Example #1
int premovemax(PHEAP* heap,struct SNPfrags* snpfrag, int* slist)
	// easy to copy elements of the harray[0] element from the heap 
	if (heap->length ==0) return -1; 
	heap->elements[0] = heap->elements[heap->length-1];
	snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[0]]].heaploc = 0; 
	if (heap->length ==0) return 1;
	// swap root's value with the maximum of it's two children, maxHeapify 
	return 1;
Example #2
// function added 10/24/2014
void update_neighbor_scores(struct SNPfrags* snpfrag,int node,int startnode,int secondnode,struct fragment* Flist,char* hap,struct PHEAP* pheap,int* slist)
	// for all vertices linked to node -> update score of the neighbors, can be done using list of fragments for snpfrag[node]
	int j=0,f=0,i=0,n=0,k=0,newnode=0;
	char allele,allele1; float q2,q1,p1,p2,ew,match;
	double oldscore=0;
	for (n=0;n<snpfrag[node].frags;n++)
		f = snpfrag[node].flist[n]; // index into Flist global 
		for (j=0;j<Flist[f].blocks;j++) // first find the allele at 'node' in the fragment 'f' 
			for (k=0;k<Flist[f].list[j].len;k++)
				if (Flist[f].list[j].offset + k == node) { allele  = Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]; q1 = Flist[f].list[j].pv[k]; }
		for (j=0;j<Flist[f].blocks;j++)
			for (k=0;k<Flist[f].list[j].len;k++)
				allele1  = Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]; q2 = Flist[f].list[j].pv[k]; newnode = Flist[f].list[j].offset + k;
				if (newnode == node || newnode == startnode || newnode == secondnode) continue;

 				p1 = q1*q2+(1-q1)*(1-q2); p2 = q1*(1-q2)+q2*(1-q1); ew = log10(p1/p2); 
				if (hap[node] == hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] && allele == allele1) match = 1;
				else if (hap[node] != hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] && allele != allele1) match = 1;
				else if (hap[node] == hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] && allele != allele1) match = -1;
				else if (hap[node] != hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] && allele == allele1) match = -1;
				if (snpfrag[node].parent == startnode)
					oldscore = snpfrag[newnode].score;  snpfrag[newnode].score += match*ew;
				else if (snpfrag[node].parent == secondnode)
					oldscore = snpfrag[newnode].score;  snpfrag[newnode].score -= match*ew;
				if (fabsf(oldscore) > fabsf(snpfrag[newnode].score)) // score decreased 
				else pbubbleUp(pheap,snpfrag[newnode].heaploc,snpfrag,slist);
Example #3
// trickledown can also be used to update the PHEAP if the score of a node is decreased via an update 
void pmaxHeapify(PHEAP* heap,int node,struct SNPfrags* snpfrag, int* slist)
	int lc = 2*node+1; int rc = 2*node + 2; int maxindex = node; int temp;
//	printf("inside maxheapify %d %d %d\n",lc,rc,node);
	if (rc >= heap->length)
		if (lc < heap->length) maxindex = lc; 
		if (fabsf(snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[lc]]].score) >= fabsf(snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[rc]]].score)) maxindex = lc; 
		else maxindex = rc; 
	if (fabsf(snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[node]]].score) < fabsf(snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[maxindex]]].score)) // swap and percolate down
		//temp = snpfrag[slist[node]].heaploc; snpfrag[slist[node]].heaploc = snpfrag[slist[maxindex]].heaploc; snpfrag[slist[maxindex]].heaploc = temp;
		temp = heap->elements[node]; heap->elements[node] = heap->elements[maxindex]; heap->elements[maxindex] = temp; 
		snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[node]]].heaploc = node; snpfrag[slist[heap->elements[maxindex]]].heaploc = maxindex; 
Example #4
void pbuildmaxheap(PHEAP* heap,struct SNPfrags* snpfrag, int* slist)
	int i=0; 
	for (i=heap->length/2-1;i>=0;i--)  pmaxHeapify(heap,i,snpfrag,slist);
	//fprintf(stdout,"heapify %d hl %d\n",i,heap->length);
Example #5
void update_fragment_scores(struct SNPfrags* snpfrag, struct fragment* Flist, char* hap, int startnode, int secondnode, int node_added, struct PHEAP* pheap, int* slist) {
    int j = 0, f = 0, t = 0, n = 0, k = 0, node = 0;
    float prob, prob2;
    float scores[4];
    float Lo, Ln;
    float Lo_htrans, Ln_htrans;
    float f_scores[4];
    float htrans_f_scores[4];
    float oldscore;
    int htrans_flipped = 0;

    for (n = 0; n < snpfrag[node_added].frags; n++){
        f = snpfrag[node_added].flist[n]; // index into Flist global
        for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) f_scores[t] = Flist[f].scores[t]; // store previous fragment scores before updating
        for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) htrans_f_scores[t] = Flist[f].htscores[t]; // store previous fragment scores before updating

        j = snpfrag[node_added].jlist[n];
        k = snpfrag[node_added].klist[n];

        if (hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] == '-' || (int) Flist[f].list[j].qv[k] - QVoffset < MINQ) continue;
        node = Flist[f].list[j].offset + k;

        if (node != node_added) continue;

        prob = QVoffset - (int) Flist[f].list[j].qv[k];
        prob /= 10; // log10(e)
        prob2 = Flist[f].list[j].p1[k];

        if (snpfrag[node].parent == startnode){ // if node is added to 'startnode', original and new likelihoods are updated identically

            if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]){
                Flist[f].scores[0] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[1] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[2] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[3] += prob;
            } else {
                Flist[f].scores[0] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[1] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[2] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[3] += prob2;
        } else if (snpfrag[node].parent == secondnode){
            if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]){
                Flist[f].scores[0] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[1] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[2] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[3] += prob2;
            } else {
                Flist[f].scores[0] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[1] += prob;
                Flist[f].scores[2] += prob2;
                Flist[f].scores[3] += prob;

        if (HIC && Flist[f].data_type == 1){ // HiC read

            htrans_flipped = (Flist[f].mate2_ix != -1 && node >= Flist[f].mate2_ix); // are we flipped due to h-trans?

            if ((snpfrag[node].parent == startnode && !htrans_flipped)
              ||(snpfrag[node].parent == secondnode && htrans_flipped)){ // if node is added to 'startnode', original and new likelihoods are updated identically

                if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]){
                    Flist[f].htscores[0] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[1] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[2] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[3] += prob;
                } else {
                    Flist[f].htscores[0] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[1] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[2] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[3] += prob2;
            }else if((snpfrag[node].parent == secondnode && !htrans_flipped)
                   ||(snpfrag[node].parent == startnode && htrans_flipped)){
                if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]){
                    Flist[f].htscores[0] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[1] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[2] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[3] += prob2;
                } else {
                    Flist[f].htscores[0] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[1] += prob;
                    Flist[f].htscores[2] += prob2;
                    Flist[f].htscores[3] += prob;

        for (j = 0; j < Flist[f].blocks; j++){ // update score of every node outside 2 shores covered by 'f'

            for (k = 0; k < Flist[f].list[j].len; k++) {
                if (hap[Flist[f].list[j].offset + k] == '-' || (int) Flist[f].list[j].qv[k] - QVoffset < MINQ) continue;
                node = Flist[f].list[j].offset + k;
                if (snpfrag[node].parent != startnode && snpfrag[node].parent != secondnode && node != node_added) {
                    oldscore = snpfrag[node].score; // store old score
                    prob = QVoffset - (int) Flist[f].list[j].qv[k];
                    prob /= 10; // log10(e)
                    //prob1 = 1.0 - pow(10,prob); prob2 = log10(prob1);
                    prob2 = Flist[f].list[j].p1[k];
                    for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) scores[t] = f_scores[t];
                    if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]) {
                        scores[0] += prob2;
                        scores[1] += prob;
                        scores[2] += prob;
                        scores[3] += prob2;
                    } else {
                        scores[0] += prob;
                        scores[1] += prob2;
                        scores[2] += prob2;
                        scores[3] += prob;

                    Lo = addlogs(scores[0], scores[1]);
                    Ln = addlogs(scores[2], scores[3]);

                    if (HIC && Flist[f].data_type == 1){ // HiC Read

                        htrans_flipped = (Flist[f].mate2_ix != -1 && node >= Flist[f].mate2_ix); // are we flipped due to h-trans?

                        for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) scores[t] = htrans_f_scores[t];
                        if ((hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k] && !htrans_flipped)
                          ||(hap[node] != Flist[f].list[j].hap[k] && htrans_flipped)) {
                            scores[0] += prob2;
                            scores[1] += prob;
                            scores[2] += prob;
                            scores[3] += prob2;
                        } else {
                            scores[0] += prob;
                            scores[1] += prob2;
                            scores[2] += prob2;
                            scores[3] += prob;
                        Lo_htrans = addlogs(scores[0], scores[1]);
                        Ln_htrans = addlogs(scores[2], scores[3]);

                        // update Lo and Ln for h-trans possibility
                        Lo = addlogs(Lo+subtractlogs(0,Flist[f].htrans_prob), Lo_htrans+Flist[f].htrans_prob);
                        Ln = addlogs(Ln+subtractlogs(0,Flist[f].htrans_prob), Ln_htrans+Flist[f].htrans_prob);

                    snpfrag[node].score -= Lo - Ln;; // subtract old score for variant

                    for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) scores[t] = Flist[f].scores[t];
                    if (hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k]) {
                        scores[0] += prob2;
                        scores[1] += prob;
                        scores[2] += prob;
                        scores[3] += prob2;
                    } else {
                        scores[0] += prob;
                        scores[1] += prob2;
                        scores[2] += prob2;
                        scores[3] += prob;

                    Lo = addlogs(scores[0], scores[1]);
                    Ln = addlogs(scores[2], scores[3]);

                    if (HIC && Flist[f].data_type == 1){ // HiC read
                        for (t = 0; t < 4; t++) scores[t] = Flist[f].htscores[t];

                        if ((hap[node] == Flist[f].list[j].hap[k] && !htrans_flipped)
                          ||(hap[node] != Flist[f].list[j].hap[k] && htrans_flipped)) {
                            scores[0] += prob2;
                            scores[1] += prob;
                            scores[2] += prob;
                            scores[3] += prob2;
                        } else {
                            scores[0] += prob;
                            scores[1] += prob2;
                            scores[2] += prob2;
                            scores[3] += prob;

                        Lo_htrans = addlogs(scores[0], scores[1]);
                        Ln_htrans = addlogs(scores[2], scores[3]);

                        // update Lo and Ln for h-trans possibility
                        Lo = addlogs(Lo+subtractlogs(0,Flist[f].htrans_prob), Lo_htrans+Flist[f].htrans_prob);
                        Ln = addlogs(Ln+subtractlogs(0,Flist[f].htrans_prob), Ln_htrans+Flist[f].htrans_prob);


                    snpfrag[node].score += Lo - Ln; // add new delta LL for variant
                    if (fabsf(oldscore) > fabsf(snpfrag[node].score)){ // score decreased
                        pmaxHeapify(pheap, snpfrag[node].heaploc, snpfrag, slist);

                    } else pbubbleUp(pheap, snpfrag[node].heaploc, snpfrag, slist);