CAddIns::CAddIns() { if (instances++ > 0) return; qDebug() << "PluginLoader created"; #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) QDir pluginsDir("../"); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) QDir pluginsDir("../../../"); #endif LoadAddIns(pluginsDir); }
void PluginManager::initialize(QString const & _dirPath) { //! TODO: reutrn error if (!QDir(_dirPath).exists()) return; QDir pluginsDir(_dirPath); QDirIterator dirIt(_dirPath, QDirIterator::Subdirectories); while (dirIt.hasNext()) { QString fileName =; QFileInfo fionfo(fileName); // skip non file objetcs if (!fionfo.isFile()) continue; try { loadPlugin(fileName); }catch (...) { qDebug() << "Can't load plugin from " << pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName); } } }
VatesParaViewApplication::VatesParaViewApplication() : m_logger("VatesParaViewApplication"), m_behaviorsSetup(false) { // Get the plugin path that we set in the ConfigService. auto &configSvc = Kernel::ConfigService::Instance(); // This currently points at the top pvplugins directory and not the // subdirectory. // Needs tidying up!! std::string pvPluginPathTop = configSvc.getPVPluginsPath(); if (pvPluginPathTop.empty()) { throw std::runtime_error( " key not setup.\nVates plugins will not be " "available.\n" "Further use will cause the program to crash.\nPlease exit and " "set this variable."); } Q_ASSERT(pqApplicationCore::instance() == NULL); // Provide ParaView's application core with a path to the running executable int argc = 1; std::string exePath = configSvc.getPathToExecutable(); std::vector<char> argvConversion(exePath.begin(), exePath.end()); argvConversion.push_back('\0'); char *argv[] = {&argvConversion[0]}; m_logger.debug("Intialize pqApplicationCore with " + exePath + "\n"); // We need to manually set the PV_PLUGIN_PATH because it's // not going to be picked up from the paraview/vtk side otherwise. Poco::Path pluginsDir(pvPluginPathTop, "pvplugins"); m_logger.debug("Setting PV_PLUGIN_PATH=" + pluginsDir.toString() + "\n"); vtksys::SystemTools::PutEnv("PV_PLUGIN_PATH=" + pluginsDir.toString()); new pqPVApplicationCore(argc, argv); }
void ScriptPlugins :: load(QScriptEngine *engine) { auto const softpath = QProcessEnvironment::systemEnvironment().value("SOFTBASE", SOFTBASE); QStringList pluginList; QCoreApplication::addLibraryPath (softpath + "/modules"); auto const pluginPath = softpath + "/plugins"; QDir pluginsDir(pluginPath); auto files = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); foreach( auto const &file, files ) { if( QLibrary::isLibrary(file) ) { auto loader = new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(file), this); auto const ok = loader->load(); if( ok ) { d->pluginsMap.insert(file, loader); auto const jsonObj = loader->metaData(); if (jsonObj.value("IID") == "org.sintef.soft/ISoftPlugin/0.1") { auto pluginPtr = qobject_cast<ISoftPlugin*>(loader->instance()); if( pluginPtr ) { pluginPtr->registerPlugin(engine); pluginList << file; } else { QTextStream(stdout) << "failed to register: " << loader->errorString() << endl; } } } } } auto const l = qScriptValueFromSequence(engine, pluginList); engine->globalObject().setProperty("__script_plugins__", l); }
void suiPluginManager::loadPluginsFromDir(const QString &dirPath, bool subdirs) { if (!QDir(dirPath).exists()) SuiExcept(SuiExceptionFileNotFound, QString("Directory '%1' doesn't exist").arg(dirPath), "void suiPluginManager::loadPluginsFromDir(const QString &dirPath)"); QDir pluginsDir(dirPath); QDirIterator dirIt(pluginsDir, subdirs ? QDirIterator::Subdirectories : QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); while (dirIt.hasNext()) { QString fileName =; QFileInfo fionfo(fileName); // skip non file objetcs if (!fionfo.isFile()) continue; try { loadPlugin(fileName); }catch (...) { qDebug() << "Can't load plugin from " << pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName); } } }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), SettingsObserver(Settings::Category::Layout), ui(new Ui::MainWindow), m_treeView(0), m_graphicsItemView(0), m_graphicsScene(0), m_proxyModel(0), m_model(0), m_addSymbolsDialog(0), m_aboutDialog(0), m_settingsDialog(0), m_smuflLoader(0), m_commonApplication(0) { ui->setupUi(this); m_commonApplication = new CommonApplication(); m_sharedApplication = Application(m_commonApplication); LayoutSettings::registerObserver(this); QDir pluginsDir(QCoreApplication::applicationDirPath()); if (!pluginsDir.exists(pluginsDirName)) { pluginsDir.mkdir(pluginsDirName); }; initMusicFont(); m_addSymbolsDialog = new AddSymbolsDialog(this); m_aboutDialog = new AboutDialog(this); m_settingsDialog = new SettingsDialog(this); CommonPluginManager *pluginManager = new CommonPluginManager(pluginsDir); m_pluginManager = PluginManager(pluginManager); pluginManager->setSharedPluginManager(m_pluginManager); pluginManager->setMusicFont(m_musicFont); createModelAndView(); createMenusAndToolBars(); createAndPopulateSymbolPalettes(); createConnections(); // Show at least first instrument palette if (m_pluginManager->instrumentNames().count()) { QString instrumentName = m_pluginManager->instrumentNames().at(0); QDockWidget *instrumentDock = m_symbolDockWidgets.value(instrumentName); if (instrumentDock) { instrumentDock->setVisible(true); } } createObjectNames(); setWindowTitle(tr("%1 [*]") .arg(QApplication::applicationName())); updateUi(); }
void PropertyEditorCore::loadPlugins() { QFileInfoList files; QStringList dirs; dirs << PROPERTYEDITOR_PLUGINS_PATH; dirs << "propertyeditor_plugins"; foreach (const QString & dirName, dirs) { QDir pluginsDir(dirName); files += pluginsDir.entryInfoList(QDir::Files); }
bool MainWindow::loadPlugins() { bool res = false; QDir pluginsDir( qApp->applicationDirPath() ); "plugins" ); Q_FOREACH( const QString& fileName, pluginsDir.entryList( QDir::Files ) ) if ( const QObject *plugin = QPluginLoader( pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath( fileName ) ).instance() ) res |= populateMenu( plugin ); return res; }
void CompositorLauncher::detectLibInput() { // Do we have the libinput plugin? for (const QString &path: QCoreApplication::libraryPaths()) { QDir pluginsDir(path + QStringLiteral("/generic")); for (const QString &fileName: pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { if (fileName == QStringLiteral("")) { m_hasLibInputPlugin = true; break; } } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // PosSettingsPluginsLoader::loadPlugins // //--------------------------------------------------------------------- QList<PosSettingsAdvInterface*> PosSettingsPluginsLoader::loadPlugins() { qDebug() << "+ PosSettingsPluginsLoader::loadPlugins()"; // parse the default cen rep key value which is used to determine // the order of loading the default positioning settings plugins ParseCenRepKey(); // List containing the plugins implementing the PositioningSettingsAdvancedInterface QList<PosSettingsAdvInterface*> pluginsList; // Check for the files under the positioningsettings directory QDir pluginsDir(PLUGIN_PATH + QDir::separator()); QFileInfoList fileInfoList = pluginsDir.entryInfoList(); // check each file in this directory,only if its a dll give it to the // plugin loader foreach ( const QFileInfo &fileInfo, fileInfoList ) { QString fileName = fileInfo.absoluteFilePath(); qDebug() << "Filename: " << fileName; if (!QLibrary::isLibrary(fileName)) { continue; } // load the dlls using QPluginLoader QPluginLoader pluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)); qDebug() << "Plugin Filename: " << pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName); QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance(); // Check if the plugin found is an implementation of the // PosSettingsAdvInterface,if yes add it to the plugins list if (plugin) { PosSettingsAdvInterface* advancedInterface = qobject_cast< PosSettingsAdvInterface *> (plugin); if (advancedInterface) { QString dllName = fileInfo.baseName(); // check the position into which the plugin needs to be // inserted if it is one of the default plugins for (int i = 0; i < mDllNameList.count(); i++) { if ([i],Qt::CaseInsensitive) == KErrNone) { pluginsList.insert(i, advancedInterface); break; } } } } }
void g19daemon::loadPlugins() { PluginInterface *pluginint; QDir pluginsDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); QString name; name = settings->value("ActivePlugin").toString();; QDirIterator iterator(pluginsDir.absolutePath(), QStringList() << "*.so", QDir::Files, QDirIterator::NoIteratorFlags); while (iterator.hasNext()) {; QString filename = iterator.fileName(); QPluginLoader pluginLoader(iterator.filePath()); pluginLoader.setLoadHints(QLibrary::ResolveAllSymbolsHint); QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance(); if (plugin) { pluginint = qobject_cast<PluginInterface *>(plugin); if (pluginint) { QObject *signalsource = pluginint->getQObject(); connect(signalsource, SIGNAL(doAction(gAction, void *)), this, SLOT(doAction(gAction, void *))); if (pluginint->isPopup()) { PopupPlugins.append(pluginint); } else { plugins.append(pluginint); if (pluginint->getName().compare(name) == 0) { activePlugin = plugins.indexOf(pluginint); } } } } else { QErrorMessage err(this); err.showMessage(pluginLoader.errorString()); qDebug() << "\tError: " << pluginLoader.errorString(); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QDir pluginsDir(app.applicationDirPath() + "/plugins"); for (const QString &fileName: pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { QPluginLoader loader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)); QQmlExtensionPlugin *plugin = qobject_cast<QQmlExtensionPlugin *>(loader.instance()); if (plugin) plugin->registerTypes("ShapesOriginal"); } QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/files/ellipse9.qml"))); return app.exec(); }
QStringList QAudioPluginLoader::pluginList() const { #if !defined QT_NO_DEBUG const bool showDebug = qgetenv("QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS").toInt() > 0; #endif QStringList paths = QApplication::libraryPaths(); #ifdef QTM_PLUGIN_PATH paths << QLatin1String(QTM_PLUGIN_PATH); #endif #if !defined QT_NO_DEBUG if (showDebug) qDebug() << "Plugin paths:" << paths; #endif //temp variable to avoid multiple identic path QSet<QString> processed; /* Discover a bunch o plugins */ QStringList plugins; /* Enumerate our plugin paths */ for (int i=0; i < paths.count(); i++) { if (processed.contains( continue; processed.insert(; QDir pluginsDir(; if (!pluginsDir.exists()) continue; QStringList files = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); #if !defined QT_NO_DEBUG if (showDebug) qDebug()<<"Looking for plugins in "<<pluginsDir.path()<<files; #endif for (int j=0; j < files.count(); j++) { const QString &file =; #if defined(Q_WS_MAEMO_5) if (!file.contains(QLatin1String("n900audio"))) #endif plugins << pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(file); } } return plugins; }
//-------------------------------------- QStringList getSearchPaths() { QStringList paths; paths.append(QFileInfo(qApp->applicationDirPath(), "plugins").absoluteFilePath()); paths.append(QFileInfo(QDir::currentPath(), "plugins").absoluteFilePath()); paths.append(getUserPluginsDirectory()); #ifdef Q_OS_MAC QDir pluginsDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); pluginsDir.cdUp();"PlugIns");"services"); paths.append(pluginsDir.path()); qWarning() << "OSX Application Plugins Path:" << pluginsDir.path(); #endif #ifdef Q_OS_LINUX paths.append("/usr/share/mellowplayer/plugins"); paths.append("/usr/local/share/mellowplayer/plugins"); #endif return QSet<QString>::fromList(paths).toList(); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { // Configure qt environment. #if !defined(IREMOTE_NO_QT_PLUGINS) // Specify subdirectory where plugins are located. #if defined(WIN32) QDir pluginsDir(argv[0]); pluginsDir.cdUp();"plugins"); QApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList(pluginsDir.absolutePath())); #elif defined(__MACH__) QDir pluginsDir(argv[0]); pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp();"plugins"); QApplication::setLibraryPaths(QStringList(pluginsDir.absolutePath())); #endif // Platform #endif //Plugins QApplication app(argc, argv); // Check whether another instance of the application is already running. RemotePC::InstanceLockPtr instanceLock = RemotePC::InstanceLock::SharedLock(); if ( !instanceLock ) { // TODO: Notify another instance on this attempt ... // .. and quit. return 0; } #if defined(__MACH__) // Disable App Nap RemotePC::AppNapSuspender appNapSuspender; #endif // __MACH__ // Configure default style sheet. app.setStyleSheet(RemotePC::UIConfig::globalStylesheet_); // Prevents from terminating application when: // main window is hidden to tray and user closes any other window. app.setQuitOnLastWindowClosed(false); // Load application settings. QDir configDir(QApplication::applicationDirPath()); RemotePC::Config::Instance().Load(configDir.absolutePath().toUtf8().constData()); // Launch shell service. RemotePC::ShellHost::Instance().Launch(); // Display application UI. Dialog w;; int retCode = app.exec(); // Stop shell service. RemotePC::ShellHost::Instance().Exit(); // Save config when application is subject to close. RemotePC::Config::Instance().Save(); return retCode; }
void PluginManager::Load() { wxString ext; #if defined (__WXGTK__) ext = wxT("so"); #elif defined(__WXMAC__) ext = wxT("dylib"); #else ext = wxT("dll"); #endif wxString fileSpec( wxT( "*." ) + ext ); clConfig conf("plugins.conf"); conf.ReadItem( &m_pluginsData ); //set the managers //this code assures us that the shared objects will see the same instances as the application //does LanguageST::Get()->SetTagsManager( GetTagsManager() ); TagsManagerST::Get()->SetLanguage( LanguageST::Get() ); // Plugin loading policy CodeLiteApp* app = static_cast<CodeLiteApp*>( GetTheApp() ); CodeLiteApp::PluginPolicy pp = app->GetPluginLoadPolicy(); wxArrayString allowedPlugins; if( pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_None ) return; else if( pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_FromList ) allowedPlugins = app->GetAllowedPlugins(); #ifdef __WXGTK__ wxString pluginsDir(PLUGINS_DIR, wxConvUTF8); #else wxString pluginsDir(ManagerST::Get()->GetInstallDir() + wxT( "/plugins" )); #endif if ( wxDir::Exists(pluginsDir) ) { //get list of dlls wxArrayString files; wxDir::GetAllFiles( pluginsDir, &files, fileSpec, wxDIR_FILES ); // Sort the plugins by A-Z std::sort(files.begin(), files.end()); for ( size_t i=0; i<files.GetCount(); i++ ) { wxString fileName( files.Item( i ) ); #if defined(__WXMSW__) && !defined(NDEBUG) // Under MSW loading a release plugin while in debug mode will cause a crash if ( !fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll") ) { continue; } #elif defined(__WXMSW__) // filter debug plugins if ( fileName.EndsWith("-dbg.dll") ) { continue; } #endif clDynamicLibrary *dl = new clDynamicLibrary(); if ( !dl->Load( fileName ) ) { CL_ERROR( wxT( "Failed to load plugin's dll: " ) + fileName ); if (!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_ERROR(dl->GetError()); } continue; } bool success( false ); GET_PLUGIN_INFO_FUNC pfnGetPluginInfo = ( GET_PLUGIN_INFO_FUNC )dl->GetSymbol( wxT( "GetPluginInfo" ), &success ); if ( !success ) { continue; } // load the plugin version method // if the methods does not exist, handle it as if it has value of 100 (lowest version API) int interface_version(100); GET_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION_FUNC pfnInterfaceVersion = (GET_PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION_FUNC) dl->GetSymbol(wxT("GetPluginInterfaceVersion"), &success); if ( success ) { interface_version = pfnInterfaceVersion(); } else { CL_WARNING(wxT("Failed to find GetPluginInterfaceVersion() in dll: ") + fileName); if (!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_WARNING(dl->GetError()); } } if ( interface_version != PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION ) { CL_WARNING(wxString::Format(wxT("Version interface mismatch error for plugin '%s'. Plugin's interface version is '%d', CodeLite interface version is '%d'"), fileName.c_str(), interface_version, PLUGIN_INTERFACE_VERSION)); continue; } // Check if this dll can be loaded PluginInfo pluginInfo = pfnGetPluginInfo(); wxString pname = pluginInfo.GetName(); pname.MakeLower().Trim().Trim(false); // Check the policy if(pp == CodeLiteApp::PP_FromList && allowedPlugins.Index(pname) == wxNOT_FOUND) { // Policy is set to 'from list' and this plugin does not match any plugins from // the list, don't allow it to be loaded continue; } // Add the plugin information m_pluginsData.AddPlugin( pluginInfo ); // Can we load it? if ( !m_pluginsData.CanLoad( pluginInfo.GetName()) ) { CL_WARNING( wxT( "Plugin " ) + pluginInfo.GetName() + wxT(" is not enabled") ); continue; } // try and load the plugin GET_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC pfn = ( GET_PLUGIN_CREATE_FUNC )dl->GetSymbol( wxT( "CreatePlugin" ), &success ); if ( !success ) { CL_WARNING(wxT("Failed to find CreatePlugin() in dll: ") + fileName); if (!dl->GetError().IsEmpty()) { CL_WARNING(dl->GetError()); } m_pluginsData.DisablePlugin( pluginInfo.GetName() ); continue; } // Construct the plugin IPlugin *plugin = pfn( ( IManager* )this ); CL_DEBUG( wxT( "Loaded plugin: " ) + plugin->GetLongName() ); m_plugins[plugin->GetShortName()] = plugin; // Load the toolbar clToolBar *tb = plugin->CreateToolBar( (wxWindow*)clMainFrame::Get() ); if ( tb ) { #if USE_AUI_TOOLBAR // When using AUI toolbars, use our own custom art-provider tb->SetArtProvider(new CLMainAuiTBArt()); #endif clMainFrame::Get()->GetDockingManager().AddPane( tb, wxAuiPaneInfo().Name( plugin->GetShortName() ).LeftDockable( true ).RightDockable( true ).Caption( plugin->GetShortName() ).ToolbarPane().Top().Row(1) ); //Add menu entry at the 'View->Toolbars' menu for this toolbar wxMenuItem* item = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMenuBar()->FindItem(XRCID("toolbars_menu")); if (item) { wxMenu* submenu = NULL; submenu = item->GetSubMenu(); //add the new toolbar entry at the end of this menu int id = wxNewId(); wxString text(plugin->GetShortName()); text << _(" ToolBar"); wxMenuItem *newItem = new wxMenuItem(submenu, id, text, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_CHECK); submenu->Append(newItem); clMainFrame::Get()->RegisterToolbar(id, plugin->GetShortName()); } } // Let the plugin plug its menu in the 'Plugins' menu at the menu bar // the create menu will be placed as a sub menu of the 'Plugin' menu wxMenu* pluginsMenu = NULL; wxMenuItem* menuitem = clMainFrame::Get()->GetMenuBar()->FindItem( XRCID("manage_plugins"), &pluginsMenu ); if ( menuitem && pluginsMenu ) { plugin->CreatePluginMenu( pluginsMenu ); } // Keep the dynamic load library m_dl.push_back( dl ); } clMainFrame::Get()->GetDockingManager().Update(); //save the plugins data conf.WriteItem( &m_pluginsData ); } }
suiRoot::suiRoot(QMainWindow *mainWindow, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent), mMainWindow(mainWindow), mComponentsManager(0), mPluginManager(0), mMemoryInterface(0), mScHelper(0), mKnowBase(0), mKpm(0), mMainScWindow(0) { Q_ASSERT(mInstance == 0); mInstance = this; mComponentsManager = new suiComponentsManager(this); mPluginManager = new suiPluginManager(this); // load plugins QDir pluginsDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) pluginsDir.cdUp();"plugins"); #elif defined(Q_OS_LINUX)"plugins"); #endif // load sc plugins mPluginManager->loadPluginsFromDir(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath("sc"), false); scMemory()->initialize("../kb"); // create knowledge base control class mKnowBase = new suiKnowBase(this); mKnowBase->initialize(); // load ui plugins mPluginManager->loadPluginsFromDir(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath("ui"), true); // load sources //mKnowBase->loadSources(QStringList());// << "../repo/sources"); // create main window UiComponentFactoryInterfaceList res; Q_ASSERT(mComponentsManager->factoriesList(UiComponentMainWindow, res)); mMainScWindow = qobject_cast<UiMainWindowInterface*>(res.front()->createInstance()); mMainScWindow->setUri(mScHelper->keynode("/ui/main_window")); mMainWindow->setCentralWidget(mMainScWindow->widget()); // initialize knowledge processing machine mKpm = new suiKpm(this); mKpm->initialize(); // >>>>> test // show main menu on main window ScUri main_menu = scHelper()->keynode("/ui/main_menu"); ScUri decomp = scHelper()->keynode("/etc/decomposition*"); // get set of child items for main menu ScUriVector v; if (scHelper()->searchOneShot(ScTemplate() << ScElementType(ScNode | ScConst) << ScElementType(ScArcCommon | ScConst) << main_menu << ScElementType(ScArcMain) << decomp, v)) { ScUriList objects; ScTemplate templ; templ << v[0] << ScElementType(ScArcMain) << ScElementType(ScNode | ScConst); ScSafeIterator it(scMemory(), templ); while (!it.is_over()) { objects << it.value(2);; } mMainScWindow->showObjects(objects); } // <<<<<<< test }
void PluginLoader::loadPlugins( iscore::ApplicationRegistrar& registrar, const iscore::ApplicationContext& context) { auto folders = pluginsDir(); // Here, the plug-ins that are effectively loaded. std::vector<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*> availablePlugins; // Load static plug-ins for(QObject* plugin : QPluginLoader::staticInstances()) { if(auto iscore_plug = dynamic_cast<iscore::Plugin_QtInterface*>(plugin)) availablePlugins.push_back(iscore_plug); } QSet<QString> pluginFiles; #if !defined(ISCORE_STATIC_QT) // Load dynamic plug-ins for(const QString& pluginsFolder : folders) { QDir pluginsDir(pluginsFolder); for(const QString& fileName : pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files)) { auto plug = loadPlugin(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName), availablePlugins); if(!plug.first.isEmpty()) { pluginFiles.insert(plug.first); } if(plug.second) { availablePlugins.push_back(plug.second); } } } #endif // First bring in the plugin objects registrar.registerPlugins( pluginFiles.toList(), availablePlugins); // Here, it is important not to collapse all the for-loops // because for instance a ApplicationPlugin from plugin B might require the factory // from plugin A to be loaded prior. // Load all the factories. for(iscore::Plugin_QtInterface* plugin : availablePlugins) { auto facfam_interface = dynamic_cast<FactoryList_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(facfam_interface) { for(auto&& elt : facfam_interface->factoryFamilies()) { registrar.registerFactory(std::move(elt)); } } } // Load all the application context plugins. // We have to order them according to their dependencies PluginDependencyGraph graph; for(auto plugin : availablePlugins) { graph.addNode(dynamic_cast<QObject*>(plugin)); } graph.visit([&] (QObject* plugin) { auto ctrl_plugin = dynamic_cast<GUIApplicationContextPlugin_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(ctrl_plugin) { auto plug = ctrl_plugin->make_applicationPlugin(context); registrar.registerApplicationContextPlugin(plug); } }); // Load what the plug-ins have to offer. for(auto plugin : availablePlugins) { auto panel_plugin = dynamic_cast<PanelFactory_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(panel_plugin) { auto panels = panel_plugin->panels(); for(auto panel : panels) { registrar.registerPanel(panel); } } auto commands_plugin = dynamic_cast<CommandFactory_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(commands_plugin) { registrar.registerCommands(commands_plugin->make_commands()); } auto factories_plugin = dynamic_cast<FactoryInterface_QtInterface*> (plugin); if(factories_plugin) { for(auto& factory_family : registrar.components().factories) { for(auto&& new_factory : factories_plugin->factories(context, factory_family.first)) { factory_family.second->insert(std::move(new_factory)); } } } } }
//FIXME: keep loaded plugins in own plugin manager and //unload plugins to let load new version without //the need to restart the application void RackWindow::loadPlugin(QWidget *pluginHost) { QDir pluginsDir(qApp->applicationDirPath()); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) if (pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "debug" || pluginsDir.dirName().toLower() == "release") pluginsDir.cdUp(); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) if (pluginsDir.dirName() == "MacOS") { pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); pluginsDir.cdUp(); } #endif if (!"plugins")) { QMessageBox::information(this, "Error", "No plugin folder found"); return; } QStringList pluginList = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files); RSelectPluginDialog pluginDialog(this); pluginDialog.pluginListWidget->addItems(pluginList); pluginDialog.pluginListWidget->setCurrentRow(0); if (pluginDialog.exec()) { // bool ok; // int newPluginIndex = RSelectPluginDialog::getIndex(this, pluginList, &ok); // if (ok) { //QString fileName = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files).at(newPluginIndex); QString fileName = pluginsDir.entryList(QDir::Files).at(pluginDialog.pluginListWidget->currentRow()); QPluginLoader pluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)); QObject *plugin = pluginLoader.instance(); ///test // QList<QPluginLoader *> loadedPlugins = findChildren<QPluginLoader *>(); // QObject *plugin = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < loadedPlugins.size(); ++i) { // if (>fileName() == pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName)) { // plugin =>instance(); // break; // } // } // if (!plugin) { // QPluginLoader *pluginLoader = new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName), this); // plugin = pluginLoader->instance(); // } //debug code qDebug() << "we have the following plugins loaded:"; QList<QPluginLoader *> debugPlugins = findChildren<QPluginLoader *>(); for (int i = 0; i < debugPlugins.size(); ++i) { qDebug() <<>fileName(); } ////////// // m_pluginLoader = new QPluginLoader(pluginsDir.absoluteFilePath(fileName), this); // QObject *plugin = m_pluginLoader->instance(); ///////////////// if (plugin) { IWidgetPlugin *widgetPlugin = qobject_cast<IWidgetPlugin *>(plugin); if (widgetPlugin) { QWidget *newWidget = widgetPlugin->createRWidget(m_coreImpl, this); //get pointers from pluginhost: QStackedWidget *pluginStack = pluginHost->findChild<QStackedWidget *>("rackPluginStack"); QToolBar *pluginHostToolBar = pluginHost->findChild<QToolBar *>("rackPluginHostToolBar"); QToolBar *pluginToolBar = pluginHost->property("pluginToolBar").value<QToolBar *>(); QSignalMapper *sm = pluginHost->findChild<QSignalMapper *>("rackPluginSwitchMapper"); QActionGroup *ag = pluginHostToolBar->findChild<QActionGroup *>(); //add plugin widget to the widget stack: pluginStack->setCurrentIndex(pluginStack->addWidget(newWidget)); //create action for the toolbars: QAction *act = new QAction(widgetPlugin->name(), ag); act->setCheckable(true); act->setChecked(true); //qt bugfix: set transparent dummy icon to move button text down or right act->setIcon(QIcon(":/images/transparent-icon.png")); //create button for pluginhost toolbar: QToolButton *tb = new QToolButton; tb->setObjectName(QLatin1String(newWidget->metaObject()->className()) + "ToolButton"); tb->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextBesideIcon); tb->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); tb->setDefaultAction(act); RPushButton *settingsButton = new RPushButton; settingsButton->setObjectName("rackPluginHostToolBarSettingsButton"); RPushButton *deleteButton = new RPushButton; deleteButton->setObjectName("rackPluginHostToolBarDeleteButton"); QHBoxLayout *hl = new QHBoxLayout(tb); hl->setSpacing(0); hl->setContentsMargins(0,0,1,0); hl->addStretch(); hl->addWidget(settingsButton); hl->addWidget(deleteButton); pluginHostToolBar->addWidget(tb); //create button for plugin toolbar: QToolButton *tb1 = new QToolButton; tb1->setObjectName(QLatin1String(newWidget->metaObject()->className()) + "ToolButton"); tb1->setToolButtonStyle(Qt::ToolButtonTextUnderIcon); tb1->setFocusPolicy(Qt::NoFocus); tb1->setDefaultAction(act); pluginToolBar->addWidget(tb1); //connect action trigger to PluginSwitchMapper; QObject::connect(act, SIGNAL(triggered()), sm, SLOT(map())); sm->setMapping(act, newWidget); //connect delete signal //remove act from actiongroup and delete it: QObject::connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), m_mapperClosePlugin, SLOT(map())); m_mapperClosePlugin->setMapping(deleteButton, act); QObject::connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), newWidget, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), tb1, SLOT(deleteLater())); QObject::connect(deleteButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), tb, SLOT(deleteLater())); //connect settings signal //if (plugin has settings) ... //QObject::connect(settingsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), } } else { QMessageBox::information(this, "Error", "Could not load the plugin"); qDebug() << pluginLoader.errorString(); } } }