double Repetier::getExtruderTemp(unsigned int extrNo) throw (std::string){ char send[this->bufsize], serialAns[this->bufsize * 2], *tempTxt = NULL, format[8]; if(extrNo >= this->nExtruders){ std::string exc = "Repetier: Invalid extruder number."; throw exc; } if(this->isPrintingRunning == false){ sprintf(send, "M105\n\r"); arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(send); do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "T:") == NULL); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); } prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, this->bufsize); if(this->nExtruders == 1){ sscanf(serialAns, "T:%lf ", &this->currentExtrTemp[extrNo]); }else{ sprintf(format, "T%d:", extrNo); tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, format); sprintf(format, "T%d:%%lf ", extrNo); sscanf(tempTxt, format, &this->currentExtrTemp[extrNo]); } arduinoAccess.unlock(); } return this->currentExtrTemp[extrNo]; }
bool Repetier::setBedTemp(int temp) { char send[bufsize], serialAns[bufsize]; int newBedTemp; if (this->tempBed == temp) { return false; } sprintf(send, "M140 S%d", temp); prepareStringToSend(send, this->bufsize); if (isCommaDecimalMark == true) { commaDecimalMarkToPoint(send, this->bufsize); } communicationBool.lock(); arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(send); do { arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize); } while (serialAns[0] != 'T'); prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, bufsize); if (isCommaDecimalMark == true) { pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize); } if (sscanf(serialAns, "TargetBed:%d", &newBedTemp) != 0) { if (newBedTemp == temp) { this->tempBed = temp; if (logout) { //this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); char *logtxt = (char*)malloc(101 * sizeof(char)); sprintf(logtxt, "Temperature of bed changed to %d oC.", this->tempBed); try { this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); } catch (std:: string e) { throw e; } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); return true; } else { if (logout) { //this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); char *logtxt = (char*)malloc(101 * sizeof(char)); sprintf(logtxt, "Attempted to change bed temperature to %d oC.", temp); try { this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); } catch (std:: string e) { throw e; } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); return false; } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); return false; }
void Repetier::moveAxisToPos(char axis, double pos) throw (std::string) { char send[this->bufsize], serialAns[this->bufsize], *test; if (axis >= 'a' && axis <= 'z') { axis -= 'a'; axis += 'A'; } if (axis != 'X' && axis != 'Y' && axis != 'Z') { std::string exc = "Repetier: Invalid axis."; throw exc; } sprintf(send, "G1 %c%.3lf", axis, pos); prepareStringToSend(send, this->bufsize); if (isCommaDecimalMark == true) { commaDecimalMarkToPoint(send, this->bufsize); } arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(send); do { arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize); } while (strstr(serialAns, "ok") == NULL); sprintf(send, "M114"); prepareStringToSend(send, this->bufsize); arduino->writeStr(send); do { arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize); } while (strstr(serialAns, "X:") == NULL); arduinoAccess.unlock(); if (isCommaDecimalMark == true) { pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize); } switch (axis) { case 'X': sscanf(serialAns, "X:%lf ", &this->currentX); break; case 'Y': test = strstr(serialAns, "Y:"); sscanf(test, "Y:%lf ", &this->currentY); break; case 'Z': test = strstr(serialAns, "Z:"); sscanf(test, "Z:%lf ", &this->currentZ); break; default: break; } }
double Repetier::getBedTemp(){ char send[this->bufsize], serialAns[this->bufsize * 2], *read; if(this->isPrintingRunning == false){ sprintf(send, "M105\n\r"); arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(send); do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "T:") == NULL); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); } read = strstr(serialAns, "B:"); sscanf(read, "B:%lf ", &this->currentBedTemp); arduinoAccess.unlock(); } // qDebug() << double(this->currentBedTemp); return this->currentBedTemp; }
void Repetier::printJob() throw (std::string){ unsigned long read = 0; char *send = NULL, serialAns[bufsize * 2], *logtxt = NULL, currentPos[10], currentTemp[10], *tempTxt; sprintf(currentPos, "M114"); sprintf(currentTemp, "M105"); prepareStringToSend(currentPos, 9); prepareStringToSend(currentTemp, 9); communicationBool.lock(); isPrintingRunning = true; communicationBool.unlock(); while(!this->LGCode->hasFQueueEnded()){ communicationBool.lock(); if(terminate == true){ isPrintingRunning = false; communicationBool.unlock(); return; } communicationBool.unlock(); send = (char*)this->LGCode->returnInfo(); if(send[0] == ';'){ read++; continue; } arduinoAccess.lock(); if(read % 200 == 0){ arduino->writeStr("M117 Job Running\n\r"); do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "ok") == NULL); } arduino->writeStr(send); #ifdef WAIT_TIME usleep(WAIT_TIME); #endif do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "ok") == NULL); if(logout){ restoreSentString(send, bufsize); prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, bufsize); logtxt = (char*)malloc((50 + bufsize +(2 * bufsize)) * sizeof(char)); sprintf(logtxt, "GCode SLOC %ld (%s) Ans: %s", (read + 1), send, serialAns); try{ this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); }catch (std::string exc){ throw exc; } } if(read % 5 == 0){ arduino->writeStr(currentPos); #ifdef WAIT_TIME usleep(WAIT_TIME); #endif do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "X:") == NULL); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); } //prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); sscanf(serialAns, "X:%lf Y:%lf Z:%lf E:%lf\r\n", ¤tX, ¤tY, ¤tZ, ¤tE); arduino->writeStr(currentTemp); #ifdef WAIT_TIME usleep(WAIT_TIME); #endif do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "T:") == NULL); prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); } if(this->nExtruders == 1){ sscanf(serialAns, "T:%lf ", &this->currentExtrTemp[0]); tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, "B:"); sscanf(tempTxt, "B:%lf ", &this->currentBedTemp); }else{ char format[8]; tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, "B:"); sscanf(tempTxt, "B:%lf ", &this->currentBedTemp); for(int i = 0; i < this->nExtruders; i++){ sprintf(format, "T%d:", i); tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, format); sprintf(format, "T%d:%%lf ", i); sscanf(tempTxt, format, &this->currentExtrTemp[i]); } } } read++; arduinoAccess.unlock(); } arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(currentTemp); #ifdef WAIT_TIME usleep(WAIT_TIME); #endif do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize * 2); }while(strstr(serialAns, "T:") == NULL); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); } arduinoAccess.unlock(); prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, this->bufsize * 2); tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, "B:"); sscanf(tempTxt, "B:%lf /%d ", &this->currentBedTemp, &this->tempBed); if(this->nExtruders == 1){ sscanf(serialAns, "T:%lf /%d ", &this->currentExtrTemp[0], &this->tempExtr[0]); }else{ char format[16]; for(int i = 0; i < this->nExtruders; i++){ sprintf(format, "T%d:", i); tempTxt = strstr(serialAns, format); sprintf(format, "T%d:%%lf /%%d ", i); sscanf(serialAns, format, &this->currentExtrTemp[i], &this->tempExtr[i]); } } communicationBool.lock(); isPrintingRunning = false; communicationBool.unlock(); }
bool Repetier::setExtrTemp(int extrNo, int temp) throw (std::string){ char serialAns[bufsize], send[bufsize]; int tempExt; if(extrNo < this->nExtruders){ if(this->tempExtr[extrNo] == temp){ return false; } sprintf(send, "M104 S%d T%d", temp, extrNo); prepareStringToSend(send, this->bufsize); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ commaDecimalMarkToPoint(send, this->bufsize); } communicationBool.lock(); arduinoAccess.lock(); arduino->writeStr(send); do{ arduino->readUntil(serialAns, '\n', this->bufsize); //test = strstr(serialAns, "TargetExtr"); }while(serialAns[0] != 'T'); prepareStringToReceive(serialAns, this->bufsize); if(isCommaDecimalMark == true){ pointDecimalMarkToComma(serialAns, this->bufsize); } sprintf(send, "TargetExtr%d:%%d", extrNo); if(sscanf(serialAns, send, &tempExt) != 0){ if(tempExt == temp){ this->tempExtr[extrNo] = tempExt; if(logout){ //this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); char *logtxt = (char*)malloc(101 * sizeof(char)); sprintf(logtxt, "Extruder temperature %d changed to %d oC.", extrNo, this->tempExtr[extrNo]); try{ this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); }catch(std:: string e){ throw e; } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); return true; }else{ if(logout){ //this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); char *logtxt = (char*)malloc(101 * sizeof(char)); sprintf(logtxt, "Attempted to change temperature of extruder %d to %d oC.", extrNo, temp); try{ this->log->insertInfo(logtxt); }catch(std:: string e){ throw e; } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); return false; } } } arduinoAccess.unlock(); communicationBool.unlock(); std::string exc = "Repetier: Invalid extruder number."; throw exc; }