Example #1
 * Special display, part 2c
 * How to print out the modifications and sustains.
 * Positive mods with no sustain will be light green.
 * Positive mods with a sustain will be dark green.
 * Sustains (with no modification) will be a dark green 's'.
 * Negative mods (from a curse) will be red.
 * Huge mods (>9), like from MICoMorgoth, will be a '*'
 * No mod, no sustain, will be a slate '.'
static void display_player_sust_info(void)
	int i, row, col, stat;

	struct object *obj;
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

	byte a;
	char c;

	/* Row */
	row = 2;

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Header */
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, "abcdefghijkl@", row-1, col);

	/* Process equipment */
	for (i = 0; i < player->body.count; ++i) {
		/* Get the object */
		obj = slot_object(player, i);

		if (!obj) {

		/* Get the "known" flags */
		object_flags_known(obj, f);

		/* Initialize color based on sign of modifier. */
		for (stat = OBJ_MOD_MIN_STAT; stat < OBJ_MOD_MIN_STAT + STAT_MAX;
			 stat++) {
			/* Default */
			c = '.';

			/* Boosted or reduced */
			if (obj->modifiers[stat] > 0) {
				/* Good */

				/* Label boost */
				if (obj->modifiers[stat] < 10)
						c = I2D(obj->modifiers[stat]);
			} else if (obj->modifiers[stat] < 0) {
				/* Bad */
				a = COLOUR_RED;

				/* Label boost */
				if (obj->modifiers[stat] > -10)
					c = I2D(-(obj->modifiers[stat]));

			/* Sustain */
			if (of_has(f, sustain_flag(stat))) {
				/* Dark green */

				/* Convert '.' to 's' */
				if (c == '.') c = 's';

			if ((c == '.') && obj && 
				!object_flag_is_known(obj, sustain_flag(stat)))
				c = '?';

			/* Dump proper character */
			Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

		/* Advance */

	/* Player flags */
	player_flags(player, f);

	/* Check stats */
	for (stat = 0; stat < STAT_MAX; ++stat) {
		/* Default */
		c = '.';

		/* Sustain */
		if (of_has(f, sustain_flag(stat))) {
			/* Dark green "s" */
			c = 's';

		/* Dump */
		Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Footer */
	c_put_str(COLOUR_WHITE, "abcdefghijkl@", row+6, col);

	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row+7, col);
Example #2
static void display_resistance_panel(const struct player_flag_record *rec,
									size_t size, const region *bounds) 
	size_t i;
	int j;
	int col = bounds->col;
	int row = bounds->row;
	int res_cols = 5 + 2 + player->body.count;

	Term_putstr(col, row++, res_cols, COLOUR_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");
	for (i = 0; i < size - 3; i++, row++) {
		byte name_attr = COLOUR_WHITE;
		Term_gotoxy(col + 6, row);

		/* Repeated extraction of flags is inefficient but more natural */
		for (j = 0; j <= player->body.count; j++) {
			struct object *obj;
			bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

			byte attr = COLOUR_WHITE | (j % 2) * 8; /* alternating columns */
			char sym = '.';

			bool res = false, imm = false, vul = false, rune = false;
			bool timed = false;
			bool known = false;

			/* Wipe flagset */

			/* Get the object or player info */
			obj = j < player->body.count ? slot_object(player, j) : NULL;
			if (j < player->body.count && obj) {
				/* Get known properties */
				object_flags_known(obj, f);
				if (rec[i].element != -1)
					known = object_element_is_known(obj, rec[i].element);
				else if (rec[i].flag != -1)
					known = object_flag_is_known(obj, rec[i].flag);
					known = true;
			} else if (j == player->body.count) {
				player_flags(player, f);
				known = true;

				/* Timed flags only in the player column */
				if (rec[i].tmd_flag >= 0) {
	 				timed = player->timed[rec[i].tmd_flag] ? true : false;
					/* There has to be one special case... */
					if ((rec[i].tmd_flag == TMD_AFRAID) &&
						timed = true;

			/* Set which (if any) symbol and color are used */
			if (rec[i].mod != -1) {
				if (j != player->body.count)
					res = (obj && (obj->modifiers[rec[i].mod] != 0));
				else {
					/* Messy special cases */
					if (rec[i].mod == OBJ_MOD_INFRA)
						res = (player->race->infra > 0);
					if (rec[i].mod == OBJ_MOD_TUNNEL)
						res = (player->race->r_skills[SKILL_DIGGING] > 0);
				rune = (player->obj_k->modifiers[rec[i].mod] == 1);
			} else if (rec[i].flag != -1) {
				res = of_has(f, rec[i].flag);
				rune = of_has(player->obj_k->flags, rec[i].flag);
			} else if (rec[i].element != -1) {
				if (j != player->body.count) {
					imm = obj && known &&
						(obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 3);
					res = obj && known &&
						(obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 1);
					vul = obj && known &&
						(obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == -1);
				} else {
					imm = player->race->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 3;
					res = player->race->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 1;
					vul = player->race->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == -1;
				rune = (player->obj_k->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 1);

			/* Set the symbols and print them */
			if (imm) name_attr = COLOUR_GREEN;
			else if (!rune) name_attr = COLOUR_SLATE;
			else if (res && (name_attr != COLOUR_GREEN))
				name_attr = COLOUR_L_BLUE;

			if (vul) sym = '-';
			else if (imm) sym = '*';
			else if (res) sym = '+';
			else if (timed) { sym = '!'; attr = COLOUR_L_GREEN; }
			else if ((j < player->body.count) && obj && !known && !rune)
				sym = '?';

			Term_addch(attr, sym);
		Term_putstr(col, row, 6, name_attr, format("%5s:", rec[i].name));
	Term_putstr(col, row++, res_cols, COLOUR_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");

	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row++, col + 6);
Example #3
static void display_resistance_panel(const struct player_flag_record *rec,
									size_t size, const region *bounds) 
	size_t i;
	int j;
	int col = bounds->col;
	int row = bounds->row;
	int res_cols = 5 + 2 + player->body.count;

	Term_putstr(col, row++, res_cols, COLOUR_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");
	for (i = 0; i < size - 3; i++, row++) {
		byte name_attr = COLOUR_WHITE;
		Term_gotoxy(col + 6, row);

		/* Repeated extraction of flags is inefficient but more natural */
		for (j = 0; j <= player->body.count; j++) {
			bitflag f[OF_SIZE];
			byte attr = COLOUR_WHITE | (j % 2) * 8; /* alternating columns */
			char sym = '.';
			bool res = false, imm = false, vul = false, rune = false;
			bool timed = false;
			bool known = false;

			/* Object or player info? */
			if (j < player->body.count) {
				int index = 0;
				struct object *obj = slot_object(player, j);
				struct curse_data *curse = obj ? obj->curses : NULL;

				while (obj) {
					/* Wipe flagset */

					/* Get known properties */
					object_flags_known(obj, f);
					if (rec[i].element != -1) {
						known = object_element_is_known(obj, rec[i].element);
					} else if (rec[i].flag != -1) {
						known = object_flag_is_known(obj, rec[i].flag);
					} else {
						known = true;

					/* Get resistance, immunity and vulnerability info */
					if (rec[i].mod != -1) {
						if (obj->modifiers[rec[i].mod] != 0) {
							res = true;
						rune = (player->obj_k->modifiers[rec[i].mod] == 1);
					} else if (rec[i].flag != -1) {
						if (of_has(f, rec[i].flag)) {
							res = true;
						rune = of_has(player->obj_k->flags, rec[i].flag);
					} else if (rec[i].element != -1) {
						if (known) {
							if (obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 3) {
								imm = true;
							if (obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 1) {
								res = true;
							if (obj->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == -1) {
								vul = true;
						rune = (player->obj_k->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 1);

					/* Move to any unprocessed curse object */
					if (curse) {
						obj = NULL;
						while (index < z_info->curse_max) {
							if (curse[index].power) {
								obj = curses[index].obj;
							} else {
					} else {
						obj = NULL;
			} else {
				player_flags(player, f);
				known = true;

				/* Timed flags only in the player column */
				if (rec[i].tmd_flag >= 0) {
	 				timed = player->timed[rec[i].tmd_flag] ? true : false;
					/* There has to be one special case... */
					if ((rec[i].tmd_flag == TMD_AFRAID) &&
						timed = true;

				/* Set which (if any) symbol and color are used */
				if (rec[i].mod != -1) {
					int k;

					/* Shape modifiers */
					for (k = 0; k < OBJ_MOD_MAX; k++) {
						res = (player->shape->modifiers[i] > 0);
						vul = (player->shape->modifiers[i] > 0);

					/* Messy special cases */
					if (rec[i].mod == OBJ_MOD_INFRA)
						res |= (player->race->infra > 0);
					if (rec[i].mod == OBJ_MOD_TUNNEL)
						res |= (player->race->r_skills[SKILL_DIGGING] > 0);
				} else if (rec[i].flag != -1) {
					res = of_has(f, rec[i].flag);
					res |= (of_has(player->shape->flags, rec[i].flag) &&
							of_has(player->obj_k->flags, rec[i].flag));
				} else if (rec[i].element != -1) {
					int el = rec[i].element;
					imm = (player->race->el_info[el].res_level == 3) ||
						((player->shape->el_info[el].res_level == 3) &&
					res = (player->race->el_info[el].res_level == 1) ||
						((player->shape->el_info[el].res_level == 1) &&
					vul = (player->race->el_info[el].res_level == -1) ||
						((player->shape->el_info[el].res_level == -1) &&

			/* Colour the name appropriately */
			if (imm) {
				name_attr = COLOUR_GREEN;
			} else if (res && (name_attr != COLOUR_GREEN)) {
				name_attr = COLOUR_L_BLUE;
			} else if (vul && (name_attr != COLOUR_GREEN)) {
				name_attr = COLOUR_RED;

			/* Set the symbols and print them */
			if (vul) {
				sym = '-';
			} else if (imm) {
				sym = '*';
			} else if (res) {
				sym = '+';
			} else if (timed) {
				sym = '!';
				attr = COLOUR_L_GREEN;
			} else if ((j < player->body.count) && slot_object(player, j) &&
					   !known && !rune) {
				sym = '?';

			Term_addch(attr, sym);

		/* Check if the rune is known */
		if (((rec[i].mod >= 0) &&
			 (player->obj_k->modifiers[rec[i].mod] == 0))
			|| ((rec[i].flag >= 0) &&
				!of_has(player->obj_k->flags, rec[i].flag))
			|| ((rec[i].element >= 0) &&
				(player->obj_k->el_info[rec[i].element].res_level == 0))) {
			name_attr = COLOUR_SLATE;

		Term_putstr(col, row, 6, name_attr, format("%5s:", rec[i].name));
	Term_putstr(col, row++, res_cols, COLOUR_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");

	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row++, col + 6);
Example #4
 * Special display, part 2c
 * How to print out the modifications and sustains.
 * Positive mods with no sustain will be light green.
 * Positive mods with a sustain will be dark green.
 * Sustains (with no modification) will be a dark green 's'.
 * Negative mods (from a curse) will be red.
 * Huge mods (>9), like from MICoMorgoth, will be a '*'
 * No mod, no sustain, will be a slate '.'
static void display_player_sust_info(void)
	int i, j, row, col, stat;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

	int stat_flags[A_MAX];
	int sustain_flags[A_MAX];

	byte a;
	char c;

	/* Row */
	row = 2;

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Build the stat flags tables */
	stat_flags[A_STR] = OF_STR;
	stat_flags[A_INT] = OF_INT;
	stat_flags[A_WIS] = OF_WIS;
	stat_flags[A_DEX] = OF_DEX;
	stat_flags[A_CON] = OF_CON;
	sustain_flags[A_STR] = OF_SUST_STR;
	sustain_flags[A_INT] = OF_SUST_INT;
	sustain_flags[A_WIS] = OF_SUST_WIS;
	sustain_flags[A_DEX] = OF_SUST_DEX;
	sustain_flags[A_CON] = OF_SUST_CON;

	/* Header */
	c_put_str(TERM_WHITE, "abcdefghijkl@", row-1, col);

	/* Process equipment */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < INVEN_TOTAL; ++i)
		/* Get the object */
		o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

		if (!o_ptr->kind) {

		/* Get the "known" flags */
		object_flags_known(o_ptr, f);

		/* Initialize color based of sign of pval. */
		for (stat = 0; stat < A_MAX; stat++)
			/* Default */
			a = TERM_SLATE;
			c = '.';

			/* Boost */
			if (of_has(f, stat_flags[stat]))
				/* Default */
				c = '*';

				/* Work out which pval we're talking about */
				j = which_pval(o_ptr, stat_flags[stat]);

				/* Good */
				if (o_ptr->pval[j] > 0)
					/* Good */
					a = TERM_L_GREEN;

					/* Label boost */
					if (o_ptr->pval[j] < 10)
						c = I2D(o_ptr->pval[j]);

				/* Bad */
				if (o_ptr->pval[j] < 0)
					/* Bad */
					a = TERM_RED;

					/* Label boost */
					if (o_ptr->pval[j] > -10)
						c = I2D(-(o_ptr->pval[j]));

			/* Sustain */
			if (of_has(f, sustain_flags[stat]))
				/* Dark green */
				a = TERM_GREEN;

				/* Convert '.' to 's' */
				if (c == '.') c = 's';

			if ((c == '.') && o_ptr->kind && !object_flag_is_known(o_ptr, sustain_flags[stat]))
				c = '?';

			/* Dump proper character */
			Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

		/* Advance */

	/* Player flags */

	/* Check stats */
	for (stat = 0; stat < A_MAX; ++stat)
		/* Default */
		c = '.';

		/* Sustain */
		if (of_has(f, sustain_flags[stat]))
			/* Dark green "s" */
			a = TERM_GREEN;
			c = 's';

		/* Dump */
		Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Footer */
	c_put_str(TERM_WHITE, "abcdefghijkl@", row+6, col);

	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row+7, col);
Example #5
static void display_resistance_panel(const struct player_flag_record *resists,
									size_t size, const region *bounds) 
	size_t i, j;
	int col = bounds->col;
	int row = bounds->row;
	Term_putstr(col, row++, RES_COLS, TERM_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");
	for (i = 0; i < size-3; i++, row++)
		byte name_attr = TERM_WHITE;
		Term_gotoxy(col+6, row);
		/* repeated extraction of flags is inefficient but more natural */
		for (j = INVEN_WIELD; j <= INVEN_TOTAL; j++)
			object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[j];
			bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

			byte attr = TERM_WHITE | (j % 2) * 8; /* alternating columns */
			char sym = '.';

			bool res, imm, vuln;

			/* Wipe flagset */

			if (j < INVEN_TOTAL && o_ptr->kind)
				object_flags_known(o_ptr, f);
			else if (j == INVEN_TOTAL)

				/* If the race has innate infravision/digging, force the corresponding flag
				   here.  If we set it in player_flags(), then all callers of that
				   function will think the infravision is caused by equipment. */
				if (p_ptr->race->infra > 0)
					of_on(f, OF_INFRA);
				if (p_ptr->race->r_skills[SKILL_DIGGING] > 0)
					of_on(f, OF_TUNNEL);

			res = of_has(f, resists[i].res_flag);
			imm = of_has(f, resists[i].im_flag);
			vuln = of_has(f, resists[i].vuln_flag);

			if (imm) name_attr = TERM_GREEN;
			else if (res && name_attr == TERM_WHITE) name_attr = TERM_L_BLUE;

			if (vuln) sym = '-';
			else if (imm) sym = '*';
			else if (res) sym = '+';
			else if ((j < INVEN_TOTAL) && o_ptr->kind && 
				!object_flag_is_known(o_ptr, resists[i].res_flag)) sym = '?';
			Term_addch(attr, sym);
		Term_putstr(col, row, 6, name_attr, format("%5s:", resists[i].name));
	Term_putstr(col, row++, RES_COLS, TERM_WHITE, "      abcdefghijkl@");
	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row++, col+6);
Example #6
 * Calculate the players current "state", taking into account
 * not only race/class intrinsics, but also objects being worn
 * and temporary spell effects.
 * See also calc_mana() and calc_hitpoints().
 * Take note of the new "speed code", in particular, a very strong
 * player will start slowing down as soon as he reaches 150 pounds,
 * but not until he reaches 450 pounds will he be half as fast as
 * a normal kobold.  This both hurts and helps the player, hurts
 * because in the old days a player could just avoid 300 pounds,
 * and helps because now carrying 300 pounds is not very painful.
 * The "weapon" and "bow" do *not* add to the bonuses to hit or to
 * damage, since that would affect non-combat things.  These values
 * are actually added in later, at the appropriate place.
 * If id_only is true, calc_bonuses() will only use the known
 * information of objects; thus it returns what the player _knows_
 * the character state to be.
void calc_bonuses(object_type inventory[], player_state *state, bool id_only)
	int i, j, hold;

	int extra_blows = 0;
	int extra_shots = 0;
	int extra_might = 0;

	object_type *o_ptr;

	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];
	bitflag collect_f[OF_SIZE];

	/*** Reset ***/

	memset(state, 0, sizeof *state);

	/* Set various defaults */
	state->speed = 110;
	state->num_blow = 1;

	/*** Extract race/class info ***/

	/* Base infravision (purely racial) */
	state->see_infra = rp_ptr->infra;

	/* Base skills */
	for (i = 0; i < SKILL_MAX; i++)
		state->skills[i] = rp_ptr->r_skills[i] + cp_ptr->c_skills[i];

	/*** Analyze player ***/

	/* Extract the player flags */

	/*** Analyze equipment ***/

	/* Scan the equipment */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD; i < INVEN_TOTAL; i++)
		o_ptr = &inventory[i];

		/* Skip non-objects */
		if (!o_ptr->k_idx) continue;

		/* Extract the item flags */
		if (id_only)
			object_flags_known(o_ptr, f);
			object_flags(o_ptr, f);

		of_union(collect_f, f);

		/* Affect stats */
		if (of_has(f, OF_STR)) state->stat_add[A_STR] += o_ptr->pval;
		if (of_has(f, OF_INT)) state->stat_add[A_INT] += o_ptr->pval;
		if (of_has(f, OF_WIS)) state->stat_add[A_WIS] += o_ptr->pval;
		if (of_has(f, OF_DEX)) state->stat_add[A_DEX] += o_ptr->pval;
		if (of_has(f, OF_CON)) state->stat_add[A_CON] += o_ptr->pval;
		if (of_has(f, OF_CHR)) state->stat_add[A_CHR] += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect stealth */
		if (of_has(f, OF_STEALTH)) state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect searching ability (factor of five) */
		if (of_has(f, OF_SEARCH)) state->skills[SKILL_SEARCH] += (o_ptr->pval * 5);

		/* Affect searching frequency (factor of five) */
		if (of_has(f, OF_SEARCH)) state->skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] += (o_ptr->pval * 5);

		/* Affect infravision */
		if (of_has(f, OF_INFRA)) state->see_infra += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect digging (factor of 20) */
		if (of_has(f, OF_TUNNEL)) state->skills[SKILL_DIGGING] += (o_ptr->pval * 20);

		/* Affect speed */
		if (of_has(f, OF_SPEED)) state->speed += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect blows */
		if (of_has(f, OF_BLOWS)) extra_blows += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect shots */
		if (of_has(f, OF_SHOTS)) extra_shots += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Affect Might */
		if (of_has(f, OF_MIGHT)) extra_might += o_ptr->pval;

		/* Modify the base armor class */
		state->ac += o_ptr->ac;

		/* The base armor class is always known */
		state->dis_ac += o_ptr->ac;

		/* Apply the bonuses to armor class */
		if (!id_only || object_is_known(o_ptr))
			state->to_a += o_ptr->to_a;

		/* Apply the mental bonuses to armor class, if known */
		if (object_defence_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr))
			state->dis_to_a += o_ptr->to_a;

		/* Hack -- do not apply "weapon" bonuses */
		if (i == INVEN_WIELD) continue;

		/* Hack -- do not apply "bow" bonuses */
		if (i == INVEN_BOW) continue;

		/* Apply the bonuses to hit/damage */
		if (!id_only || object_is_known(o_ptr))
			state->to_h += o_ptr->to_h;
			state->to_d += o_ptr->to_d;

		/* Apply the mental bonuses tp hit/damage, if known */
		if (object_attack_plusses_are_visible(o_ptr))
			state->dis_to_h += o_ptr->to_h;
			state->dis_to_d += o_ptr->to_d;

	/*** Update all flags ***/

	/* Good flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SLOW_DIGEST)) state->slow_digest = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_FEATHER)) state->ffall = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_REGEN)) state->regenerate = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_TELEPATHY)) state->telepathy = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SEE_INVIS)) state->see_inv = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_FREE_ACT)) state->free_act = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_HOLD_LIFE)) state->hold_life = TRUE;

	/* Weird flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_BLESSED)) state->bless_blade = TRUE;

	/* Bad flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IMPACT)) state->impact = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_AGGRAVATE)) state->aggravate = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_TELEPORT)) state->teleport = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_DRAIN_EXP)) state->exp_drain = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IMPAIR_HP)) state->impair_hp = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IMPAIR_MANA)) state->impair_mana = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_AFRAID)) state->afraid = TRUE;

	/* Vulnerability flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_VULN_FIRE)) state->vuln_fire = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_VULN_ACID)) state->vuln_acid = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_VULN_COLD)) state->vuln_cold = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_VULN_ELEC)) state->vuln_elec = TRUE;

	/* Immunity flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IM_FIRE)) state->immune_fire = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IM_ACID)) state->immune_acid = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IM_COLD)) state->immune_cold = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_IM_ELEC)) state->immune_elec = TRUE;

	/* Resistance flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_ACID)) state->resist_acid = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_ELEC)) state->resist_elec = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_FIRE)) state->resist_fire = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_COLD)) state->resist_cold = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_POIS)) state->resist_pois = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_FEAR)) state->resist_fear = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_LIGHT)) state->resist_light = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_DARK)) state->resist_dark = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_BLIND)) state->resist_blind = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_CONFU)) state->resist_confu = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_SOUND)) state->resist_sound = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_SHARD)) state->resist_shard = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_NEXUS)) state->resist_nexus = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_NETHR)) state->resist_nethr = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_CHAOS)) state->resist_chaos = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_RES_DISEN)) state->resist_disen = TRUE;

	/* Sustain flags */
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_STR)) state->sustain_str = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_INT)) state->sustain_int = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_WIS)) state->sustain_wis = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_DEX)) state->sustain_dex = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_CON)) state->sustain_con = TRUE;
	if (of_has(collect_f, OF_SUST_CHR)) state->sustain_chr = TRUE;

	/*** Handle stats ***/

	/* Calculate stats */
	for (i = 0; i < A_MAX; i++)
		int add, top, use, ind;

		/* Extract modifier */
		add = state->stat_add[i];

		/* Maximize mode */
		if (OPT(adult_maximize))
			/* Modify the stats for race/class */
			add += (rp_ptr->r_adj[i] + cp_ptr->c_adj[i]);

		/* Extract the new "stat_top" value for the stat */
		top = modify_stat_value(p_ptr->stat_max[i], add);

		/* Save the new value */
		state->stat_top[i] = top;

		/* Extract the new "stat_use" value for the stat */
		use = modify_stat_value(p_ptr->stat_cur[i], add);

		/* Save the new value */
		state->stat_use[i] = use;

		/* Values: n/a */
		if (use <= 3) ind = 0;

		/* Values: 3, 4, ..., 18 */
		else if (use <= 18) ind = (use - 3);

		/* Ranges: 18/00-18/09, ..., 18/210-18/219 */
		else if (use <= 18+219) ind = (15 + (use - 18) / 10);

		/* Range: 18/220+ */
		else ind = (37);

		assert((0 <= ind) && (ind < STAT_RANGE));

		/* Save the new index */
		state->stat_ind[i] = ind;

	/*** Temporary flags ***/

	/* Apply temporary "stun" */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_STUN] > 50)
		state->to_h -= 20;
		state->dis_to_h -= 20;
		state->to_d -= 20;
		state->dis_to_d -= 20;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 8 / 10;
	else if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_STUN])
		state->to_h -= 5;
		state->dis_to_h -= 5;
		state->to_d -= 5;
		state->dis_to_d -= 5;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 9 / 10;

	/* Invulnerability */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_INVULN])
		state->to_a += 100;
		state->dis_to_a += 100;

	/* Temporary blessing */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_BLESSED])
		state->to_a += 5;
		state->dis_to_a += 5;
		state->to_h += 10;
		state->dis_to_h += 10;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 105 / 100;

	/* Temporary shield */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SHIELD])
		state->to_a += 50;
		state->dis_to_a += 50;

	/* Temporary stoneskin */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_STONESKIN])
		state->to_a += 40;
		state->dis_to_a += 40;
		state->speed -= 5;

	/* Temporary "Hero" */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_HERO])
		state->to_h += 12;
		state->dis_to_h += 12;
		state->resist_fear = TRUE;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 105 / 100;

	/* Temporary "Berserk" */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SHERO])
		state->to_h += 24;
		state->dis_to_h += 24;
		state->to_a -= 10;
		state->dis_to_a -= 10;
		state->resist_fear = TRUE;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 9 / 10;

	/* Temporary "fast" */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_FAST] || p_ptr->timed[TMD_SPRINT])
		state->speed += 10;

	/* Temporary "slow" */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SLOW])
		state->speed -= 10;

	/* Temporary see invisible */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SINVIS])
		state->see_inv = TRUE;

	/* Temporary infravision boost */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_SINFRA])
		state->see_infra += 5;

	/* Temporary telepathy */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_TELEPATHY])
		state->telepathy = TRUE;

	/* Temporary resist confusion */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_OPP_CONF])
		state->resist_confu = TRUE;

	/* Fear */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_AFRAID] || p_ptr->timed[TMD_TERROR])
		state->afraid = TRUE;

	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_TERROR])
		state->speed += 5;

	/* Fear can come from item flags too */
	if (state->afraid)
		state->to_h -= 20;
		state->dis_to_h -= 20;
		state->to_a += 8;
		state->dis_to_a += 8;
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 95 / 100;

	/* Confusion */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_CONFUSED])
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 75 / 100;

	/* Amnesia */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_AMNESIA])
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 8 / 10;

	/* Poison */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_POISONED])
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 95 / 100;

	/* Hallucination */
	if (p_ptr->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
		state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] = state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE]
			* 8 / 10;

	/*** Analyze weight ***/

	/* Extract the current weight (in tenth pounds) */
	j = p_ptr->total_weight;

	/* Extract the "weight limit" (in tenth pounds) */
	i = weight_limit(state);

	/* Apply "encumbrance" from weight */
	if (j > i / 2) state->speed -= ((j - (i / 2)) / (i / 10));

	/* Bloating slows the player down (a little) */
	if (p_ptr->food >= PY_FOOD_MAX) state->speed -= 10;

	/* Searching slows the player down */
	if (p_ptr->searching) state->speed -= 10;

	/* Sanity check on extreme speeds */
	if (state->speed < 0) state->speed = 0;
	if (state->speed > 199) state->speed = 199;

	/*** Apply modifier bonuses ***/

	/* Actual Modifier Bonuses (Un-inflate stat bonuses) */
	state->to_a += ((int)(adj_dex_ta[state->stat_ind[A_DEX]]) - 128);
	state->to_d += ((int)(adj_str_td[state->stat_ind[A_STR]]) - 128);
	state->to_h += ((int)(adj_dex_th[state->stat_ind[A_DEX]]) - 128);
	state->to_h += ((int)(adj_str_th[state->stat_ind[A_STR]]) - 128);

	/* Displayed Modifier Bonuses (Un-inflate stat bonuses) */
	state->dis_to_a += ((int)(adj_dex_ta[state->stat_ind[A_DEX]]) - 128);
	state->dis_to_d += ((int)(adj_str_td[state->stat_ind[A_STR]]) - 128);
	state->dis_to_h += ((int)(adj_dex_th[state->stat_ind[A_DEX]]) - 128);
	state->dis_to_h += ((int)(adj_str_th[state->stat_ind[A_STR]]) - 128);

	/*** Modify skills ***/

	/* Affect Skill -- stealth (bonus one) */
	state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] += 1;

	/* Affect Skill -- disarming (DEX and INT) */
	state->skills[SKILL_DISARM] += adj_dex_dis[state->stat_ind[A_DEX]];
	state->skills[SKILL_DISARM] += adj_int_dis[state->stat_ind[A_INT]];

	/* Affect Skill -- magic devices (INT) */
	state->skills[SKILL_DEVICE] += adj_int_dev[state->stat_ind[A_INT]];

	/* Affect Skill -- saving throw (WIS) */
	state->skills[SKILL_SAVE] += adj_wis_sav[state->stat_ind[A_WIS]];

	/* Affect Skill -- digging (STR) */
	state->skills[SKILL_DIGGING] += adj_str_dig[state->stat_ind[A_STR]];

	/* Affect Skills (Level, by Class) */
	for (i = 0; i < SKILL_MAX; i++)
		state->skills[i] += (cp_ptr->x_skills[i] * p_ptr->lev / 10);

	/* Limit Skill -- digging from 1 up */
	if (state->skills[SKILL_DIGGING] < 1) state->skills[SKILL_DIGGING] = 1;

	/* Limit Skill -- stealth from 0 to 30 */
	if (state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] > 30) state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] = 30;
	if (state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] < 0) state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH] = 0;

	/* Apply Skill -- Extract noise from stealth */
	state->noise = (1L << (30 - state->skills[SKILL_STEALTH]));

	/* Obtain the "hold" value */
	hold = adj_str_hold[state->stat_ind[A_STR]];

	/*** Analyze current bow ***/

	/* Examine the "current bow" */
	o_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_BOW];

	/* Assume not heavy */
	state->heavy_shoot = FALSE;

	/* It is hard to carholdry a heavy bow */
	if (hold < o_ptr->weight / 10)
		/* Hard to wield a heavy bow */
		state->to_h += 2 * (hold - o_ptr->weight / 10);
		state->dis_to_h += 2 * (hold - o_ptr->weight / 10);

		/* Heavy Bow */
		state->heavy_shoot = TRUE;

	/* Analyze launcher */
	if (o_ptr->k_idx)
		/* Get to shoot */
		state->num_fire = 1;

		/* Analyze the launcher */
		switch (o_ptr->sval)
			/* Sling and ammo */
			case SV_SLING:
				state->ammo_tval = TV_SHOT;
				state->ammo_mult = 2;

			/* Short Bow and Arrow */
			case SV_SHORT_BOW:
				state->ammo_tval = TV_ARROW;
				state->ammo_mult = 2;

			/* Long Bow and Arrow */
			case SV_LONG_BOW:
				state->ammo_tval = TV_ARROW;
				state->ammo_mult = 3;

			/* Light Crossbow and Bolt */
			case SV_LIGHT_XBOW:
				state->ammo_tval = TV_BOLT;
				state->ammo_mult = 3;

			/* Heavy Crossbow and Bolt */
			case SV_HEAVY_XBOW:
				state->ammo_tval = TV_BOLT;
				state->ammo_mult = 4;

		/* Apply special flags */
		if (o_ptr->k_idx && !state->heavy_shoot)
			/* Extra shots */
			state->num_fire += extra_shots;

			/* Extra might */
			state->ammo_mult += extra_might;

			/* Hack -- Rangers love Bows */
			if (player_has(PF_EXTRA_SHOT) &&
			    (state->ammo_tval == TV_ARROW))
				/* Extra shot at level 20 */
				if (p_ptr->lev >= 20) state->num_fire++;

				/* Extra shot at level 40 */
				if (p_ptr->lev >= 40) state->num_fire++;

		/* Require at least one shot */
		if (state->num_fire < 1) state->num_fire = 1;

	/*** Analyze weapon ***/

	/* Examine the "current weapon" */
	o_ptr = &inventory[INVEN_WIELD];

	/* Assume not heavy */
	state->heavy_wield = FALSE;

	/* It is hard to hold a heavy weapon */
	if (hold < o_ptr->weight / 10)
		/* Hard to wield a heavy weapon */
		state->to_h += 2 * (hold - o_ptr->weight / 10);
		state->dis_to_h += 2 * (hold - o_ptr->weight / 10);

		/* Heavy weapon */
		state->heavy_wield = TRUE;

	/* Non-object means barehanded attacks */
	if (!o_ptr->k_idx)
		assert(o_ptr->weight == 0);

	/* Normal weapons */
	if (!state->heavy_wield)
		/* Calculate number of blows */
		state->num_blow = calc_blows(o_ptr, state) + extra_blows;

		/* Boost digging skill by weapon weight */
		state->skills[SKILL_DIGGING] += (o_ptr->weight / 10);

	/* Assume okay */
	state->icky_wield = FALSE;

	/* Priest weapon penalty for non-blessed edged weapons */
	if (player_has(PF_BLESS_WEAPON) && (!state->bless_blade) &&
	    ((o_ptr->tval == TV_SWORD) || (o_ptr->tval == TV_POLEARM)))
		/* Reduce the real bonuses */
		state->to_h -= 2;
		state->to_d -= 2;

		/* Reduce the mental bonuses */
		state->dis_to_h -= 2;
		state->dis_to_d -= 2;

		/* Icky weapon */
		state->icky_wield = TRUE;

Example #7
 * Special display, part 2c
 * How to print out the modifications and sustains.
 * Positive mods with no sustain will be light green.
 * Positive mods with a sustain will be dark green.
 * Sustains (with no modification) will be a dark green 's'.
 * Negative mods (from a curse) will be red.
 * Huge mods (>9), like from MICoMorgoth, will be a '*'
 * No mod, no sustain, will be a slate '.'
static void display_player_sust_info(void)
	int i, row, col, stat;

	object_type *o_ptr;
	bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

	int stat_flags[A_MAX];
	int sustain_flags[A_MAX];

	byte a;
	char c;

	/* Row */
	row = 2;

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Build the stat flags tables */
	stat_flags[A_STR] = OF_STR;
	stat_flags[A_INT] = OF_INT;
	stat_flags[A_WIS] = OF_WIS;
	stat_flags[A_DEX] = OF_DEX;
	stat_flags[A_CON] = OF_CON;
	stat_flags[A_CHR] = OF_CHR;
	sustain_flags[A_STR] = OF_SUST_STR;
	sustain_flags[A_INT] = OF_SUST_INT;
	sustain_flags[A_WIS] = OF_SUST_WIS;
	sustain_flags[A_DEX] = OF_SUST_DEX;
	sustain_flags[A_CON] = OF_SUST_CON;
	sustain_flags[A_CHR] = OF_SUST_CHR;

	/* Header */
	c_put_str(TERM_WHITE, "@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}", row-1, col);

	/* Process equipment */
	for (i = INVEN_WIELD - 1; i < INVEN_TOTAL; ++i)
		if (((i >= INVEN_WIELD) && (i < INVEN_WIELD + rp_ptr->melee_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_BOW) && (i < INVEN_BOW + rp_ptr->range_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_FINGER) && (i < INVEN_FINGER + rp_ptr->ring_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_NECK) && (i < INVEN_NECK + rp_ptr->amulet_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_LIGHT) && (i < INVEN_LIGHT + rp_ptr->light_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_BODY) && (i < INVEN_BODY + rp_ptr->body_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_OUTER) && (i < INVEN_OUTER + rp_ptr->cloak_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_ARM) && (i < INVEN_ARM + rp_ptr->shield_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_HEAD) && (i < INVEN_HEAD + rp_ptr->helm_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_HANDS) && (i < INVEN_HANDS + rp_ptr->glove_slots))
		||	((i >= INVEN_FEET) && (i < INVEN_FEET + rp_ptr->boot_slots))
		||	(i == INVEN_WIELD - 1))
			/* Player flags */
			if (i < INVEN_WIELD)
				o_ptr = NULL;
				/* Get the object */
				o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[i];

				/* Get the "known" flags */
				object_flags_known(o_ptr, f);
			/* Initialize color based of sign of pval. */
			for (stat = 0; stat < A_MAX; stat++)
				/* Default */
				a = TERM_SLATE;
				c = '.';

				/* Boost */
				if (of_has(f, stat_flags[stat]) && (o_ptr != NULL))
					/* Default */
					c = '*';

					/* Good */
					if (o_ptr->pval > 0)
						/* Good */
						a = TERM_L_GREEN;

						/* Label boost */
						if (o_ptr->pval < 10) c = I2D(o_ptr->pval);

					/* Bad */
					if (o_ptr->pval < 0)
						/* Bad */
						a = TERM_RED;

						/* Label boost */
						if (o_ptr->pval > -10) c = I2D(-(o_ptr->pval));

				/* Sustain */
				if (of_has(f, sustain_flags[stat]))
					/* Dark green */
					a = TERM_GREEN;

					/* Convert '.' to 's' */
					if (c == '.') c = 's';

				if ((c == '.') && (o_ptr != NULL) && o_ptr->k_idx && !object_flag_is_known(o_ptr, sustain_flags[stat]))
					c = '?';

				/* Dump proper character */
				Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

			/* Advance */

	/* Check stats */
	for (stat = 0; stat < A_MAX; ++stat)
		/* Default */
		c = '.';

		/* Sustain */
		if (of_has(f, sustain_flags[stat]))
			/* Dark green "s" */
			a = TERM_GREEN;
			c = 's';

		/* Dump */
		Term_putch(col, row+stat, a, c);

	/* Column */
	col = 26;

	/* Footer */
	c_put_str(TERM_WHITE, "@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}", row+6, col);

	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row+7, col+1);
Example #8
static void display_resistance_panel(const struct player_flag_record *resists,
									size_t size, const region *bounds) 
	size_t i;
	int j;
	int col = bounds->col;
	int row = bounds->row;
	Term_putstr(col, row++, RES_COLS, TERM_WHITE, "      @abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}");
	for (i = 0; i < size-3; i++, row++)
		byte name_attr = TERM_WHITE;
		Term_gotoxy(col+6, row);
		/* repeated extraction of flags is inefficient but more natural */
		for (j = INVEN_WIELD - 1; j < INVEN_TOTAL; j++)
			if (((j >= INVEN_WIELD) && (j < INVEN_WIELD + rp_ptr->melee_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_BOW) && (j < INVEN_BOW + rp_ptr->range_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_FINGER) && (j < INVEN_FINGER + rp_ptr->ring_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_NECK) && (j < INVEN_NECK + rp_ptr->amulet_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_LIGHT) && (j < INVEN_LIGHT + rp_ptr->light_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_BODY) && (j < INVEN_BODY + rp_ptr->body_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_OUTER) && (j < INVEN_OUTER + rp_ptr->cloak_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_ARM) && (j < INVEN_ARM + rp_ptr->shield_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_HEAD) && (j < INVEN_HEAD + rp_ptr->helm_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_HANDS) && (j < INVEN_HANDS + rp_ptr->glove_slots))
			||	((j >= INVEN_FEET) && (j < INVEN_FEET + rp_ptr->boot_slots))
			||	(j == INVEN_WIELD - 1))
				object_type *o_ptr = &p_ptr->inventory[j];
				bitflag f[OF_SIZE];

				byte attr = TERM_WHITE | (j % 2) * 8; /* alternating columns */
				char sym = '.';

				bool res, imm, vuln;

				/* Wipe flagset */

				if (j < INVEN_WIELD)

					/* If the race has innate infravision/digging, force the corresponding flag
					   here.  If we set it in player_flags(), then all callers of that
					   function will think the infravision is caused by equipment. */
					if (rp_ptr->infra > 0)
						of_on(f, OF_INFRA);
					if (rp_ptr->r_skills[SKILL_DIGGING] > 0)
						of_on(f, OF_TUNNEL);
				else if (j < INVEN_TOTAL && o_ptr->k_idx)
					object_flags_known(o_ptr, f);

				res = of_has(f, resists[i].res_flag);
				imm = of_has(f, resists[i].im_flag);
				vuln = of_has(f, resists[i].vuln_flag);

				if (imm) name_attr = TERM_GREEN;
				else if (res && name_attr == TERM_WHITE) name_attr = TERM_L_BLUE;

				if (vuln) sym = '-';
				else if (imm) sym = '*';
				else if (res) sym = '+';
				else if ((j < INVEN_TOTAL) && o_ptr->k_idx && 
					!object_flag_is_known(o_ptr, resists[i].res_flag)) sym = '?';
				Term_addch(attr, sym);
		Term_putstr(col, row, 6, name_attr, format("%5s:", resists[i].name));
	Term_putstr(col, row++, RES_COLS, TERM_WHITE, "      @abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}");
	/* Equippy */
	display_player_equippy(row++, col+7);