int subCmd_post(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli post <ServicePattern.SignalPattern> [<JsonParameter>...]"); std::string fullName; std::vector<std::string> argList; desc.add_options() ("signal", po::value<std::string>(&fullName)->required(), "signal's name") ("arg", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&argList), "method's args") ("hidden", "post hidden signals if they match the given pattern") ("json", "signal parameters' will be treaded as JSON strings") ("almemory", "post on almemory event") ("help", "Print this help message and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("signal", 1); positionalOptions.add("arg", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions) .style(qicli_call_cmd_style), vm, desc)) return 1; SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint); if (vm.count("almemory")) { if (argList.empty() || argList.size() > 1) throw std::runtime_error("bad number of argument, almemory events only accept one argument"); session.postOnAlmemory(fullName, argList[0], vm.count("json")); } else, argList, vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("json")); return 0; }
int subCmd_call(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli call <ServicePattern.MethodPattern> [<JsonParameter>...]"); std::string fullName; std::vector<std::string> argList; unsigned int callCount = 0; desc.add_options() ("method", po::value<std::string>(&fullName)->required(), "method's name") ("arg", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&argList), "method's args") ("bench", po::value<unsigned int>(&callCount), "bench the call time using given iteration count") ("hidden", "call hidden methods if they match the given pattern") ("json", "method parameters' will be treaded as JSON strings") ("continue", "continue on error") ("help", "Print this help message and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("method", 1); positionalOptions.add("arg", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions) .style(qicli_call_cmd_style), vm, desc)) return 1; SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint);, argList, vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("json"), vm.count("continue"), callCount); return 0; }
int subCmd_set(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli set <ServicePattern.PropertyPattern>... <JsonParameter>"); std::vector<std::string> argList; desc.add_options() ("prop", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&argList), "property's name") ("hidden", "set hidden properties if they match the given pattern") ("json", "parameter will be treaded as a JSON string") ("continue", "continue on error") ("help", "Print this help message and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("prop", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions) .style(qicli_call_cmd_style), vm, desc)) return 1; if (argList.size() < 2) { showHelp(desc); return 1; } std::string jsonValue = argList.back(); argList.pop_back(); SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint); session.set(argList, jsonValue, vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("json"), vm.count("continue")); return 0; }
int subCmd_get(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli get <ServicePattern.PropertyPattern>..."); std::vector<std::string> patternList; desc.add_options() ("prop,p", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&patternList), "property's name") ("hidden", "get hidden properties if they match the given pattern") ("continue", "continue on error") ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("prop", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint); if (patternList.empty()) patternList.push_back("*.*"); session.get(patternList, vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("continue")); return 0; }
int subCmd_logView(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli log-view"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit") ("verbose,v", "Set maximum logs verbosity shown to verbose.") ("debug,d", "Set maximum logs verbosity shown to debug.") ("level,l", po::value<int>()->default_value(4), "Change the log minimum level: [0-6] (default:4). This option accepts the same arguments' format than --qi-log-level.") ("filters,f", po::value<std::string>(), "Set log filtering options. This option accepts the same arguments' format than --qi-log-filters.") ; po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc), vm, desc)) return 1; qiLogVerbose() << "Connecting to service directory"; app.start(); qi::SessionPtr s = app.session(); qiLogVerbose() << "Resolving services"; qi::AnyObject logger = s->service("LogManager"); qi::AnyObject listener =<qi::AnyObject>("getListener");<void>("clearFilters"); if (vm.count("level")) { int level = vm["level"].as<int>(); if (level > 6) level = 6; else if (level <= 0) level = 0;<void>("addFilter", "*", level); } if (vm.count("verbose"))<void>("addFilter", "*", 5); if (vm.count("debug"))<void>("addFilter", "*", 6); if (vm.count("filters")) { std::string filters = vm["filters"].as<std::string>(); setFilter(filters, listener); } listener.connect("onLogMessage", &onMessage);; return 0; }
int subCmd_info(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli info [<ServicePattern>...]"); std::vector<std::string> serviceList; bool zOpt = false; desc.add_options() ("service,s", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&serviceList), "service to display") ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit") ("list,l", "List services (default when no service specified)") ("details,d", "print service info, methods, signals and properties") ("hidden", "show hidden services, methods, signals and properties") ("show-doc", "show documentation for methods, signals and properties") ("raw-signature", "show the raw signature") (",z", po::bool_switch(&zOpt), "prints the result in a parseable format"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("service", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; bool details = false; if (vm.count("details") && vm.count("list")) throw std::runtime_error("You cannot specify --list and --details together."); //smart details/list if (vm.count("details")) details = true; else if (vm.count("list")) details = false; else { //list/details not specified, use details if services have been specified. details = (serviceList.size()) != 0; } if (serviceList.empty()) serviceList.push_back("*"); SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint);, details, vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("show-doc"), vm.count("raw-signature"), zOpt); return 0; }
int subCmd_watch(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app, qi::JsonOption prettyPrint) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli watch <ServicePattern.SignalPattern>..."); std::vector<std::string> patternList; desc.add_options() ("signal,s", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&patternList), "service's name") ("time,t", "Print time") ("hidden", "watch hidden signals if they match the given pattern") ("continue", "continue on error") ("almemory", "watch ALMemory events") ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("signal", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; SessionHelper session(app, prettyPrint); if (patternList.empty()) { if (vm.count("almemory")) patternList.push_back("*"); else patternList.push_back("*.*"); } if (vm.count("almemory")) session.watchAlmemory(patternList, vm.count("time")); else, vm.count("time"), vm.count("hidden"), vm.count("continue")); ::getchar(); return 0; }
int subCmd_top(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli top [-i interval] [<ServicePattern>..]"); std::vector<std::string> serviceList; desc.add_options() ("numeric,n", po::bool_switch(&numeric), "Do not resolve slot Ids to names") ("full,f", po::bool_switch(&full), "Do not abreviate anything") ("service-directory,s", po::value<std::string>(&sdUrl), "url to connect to") ("service,s", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&objectNames), "Object(s) to monitor, specify multiple times, comma-separate, use '*' for all, use '-globPattern' to remove from list") ("interval,i", po::value<float>(&interval)->default_value(1), "Poll interval in seconds"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("service", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; qiLogVerbose() << "Connecting to service directory"; app.startSession(); qi::SessionPtr s = app.session(); qiLogVerbose() << "Resolving services"; // resolve target service names std::vector<std::string> allServices; std::vector<qi::ServiceInfo> si = s->services(); for (unsigned i=0; i<si.size(); ++i) allServices.push_back(si[i].name()); std::vector<std::string> services = parseServiceList(objectNames, allServices); std::vector<std::string> servicesOk; qiLogVerbose() << "Fetching services: " << boost::join(services, ","); // access services for (unsigned i=0; i<services.size(); ++i) { qi::AnyObject o; try { o = s->service(services[i]); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qiLogError() << "Error fetching " << services[i] << " : " << e.what(); services[i] = ""; continue; } if (!o) { qiLogError() << "Error fetching " << services[i]; services[i] = ""; continue; } objectMap[services[i]] = o; servicesOk.push_back(services[i]); } if (objectMap.empty()) return 0; qiLogVerbose() << "Monitoring services: " << boost::join(servicesOk, ","); for(ObjectMap::value_type& ov: objectMap) { maxServiceLength = std::max(maxServiceLength, (unsigned int)ov.first.size()); ov.second.async<void>("enableStats", true); } boost::thread t(&main_loop); qi::Application::atStop(boost::bind(&boost::thread::interrupt, boost::ref(t))); qi::Application::run(); t.join(); qiLogInfo() << "Disabling statistics gathering..." << std::endl; std::vector<qi::Future<void> > futures; for(ObjectMap::value_type& ov: objectMap) { futures.push_back(ov.second.async<void>("enableStats", false)); } qi::waitForAll(futures); return 0; }
int subCmd_logSend(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli log-send <message>"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit") ("verbose,v", "Set sent message verbosity to verbose.") ("debug,d", "Set sent message verbosity to debug.") ("level,l", po::value<int>()->default_value(4), "Change the log minimum level: [0-6] (default:4). This option accepts the same arguments' format than --qi-log-level.") ("category,c", po::value<std::string>(), "Message's category (default: \"qicli.qilog.logsend\").") ("message,m", po::value<std::string>(), "Message to send.") ; po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("message", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; qiLogVerbose() << "Connecting to service directory"; app.startSession(); qi::SessionPtr s = app.session(); qiLogVerbose() << "Resolving services"; // import module qi::AnyModule mod = qi::import("qicore"); // get service Logger qi::LogManagerPtr logger = app.session()->service("LogManager"); qi::LogMessage msg; msg.source = __FILE__; msg.source += ':'; msg.source += __FUNCTION__; msg.source += ':'; msg.source += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(__LINE__); msg.level = qi::LogLevel_Info; if (vm.count("level")) { int level = vm["level"].as<int>(); if (level > 6) level = qi::LogLevel_Debug; else if (level <= 0) level = qi::LogLevel_Silent; msg.level = static_cast<qi::LogLevel>(level); } if (vm.count("verbose")) msg.level = qi::LogLevel_Verbose; if (vm.count("debug")) msg.level = qi::LogLevel_Debug; msg.category = "qicli.qilog.logsend"; if (vm.count("category")) msg.category = vm["category"].as<std::string>(); msg.location = qi::os::getMachineId() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(qi::os::getpid()); if (vm.count("message")) msg.message = vm["message"].as<std::string>(); = qi::Clock::now(); msg.systemDate = qi::SystemClock::now(); std::vector<qi::LogMessage> msgs; msgs.push_back(msg); logger->log(msgs); logger.reset(); return 0; }
int subCmd_logSend(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli log-send <message>"); desc.add_options() ("help,h", "Print this help message and exit") ("verbose,v", "Set sent message verbosity to verbose.") ("debug,d", "Set sent message verbosity to debug.") ("level,l", po::value<int>()->default_value(4), "Change the log minimum level: [0-6] (default:4). This option accepts the same arguments' format than --qi-log-level.") ("category,c", po::value<std::string>(), "Message's category (default: \"qicli.qilog.logsend\").") ("message,m", po::value<std::string>(), "Message to send.") ; po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("message", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv) .options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; qiLogVerbose() << "Connecting to service directory"; app.start(); qi::SessionPtr s = app.session(); qiLogVerbose() << "Resolving services"; qi::AnyObject logger = s->service("LogManager"); qi::os::timeval tv(qi::SystemClock::now()); std::string source(__FILE__); source += ':'; source += __FUNCTION__; source += ':'; source += boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(__LINE__); int level = 4; if (vm.count("level")) { level = vm["level"].as<int>(); if (level > 6) level = 6; else if (level <= 0) level = 0; } if (vm.count("verbose")) level = 5; if (vm.count("debug")) level = 6; std::string category = "qicli.qilog.logsend"; if (vm.count("category")) category = vm["category"].as<std::string>(); std::string location = qi::os::getMachineId() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(qi::os::getpid());; std::string message = ""; if (vm.count("message")) message = vm["message"].as<std::string>(); // timestamp qi::AnyReferenceVector timeVectRef; timeVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(tv.tv_sec)); timeVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(tv.tv_usec)); qi::AnyValue timeVal = qi::AnyValue::makeTuple(timeVectRef); qi::AnyReferenceVector msgVectRef; msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(source)); msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(level)); msgVectRef.push_back(timeVal.asReference()); //timestamp msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(category)); msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(location)); msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(message)); msgVectRef.push_back(qi::AnyReference::from(0)); std::vector<qi::AnyValue> msgs; msgs.push_back(qi::AnyValue::makeTuple(msgVectRef));<void>("log", qi::AnyValue::from(msgs)); logger.reset(); return 0; }
int subCmd_trace(int argc, char **argv, qi::ApplicationSession& app) { po::options_description desc("Usage: qicli trace [<ServicePattern>..]"); std::vector<std::string> serviceList; desc.add_options() ("numeric,n", po::bool_switch(&numeric), "Do not resolve slot Ids to names") ("full,f", po::bool_switch(&full), "Do not abreviate anything") ("service,s", po::value<std::vector<std::string> >(&objectNames), "Object(s) to monitor, specify multiple times, comma-separate, use '*' for all, use '-globPattern' to remove from list") ("print,p", po::bool_switch(&printMo), "Print out the Metaobject and exit") ("disable,d", po::bool_switch(&disableTrace), "Disable trace on objects and exit") ("trace-status", po::bool_switch(&traceState), "Show trace status on objects and exit"); po::positional_options_description positionalOptions; positionalOptions.add("service", -1); po::variables_map vm; if (!poDefault(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(desc).positional(positionalOptions), vm, desc)) return 1; qiLogVerbose() << "Connecting to service directory"; app.start(); qi::SessionPtr s = app.session(); qiLogVerbose() << "Resolving services"; std::vector<std::string> allServices; std::vector<qi::ServiceInfo> si = s->services(); for (unsigned i=0; i<si.size(); ++i) allServices.push_back(si[i].name()); std::vector<std::string> services = parseServiceList(objectNames, allServices); std::vector<std::string> servicesOk; qiLogVerbose() << "Fetching services: " << boost::join(services, ","); // access services for (unsigned i=0; i<services.size(); ++i) { qi::AnyObject o; try { o = s->service(services[i]); } catch (const std::exception& e) { qiLogError() << "Error fetching " << services[i] << " : " << e.what(); services[i] = ""; continue; } if (!o) { qiLogError() << "Error fetching " << services[i]; services[i] = ""; continue; } objectMap[services[i]] = o; servicesOk.push_back(services[i]); if (printMo) { std::cout << "\n\n" << services[i] << "\n"; qi::details::printMetaObject(std::cout, o.metaObject()); } if (disableTrace) { try {<void>("enableTrace", false); } catch(...) {} } if (traceState) { try { bool s =<bool>("isTraceEnabled"); std::cout << services[i] << ": " << s << std::endl; } catch(...) {} } } if (printMo || disableTrace || traceState || objectMap.empty()) return 0; qiLogVerbose() << "Monitoring services: " << boost::join(servicesOk, ","); foreach(ObjectMap::value_type& ov, objectMap) { maxServiceLength = std::max(maxServiceLength, (unsigned int)ov.first.size()); ov.second.connect("traceObject", (boost::function<void(qi::EventTrace)>) boost::bind(&onTrace, ov, _1)).async(); }