Example #1
static void
getGenImgInfo(struct imgInfo     const img[],
              unsigned int       const nfiles,
              xel *              const newxelrow,
              unsigned int       const newrows,
              xelval             const newmaxval,
              int                const newformat,
              enum justification const justification,
              enum backcolor     const backcolor,
              struct imgGen2 **  const img2P) {

    struct imgGen2 * img2;
    unsigned int i;

    MALLOCARRAY_NOFAIL(img2, nfiles);

    for (i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) {
        switch (justification) {  /* Determine top padding */
            case JUST_MIN:
                img2[i].padtop = 0;
            case JUST_MAX:
                img2[i].padtop = newrows - img[i].rows;
            case JUST_CENTER:
                img2[i].padtop = (newrows - img[i].rows) / 2;

        img2[i].inrow =
            (i == 0 ? &newxelrow[0] : img2[i-1].inrow + img[i-1].cols);

        if (img[i].rows == newrows)  /* no padding */
            img2[i].xelrow = NULL;
        else {
            /* Determine pad color */
            switch (backcolor){
            case BACK_AUTO:
                img2[i].xelrow = pnm_allocrow(img[i].cols);
                pnm_readpnmrow(img[i].ifP, img2[i].xelrow,
                               img[i].cols, img[i].maxval, img[i].format);
                pnm_promoteformatrow(img2[i].xelrow, img[i].cols,
                                     img[i].maxval, img[i].format,
                                     newmaxval, newformat);
                img2[i].background = pnm_backgroundxelrow(
                    img2[i].xelrow, img[i].cols, newmaxval, newformat);
            case BACK_BLACK:
                img2[i].xelrow = NULL;
                img2[i].background = pnm_blackxel(newmaxval, newformat);
            case BACK_WHITE:
                img2[i].xelrow = NULL;
                img2[i].background = pnm_whitexel(newmaxval, newformat);
    *img2P = img2;
Example #2
static xel
computeBackground(FILE *         const ifP,
                  int            const cols,
                  int            const rows,
                  xelval         const maxval,
                  int            const format,
                  enum bg_choice const backgroundChoice) {
   Determine what color is the background color of the image in file
   *ifP, which is described by 'cols', 'rows', 'maxval', and 'format'.

   'backgroundChoice' is the method we are to use in determining the
   background color.
   Expect the file to be positioned to the start of the raster, and leave
   it positioned arbitrarily.
    xel background;  /* Our return value */
    switch (backgroundChoice) {
    case BG_WHITE:
        background = pnm_whitexel(maxval, format);
    case BG_BLACK:
        background = pnm_blackxel(maxval, format);
    case BG_SIDES: 
        background = 
            background3Corners(ifP, rows, cols, maxval, format);
    case BG_DEFAULT: 
        background = 
            background2Corners(ifP, cols, maxval, format);

Example #3
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

    FILE* ifp;
    xel* xelrow;  /* Row from input image */
    xel* output_row;  /* Row of output image */
    xelval maxval;
    int rows, cols, format, row;
    int leftcol, rightcol, toprow, bottomrow;
    int output_cols;  /* Width of output image */
    struct cmdline_info cmdline;

    pnm_init( &argc, argv );

    parse_command_line(argc, argv, &cmdline);

    ifp = pm_openr(cmdline.input_filespec);

    pnm_readpnminit(ifp, &cols, &rows, &maxval, &format);
    xelrow = pnm_allocrow(cols);

    black_xel = pnm_blackxel(maxval, format);

    compute_cut_bounds(cols, rows, 
                       cmdline.left, cmdline.right, 
                       cmdline.top, cmdline.bottom, 
                       cmdline.width, cmdline.height, 
                       &leftcol, &rightcol, &toprow, &bottomrow);

    if (!cmdline.pad)
        reject_out_of_bounds(cols, rows, leftcol, rightcol, toprow, bottomrow);

    if (cmdline.verbose) {
        pm_message("Image goes from Row 0, Column 0 through Row %d, Column %d",
                   rows-1, cols-1);
        pm_message("Cutting from Row %d, Column %d through Row %d Column %d",
                   toprow, leftcol, bottomrow, rightcol);

    output_cols = rightcol-leftcol+1;
    output_row = pnm_allocrow(output_cols);
    pnm_writepnminit(stdout, output_cols, bottomrow-toprow+1, 
                     maxval, format, 0 );

    /* Implementation note:  If speed is ever an issue, we can probably
       speed up significantly the non-padding case by writing a special
       case loop here for the case cmdline.pad == FALSE.

    /* Write out top padding */
    write_black_rows(stdout, 0 - toprow, output_cols, output_row, 
                     maxval, format);
    /* Read input and write out rows extracted from it */
    for (row = 0; row < rows; row++) {
        pnm_readpnmrow(ifp, xelrow, cols, maxval, format);
        if (row >= toprow && row <= bottomrow) {
            int col;
            /* Put in left padding */
            for (col = leftcol; col < 0; col++) { 
                output_row[col-leftcol] = black_xel;
            /* Put in extracted columns */
            for (col = MAX(leftcol, 0); col <= MIN(rightcol, cols-1); col++) {
                output_row[col-leftcol] = xelrow[col];
            /* Put in right padding */
            for (col = MAX(cols, leftcol); col <= rightcol; col++) {
                output_row[col-leftcol] = black_xel;
            pnm_writepnmrow(stdout, output_row, output_cols, 
                            maxval, format, 0);
    /* Note that we may be tempted just to quit after reaching the bottom
       of the extracted image, but that would cause a broken pipe problem
       for the process that's feeding us the image.
    /* Write out bottom padding */
    write_black_rows(stdout, bottomrow - (rows-1), output_cols, output_row, 
                     maxval, format);

    exit( 0 );
Example #4
static void
concatenateTopBottomGen(FILE *             const ofP,
                        unsigned int       const nfiles,
                        int                const newcols,
                        int                const newrows,
                        xelval             const newmaxval,
                        int                const newformat,
                        enum justification const justification,
                        struct imgInfo     const img[],
                        enum backcolor     const backcolor) {

    xel * const newxelrow = pnm_allocrow(newcols);
    xel * inrow;
    unsigned int padleft;
    unsigned int i;
    unsigned int row, startRow;
    xel background, backgroundPrev;
    bool backChange;
        /* The background color is different from that of the previous
           input image.

    switch (backcolor) {
    case BACK_AUTO: /* do nothing now, determine at start of each image */
    case BACK_BLACK: background = pnm_blackxel(newmaxval, newformat);
    case BACK_WHITE: background = pnm_whitexel(newmaxval, newformat);

    for ( i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i, backgroundPrev = background) {
        if (img[i].cols == newcols) {
            /* no padding */
            startRow = 0;
            backChange = FALSE;
            inrow = newxelrow;
        } else { /* Calculate left padding amount */ 
            switch (justification) {
            case JUST_MIN:    padleft = 0;                            break;
            case JUST_MAX:    padleft = newcols - img[i].cols;        break;
            case JUST_CENTER: padleft = (newcols - img[i].cols) / 2;  break;

            if (backcolor == BACK_AUTO) {
                /* Determine background color */

                startRow = 1;
                inrow = &newxelrow[padleft];

                pnm_readpnmrow(img[i].ifP, inrow,
                               img[i].cols, img[i].maxval, img[i].format);
                pnm_promoteformatrow(inrow, img[i].cols, img[i].maxval,
                                     newmaxval, newformat);
                background = pnm_backgroundxelrow(
                    inrow, img[i].cols, newmaxval, newformat);

                backChange = i==0 || !PNM_EQUAL(background, backgroundPrev);
            } else {
                /* background color is constant: black or white */
                startRow = 0;
                inrow = &newxelrow[padleft];
                backChange = (i==0);

            if (backChange || (i > 0 && img[i-1].cols > img[i].cols)) {
                unsigned int col;

                for (col = 0; col < padleft; ++col)
                    newxelrow[col] = background;
                for (col = padleft + img[i].cols; col < newcols; ++col)
                    newxelrow[col] = background;

        if (startRow == 1)
            /* Top row already read for auto background
               color determination.  Write it out. */
            pnm_writepnmrow(ofP, newxelrow, newcols, newmaxval, newformat, 0);

        for (row = startRow; row < img[i].rows; ++row) {
                           inrow, img[i].cols, img[i].maxval, img[i].format);
                inrow, img[i].cols, img[i].maxval, img[i].format,
                newmaxval, newformat);

            pnm_writepnmrow(ofP, newxelrow, newcols, newmaxval, newformat, 0);