// Channel display background effect. void ChannelStrip::setDisplayEffect ( bool bDisplayEffect ) { QPalette pal; pal.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, Qt::yellow); pal.setColor(QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::yellow); m_ui.EngineNameTextLabel->setPalette(pal); m_ui.MidiPortChannelTextLabel->setPalette(pal); pal.setColor(QPalette::Foreground, Qt::green); pal.setColor(QPalette::ButtonText, Qt::green); if (bDisplayEffect) { QPixmap pm(":/images/displaybg1.png"); pal.setBrush(QPalette::Background, QBrush(pm)); } else { pal.setColor(QPalette::Background, Qt::black); } m_ui.ChannelInfoFrame->setPalette(pal); m_ui.InstrumentNamePushButton->setPalette(pal); m_ui.StreamVoiceCountTextLabel->setPalette(pal); }
/*static*/ void MongoFile::closeAllFiles( stringstream &message ) { static int closingAllFiles = 0; if ( closingAllFiles ) { message << "warning closingAllFiles=" << closingAllFiles << endl; return; } ++closingAllFiles; LockMongoFilesExclusive lk; ProgressMeter pm( mmfiles.size() , 2 , 1 ); set<MongoFile*> temp = mmfiles; for ( set<MongoFile*>::iterator i = temp.begin(); i != temp.end(); i++ ) { (*i)->close(); // close() now removes from mmfiles pm.hit(); } message << "closeAllFiles() finished"; --closingAllFiles; }
tp_obj zzpy__pyDFMenu_get(tp_vm *vm) { tp_obj self = tp_getraw(vm); IScriptEngine *engine = (IScriptEngine*)tp_get(vm, vm->builtins, tp_string("userdata")).data.val; IEditor *editor = engine->editor(); TinyParams pm(vm); ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *me=(ADM_scriptDFMenuHelper *)pm.asThis(&self, ADM_PYID_DF_INTEGER); char const *key = pm.asString(); if (!strcmp(key, "index")) { if(!me) pm.raise("pyDFMenu:No this!"); return tp_number(me->index()); } if (!strcmp(key, "addItem")) { return tp_method(vm, self, zzpy_addItem); } return tp_get(vm, self, tp_string(key)); }
void LightboxWidget::print() { QString fn = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName("screenshot.png", "PNG files (*.png)", this, "Screenshot dialog", "Select a filename for saving"); if(!fn.isNull()) { QPixmap pm(centralWidget()->size()); bitBlt(&pm, 0, 0, centralWidget()); // QImage im = pm.convertToImage(); // int dpm( (72.0 / 2.54) * 100.0 ); // im.setDotsPerMeterX(dpm); // im.setDotsPerMeterY(dpm); pm.save(fn, "PNG", 100); } }
void framr_notify(actor_t *actor, message_t *message) { int size; framr_t *self; struct core_vector *spawners; self = thorium_actor_concrete_actor(actor); spawners = &self->spawners; size = core_vector_size(spawners); pm("Boss received NOTIFY\n"); ++self->completed; if (self->completed == size) { thorium_actor_send_range_empty(actor, spawners, ACTION_ASK_TO_STOP); } }
ProperClassMethods::ProperClassMethods(shared_ptr<Class> const &clazz) { for(std::size_t m=0;m<clazz->get_methods_count();++m) { proper_method pm(clazz->get_method(m)); if(!m_methods.push_back(pm).second) { std::size_t n(1); do { format fmtName("%1%_%2%"); fmtName % clazz->get_method(m)->get_name(); fmtName % n++; pm.m_proper_name=fmtName.str(); } while(!m_methods.push_back(pm).second); } } }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int QFilterParametersWriter::WritePipelineToFile(FilterPipeline::Pointer pipeline, const QString& filePath, const QString& name, QSettings::Format format, IObserver* obs) { if(NULL == pipeline.get()) { if(NULL != obs) { PipelineMessage pm(QFilterParametersWriter::ClassName(), "FilterPipeline Object was NULL for writing", -1, PipelineMessage::Error); obs->processPipelineMessage(pm); } return -1; } FilterPipeline::FilterContainerType& filters = pipeline->getFilterContainer(); QFilterParametersWriter::Pointer writer = QFilterParametersWriter::New(); // This will open the file, and write/update the initial group of settings like the name and DREAM3D Version writer->openFile(filePath, format); // Loop over each filter and write it's input parameters to the file int count = filters.size(); int index = 0; for(qint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) { AbstractFilter::Pointer filter = filters.at(i); if(NULL != filter.get()) { index = filter->writeFilterParameters(writer.get(), index); } else { AbstractFilter::Pointer badFilter = AbstractFilter::New(); writer->openFilterGroup(badFilter.get(), i); writer->writeValue("Unkown Filter", "ERROR: Filter instance was NULL within the PipelineFilterWidget instance. Report this error to the DREAM3D Developers"); writer->closeFilterGroup(); } } writer->setNumberOfFilters(index); writer->setPipelineName(name); writer->closeFile(); // Close the file return 0; }
void ComputeMgr::updateLocalComputes() { ComputeMap *computeMap = ComputeMap::Object(); CProxy_ProxyMgr pm(CkpvAccess(BOCclass_group).proxyMgr); ProxyMgr *proxyMgr = pm.ckLocalBranch(); LdbCoordinator *ldbCoordinator = LdbCoordinator::Object(); computeFlag.resize(0); const int nc = computeMap->numComputes(); for (int i=0; i<nc; i++) { if ( computeMap->node(i) == CkMyPe() && computeMap->newNumPartitions(i) > 1 ) { Compute *c = computeMap->compute(i); ldbCoordinator->Migrate(c->ldObjHandle,CkMyPe()); delete c; computeMap->registerCompute(i,NULL); if ( computeMap->newNode(i) == CkMyPe() ) computeFlag.add(i); } else if (computeMap->newNode(i) == CkMyPe() && computeMap->node(i) != CkMyPe()) { computeFlag.add(i); for (int n=0; n < computeMap->numPids(i); n++) { proxyMgr->createProxy(computeMap->pid(i,n)); } } else if (computeMap->node(i) == CkMyPe() && (computeMap->newNode(i) != -1 && computeMap->newNode(i) != CkMyPe() )) { // CkPrintf("delete compute %d on pe %d\n",i,CkMyPe()); delete computeMap->compute(i); computeMap->registerCompute(i,NULL); } } if (!CkMyPe()) { CkStartQD(CkIndex_ComputeMgr::updateLocalComputes2((CkQdMsg*)0), &thishandle); } }
void Board::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { QRect ur = e->rect(); // rectangle to update QPixmap pm(ur.size()); // Pixmap for double-buffering pm.fill(this, ur.topLeft()); // fill with widget background QPainter p(&pm); p.translate(-ur.x(), -ur.y()); // use widget coordinate system if(paused) { p.setFont(KGlobalSettings::largeFont()); p.drawText(rect(), Qt::AlignCenter, i18n("Game Paused")); } else { int w = tiles.tileWidth(); int h = tiles.tileHeight(); for(int i = 0; i < x_tiles(); i++) { for(int j = 0; j < y_tiles(); j++) { int tile = getField(i, j); if(tile == EMPTY) continue; int xpos = xOffset() + i * w; int ypos = yOffset() + j * h; QRect r(xpos, ypos, w, h); if(e->rect().intersects(r)) { if(isTileHighlighted(i, j)) p.drawPixmap(xpos, ypos, tiles.highlightedTile(tile-1)); else p.drawPixmap(xpos, ypos, tiles.tile(tile-1)); } } } } p.end(); bitBlt( this, ur.topLeft(), &pm ); }
TEST(UnitsTest, UnitsPair) { // Test basic construction via multiplication using grams = units::grams<float>; using yards = units::yards<float>; auto gy = grams{5} * yards{3}; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(15.f, gy.amount()); // Test basic construction via division using stones = units::stones<float>; using inches = units::inches<float>; auto si = stones{10} / inches{2}; EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(5.f, si.amount()); // Test manual conversion using pounds = units::pounds<float>; using meters = units::meters<float>; using poundmeters = units::units_pair<pounds, meters>; poundmeters pm(grams{5}, yards{3}); EXPECT_FLOAT_EQ(0.0302386280, pm.amount()); }
bool BaseFileManager::hasFile(const Common::String &filename) { if (scumm_strnicmp(filename.c_str(), "savegame:", 9) == 0) { BasePersistenceManager pm(BaseEngine::instance().getGameId()); if (filename.size() <= 9) { return false; } int slot = atoi(filename.c_str() + 9); return pm.getSaveExists(slot); } if (diskFileExists(filename)) { return true; } if (_packages.hasFile(filename)) { return true; // We don't bother checking if the file can actually be opened, something bigger is wrong if that is the case. } if (BaseResources::hasFile(filename)) { return true; } return false; }
ublas::matrix<double> invert(ublas::matrix<double> input) { typedef ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pmatrix; ublas::matrix<double> tmp(input); ublas::permutation_matrix<std::size_t> pm(tmp.size1()); int res = ublas::lu_factorize(tmp,pm); if (res == 0) { ublas::matrix<double> inverse = ublas::identity_matrix<double>(tmp.size1()); ublas::lu_substitute(tmp, pm, inverse); return inverse; } else { // Easy check for singularity, as nothing inverted = 0. // In the future, exceptions would be more prudent. return ublas::zero_matrix<double>(1, 1); } }
QSObject QSPixmapClass::construct( const QSList &args ) const { if ( args.size() > 0 ) { QSObject v( args[ 0 ] ); if ( v.isA( "Pixmap" ) ) { return v; } else if ( v.isString() ) { QPixmap pm( v.toString() ); return construct( pm ); } else { QVariant var = v.toVariant(QVariant::ByteArray); if (var.type() == QVariant::ByteArray) { QPixmap pm; pm.loadFromData( v.toVariant(QVariant::ByteArray).toByteArray() ); return construct( pm ); } } } return construct( QPixmap() ); }
void WorkPlaceWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *){ QPainter painter(this); QRect r2(0,0,this->size().width()-1,this->size().height()-1); QPixmap pm(":Images/Map.png"); painter.drawPixmap(0,0,this->size().width()-1,this->size().height()-1,pm); painter.drawRect(r2); if(this->curX<10){ this->curX=10; } if(this->curY<10){ this->curY=10; } if(this->curX>max_width-10){ this->curX=max_width-10; } if(this->curY>max_height-10){ this->curY=max_height-10; } this->paintDesk(); }
void KexiDBImageBox::updatePixmap() { if (!(designMode() && pixmap().isNull())) return; if (!KexiDBImageBox_static->pixmap) { const QString fname(KStandardDirs::locate("data", QLatin1String("kexi/pics/imagebox.png"))); QPixmap pm( KIconLoader::global()->loadMimeTypeIcon( koIconNameCStr("image-x-generic"), KIconLoader::NoGroup, KIconLoader::SizeLarge, KIconLoader::DisabledState) ); if (!pm.isNull()) { KIconEffect::semiTransparent(pm); KIconEffect::semiTransparent(pm); } KexiDBImageBox_static->pixmap = new QPixmap(pm); KexiDBImageBox_static->small = new QPixmap( KexiDBImageBox_static->pixmap->scaled( KexiDBImageBox_static->pixmap->width() / 2, KexiDBImageBox_static->pixmap->height() / 2, Qt::KeepAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation) ); } }
QImage Score::createThumbnail() { Page* page = pages().at(0); QRectF fr = page->abbox(); qreal mag = 256.0 / qMax(fr.width(), fr.height()); int w = int(fr.width() * mag); int h = int(fr.height() * mag); QImage pm(w, h, QImage::Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied); pm.setDotsPerMeterX(lrint((mag * 1000) / INCH)); pm.setDotsPerMeterY(lrint((mag * 1000) / INCH)); pm.fill(0xffffffff); QPainter p(&pm); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::TextAntialiasing, true); p.scale(mag, mag); print(&p, 0); p.end(); return pm; }
void DockContainer::popupMenu(QPoint p) { int r; { KPopupMenu pm(this); pm.insertItem( i18n("Kill This Applet"), 0); pm.insertItem( i18n("Change Command"), 1); r = pm.exec(p); /* pm is destroyed now .. if it is destroyed later, there is a risk that kill() double-frees it */ } switch (r) { case 0: { kill(); } break; case 1: { askNewCommand(false); } break; } }
QVariant SensorModel::data( const QModelIndex &index, int role ) const { if ( !index.isValid() ) return QVariant(); if ( index.row() >= mSensors.count() || index.row() < 0 ) return QVariant(); SensorModelEntry sensor = mSensors[ index.row() ]; if ( role == Qt::DisplayRole ) { switch ( index.column() ) { case 0: return sensor.hostName(); break; case 1: return sensor.sensorName(); break; case 2: return sensor.unit(); break; case 3: return sensor.status(); break; case 4: return sensor.label(); break; } } else if ( role == Qt::DecorationRole ) { if ( index.column() == 1 ) { if ( sensor.color().isValid() ) { QPixmap pm( 12, 12 ); pm.fill( sensor.color() ); return pm; } } } return QVariant(); }
Status RecordStoreV1Base::touch(OperationContext* txn, BSONObjBuilder* output) const { Timer t; std::vector<touch_location> ranges; { DiskLoc nextLoc = _details->firstExtent(txn); Extent* ext = nextLoc.isNull() ? NULL : _getExtent(txn, nextLoc); while (ext) { touch_location tl; tl.root = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ext); tl.length = ext->length; ranges.push_back(tl); nextLoc = ext->xnext; if (nextLoc.isNull()) ext = NULL; else ext = _getExtent(txn, nextLoc); } } std::string progress_msg = "touch " + std::string(txn->getNS()) + " extents"; stdx::unique_lock<Client> lk(*txn->getClient()); ProgressMeterHolder pm( *txn->setMessage_inlock(progress_msg.c_str(), "Touch Progress", ranges.size())); lk.unlock(); for (std::vector<touch_location>::iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it) { touch_pages(it->root, it->length); pm.hit(); txn->checkForInterrupt(); } pm.finished(); if (output) { output->append("numRanges", static_cast<int>(ranges.size())); output->append("millis", t.millis()); } return Status::OK(); }
void Energy::train() { try{ cout<<"A:\n"<<A<<endl; cout<<"b:\n"<<b<<endl; /*** linear least squares ***/ la::matrix<double> AT = la::trans(A); la::matrix<double> ATA = la::prod(AT,A); la::vector<double> ATb = la::prod(AT,b); la::permutation_matrix<int> pm(ATA.size1()); la::lu_factorize(ATA,pm); la::vector<double> c(ATb); lu_substitute(ATA, pm, c); la::vector<double> est = la::prod(A,c); /*** set coeffficients ***/ set_coefficients(c); /* cout<<"A:\n"<<print_matrix(A)<<endl; cout<<"b:\n"<<print_matrix(b)<<endl; cout<<"AT:\n"<<print_matrix(AT)<<endl; cout<<"ATA:\n"<<print_matrix(ATA)<<endl; cout<<"ATb:\n"<<print_matrix(ATb)<<endl; cout<<"ATA - after:\n"<<print_matrix(ATA)<<endl; cout<<"c:\n"<<print_matrix(c)<<endl; cout<<"est:\n"<<print_matrix(est)<<endl; */ cout<<"TRAINING DONE"<<endl; } catch(...) { cout<<"WARNING: Training fail, will stil write matices to octave file"<<endl; } cout<<"Done writting to octave file"<<endl; }
void object::test<1> () { std::string wkt0("LINESTRING(99739.70596 -2239218.0625,99739.85604 -2239218.21258,99739.85605 -2239218.21258, 99739.85605 -2239218.21258,99739.86851 -2239218.21258,99739.86851 -2239218.20012, 99739.86851 -2239218.20012,99739.86851 -2239218.04, 99739.95848 -2239218.11015,99739.86851 -2239218.20012, 99739.86851 -2239218.20012,99739.85605 -2239218.21258, 99739.85605 -2239218.21258,99739.80901 -2239218.25961, 99739.80901 -2239218.25961,99739.68863 -2239218.38, 99739.86204 -2239218.31264,99739.80901 -2239218.25961, 99739.80901 -2239218.25961,99739.66841 -2239218.11901)"); SegStrVct nodable; getSegmentStrings(wkt0, nodable); ensure_equals(nodable.size(), 1u); PrecisionModel pm(1e-5); MCIndexSnapRounder noder(pm); ensure_equals(nodable.size(), 1u); noder.computeNodes(&nodable); std::unique_ptr<SegStrVct> noded(noder.getNodedSubstrings()); ensure_equals("1e-5", noded->size(), 178u); freeSegmentStrings(*noded); freeSegmentStrings(nodable); }
void ZFonts::fillFontsByDir(QString sDir) { QStringList slFonts; slFonts.clear(); QDir dir( sDir ); dir.setFilter( QDir::Files ); dir.setNameFilter("*.ttf;*.TTF"); slFonts = dir.entryList(); QString * path; QPixmap pm( ProgDir + "/fonts.png"); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = slFonts.begin(); it != slFonts.end(); ++it ) { ZSettingItem* item = new ZSettingItem(lbFonts, "%I%M"); item->setPixmap( 0, pm ); item->appendSubItem( 1, QString::fromUtf8(*it) ); path = new QString(sDir+"/"+(*it)); item->setReservedData( (int)path ); lbFonts->insertItem( item ); } }
QBrush DesktopBackgroundDialog::background() { QBrush background; switch (m_type) { case (RazorWorkSpaceManager::BackgroundPixmap): { QPixmap pm(m_wallpaper); pm = pm.scaled(m_desktopSize, keepAspectCheckBox->isChecked() ? Qt::KeepAspectRatio : Qt::IgnoreAspectRatio, Qt::SmoothTransformation); background.setTexture(pm); break; } default: background.setColor(m_color); background.setStyle(Qt::SolidPattern); } save(); return background; }
void SettingsButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QPushButton::paintEvent(event); QStyleOptionButton option; option.initFrom(this); QRect r = this->rect(); // Prepare miage in pixmap using mask QPixmap pm(r.size()); pm.fill(Qt::transparent); pm.fill(option.palette.windowText().color()); QIcon w(":cogwheel"); QPainter ppm(&pm); ppm.setCompositionMode(QPainter::CompositionMode_DestinationIn); ppm.drawPixmap(0,0,w.pixmap(r.size())); // Draw pixmap on button QPainter p(this); p.setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true); p.drawPixmap(0,0,pm); }
static QPixmap createDestPixmap() { const int colorbands = 3; const int intensities = 4; QPixmap pm( 32, colorbands*intensities*4 ); QPainter painter; painter.begin( &pm ); for ( int i=0; i<colorbands; i++ ) { for ( int j=0; j<intensities; j++ ) { int intensity = 255 * (j+1) / intensities; // 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% for ( int k=0; k<8; k++ ) { QColor col = baseColor( k, intensity ); painter.setPen( QPen( col, 1 ) ); painter.setBrush( col ); painter.drawRect( k*4, j*4 + i*intensities*4, 4, 4 ); } } } painter.end(); return pm; }
int64_t HaltonSampler::GetIndexForSample(int64_t sampleNum) const { if (currentPixel != pixelForOffset) { // Compute Halton sample offset for _currentPixel_ offsetForCurrentPixel = 0; if (sampleStride > 1) { Point2i pm(Mod(currentPixel[0], kMaxResolution), Mod(currentPixel[1], kMaxResolution)); for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { uint64_t dimOffset = (i == 0) ? InverseRadicalInverse<2>(pm[i], baseExponents[i]) : InverseRadicalInverse<3>(pm[i], baseExponents[i]); offsetForCurrentPixel += dimOffset * (sampleStride / baseScales[i]) * multInverse[i]; } offsetForCurrentPixel %= sampleStride; } pixelForOffset = currentPixel; } return offsetForCurrentPixel + sampleNum * sampleStride; }
void StageSettings::identifyDisplays() { // loop over all displays // (we iterate until size() - 1 because there's also // 'disabled' in the combo box) for (int i=0; i<std::max(0, controlScreen_comboBox->count() - 1); ++i) { QPainter p; // create a transparent background image QImage pm(250, 250, QImage::Format_ARGB32); pm.fill(qRgba(0, 0, 0, 0)); p.begin(&pm); QFont text_font("Arial", 200, QFont::Bold); QPainterPath text_path; text_path.addText(QPointF(10.f, 220.f), text_font, QString::number(i)); QLinearGradient gradient(0, 0, 0, 100); gradient.setColorAt(0.0, qRgba(0, 0, 128, 0)); gradient.setColorAt(1.0, qRgba(0, 128, 128, 0)); p.setBrush(gradient); p.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 2, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::RoundJoin)); p.drawPath(text_path); p.end(); pm.createAlphaMask(); QSplashScreen* splash = new QSplashScreen(QApplication::desktop()->screen(i), QPixmap::fromImage(pm)); splash->show(); identification_labels_.push_back(splash); } QTimer::singleShot(2000, this, SLOT(killIdentificationLabels_())); }
void NewDevice::fillTree() { QListViewItem* parent = NULL; QListViewItem* newItem = NULL; QList <DeviceClass> dclist(_app->doc()->deviceClassList()); QPixmap pm(_app->settings()->pixmapPath() + QString("dmx.xpm")); m_tree->clear(); for (DeviceClass* dc = dclist.first(); dc != NULL; dc = dclist.next()) { bool alreadyAdded = false; for (QListViewItem* i = m_tree->firstChild(); i != NULL; i = i->nextSibling()) { if (i->text(0) == dc->manufacturer()) { alreadyAdded = true; parent = i; break; } } if (alreadyAdded == false) { parent = new QListViewItem(m_tree, dc->manufacturer()); if (_app->settings()->newDeviceTreeOpen() == true) { parent->setOpen(true); } } parent->setPixmap(0, QPixmap(_app->settings()->pixmapPath() + QString("global.xpm"))); newItem = new QListViewItem(parent, dc->model()); newItem->setPixmap(0, pm); newItem->setText(1,dc->type()); } }
void Step1::init() { Input *option; m_projName->setText(getStringOption(m_modelData,STR_PROJECT_NAME)); m_projBrief->setText(getStringOption(m_modelData,STR_PROJECT_BRIEF)); m_projNumber->setText(getStringOption(m_modelData,STR_PROJECT_NUMBER)); QString iconName = getStringOption(m_modelData,STR_PROJECT_LOGO); if (!iconName.isEmpty()) { QFile Fout(iconName); if(!Fout.exists()) { m_projIconLab->setText(tr("Sorry, cannot find file(")+iconName+QString::fromAscii(");")); } else { QPixmap pm(iconName); if (!pm.isNull()) { m_projIconLab->setPixmap(pm.scaledToHeight(55,Qt::SmoothTransformation)); } else { m_projIconLab->setText(tr("Sorry, no preview available (")+iconName+QString::fromAscii(");")); } } } else { m_projIconLab->setText(tr("No Project logo selected.")); } option = m_modelData[STR_INPUT]; if (option->value().toStringList().count()>0) { m_sourceDir->setText(option->value().toStringList().first()); } m_recursive->setChecked( getBoolOption(m_modelData,STR_RECURSIVE) ? Qt::Checked : Qt::Unchecked); m_destDir->setText(getStringOption(m_modelData,STR_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY)); }
Status RecordStoreV1Base::touch( OperationContext* txn, BSONObjBuilder* output ) const { Timer t; // Note: when this class has document level locking, we'll need a lock to get extents // and then ideally only hold the collection lock from above while doing actual touching. std::vector<touch_location> ranges; { Extent* ext = _getExtent( _details->firstExtent() ); while ( ext ) { touch_location tl; tl.root = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(ext); tl.length = ext->length; ranges.push_back(tl); if ( ext->xnext.isNull() ) ext = NULL; else ext = _getExtent( ext->xnext ); } } std::string progress_msg = "touch " + std::string(txn->getNS()) + " extents"; ProgressMeterHolder pm(*txn->setMessage(progress_msg.c_str(), "Touch Progress", ranges.size())); for ( std::vector<touch_location>::iterator it = ranges.begin(); it != ranges.end(); ++it ) { touch_pages( it->root, it->length ); pm.hit(); txn->checkForInterrupt(); } pm.finished(); if ( output ) { output->append( "numRanges", static_cast<int>( ranges.size() ) ); output->append( "millis", t.millis() ); } return Status::OK(); }