Example #1
 * Name          : plms_amf_comp_terminate_callback
 * Description   : This is the callback function which will be called 
 *                 when the AMF framework needs to terminate PLMS. This does
 *                 all required operations to destroy PLMS(except to 
 *                 unregister from AMF)
 * Arguments     : invocation     - This parameter designated a particular 
 *                                  invocation of this callback function. The
 *                                  invoke process return invocation when it 
 *                                  responds to the Avilability Management 
 *                                  FrameWork using the saAmfResponse() 
 *                                  function.
 *                 compName       - A pointer to the name of the component 
 *                                  whose readiness stae the Availability 
 *                                  Management Framework is setting.
 * Return Values : None
 * Notes         : At present we are just support a simple liveness check.
void plms_amf_comp_terminate_callback(SaInvocationT invocation, const SaNameT 
	PLMS_CB *cb = plms_cb;
	SaAisErrorT error = SA_AIS_OK;


	saAmfResponse(cb->amf_hdl, invocation, error);
	/* FIXME : Clean up all internal structures */

	/* Detach from IPC */
	m_NCS_IPC_DETACH(&cb->mbx, NULL, cb);
	/* Disconnect from MDS */

	/* Destroy the cb */

	LOG_NO("Received AMF component terminate callback, exiting");
Example #2
  Name          : plms_mds_register

  Description   : This routine registers the PLMS Service with MDS.

  Arguments     : NULL 


  Notes         : None.
SaUint32T plms_mds_register()
        uns32 rc = NCSCC_RC_SUCCESS;
        NCSMDS_INFO svc_info;
        MDS_SVC_ID svc_id[1] = { NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMA };
        MDS_SVC_ID plms_id[1] = { NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS };
        MDS_SVC_ID plms_hrb_id[1] = { NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS_HRB };
	PLMS_CB *cb = plms_cb;


        /* Create the virtual Destination for  PLMS */
        rc = plms_mds_vdest_create();
        if (NCSCC_RC_SUCCESS != rc) {
                LOG_ER("PLMS - VDEST CREATE FAILED");
                return rc;

        /* Set the role of MDS */
        if (cb->ha_state == SA_AMF_HA_ACTIVE) {
                TRACE_5("Set MDS role to ACTIVE");
                cb->mds_role = V_DEST_RL_ACTIVE;
        } else if (cb->ha_state == SA_AMF_HA_STANDBY) {
                TRACE_5("Set MDS role to STANDBY");
                cb->mds_role = V_DEST_RL_STANDBY;
        } else {
                TRACE_5("Could not set MDS role");

        if (NCSCC_RC_SUCCESS != (rc = plms_mds_change_role())) {
                LOG_ER("MDS role change to %d FAILED", cb->mds_role);
                return rc;

        memset(&svc_info, 0, sizeof(NCSMDS_INFO));

        /* STEP 2 : Install with MDS with service ID NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS. */
        svc_info.i_mds_hdl = cb->mds_hdl;
        svc_info.i_svc_id = NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS;
        svc_info.i_op = MDS_INSTALL;

        svc_info.info.svc_install.i_yr_svc_hdl = 0;
        svc_info.info.svc_install.i_install_scope = NCSMDS_SCOPE_NONE;  /*node specific */
        svc_info.info.svc_install.i_svc_cb = plms_mds_callback; /* callback */
        svc_info.info.svc_install.i_mds_q_ownership = FALSE;
        svc_info.info.svc_install.i_mds_svc_pvt_ver = PLMS_MDS_PVT_SUBPART_VERSION;

        if (ncsmds_api(&svc_info) == NCSCC_RC_FAILURE) {
                LOG_ER("PLMS - MDS Install Failed");
                return NCSCC_RC_FAILURE;

        /* STEP 3: Subscribe to PLMS for redundancy events */
        memset(&svc_info, 0, sizeof(NCSMDS_INFO));
        svc_info.i_mds_hdl = cb->mds_hdl;
        svc_info.i_svc_id = NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS;
        svc_info.i_op = MDS_RED_SUBSCRIBE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_num_svcs = 1;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_scope = NCSMDS_SCOPE_NONE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_svc_ids = plms_id;
        if (ncsmds_api(&svc_info) == NCSCC_RC_FAILURE) {
                LOG_ER("PLMS - MDS Subscribe for redundancy Failed");
                return NCSCC_RC_FAILURE;

       /* STEP 4: Subscribe to PLMA up/down events */
        memset(&svc_info, 0, sizeof(NCSMDS_INFO));
        svc_info.i_mds_hdl = cb->mds_hdl;
        svc_info.i_svc_id = NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS;
        svc_info.i_op = MDS_SUBSCRIBE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_num_svcs = 1;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_scope = NCSMDS_SCOPE_NONE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_svc_ids = svc_id;
        if (ncsmds_api(&svc_info) == NCSCC_RC_FAILURE) {
                LOG_ER("PLMS - MDS Subscribe for PLMA up/down Failed");
                return NCSCC_RC_FAILURE;

       /* STEP 5: Subscribe to HRB up/down events */
        memset(&svc_info, 0, sizeof(NCSMDS_INFO));
        svc_info.i_mds_hdl = cb->mds_hdl;
        svc_info.i_svc_id = NCSMDS_SVC_ID_PLMS;
        svc_info.i_op = MDS_SUBSCRIBE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_num_svcs = 1;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_scope = NCSMDS_SCOPE_NONE;
        svc_info.info.svc_subscribe.i_svc_ids = plms_hrb_id;
        if (ncsmds_api(&svc_info) == NCSCC_RC_FAILURE) {
                LOG_ER("PLMS - MDS Subscribe for PLMS_HRB up/down Failed");
                return NCSCC_RC_FAILURE;

        /* Get the node id of local PLMS */
        cb->node_id = m_NCS_GET_NODE_ID;

        cb->plms_self_id = plms_get_slot_and_subslot_id_from_node_id(cb->node_id);
        TRACE_5("NodeId:%x SelfId:%x", cb->node_id, cb->plms_self_id);
        return NCSCC_RC_SUCCESS;