int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; // A service discovery object player_sd_t* sd; // Initialize multiclient mclient = playerc_mclient_create(); // Initialize service discovery sd = player_sd_init(); // Look for Player devices if(player_sd_browse(sd, 0.0, 1, browse_cb) != 0) { puts("player_sd_browse error"); exit(-1); } for(;;) { // Update name service player_sd_update(sd,0.0); // Wait for new data from server playerc_mclient_read(mclient,10); } // Shutdown for(i=0;i<num_laserdevs;i++) { playerc_laser_unsubscribe(lasers[i]); playerc_laser_destroy(lasers[i]); playerc_client_disconnect(clients[i]); playerc_client_destroy(clients[i]); } playerc_mclient_destroy(mclient); return(0); }
// Destroy a laser device void laser_destroy(laser_t *laser) { if (laser->proxy->info.subscribed) playerc_laser_unsubscribe(laser->proxy); playerc_laser_destroy(laser->proxy); rtk_fig_destroy(laser->scan_fig); #if 0 rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->res025_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->res050_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->res100_item); #endif rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->range_mm_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->range_cm_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->range_dm_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->subscribe_item); rtk_menuitem_destroy(laser->style_item); rtk_menu_destroy(laser->menu); free(laser->drivername); free(laser); }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { //Variaveis int degrees,PosRelX,PosRelY; float radians,Dlaser,ODM_ang, ang; int width = 500, height = 500; //Coloque o tamanho do mapa aqui (em pixel) int centroX = (width / 2); int centroY = (height / 2); playerc_client_t *client; playerc_laser_t *laser; playerc_position2d_t *position2d; CvPoint pt,pt1,pt2; CvScalar cinzaE,preto,cinzaC; char window_name[] = "Mapa"; IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 ); cvNamedWindow(window_name, 1 ); preto = CV_RGB(0, 0, 0); //Para indicar obstaculos cinzaE = CV_RGB(92, 92, 92); //Para indicar o desconhecido cinzaC = CV_RGB(150, 150, 150); //Para indicar espacos livres printf ("debug: 11 - INICIO\n"); client = playerc_client_create(NULL, "localhost", 6665); printf ("debug: 12\n"); if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0) return -1; printf ("debug: 13\n"); laser = playerc_laser_create(client, 0); printf ("debug: 21\n"); if (playerc_laser_subscribe(laser, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE)) return -1; printf ("debug: 22\n"); position2d = playerc_position2d_create(client, 0); if (playerc_position2d_subscribe(position2d, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0) { printf ("err1\n"); fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } printf ("debug: 23\n"); if (playerc_client_datamode (client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0) { printf ("err2\n"); fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } printf ("debug: 24\n"); if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule (client, -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0) { printf ("err3\n"); fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } playerc_position2d_enable(position2d, 1); // Liga os motores printf ("debug: 25\n"); playerc_position2d_set_odom(position2d, 0, 0, 0); // Zera o odômetro cvSet(image, cinzaE,0); //Preencha a imagem com fundo cinza escuro pt.x = centroX; // Zera a coordenada X pt.y = centroY; // Zera a coordenada Y /* if( 0 != playerc_position2d_set_cmd_vel(position2d, 0, 0, DTOR(40.0), 1)) return -1; */ while(1) { printf ("debug: 26\n"); playerc_client_read(client); printf ("debug: 27\n"); //cvSaveImage("mapa1.jpg",image,0); printf ("debug: 28\n"); //playerc_client_read(client); printf ("debug: 29\n"); for (degrees = 2; degrees <= 360; degrees+=2) { printf ("debug: 30\n"); Dlaser = laser->scan[degrees][0]; printf ("debug: 31\n"); if (Dlaser < 8) { radians = graus2rad (degrees/2); //Converte o angulo do laser em graus para radianos printf ("debug: 32\n"); ODM_ang = position2d->pa; //Obtem o angulo relativo do robo ang = ((1.5*PI)+radians+ODM_ang); //Converte o angulo relativo em global printf ("debug: 33\n"); PosRelX = arredonda(position2d->px); //Posicao X relativa do robo PosRelY = arredonda(position2d->py); //Posicao Y relativa do robo printf ("debug: 34\n"); pt1.y = (centroY-PosRelY); //Coordenada y global do robo pt1.x = (centroX+PosRelX); //Coordenada x global do robo //converte coordenadas polares para retangulares (global) printf ("debug: 35\n"); pt.y = (int)(pt1.y-(sin(ang)*Dlaser*10)); pt.x = (int)(pt1.x+(cos(ang)*Dlaser*10)); printf ("debug: 36\n"); //Desenha a area livre cvLine(image, pt1,pt,cinzaC, 1,4,0); printf ("debug: 37\n"); //Marca o objeto no mapa cvLine(image, pt,pt,preto, 1,4,0); printf ("debug: 38\n"); //Mostra o resultado do mapeamento na tela //cvShowImage(window_name, image ); printf ("debug: 39\n"); //cvWaitKey(10); printf ("debug: 40\n"); } } } //Desconecta o player printf ("debug: 41\n"); playerc_laser_unsubscribe(laser); printf ("debug: 42\n"); playerc_laser_destroy(laser); printf ("debug: 43\n"); playerc_client_disconnect(client); printf ("debug: 44\n"); playerc_client_destroy(client); printf ("debug: 45\n"); //Destroi a janela OpenCV cvReleaseImage(&image); printf ("debug: 46\n"); cvDestroyWindow(window_name); printf ("debug: 47\n"); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { int i; int porta = 6665; double x, y; char livre; char end_ip[20]; // OpenCV Variables char wndname[30] = "Drawing Demo"; int line_type = CV_AA; // change it to 8 to see non-antialiased graphics CvPoint pt1, pt2; IplImage* image; int width = MAX_X, height = MAX_Y; // 200 x 100 pixels // Player-Stage Variables playerc_client_t *client; playerc_position2d_t *position2d; playerc_laser_t *laser; // Create a window image = cvCreateImage(cvSize(width, height), 8, 3); cvNamedWindow(wndname, 1); cvZero(image); pt1.x = 100; pt1.y = MAX_Y; pt2.x = 100; pt2.y = MAX_Y - 80; cvLine(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, line_type, 0); pt2.x = 20; pt2.y = MAX_Y; cvLine(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, line_type, 0); pt2.x = 180; pt2.y = MAX_Y; cvLine(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, line_type, 0); cvShowImage(wndname, image); cvWaitKey(1000); cvZero(image); pt1.x = 20; pt1.y = MAX_Y; pt2.x = 160; pt2.y = MAX_Y - 80; cvRectangle(image, pt1, pt2, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 2, line_type, 0); cvShowImage(wndname, image); cvWaitKey(1000); strcpy(end_ip, "localhost"); if (argc >= 2) /* Get Port */ porta = atoi(argv[1]); if (argc >= 3) /* Get IP Address */ strcpy(end_ip, argv[2]); printf("Porta: %d\n", porta); printf("IP: %s\n", end_ip); client = playerc_client_create(NULL, end_ip, porta); if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0) return -1; // Connect to Position position2d = playerc_position2d_create(client, 0); if (playerc_position2d_subscribe(position2d, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } // Enable motor control playerc_position2d_enable(position2d, 1); // Connect to Laser laser = playerc_laser_create(client, 0); if (playerc_laser_subscribe(laser, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE)) return -1; // Read several times the robot data (delay) playerc_client_read(client); playerc_client_read(client); playerc_client_read(client); playerc_client_read(client); playerc_client_read(client); while (1) { playerc_client_read(client); // scan for free 100 cm in front of robot livre = 1; cvZero(image); for (i = 0; i < 360; i++) { if ((laser->scan[i][0]) < 0.5) livre = 0; // Debug: if (laser->scan[i][0] <= 0) printf("#"); if (laser->scan[i][0] < 7.8) { x = laser->scan[i][0] * cos(laser->scan[i][1] + 3.1415926 / 2.0); y = laser->scan[i][0] * sin(laser->scan[i][1] + 3.1415926 / 2.0); pt1.x = (int) (x * 10 + 100); pt1.y = (int) (MAX_Y - y * 10); cvCircle(image, pt1, 2, CV_RGB(255, 255, 255), 1, line_type, 0); } } cvShowImage(wndname, image); // if free moves, otherwise turns if (livre) playerc_position2d_set_cmd_vel(position2d, 0.2, 0, 0.0, 1); else playerc_position2d_set_cmd_vel(position2d, 0.0, 0, 0.4, 1); cvWaitKey(10); } playerc_laser_unsubscribe(laser); playerc_laser_destroy(laser); playerc_client_disconnect(client); playerc_client_destroy(client); return 0; }
int main(int argc, const char **argv) { //Variables int degrees,PosRelX,PosRelY; float radians,Dlaser,ODM_ang, ang; int width = 500, height = 500; //Create the size of the map here (in pixel) int centroX = (width / 2); int centroY = (height / 2); playerc_client_t *client; playerc_laser_t *laser; playerc_position2d_t *position2d; CvPoint pt,pt1,pt2; CvScalar cinzaE,preto,cinzaC; char window_name[] = "Map"; IplImage* image = cvCreateImage( cvSize(width,height), 8, 3 ); cvNamedWindow(window_name, 1 ); preto = CV_RGB(0, 0, 0); //for indicating obstacles cinzaE = CV_RGB(92, 92, 92); //To indicate the stranger cinzaC = CV_RGB(150, 150, 150); //To indicate free spaces client = playerc_client_create(NULL, "localhost", 6665); if (playerc_client_connect(client) != 0) return -1; laser = playerc_laser_create(client, 0); if (playerc_laser_subscribe(laser, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE)) return -1; position2d = playerc_position2d_create(client, 0); if (playerc_position2d_subscribe(position2d, PLAYERC_OPEN_MODE) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } if (playerc_client_datamode (client, PLAYERC_DATAMODE_PULL) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } if (playerc_client_set_replace_rule (client, -1, -1, PLAYER_MSGTYPE_DATA, -1, 1) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "error: %s\n", playerc_error_str()); return -1; } playerc_position2d_enable(position2d, 1); // initialise motors playerc_position2d_set_odom(position2d, 0, 0, 0); // Set odometer to zero cvSet(image, cinzaE,0); //set the image colour to dark pt.x = centroX; // Zero coordinate for x pt.y = centroY; // Zero coordinate for y while(1) { playerc_client_read(client); cvSaveImage("mapa.jpg",image); playerc_client_read(client); for (degrees = 2; degrees <= 360; degrees+=2) { Dlaser = laser->scan[degrees][0]; if (Dlaser < 8) { radians = graus2rad (degrees/2); //Convert the angle of the laser to radians ODM_ang = position2d->pa; //Obtain the angle relative to the robot ang = ((1.5*PI)+radians+ODM_ang); //Converte the angle relative to the world PosRelX = arredonda(position2d->px); //Position x relative to robot PosRelY = arredonda(position2d->py); //Position y relative to robot pt1.y = (centroY-PosRelY); //Co-ordinated global y of the robot pt1.x = (centroX+PosRelX); //Co-ordinated global x of the robot //t converts polar coordinates for rectangular (global) pt.y = (int)(pt1.y-(sin(ang)*Dlaser*10)); pt.x = (int)(pt1.x+(cos(ang)*Dlaser*10)); //The free area draws cvline cvLine(image, pt1,pt,cinzaC, 1,4,0); //marks the object in the map cvLine(image, pt,pt,preto, 1,4,0); //Shows the result of the map to the screen cvShowImage(window_name, image ); cvWaitKey(10); } } } //Disconnect player playerc_laser_unsubscribe(laser); playerc_laser_destroy(laser); playerc_client_disconnect(client); playerc_client_destroy(client); //Destroy the OpenCV window cvReleaseImage cvReleaseImage(&image); cvDestroyWindow(window_name); return 0; }