int main (int argc, char **argv) { int msgnum, *icachesw; char *cp, *file = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *folder = NULL; char *maildir, buf[100], **argp; char **arguments; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; struct msgs *mp = NULL; CT ct, *ctp; FILE *fp; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } done=freects_done; arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; /* * Parse arguments */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case AUTOSW: autosw++; continue; case NAUTOSW: autosw = 0; continue; case RCACHESW: icachesw = &rcachesw; goto do_cache; case WCACHESW: icachesw = &wcachesw; do_cache: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); switch (*icachesw = smatch (cp, caches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, caches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "%s unknown", cp); default: break; } continue; case CHECKSW: checksw++; continue; case NCHECKSW: checksw = 0; continue; case PARTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (npart >= NPARTS) adios (NULL, "too many parts (starting with %s), %d max", cp, NPARTS); parts[npart++] = cp; continue; case TYPESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (ntype >= NTYPES) adios (NULL, "too many types (starting with %s), %d max", cp, NTYPES); types[ntype++] = cp; continue; case FILESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = *cp == '-' ? cp : path (cp, TFILE); continue; case OUTFILESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || (*cp == '-' && cp[1])) adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); outfile = *cp == '-' ? cp : path (cp, TFILE); continue; case VERBSW: verbosw = 1; continue; case NVERBSW: verbosw = 0; continue; case CLOBBERSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if (save_clobber_policy (cp)) { adios (NULL, "invalid argument, %s, to %s", argp[-1], argp[-2]); } continue; case DEBUGSW: debugsw = 1; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } /* null terminate the list of acceptable parts/types */ parts[npart] = NULL; types[ntype] = NULL; /* * Check if we've specified an additional profile */ if ((cp = getenv ("MHSTORE"))) { if ((fp = fopen (cp, "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } else { admonish ("", "unable to read $MHSTORE profile (%s)", cp); } } /* * Read the standard profile setup */ if ((fp = fopen (cp = etcpath ("mhn.defaults"), "r"))) { readconfig ((struct node **) 0, fp, cp, 0); fclose (fp); } /* Check for public cache location */ if ((cache_public = context_find (nmhcache)) && *cache_public != '/') cache_public = NULL; /* Check for private cache location */ if (!(cache_private = context_find (nmhprivcache))) cache_private = ".cache"; cache_private = getcpy (m_maildir (cache_private)); /* * Cache the current directory before we do any chdirs()'s. */ cwd = getcpy (pwd()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && msgs.size) adios (NULL, "cannot specify msg and file at same time!"); /* * check if message is coming from file */ if (file) { if (!(cts = (CT *) calloc ((size_t) 2, sizeof(*cts)))) adios (NULL, "out of memory"); ctp = cts; if ((ct = parse_mime (file))) { *ctp++ = ct; if (outfile) { ct->c_storage = outfile; } } } else { /* * message(s) are coming from a folder */ if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, "cur"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ if (!(cts = (CT *) calloc ((size_t) (mp->numsel + 1), sizeof(*cts)))) adios (NULL, "out of memory"); ctp = cts; for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) { if (is_selected(mp, msgnum)) { char *msgnam; msgnam = m_name (msgnum); if ((ct = parse_mime (msgnam))) { *ctp++ = ct; if (outfile) { ct->c_storage = add (outfile, NULL); } } } } } if (!*cts) done (1); userrs = 1; SIGNAL (SIGQUIT, quitser); SIGNAL (SIGPIPE, pipeser); /* * Get the associated umask for the relevant contents. */ for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ctp++) { struct stat st; ct = *ctp; if (type_ok (ct, 1) && !ct->c_umask) { if (stat (ct->c_file, &st) != NOTOK) ct->c_umask = ~(st.st_mode & 0777); else ct->c_umask = ~m_gmprot(); } } /* * Store the message content */ store_all_messages (cts); /* Now free all the structures for the content */ for (ctp = cts; *ctp; ctp++) free_content (*ctp); free ((char *) cts); cts = NULL; /* If reading from a folder, do some updating */ if (mp) { context_replace (pfolder, folder);/* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->hghsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } done (files_not_clobbered); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int addsw = 0, deletesw = 0, debugsw = 0; int listsw = 0, publicsw = -1, zerosw = 0, msgnum; unsigned int seqp = 0; char *cp, *maildir, *folder = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ]; char **argp, **arguments; svector_t seqs = svector_create (0); struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; struct msgs *mp; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; /* * Parse arguments */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown\n", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case ADDSW: addsw++; deletesw = listsw = 0; continue; case DELSW: deletesw++; addsw = listsw = 0; continue; case LSTSW: listsw++; addsw = deletesw = 0; continue; case SEQSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); svector_push_back (seqs, cp); seqp++; continue; case PUBLSW: publicsw = 1; continue; case NPUBLSW: publicsw = 0; continue; case DEBUGSW: debugsw++; continue; case ZEROSW: zerosw++; continue; case NZEROSW: zerosw = 0; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } /* * If we haven't specified -add, -delete, or -list, * then use -add if a sequence was specified, else * use -list. */ if (!addsw && !deletesw && !listsw) { if (seqp) addsw++; else listsw++; } if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, listsw ? "all" :"cur"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* print some general debugging info */ if (debugsw) print_debug(mp); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); if (publicsw == 1 && is_readonly(mp)) adios (NULL, "folder %s is read-only, so -public not allowed", folder); /* * Make sure at least one sequence has been * specified if we are adding or deleting. */ if (seqp == 0 && (addsw || deletesw)) adios (NULL, "-%s requires at least one -sequence argument", addsw ? "add" : "delete"); /* Adding messages to sequences */ if (addsw) { for (seqp = 0; seqp < svector_size (seqs); seqp++) if (!seq_addsel (mp, svector_at (seqs, seqp), publicsw, zerosw)) done (1); } /* Deleting messages from sequences */ if (deletesw) { for (seqp = 0; seqp < svector_size (seqs); seqp++) if (!seq_delsel (mp, svector_at (seqs, seqp), publicsw, zerosw)) done (1); } /* Listing messages in sequences */ if (listsw) { if (seqp) { /* print the sequences given */ for (seqp = 0; seqp < svector_size (seqs); seqp++) seq_print (mp, svector_at (seqs, seqp)); } else { /* else print them all */ seq_printall (mp); } /* print debugging info about SELECTED messages */ if (debugsw) seq_printdebug (mp); } svector_free (seqs); seq_save (mp); /* synchronize message sequences */ context_replace (pfolder, folder); /* update current folder */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ folder_free (mp); /* free folder/message structure */ done (0); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int anot = 0, inplace = 1, nedit = 0; int nwhat = 0, i, in, isdf = 0, out; char *cp, *cwd, *maildir, *msgnam, *dfolder = NULL; char *dmsg = NULL, *ed = NULL, *file = NULL, *folder = NULL; char *form = NULL, *msg = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ], drft[BUFSIZ]; char **argp, **arguments; struct msgs *mp = NULL; struct stat st; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); /* read user profile/context */ context_read(); arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msg] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (1); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (1); case ANNOSW: anot++; continue; case NANNOSW: anot = 0; continue; case EDITRSW: if (!(ed = *argp++) || *ed == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nedit = 0; continue; case NEDITSW: nedit++; continue; case WHATSW: if (!(whatnowproc = *argp++) || *whatnowproc == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nwhat = 0; continue; case NWHATSW: nwhat++; continue; case FILESW: if (file) adios (NULL, "only one file at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = path (cp, TFILE); continue; case FORMSW: if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case INPLSW: inplace++; continue; case NINPLSW: inplace = 0; continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (dmsg) adios (NULL, "only one draft message at a time!"); if (!(dmsg = *argp++) || *dmsg == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else { if (msg) adios (NULL, "only one message at a time!"); else msg = cp; } } cwd = getcpy (pwd ()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && (msg || folder)) adios (NULL, "can't mix files and folders/msgs"); in = open_form(&form, distcomps); try_it_again: strncpy (drft, m_draft (dfolder, dmsg, NOUSE, &isdf), sizeof(drft)); /* Check if draft already exists */ if (stat (drft, &st) != NOTOK) { printf ("Draft \"%s\" exists (%ld bytes).", drft, (long) st.st_size); for (i = LISTDSW; i != YESW;) { if (!(argp = getans ("\nDisposition? ", isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl))) done (1); switch (i = smatch (*argp, isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl)) { case NOSW: done (0); case NEWSW: dmsg = NULL; goto try_it_again; case YESW: break; case LISTDSW: showfile (++argp, drft); break; case REFILSW: if (refile (++argp, drft) == 0) i = YESW; break; default: advise (NULL, "say what?"); break; } } } if ((out = creat (drft, m_gmprot ())) == NOTOK) adios (drft, "unable to create"); cpydata (in, out, form, drft); close (in); close (out); if (file) { /* * Dist a file */ anot = 0; /* don't want to annotate a file */ } else { /* * Dist a message */ if (!msg) msg = "cur"; if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse the message range/sequence/name and set SELECTED */ if (!m_convert (mp, msg)) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ if (mp->numsel > 1) adios (NULL, "only one message at a time!"); } msgnam = file ? file : getcpy (m_name (mp->lowsel)); if ((in = open (msgnam, O_RDONLY)) == NOTOK) adios (msgnam, "unable to open message"); if (!file) { context_replace (pfolder, folder);/* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->lowsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } if (nwhat) done (0); what_now (ed, nedit, NOUSE, drft, msgnam, 1, mp, anot ? "Resent" : NULL, inplace, cwd); done (1); return 1; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { int i; char *cp, *maildir, *folder = NULL; char **argp; char **arguments, buf[BUFSIZ]; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; struct msgs *mp; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; /* * Parse arguments */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); /* If no messages are given, print folder pathname */ if (!msgs.size) { printf ("%s\n", maildir); done (0); } if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* * We need to make sure there is message status space * for all the message numbers from 1 to "new" since * mhpath can select empty slots. If we are adding * space at the end, we go ahead and add 10 slots. */ if (mp->hghmsg >= mp->hghoff) { if (!(mp = folder_realloc (mp, 1, mp->hghmsg + 10))) adios (NULL, "unable to allocate folder storage"); } else if (mp->lowoff > 1) { if (!(mp = folder_realloc (mp, 1, mp->hghoff))) adios (NULL, "unable to allocate folder storage"); } mp->msgflags |= ALLOW_NEW; /* allow the "new" sequence */ /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (i = 0; i < msgs.size; i++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[i])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ /* print the path of all selected messages */ for (i = mp->lowsel; i <= mp->hghsel; i++) if (is_selected (mp, i)) printf ("%s/%s\n", mp->foldpath, m_name (i)); seq_save (mp); /* synchronize message sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ folder_free (mp); /* free folder/message structure */ done (0); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int anot = 0, inplace = 1, mime = 0; int issue = 0, volume = 0, dashstuff = 0; int nedit = 0, nwhat = 0, i, in; int out, isdf = 0, msgnum = 0; int outputlinelen = OUTPUTLINELEN; int dat[5]; char *cp, *cwd, *maildir, *dfolder = NULL; char *dmsg = NULL, *digest = NULL, *ed = NULL; char *file = NULL, *filter = NULL, *folder = NULL, *fwdmsg = NULL; char *from = NULL, *to = NULL, *cc = NULL, *subject = NULL, *fcc = NULL; char *form = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ], value[10]; char **argp, **arguments; struct stat st; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; int buildsw = 0; if (nmh_init(argv[0], 1)) { return 1; } arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (0); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (0); case ANNOSW: anot++; continue; case NANNOSW: anot = 0; continue; case EDITRSW: if (!(ed = *argp++) || *ed == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nedit = 0; continue; case NEDITSW: nedit++; continue; case WHATSW: if (!(whatnowproc = *argp++) || *whatnowproc == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); nwhat = 0; continue; case BILDSW: buildsw++; /* fall... */ case NWHATSW: nwhat++; continue; case FILESW: if (file) adios (NULL, "only one file at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); file = path (cp, TFILE); continue; case FILTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); filter = getcpy (etcpath (cp)); mime = 0; continue; case FORMSW: if (!(form = *argp++) || *form == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case FRMTSW: filter = getcpy (etcpath (mhlforward)); continue; case NFRMTSW: filter = NULL; continue; case INPLSW: inplace++; continue; case NINPLSW: inplace = 0; continue; case MIMESW: mime++; filter = NULL; continue; case NMIMESW: mime = 0; continue; case DGSTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); digest = getcpy(cp); mime = 0; continue; case ISSUESW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((issue = atoi (cp)) < 1) adios (NULL, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp); continue; case VOLUMSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((volume = atoi (cp)) < 1) adios (NULL, "bad argument %s %s", argp[-2], cp); continue; case DFOLDSW: if (dfolder) adios (NULL, "only one draft folder at a time!"); if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); dfolder = path (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@' ? cp + 1 : cp, *cp != '@' ? TFOLDER : TSUBCWF); continue; case DMSGSW: if (dmsg) adios (NULL, "only one draft message at a time!"); if (!(dmsg = *argp++) || *dmsg == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); continue; case NDFLDSW: dfolder = NULL; isdf = NOTOK; continue; case BITSTUFFSW: dashstuff = 1; /* trinary logic */ continue; case NBITSTUFFSW: dashstuff = -1; /* trinary logic */ continue; case FROMSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); from = addlist(from, cp); continue; case TOSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); to = addlist(to, cp); continue; case CCSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); cc = addlist(cc, cp); continue; case FCCSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); fcc = addlist(fcc, cp); continue; case SUBJECTSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); subject = getcpy(cp); continue; case WIDTHSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); if ((outputlinelen = atoi(cp)) < 10) adios (NULL, "impossible width %d", outputlinelen); continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else { app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } } cwd = getcpy (pwd ()); if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); if (file && (msgs.size || folder)) adios (NULL, "can't mix files and folders/msgs"); try_it_again: strncpy (drft, buildsw ? m_maildir ("draft") : m_draft (dfolder, NULL, NOUSE, &isdf), sizeof(drft)); /* Check if a draft already exists */ if (!buildsw && stat (drft, &st) != NOTOK) { printf ("Draft \"%s\" exists (%ld bytes).", drft, (long) st.st_size); for (i = LISTDSW; i != YESW;) { if (!(argp = getans ("\nDisposition? ", isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl))) done (1); switch (i = smatch (*argp, isdf ? aqrnl : aqrl)) { case NOSW: done (0); case NEWSW: dmsg = NULL; goto try_it_again; case YESW: break; case LISTDSW: showfile (++argp, drft); break; case REFILSW: if (refile (++argp, drft) == 0) i = YESW; break; default: advise (NULL, "say what?"); break; } } } if (file) { /* * Forwarding a file. */ anot = 0; /* don't want to annotate a file */ } else { /* * Forwarding a message. */ if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, "cur"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder, 1))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous sequence */ /* * Find the first message in our set and use it as the input * for the component scanner */ for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) if (is_selected (mp, msgnum)) { fwdmsg = strdup(m_name(msgnum)); break; } if (! fwdmsg) adios (NULL, "Unable to find input message"); } if (filter && access (filter, R_OK) == NOTOK) adios (filter, "unable to read"); /* * Open form (component) file. */ if (digest) { if (issue == 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), IFORMAT, digest); if (volume == 0 && (cp = context_find (buf)) && ((issue = atoi (cp)) < 0)) issue = 0; issue++; } if (volume == 0) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), VFORMAT, digest); if ((cp = context_find (buf)) == NULL || (volume = atoi (cp)) <= 0) volume = 1; } if (!form) form = digestcomps; } else { if (!form) form = forwcomps; } dat[0] = digest ? issue : msgnum; dat[1] = volume; dat[2] = 0; dat[3] = outputlinelen; dat[4] = 0; in = build_form (form, digest, dat, from, to, cc, fcc, subject, file ? file : fwdmsg); if ((out = creat (drft, m_gmprot ())) == NOTOK) adios (drft, "unable to create"); /* * copy the components into the draft */ cpydata (in, out, form, drft); close (in); if (file) { /* just copy the file into the draft */ if ((in = open (file, O_RDONLY)) == NOTOK) adios (file, "unable to open"); cpydata (in, out, file, drft); close (in); close (out); } else { /* * If filter file is defined, then format the * messages into the draft using mhlproc. */ if (filter) mhl_draft (out, digest, volume, issue, drft, filter, dashstuff); else if (mime) copy_mime_draft (out); else copy_draft (out, digest, drft, volume, issue, dashstuff); close (out); if (digest) { snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), IFORMAT, digest); snprintf (value, sizeof(value), "%d", issue); context_replace (buf, getcpy (value)); snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), VFORMAT, digest); snprintf (value, sizeof(value), "%d", volume); context_replace (buf, getcpy (value)); } context_replace (pfolder, folder); /* update current folder */ seq_setcur (mp, mp->lowsel); /* update current message */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ } if (nwhat) done (0); what_now (ed, nedit, NOUSE, drft, NULL, 0, mp, anot ? "Forwarded" : NULL, inplace, cwd, 0); done (1); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int publicsw = -1, zerosw = 1, seqp = 0, vecp = 0; int quietsw = 0; int lo, hi, msgnum; char *maildir, *folder = NULL, buf[100]; char *cp, **argp, **arguments; char *seqs[NUMATTRS + 1], *vec[MAXARGS]; struct msgs_array msgs = { 0, 0, NULL }; struct msgs *mp; register FILE *fp; done=putzero_done; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); /* read user profile/context */ context_read(); arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { if (*++cp == '-') { vec[vecp++] = --cp; goto pattern; } switch (smatch (cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); listsw = 0; /* HACK */ done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [msgs] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); listsw = 0; /* HACK */ done (1); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); listsw = 0; /* HACK */ done (1); case CCSW: case DATESW: case FROMSW: case SUBJSW: case TOSW: case DATFDSW: case AFTRSW: case BEFRSW: case SRCHSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; pattern: if (!(cp = *argp++))/* allow -xyz arguments */ adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); vec[vecp++] = cp; continue; case OTHRSW: adios (NULL, "internal error!"); case ANDSW: case ORSW: case NOTSW: case LBRSW: case RBRSW: vec[vecp++] = --cp; continue; case SEQSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument to %s", argp[-2]); /* check if too many sequences specified */ if (seqp >= NUMATTRS) adios (NULL, "too many sequences (more than %d) specified", NUMATTRS); if (!seq_nameok (cp)) done (1); seqs[seqp++] = cp; continue; case PUBLSW: publicsw = 1; continue; case NPUBLSW: publicsw = 0; continue; case ZEROSW: zerosw++; continue; case NZEROSW: zerosw = 0; continue; case LISTSW: listsw = 1; continue; case NLISTSW: listsw = 0; continue; case QUIETSW: quietsw = 1; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else app_msgarg(&msgs, cp); } vec[vecp] = NULL; if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); /* * If we didn't specify which messages to search, * then search the whole folder. */ if (!msgs.size) app_msgarg(&msgs, "all"); if (!folder) folder = getfolder (1); maildir = m_maildir (folder); if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* check for empty folder */ if (mp->nummsg == 0) adios (NULL, "no messages in %s", folder); /* parse all the message ranges/sequences and set SELECTED */ for (msgnum = 0; msgnum < msgs.size; msgnum++) if (!m_convert (mp, msgs.msgs[msgnum])) done (1); seq_setprev (mp); /* set the previous-sequence */ /* * If we aren't saving the results to a sequence, * we default to list the results. */ if (listsw == -1) listsw = !seqp; if (publicsw == 1 && is_readonly(mp)) adios (NULL, "folder %s is read-only, so -public not allowed", folder); if (!pcompile (vec, NULL)) done (1); lo = mp->lowsel; hi = mp->hghsel; /* If printing message numbers to standard out, force line buffering on. */ if (listsw) setvbuf (stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); /* * Scan through all the SELECTED messages and check for a * match. If the message does not match, then unselect it. */ for (msgnum = mp->lowsel; msgnum <= mp->hghsel; msgnum++) { if (is_selected (mp, msgnum)) { if ((fp = fopen (cp = m_name (msgnum), "r")) == NULL) admonish (cp, "unable to read message"); if (fp && pmatches (fp, msgnum, 0L, 0L)) { if (msgnum < lo) lo = msgnum; if (msgnum > hi) hi = msgnum; if (listsw) printf ("%s\n", m_name (msgnum)); } else { /* if it doesn't match, then unselect it */ unset_selected (mp, msgnum); mp->numsel--; } if (fp) fclose (fp); } } mp->lowsel = lo; mp->hghsel = hi; if (mp->numsel <= 0 && !quietsw) adios (NULL, "no messages match specification"); seqs[seqp] = NULL; /* * Add the matching messages to sequences */ for (seqp = 0; seqs[seqp]; seqp++) if (!seq_addsel (mp, seqs[seqp], publicsw, zerosw)) done (1); /* * Print total matched if not printing each matched message number. */ if (!listsw) { printf ("%d hit%s\n", mp->numsel, mp->numsel == 1 ? "" : "s"); } context_replace (pfolder, folder); /* update current folder */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize message sequences */ context_save (); /* save the context file */ folder_free (mp); /* free folder/message structure */ done (0); return 1; }
int main (int argc, char **argv) { int publicsw = -1, zerosw = 0; int create = 1, unseensw = 1; int fd, msgnum, seqp = 0; char *cp, *maildir, *folder = NULL, buf[BUFSIZ]; char **argp, **arguments, *seqs[NUMATTRS+1]; struct msgs *mp; struct stat st; done=unlink_done; #ifdef LOCALE setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); #endif invo_name = r1bindex (argv[0], '/'); /* read user profile/context */ context_read(); mts_init (invo_name); arguments = getarguments (invo_name, argc, argv, 1); argp = arguments; /* parse arguments */ while ((cp = *argp++)) { if (*cp == '-') { switch (smatch (++cp, switches)) { case AMBIGSW: ambigsw (cp, switches); done (1); case UNKWNSW: adios (NULL, "-%s unknown", cp); case HELPSW: snprintf (buf, sizeof(buf), "%s [+folder] [switches]", invo_name); print_help (buf, switches, 1); done (1); case VERSIONSW: print_version(invo_name); done (1); case SEQSW: if (!(cp = *argp++) || *cp == '-') adios (NULL, "missing argument name to %s", argp[-2]); /* check if too many sequences specified */ if (seqp >= NUMATTRS) adios (NULL, "too many sequences (more than %d) specified", NUMATTRS); seqs[seqp++] = cp; continue; case UNSEENSW: unseensw = 1; continue; case NUNSEENSW: unseensw = 0; continue; case PUBSW: publicsw = 1; continue; case NPUBSW: publicsw = 0; continue; case ZEROSW: zerosw++; continue; case NZEROSW: zerosw = 0; continue; case CRETSW: create++; continue; case NCRETSW: create = 0; continue; } } if (*cp == '+' || *cp == '@') { if (folder) adios (NULL, "only one folder at a time!"); else folder = pluspath (cp); } else { adios (NULL, "usage: %s [+folder] [switches]", invo_name); } } seqs[seqp] = NULL; /* NULL terminate list of sequences */ if (!context_find ("path")) free (path ("./", TFOLDER)); /* if no folder is given, use default folder */ if (!folder) folder = getfolder (0); maildir = m_maildir (folder); /* check if folder exists */ if (stat (maildir, &st) == NOTOK) { if (errno != ENOENT) adios (maildir, "error on folder"); if (!create) adios (NULL, "folder %s doesn't exist", maildir); if (!makedir (maildir)) adios (NULL, "unable to create folder %s", maildir); } if (chdir (maildir) == NOTOK) adios (maildir, "unable to change directory to"); /* ignore a few signals */ SIGNAL (SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); SIGNAL (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); /* create a temporary file */ tmpfilenam = m_mktemp (invo_name, &fd, NULL); if (tmpfilenam == NULL) { adios ("rcvstore", "unable to create temporary file"); } chmod (tmpfilenam, m_gmprot()); /* copy the message from stdin into temp file */ cpydata (fileno (stdin), fd, "standard input", tmpfilenam); if (fstat (fd, &st) == NOTOK) { unlink (tmpfilenam); adios (tmpfilenam, "unable to fstat"); } if (close (fd) == NOTOK) adios (tmpfilenam, "error closing"); /* don't add file if it is empty */ if (st.st_size == 0) { unlink (tmpfilenam); advise (NULL, "empty file"); done (0); } /* * read folder and create message structure */ if (!(mp = folder_read (folder))) adios (NULL, "unable to read folder %s", folder); /* * Link message into folder, and possibly add * to the Unseen-Sequence's. */ if ((msgnum = folder_addmsg (&mp, tmpfilenam, 0, unseensw, 0, 0, (char *)0)) == -1) done (1); /* * Add the message to any extra sequences * that have been specified. */ for (seqp = 0; seqs[seqp]; seqp++) { if (!seq_addmsg (mp, seqs[seqp], msgnum, publicsw, zerosw)) done (1); } seq_setunseen (mp, 0); /* synchronize any Unseen-Sequence's */ seq_save (mp); /* synchronize and save message sequences */ folder_free (mp); /* free folder/message structure */ context_save (); /* save the global context file */ unlink (tmpfilenam); /* remove temporary file */ tmpfilenam = NULL; done (0); return 1; }