Example #1
 * Create a playlist node
 * \param p_playlist the playlist
 * \param psz_name the name of the node
 * \param p_parent the parent node to attach to or NULL if no attach
 * \param i_pos position of the node in the parent, PLAYLIST_END to append to end.
 * \param p_flags miscellaneous flags
 * \param p_input the input_item to attach to or NULL if it has to be created
 * \return the new node
playlist_item_t * playlist_NodeCreate( playlist_t *p_playlist,
                                       const char *psz_name,
                                       playlist_item_t *p_parent, int i_pos,
                                       int i_flags, input_item_t *p_input )
    input_item_t *p_new_input = NULL;
    playlist_item_t *p_item;

    if( !psz_name ) psz_name = _("Undefined");

    if( !p_input )
        p_new_input = input_item_NewWithType( NULL, psz_name, 0, NULL, 0, -1,
                                              ITEM_TYPE_NODE );
    p_item = playlist_ItemNewFromInput( p_playlist,
                                        p_input ? p_input : p_new_input );
    if( p_new_input )
        vlc_gc_decref( p_new_input );

    if( p_item == NULL )  return NULL;
    p_item->i_children = 0;

    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->all_items, p_item);

    if( p_parent != NULL )
        playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_parent,
                             i_pos == PLAYLIST_END ? -1 : i_pos );
    playlist_SendAddNotify( p_playlist, p_item->i_id,
                            p_parent ? p_parent->i_id : -1,
                            !( i_flags & PLAYLIST_NO_REBUILD ));

    p_item->i_flags |= i_flags;

    return p_item;
Example #2
File: item.c Project: BossKing/vlc
/* Add the playlist item to the requested node and fire a notification */
static void AddItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
                     playlist_item_t *p_node, int i_mode, int i_pos )
    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->items, p_item);
    ARRAY_APPEND(p_playlist->all_items, p_item);

    if( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END )
        playlist_NodeAppend( p_playlist, p_item, p_node );
        playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_node, i_pos );

    playlist_SendAddNotify( p_playlist, p_item->i_id, p_node->i_id,
                            !( i_mode & PLAYLIST_NO_REBUILD ) );
Example #3
/* Add the playlist item to the requested node and fire a notification */
static void AddItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
                     playlist_item_t *p_node, int i_mode, int i_pos )
    ARRAY_APPEND((playlist_item_t **), p_playlist->items, p_item);			// sunqueen modify
    ARRAY_APPEND((playlist_item_t **), p_playlist->all_items, p_item);			// sunqueen modify

    if( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END )
        playlist_NodeAppend( p_playlist, p_item, p_node );
        playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_node, i_pos );

    if( !pl_priv(p_playlist)->b_doing_ml )
        playlist_SendAddNotify( p_playlist, p_item->i_id, p_node->i_id,
                                 !( i_mode & PLAYLIST_NO_REBUILD ) );
Example #4
 * Add a playlist item to a given node (in the category view )
 * \param p_playlist the playlist to insert into
 * \param p_item the playlist item to insert
 * \param i_view the view for which to add or TODO: ALL_VIEWS
 * \param p_parent the parent node
 * \param i_mode the mode used when adding
 * \param i_pos the possition in the node where to add. If this is
 *        PLAYLIST_END the item will be added at the end of the node
 ** \return The id of the playlist item
int playlist_NodeAddItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
                          int i_view,playlist_item_t *p_parent,
                          int i_mode, int i_pos)
    vlc_value_t val;
    int i_position;
    playlist_view_t *p_view;

    playlist_add_t *p_add = (playlist_add_t *)malloc(sizeof( playlist_add_t));

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_playlist->object_lock );

    if ( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END ) i_pos = -1;

    /* Sanity checks */
    if( !p_parent || p_parent->i_children == -1 )
        msg_Err( p_playlist, "invalid node" );

     * CHECK_INSERT : checks if the item is already enqued before
     * enqueing it
    if ( i_mode & PLAYLIST_CHECK_INSERT )
         int j;

        if ( p_playlist->pp_items )
            for ( j = 0; j < p_playlist->i_size; j++ )
                if ( !strcmp( p_playlist->pp_items[j]->input.psz_uri,
                              p_item->input.psz_uri ) )
                    playlist_ItemDelete( p_item );
                    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_playlist->object_lock );
                    free( p_add );
                    return -1;
        i_mode &= ~PLAYLIST_CHECK_INSERT;
        i_mode |= PLAYLIST_APPEND;

    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "adding playlist item `%s' ( %s )",
             p_item->input.psz_name, p_item->input.psz_uri );

    p_item->input.i_id = ++p_playlist->i_last_id;

    /* First, add the item at the right position in the item bank */
    /* WHY THAT ? */
     //i_position = p_playlist->i_index == -1 ? 0 : p_playlist->i_index;
    i_position = p_playlist->i_size ;

    INSERT_ELEM( p_playlist->pp_items,
                 p_item );
    INSERT_ELEM( p_playlist->pp_all_items,
                 p_item );
    p_playlist->i_enabled ++;

    /* TODO: Handle modes */
    playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, i_view, p_item, p_parent, i_pos );

    p_add->i_item = p_item->input.i_id;
    p_add->i_node = p_parent->input.i_id;
    p_add->i_view = i_view;
    val.p_address = p_add;
    var_Set( p_playlist, "item-append", val );

    /* We update the ALL view directly */
    p_view = playlist_ViewFind( p_playlist, VIEW_ALL );
    playlist_ItemAddParent( p_item, VIEW_ALL, p_view->p_root );
    playlist_ViewUpdate( p_playlist, VIEW_ALL );

    /* TODO : Update sorted views*/

    if( i_mode & PLAYLIST_GO )
        p_playlist->request.b_request = VLC_TRUE;
        p_playlist->request.i_view = VIEW_CATEGORY;
        p_playlist->request.p_node = p_parent;
        p_playlist->request.p_item = p_item;
        if( p_playlist->p_input )
            input_StopThread( p_playlist->p_input );
        p_playlist->status.i_status = PLAYLIST_RUNNING;
    if( i_mode & PLAYLIST_PREPARSE &&
        var_CreateGetBool( p_playlist, "auto-preparse" ) )
        playlist_PreparseEnqueue( p_playlist, &p_item->input );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_playlist->object_lock );

    val.b_bool = VLC_TRUE;
//    var_Set( p_playlist, "intf-change", val );
    free( p_add );

    return p_item->input.i_id;
Example #5
 * Add a playlist item into a playlist
 * \param p_playlist the playlist to insert into
 * \param p_item the playlist item to insert
 * \param i_mode the mode used when adding
 * \param i_pos the possition in the playlist where to add. If this is
 *        PLAYLIST_END the item will be added at the end of the playlist
 *        regardless of it's size
 * \return The id of the playlist item
int playlist_AddItem( playlist_t *p_playlist, playlist_item_t *p_item,
                      int i_mode, int i_pos)
    vlc_value_t val;
    vlc_bool_t b_end = VLC_FALSE;
    playlist_view_t *p_view = NULL;

    playlist_add_t *p_add = (playlist_add_t *)malloc(sizeof( playlist_add_t));

    vlc_mutex_lock( &p_playlist->object_lock );

     * CHECK_INSERT : checks if the item is already enqued before
     * enqueing it

    /* That should not change */
    if ( i_mode & PLAYLIST_CHECK_INSERT )
         int j;

        if ( p_playlist->pp_items )
            for ( j = 0; j < p_playlist->i_size; j++ )
                if ( !strcmp( p_playlist->pp_items[j]->input.psz_uri,
                               p_item->input.psz_uri ) )
                    playlist_ItemDelete( p_item );
                    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_playlist->object_lock );
                    return -1;
         i_mode &= ~PLAYLIST_CHECK_INSERT;
         i_mode |= PLAYLIST_APPEND;

    msg_Dbg( p_playlist, "adding playlist item `%s' ( %s )",
             p_item->input.psz_name, p_item->input.psz_uri );

    p_item->input.i_id = ++p_playlist->i_last_id;

    /* Do a few boundary checks and allocate space for the item */
    if( i_pos == PLAYLIST_END )
        b_end = VLC_TRUE;
        if( i_mode & PLAYLIST_INSERT )
            i_mode &= ~PLAYLIST_INSERT;
            i_mode |= PLAYLIST_APPEND;

        i_pos = p_playlist->i_size - 1;

    if( !(i_mode & PLAYLIST_REPLACE)
         || i_pos < 0 || i_pos >= p_playlist->i_size )
        /* Additional boundary checks */
        if( i_mode & PLAYLIST_APPEND )

        if( i_pos < 0 )
            i_pos = 0;
        else if( i_pos > p_playlist->i_size )
            i_pos = p_playlist->i_size;

        INSERT_ELEM( p_playlist->pp_items, p_playlist->i_size, i_pos, p_item );
        INSERT_ELEM( p_playlist->pp_all_items, p_playlist->i_all_size,
                     p_playlist->i_all_size, p_item );
        p_playlist->i_enabled ++;

        /* We update the ALL view directly */
        playlist_ViewUpdate( p_playlist, VIEW_ALL );

        /* Add the item to the General category */
        if( b_end == VLC_TRUE )
            playlist_NodeAppend( p_playlist, VIEW_CATEGORY, p_item,
                                 p_playlist->p_general );
            p_add->i_item = p_item->input.i_id;
            p_add->i_node = p_playlist->p_general->input.i_id;
            p_add->i_view = VIEW_CATEGORY;
            val.p_address = p_add;
            var_Set( p_playlist, "item-append", val );
            playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, VIEW_CATEGORY, p_item,
                                 p_playlist->p_general, i_pos );

        p_view = playlist_ViewFind( p_playlist, VIEW_ALL );
        playlist_ItemAddParent( p_item, VIEW_ALL, p_view->p_root );

        /* FIXME : Update sorted views */

        if( p_playlist->i_index >= i_pos )
        msg_Err( p_playlist, "Insert mode not implemented" );

    if( (i_mode & PLAYLIST_GO ) && p_view )
        p_playlist->request.b_request = VLC_TRUE;
        /* FIXME ... */
        p_playlist->request.i_view = VIEW_CATEGORY;
        p_playlist->request.p_node = p_view->p_root;
        p_playlist->request.p_item = p_item;

        if( p_playlist->p_input )
            input_StopThread( p_playlist->p_input );
        p_playlist->status.i_status = PLAYLIST_RUNNING;

    if( i_mode & PLAYLIST_PREPARSE &&
        var_CreateGetBool( p_playlist, "auto-preparse" ) )
        playlist_PreparseEnqueue( p_playlist, &p_item->input );

    vlc_mutex_unlock( &p_playlist->object_lock );

    if( b_end == VLC_FALSE )
        val.b_bool = VLC_TRUE;
        var_Set( p_playlist, "intf-change", val );

    free( p_add );

    return p_item->input.i_id;
Example #6
File: tree.c Project: paa/vlc
 * Adds an item to the children of a node
 * \param p_playlist the playlist
 * \param p_item the item to append
 * \param p_parent the parent node
 * \return VLC_SUCCESS or an error
int playlist_NodeAppend( playlist_t *p_playlist,
                         playlist_item_t *p_item,
                         playlist_item_t *p_parent )
    return playlist_NodeInsert( p_playlist, p_item, p_parent, -1 );