball.position, physMan, currLevel - 1);
	ball.position->setY(physMan->getHeightOfBall(currTile, &ball));
	//std::cout <<"Height of ball is " << height <<std::endl;
	//Check to see if we need to bounce off a wall
	physMan->checkForCollision(currTile, &ball);

	//Check to see if we're in the cup
		return false;

	//Apply physicsManager forces
	Vector3* normal = currTile->tileNorm;
	ball.velocity = physMan->applyForces(ball.velocity, currTile->slope, currTile->downVec);
	//std::cout << "Down vector is (" << curr.down->getX() << ", " << curr.down->getY() << ", " <<curr.down->getZ() << ")" <<std::endl;
	modelViews[0] = glm::translate(defaultView, glm::vec3(ball.position->getX(), ball.position->getZ(), ball.position->getY()));
	modelViews[1] = modelViews[0];
	modelViews[1] = glm::rotate(modelViews[1], 0 - 90.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	if ((ball.velocity->getLength() < MIN_BALL_SPEED) && currTile->slope == 0) { 
		ballMoving = false;
		ball.velocity = new Vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
	} else ballMoving = true;
	//draw_string(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "scojfadofj");	

	//If the ball is not moving, we need to aim the ball
	//Calculate the angle between the mouse point and the ball position
		isVisible[1] = true;
		modelViews[1] = modelViews[0];
		modelViews[1] = glm::rotate(modelViews[1], arrowAngle - 90.0f, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
	} else {
		isVisible[1] = false;

	return true;
void PacanariDamaman::keyboard(unsigned char key, int x, int y){
    switch (key) {
    	case 27: exit(0); break;
		case 97: camManager->moveCam(Camera::dirLeft); break;
		case 98: modelViews[3] = glm::rotate(modelViews[3], arrowAngle, glm::vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)); break;
    	case 99: 
			if (camManager->getCamSetting() == Camera::FREE){  camManager->setCamSetting(Camera::TOP_DOWN); }
			else camManager->setCamSetting(Camera::FREE);
		case 100: camManager->moveCam(Camera::dirRight); break;
		case 101: arrowAngle-=ARROW_TURN_SPEED; break;
		case 102: playNextLevel(); nextLevelCheat = true; break;
		case 113: arrowAngle+=ARROW_TURN_SPEED; break;
    	case 114: buildGameLevel(currLevel - 1); break;
		case 115: camManager->moveCam(Camera::dirBack); break;
		case 119: camManager->moveCam(Camera::dirForward); break;
    	default: break;
Example #3
Game::Game(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
    spoony_message = new SpoonyMessage(this);
    global_timer = new QTimer(this);
    global_speed = DEFAULT_SPEED;
    global_timer->start(1000 / global_speed);
    main_scene = new QGraphicsScene(0, 0, WIDTH, HEIGHT);
    main_view = new QGraphicsView(main_scene);
    current_level = 0;
    connect(spoony_message, SIGNAL(finish()), this, SLOT(playNextLevel()));
    connect(spoony_message, SIGNAL(reset()), this, SLOT(onDie()));
    qml_engine = new QDeclarativeEngine(this);
    qml_engine->rootContext()->setContextProperty("Game", this);
    qml_startscreen = new QDeclarativeComponent(qml_engine, QUrl("qrc:///startscreen.qml"));
    sound_handler = new SoundHandler(this);
    global_lives = LIVES;
    emit ready();