Example #1
bool Application::configure()
    if ( !QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable() )
        LOG_ERROR( "application", tr( "No system tray available!" ) );
        QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Error" ), tr( "No system tray available!" ) );
        return false;

    if ( !QSystemTrayIcon::supportsMessages() )
        LOG_ERROR( "application", tr( "System tray not support messages!" ) );
        QMessageBox::critical( 0, tr( "Error" ), tr( "System tray not support messages!" ) );
        return false;

    // Tray icons set.
    trayIconList.append( ":/images/radio-active-2.png" );
    trayIconList.append( ":/images/radio-active-1.png" );
    trayIconList.append( ":/images/radio-active.png"   );
    currTrayIcon = 0;

    // Setup player.    
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( playerTick( quint64 ) ), SLOT( animateIcon( quint64 ) ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( playing() ), SLOT( onPlayerPlay() ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( paused() ), SLOT( onPlayerPause() ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( stopped() ), SLOT( onPlayerStop() ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( errorOccured() ), SLOT( onPlayerError() ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( buffering( int ) ), SLOT( onPlayerBuffering( int ) ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( volumeChanged( int ) ), SLOT( onPlayerVolumeChanged( int ) ) );
    connect( &player, SIGNAL( metaDataChanged( const QMultiMap< QString, QString > ) ),
                      SLOT ( onMetaDataChange( const QMultiMap< QString, QString > ) ) );

    // Setup global shortcuts.
    QxtGlobalShortcut * globalShortcut;
    globalShortcut = new QxtGlobalShortcut( &trayItem );
    if ( globalShortcut )
        globalShortcut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( pauseHotkey ) );
        connect( globalShortcut, SIGNAL( activated() ), &player, SLOT( playOrPause() ) );
    globalShortcut = new QxtGlobalShortcut( &trayItem );
    if ( globalShortcut )
        globalShortcut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( stopHotkey ) );
        connect( globalShortcut, SIGNAL( activated() ), &player, SLOT( stopPlay() ) );
    globalShortcut = new QxtGlobalShortcut( &trayItem );
    if ( globalShortcut )
        globalShortcut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( volumeUpHotkey ) );
        connect( globalShortcut, SIGNAL( activated() ), &player, SLOT( volumeUp() ) );
    globalShortcut = new QxtGlobalShortcut( &trayItem );
    if ( globalShortcut )
        globalShortcut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( volumeDownHotkey ) );
        connect( globalShortcut, SIGNAL( activated() ), &player, SLOT( volumeDown() ) );
    globalShortcut = new QxtGlobalShortcut( &trayItem );
    if ( globalShortcut )
        globalShortcut->setShortcut( QKeySequence( quitHotkey ) );
        connect( globalShortcut, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( quit()) );

    // Create stations menu.
    stationsMenu.setTitle( tr( "Stations" ) );
    stationsMenu.setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/radio-passive.png" ) );
    stationsGroup = new QActionGroup( &stationsMenu );
    if ( stationsGroup )
        stationsGroup->setExclusive( true );
        connect( stationsGroup, SIGNAL( triggered( QAction * ) ),
                                SLOT( processStationAction( QAction * ) ) );

    // Create base menu.
    trayMenu.addMenu( &stationsMenu );
    QAction * action;
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/audio-volume-up.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Volume up" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( volumeUpHotkey ) );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), &player, SLOT( volumeUp() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/audio-volume-down.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Volume down" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( volumeDownHotkey ) );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), &player, SLOT( volumeDown() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/media-playback-start.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Play|Pause" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( pauseHotkey ) );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), &player, SLOT( playOrPause() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/media-playback-stop.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Stop" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( stopHotkey ) );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), &player, SLOT( stopPlay() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/application-info.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Info" ) );
        action->setMenuRole( QAction::AboutRole );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( about() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/application-exit.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Exit" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( quitHotkey ) );
        action->setMenuRole( QAction::QuitRole );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( quit() ) );
        trayMenu.addAction( action );

    // Create settings menu.
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/application-settings.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Settings" ) );
        action->setMenuRole( QAction::PreferencesRole );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( manageSettings() ) );
        settingsMenu.addAction( action );
    action = new QAction( &trayMenu );
    if ( action )
        action->setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/application-exit.png" ) );
        action->setText( tr( "Exit" ) );
        action->setShortcut( QKeySequence( quitHotkey ) );
        action->setMenuRole( QAction::QuitRole );
        connect( action, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( quit() ) );
        settingsMenu.addAction( action );

    // Setup tray item.
    trayItem.setIcon( QIcon( ":/images/radio-passive.png" ) );
    trayItem.showMessage( tr( "QRadioTray" ), tr( "Program started!" ), QSystemTrayIcon::Information );    
    connect( &trayItem, SIGNAL( activated( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ),
                        SLOT( processTrayActivation( QSystemTrayIcon::ActivationReason ) ) );
    return true;
Example #2
int main(void)
    //Initialize SDL
    if(SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
        return 1;
    //Create the window, OpenGL context
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BUFFER_SIZE, 32);
    SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1);
    SDL_Window* window = SDL_CreateWindow("TestSDL",
                                          SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED, SDL_WINDOWPOS_UNDEFINED,
                                          800, 600,
        return 1;
    //Make sure we have a recent version of OpenGL
    GLenum glewError = glewInit();
    if(glewError != GLEW_OK)
        return 1;
        return 1;
    int tileW = 64;
    int tileH = 64;
    GLuint empty = glTexImageTGAFile("t3.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint cube = glTexImageTGAFile("t2.tga", &tileW, &tileW);
    GLuint ch1 = glTexImageTGAFile("char1.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch2 = glTexImageTGAFile("char2.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch3 = glTexImageTGAFile("char3.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch4 = glTexImageTGAFile("char4.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch5 = glTexImageTGAFile("char5.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch6 = glTexImageTGAFile("char6.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch7 = glTexImageTGAFile("char7.tga", &tileW, &tileH );
    GLuint ch8 = glTexImageTGAFile("char8.tga", &tileW, &tileH );

    //initialize player
    struct entity player;
    player.xPos = 0;
    player.yPos = 0;
    //struct coords crd;
    struct polygon pg;
    //bounding box for player
    pg.p1.xComp = 33.0;
    pg.p1.yComp = 1.0;
    pg.p2.xComp = 28.0;
    pg.p2.yComp = 0.0;
    pg.p3.xComp = 37.0;
    pg.p3.yComp = 0.0;
    pg.p4.xComp = 30.0;
    pg.p4.yComp = -1.0;
    player.pol = assemblePolygon(pg);
    player.zpos = 0;
    player.zVel = 0;
    player.isJumping = 0;
    player.stack = 0;
    player.image = &ch1;

    /*int tileMap[12][12] = {{1,1,1,1,1,2,2,1,1,1,1,1},
    int tileMapHeight[12][12] = {{2,2,2,2,3,1,1,4,3,2,2,2},
                                 {2,2,2,2,2,1,1,2,2,2,2,2}}; */
    struct chunk map = generateChunk();
    int **tileMap = map.chunkBase;
    int **tileMapHeight = map.chunkBlocks;
    int mapHeight = 100; //sizeof(tileMap)/sizeof(tileMap[0]);
    int mapWidth  = 100; // sizeof(tileMap[0])/sizeof(tileMap[0][0]);
    struct Tile tiles[(mapWidth * mapHeight)]; // may need to be 2d array
    int tileType;
    int tileHeight;
    int count  =0;
    for(int i = 0; i< mapHeight; i++)
        for(int j = mapWidth-1; j>= 0; j--)
            tileType = tileMap[i][j];
            tileHeight = tileMapHeight[i][j];
            struct Tile t;
            t.stack = tileHeight;
            t.num = tileType;
            float xp = (j * tileXScaleCalc / 2) + (i * tileXScaleCalc / 2);
            float yp = (i * tileYScaleCalc / 2) - (j * tileYScaleCalc / 2);
            t.xPos = xp;
            t.yPos = yp;
            struct polygon pg;
            pg.p1.xComp = xp + 32.0;
            pg.p1.yComp = yp - 16.0;
            pg.p2.xComp = xp;
            pg.p2.yComp = yp - 32.0;
            pg.p3.xComp = xp + 30.0;
            pg.p3.yComp = yp - 48.0;
            pg.p4.xComp = xp + 62.0;
            pg.p4.yComp = yp - 32.0;
            t.pol = assemblePolygon(pg);

            if(tileType == 0)
                t.image = &empty;
                t.xScale = tileXScale;
                t.yScale = tileYScale;

            else if(tileType == 1)
                t.image = &cube;
                t.xScale = tileXScale;
                t.yScale = tileXScale;

            tiles[count] = t;

    unsigned char kbPrevState[SDL_NUM_SCANCODES] = {0};
    //The current frame's keyboard state
    const unsigned char* kbState = NULL;
    //Keep a pointer to SDL's internal keyboard state
    kbState = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);

    glViewport( 0, 0, 800, 600 );
    glOrtho( 0, 800, 600, 0, 0, 1 );
    glEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );

    int shouldExit = 0;  //change to int
    float xoffset = 0;
    float yoffset = 0;
    //int x;
    //int y;

    //start position. if player is colliding with a tile, move him till he doest
    updateCoords(350, -10, &player);
    int colindex = 0;
    while(checkCollision(player.pol, tiles,(mapWidth * mapHeight) , &colindex))
        updateCoords(1.5, 0, &player);
        xoffset += 1.5;
    int ticksPerFrame = 1000 / 60;
    int prevTick = SDL_GetTicks();
    int ticksPerPhysics = 1000 / 100;
    int prevPhysicsTick = prevTick;
    int mx, my; //testing, move to outside of loop
    int castEnable = 0;
    int shaddow;
        //kbState is updated by the message pump. Copy over the old state before the pump!
        memcpy(kbPrevState, kbState, sizeof(kbPrevState));
        //Handle OS message pump
        SDL_Event event;
                case SDL_QUIT:
                    return 0;
        int tick = SDL_GetTicks();
        do {
            SDL_Delay((int) fmax( 0, ticksPerFrame - (tick - prevTick) ));
            tick = SDL_GetTicks();
        } while( ticksPerFrame - (tick - prevTick) > 0 );
        prevTick = tick;

        const unsigned char* keys = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
        while( tick > prevPhysicsTick + ticksPerPhysics )
            SDL_GetMouseState(&mx, &my);
            mx -= player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset;
            my -= player.pol.p1.yComp - player.zpos + screenScale - yoffset + 50;
            double angle = -(atan2(my, mx) * 180 *  3.14159265)/10;
            if(angle < 0)
                angle += 360;
            if(angle < 25)
                player.image = &ch2;
            else if(angle < 55)
                player.image = &ch8;
            else if(angle < 120)
                player.image = &ch1;
            else if(angle < 170)
                player.image = &ch7;
            else if(angle < 195)
                player.image = &ch3;
            else if(angle < 230)
                player.image = &ch6;
            else if(angle < 300)
                player.image = &ch4;
                player.image = &ch5;
            //printf("mouse x = %i  mouse y = %i angle = %f \n", mx, my, angle);
            // Update physics
            if(!checkCollision(player.pol, tiles,(mapWidth * mapHeight), &colindex) )
                player.stack = 0;
                colindex = 0;

            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE] )
                 //player.image = &ch3;
            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_O] )
                castEnable = 1;
            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_P] )
                castEnable = 0;
            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_K] )
                shaddow = 1;
            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_L] )
                shaddow = 0;

            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_A] )
                xoffset -= 1.5;
                updateCoords(-1.5, 0, &player);
                if(checkCollision(player.pol, tiles,(mapWidth * mapHeight), &colindex) )
                    if(player.zpos > tiles[colindex].stack * 10)
                        player.stack = tiles[colindex].stack;
                    else if(player.stack < tiles[colindex].stack)
                        //player.stack = 0;
                        updateCoords(1.5, 0, &player);
                        xoffset += 1.5;

            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_D] )
                xoffset += 1.5;
                updateCoords(1.5, 0, &player);
                if(checkCollision(player.pol, tiles, (mapWidth * mapHeight), &colindex) )
                    if(player.zpos > tiles[colindex].stack * 10)
                        player.stack = tiles[colindex].stack;
                    else if(player.stack < tiles[colindex].stack)
                        //player.stack = 0;
                        updateCoords(-1.5, 0, &player);
                        xoffset -= 1.5;

            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_W] )
                yoffset -= 1.5 ;
                updateCoords(0, -1.5, &player);
                if(checkCollision(player.pol, tiles, (mapWidth * mapHeight), &colindex) )
                    if(player.zpos > tiles[colindex].stack * 10)
                        player.stack = tiles[colindex].stack;
                    else if(player.stack < tiles[colindex].stack)
                        //player.stack = 0;
                        yoffset += 1.5 ;
                        updateCoords(0, 1.5, &player);
                        //player.isColliding = 0;

            if(keys[SDL_SCANCODE_S] )
                yoffset += 1.5;
                updateCoords(0, 1.5, &player);
                if(checkCollision(player.pol, tiles, (mapWidth * mapHeight), &colindex) )
                    if(player.zpos > tiles[colindex].stack * 10)
                        player.stack = tiles[colindex].stack;
                    else if(player.stack < tiles[colindex].stack)
                        //player.stack = 0;
                        updateCoords(0, -1.5, &player);
                        yoffset -= 1.5;

            prevPhysicsTick += ticksPerPhysics;


        //draw base layer
        for(int z = 0; z < (mapWidth * mapHeight); z++)
            if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270)
                glDrawSprite(*tiles[z].image, tiles[z].xPos - xoffset, tiles[z].yPos+screenScale - yoffset, tiles[z].xScale, tiles[z].yScale );
        //cast rays; optimise when to recalculate
        //This is debug code
        glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for(int z = 0; z < (mapWidth * mapHeight); z++)
                if(tiles[z].stack > 1)
                    if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270)
                        glVertex2f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos) ;
                        glVertex2f(tiles[z].pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p1.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64);
                        glVertex2f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos) ;
                        glVertex2f(tiles[z].pol.p2.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p2.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64);
                        glVertex2f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos) ;
                        glVertex2f(tiles[z].pol.p3.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p3.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64);
                        glVertex2f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos) ;
                        glVertex2f(tiles[z].pol.p4.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p4.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64);

        //cast shaddows
        //This is debug code
            int z = 999;
            while(tiles[z].stack <= 2)
            glColor4f(0.1, 0.2, 0.3, .0);
            glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p1.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
            glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
            glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p2.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p2.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
            glColor4f(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1);
            glVertex3f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos, 0);
            for(z = 0; z < (mapWidth * mapHeight); z++)
                if(tiles[z].stack > 1)
                    if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270)
                        glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p1.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p2.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p2.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, .6);
                        glVertex3f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p2.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p2.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p3.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p3.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, .6);
                        glVertex3f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p3.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p3.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p4.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p4.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, .6);
                        glVertex3f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p1.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.4, 0.5, 0.6, .0);
                        glVertex3f(tiles[z].pol.p2.xComp - xoffset, tiles[z].pol.p2.yComp +screenScale - yoffset + 64, 0);
                        glColor4f(0.7, 0.8, 0.9, .6);
                        glVertex3f(player.pol.p1.xComp - xoffset, player.pol.p1.yComp - yoffset + screenScale + 64 - player.zpos, 0);





        //############################################################################## here be dragons.
        //draw things behind  and under player.
        for(int z = 0; z < (mapWidth * mapHeight); z++)
             if(tiles[z].stack > 1)
                 if(player.pol.p1.yComp <= tiles[z].yPos - 16 - 14)
                   //do nothing
                     for(int ix = 1; ix <  tiles[z].stack; ix++)
                         if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270 )
                            glDrawSprite(*tiles[z].image, tiles[z].xPos - xoffset , tiles[z].yPos+screenScale -(ix * 16) - yoffset, tiles[z].xScale, tiles[z].yScale );

            if(player.stack >= tiles[z].stack -2)
                for(int ix = 1; ix <  tiles[z].stack; ix++)
                    if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270 )

                        glDrawSprite(*tiles[z].image, tiles[z].xPos - xoffset , tiles[z].yPos+screenScale -(ix * 16) - yoffset, tiles[z].xScale, tiles[z].yScale );
        //draw player
        glDrawSprite(*player.image, player.pol.p1.xComp -30 - xoffset,  player.pol.p1.yComp - player.zpos + screenScale - yoffset, 64, 64 );

        //draw things in front of player
        for(int z = 0; z < (mapWidth * mapHeight); z++)
            if(tiles[z].stack > 1)
                if(player.pol.p1.yComp <= tiles[z].yPos - 16 - 14  )
                    for(int ix = 1; ix <  tiles[z].stack; ix++)
                        if( tiles[z].xPos > xoffset &&  tiles[z].xPos < xoffset +750 && tiles[z].yPos > yoffset -250 && tiles[z].yPos < yoffset +270 )
                            if(tiles[z].stack > player.stack && ix >= player.stack)
                                glDrawSprite(*tiles[z].image, tiles[z].xPos - xoffset , tiles[z].yPos+screenScale -(ix * 16) - yoffset, tiles[z].xScale, tiles[z].yScale );
                    if(z == colindex && tiles[z].stack == player.stack)
                        glDrawSprite(*player.image, player.pol.p1.xComp -30 - xoffset,  player.pol.p1.yComp - player.zpos + screenScale - yoffset, 64, 64 );


        glColor3f(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glVertex2f(10, 10);
        glVertex2f(20, 20);

    return 0;