Example #1
void goto_symext::symex_free(const expr2tc &expr)
  const code_free2t &code = to_code_free2t(expr);

  // Trigger 'free'-mode dereference of this pointer. Should generate various
  // dereference failure callbacks.
  expr2tc tmp = code.operand;
  dereference(tmp, false, true);

  address_of2tc addrof(code.operand->type, tmp);
  pointer_offset2tc ptr_offs(pointer_type2(), addrof);
  equality2tc eq(ptr_offs, zero_ulong);
  claim(eq, "Operand of free must have zero pointer offset");

  // Clear the alloc bit, and set the deallocated bit.
  guardt guard;
  type2tc sym_type = type2tc(new array_type2t(get_bool_type(),
                                              expr2tc(), true));
  pointer_object2tc ptr_obj(pointer_type2(), code.operand);

  symbol2tc dealloc_sym(sym_type, deallocd_arr_name);
  index2tc dealloc_index_expr(get_bool_type(), dealloc_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc truth = true_expr;
  symex_assign_rec(dealloc_index_expr, truth, guard);

  symbol2tc valid_sym(sym_type, valid_ptr_arr_name);
  index2tc valid_index_expr(get_bool_type(), valid_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc falsity = false_expr;
  symex_assign_rec(valid_index_expr, falsity, guard);
Example #2
void goto_symext::track_new_pointer(
  const expr2tc &ptr_obj,
  const type2tc &new_type,
  const expr2tc &size)
  // Also update all the accounting data.

  // Mark that object as being dynamic, in the __ESBMC_is_dynamic array
  type2tc sym_type =
    type2tc(new array_type2t(get_bool_type(), expr2tc(), true));
  symbol2tc sym(sym_type, dyn_info_arr_name);

  index2tc idx(get_bool_type(), sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc truth = gen_true_expr();
  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(idx, truth), true);

  symbol2tc valid_sym(sym_type, valid_ptr_arr_name);
  index2tc valid_index_expr(get_bool_type(), valid_sym, ptr_obj);
  truth = gen_true_expr();
  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(valid_index_expr, truth), true);

  symbol2tc dealloc_sym(sym_type, deallocd_arr_name);
  index2tc dealloc_index_expr(get_bool_type(), dealloc_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc falseity = gen_false_expr();
  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(dealloc_index_expr, falseity), true);

  type2tc sz_sym_type =
    type2tc(new array_type2t(pointer_type2(), expr2tc(), true));
  symbol2tc sz_sym(sz_sym_type, alloc_size_arr_name);
  index2tc sz_index_expr(get_bool_type(), sz_sym, ptr_obj);

  expr2tc object_size_exp;
      mp_integer object_size = type_byte_size(new_type);
      object_size_exp =
        constant_int2tc(pointer_type2(), object_size.to_ulong());
    catch(array_type2t::dyn_sized_array_excp *e)
      object_size_exp = typecast2tc(pointer_type2(), e->size);
    object_size_exp = size;

  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(sz_index_expr, object_size_exp), true);
Example #3
void goto_symext::symex_free(const expr2tc &expr)
  const code_free2t &code = to_code_free2t(expr);

  // Trigger 'free'-mode dereference of this pointer. Should generate various
  // dereference failure callbacks.
  expr2tc tmp = code.operand;
  dereference(tmp, dereferencet::FREE);

  // Don't rely on the output of dereference in free mode; instead fetch all
  // the internal dereference state for pointed at objects, and creates claims
  // that if pointed at, their offset is zero.
  tmp = code.operand;

  // Create temporary, dummy, dereference
  tmp = dereference2tc(get_uint8_type(), tmp);
  dereference(tmp, dereferencet::INTERNAL);

  // Only add assertions to check pointer offset if pointer check is enabled
    for(auto const &item : internal_deref_items)
      guardt g = cur_state->guard;
      expr2tc offset = item.offset;
      expr2tc eq = equality2tc(offset, gen_ulong(0));
      claim(eq, "Operand of free must have zero pointer offset");

  // Clear the alloc bit, and set the deallocated bit.
  type2tc sym_type =
    type2tc(new array_type2t(get_bool_type(), expr2tc(), true));
  expr2tc ptr_obj = pointer_object2tc(pointer_type2(), code.operand);
  dereference(ptr_obj, dereferencet::READ);

  symbol2tc dealloc_sym(sym_type, deallocd_arr_name);
  index2tc dealloc_index_expr(get_bool_type(), dealloc_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc truth = gen_true_expr();
  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(dealloc_index_expr, truth), true);

  symbol2tc valid_sym(sym_type, valid_ptr_arr_name);
  index2tc valid_index_expr(get_bool_type(), valid_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc falsity = gen_false_expr();
  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(valid_index_expr, falsity), true);
void goto_symext::symex_free(const expr2tc &expr)
  const code_free2t &code = to_code_free2t(expr);

  // Trigger 'free'-mode dereference of this pointer. Should generate various
  // dereference failure callbacks.
  expr2tc tmp = code.operand;
  dereference(tmp, false, true);

  // Don't rely on the output of dereference in free mode; instead fetch all
  // the internal dereference state for pointed at objects, and creates claims
  // that if pointed at, their offset is zero.
  tmp = code.operand;
  // Create temporary, dummy, dereference
  tmp = dereference2tc(get_uint8_type(), tmp);
  dereference(tmp, false, false, true); // 'internal' dereference
  for (const auto &item : internal_deref_items) {
    guardt g = cur_state->guard;
    expr2tc offset = item.offset;
    expr2tc eq = equality2tc(offset, zero_ulong);
    claim(eq, "Operand of free must have zero pointer offset");

  // Clear the alloc bit, and set the deallocated bit.
  guardt guard;
  type2tc sym_type = type2tc(new array_type2t(get_bool_type(),
                                              expr2tc(), true));
  pointer_object2tc ptr_obj(pointer_type2(), code.operand);

  symbol2tc dealloc_sym(sym_type, deallocd_arr_name);
  index2tc dealloc_index_expr(get_bool_type(), dealloc_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc truth = true_expr;
  symex_assign_rec(dealloc_index_expr, truth, guard);

  symbol2tc valid_sym(sym_type, valid_ptr_arr_name);
  index2tc valid_index_expr(get_bool_type(), valid_sym, ptr_obj);
  expr2tc falsity = false_expr;
  symex_assign_rec(valid_index_expr, falsity, guard);
  const bool is_malloc,
  const expr2tc &lhs,
  const sideeffect2t &code)
  if (is_nil_expr(lhs))
    return expr2tc(); // ignore

  // size
  type2tc type = code.alloctype;
  expr2tc size = code.size;
  bool size_is_one = false;

  if (is_nil_expr(size))
    mp_integer i;
    if (is_constant_int2t(size) && to_constant_int2t(size).as_ulong() == 1)
      size_is_one = true;

  if (is_nil_type(type))
    type = char_type2();
  else if (is_union_type(type)) {
    // Filter out creation of instantiated unions. They're now all byte arrays.
    size_is_one = false;
    type = char_type2();

  unsigned int &dynamic_counter = get_dynamic_counter();

  // value
  symbolt symbol;

  symbol.base_name = "dynamic_" + i2string(dynamic_counter) +
                     (size_is_one ? "_value" : "_array");

  symbol.name = "symex_dynamic::" + id2string(symbol.base_name);
  symbol.lvalue = true;

  typet renamedtype = ns.follow(migrate_type_back(type));




  type2tc new_type;
  migrate_type(symbol.type, new_type);

  address_of2tc rhs_addrof(get_empty_type(), expr2tc());

    rhs_addrof.get()->type = get_pointer_type(pointer_typet(symbol.type));
    rhs_addrof.get()->ptr_obj = symbol2tc(new_type, symbol.name);
    type2tc subtype;
    migrate_type(symbol.type.subtype(), subtype);
    expr2tc sym = symbol2tc(new_type, symbol.name);
    expr2tc idx_val = zero_ulong;
    expr2tc idx = index2tc(subtype, sym, idx_val);
    rhs_addrof.get()->type =
    rhs_addrof.get()->ptr_obj = idx;

  expr2tc rhs = rhs_addrof;

  expr2tc ptr_rhs = rhs;

  if (!options.get_bool_option("force-malloc-success")) {
    symbol2tc null_sym(rhs->type, "NULL");
    sideeffect2tc choice(get_bool_type(), expr2tc(), expr2tc(), std::vector<expr2tc>(), type2tc(), sideeffect2t::nondet);

    rhs = if2tc(rhs->type, choice, rhs, null_sym);

    ptr_rhs = rhs;

  if (rhs->type != lhs->type)
    rhs = typecast2tc(lhs->type, rhs);

  expr2tc rhs_copy(rhs);

  guardt guard;
  symex_assign_rec(lhs, rhs, guard);

  pointer_object2tc ptr_obj(pointer_type2(), ptr_rhs);
  track_new_pointer(ptr_obj, new_type);

  dynamic_memory.push_back(allocated_obj(rhs_copy, cur_state->guard, !is_malloc));

  return rhs_addrof->ptr_obj;
Example #6
void goto_symext::symex_realloc(const expr2tc &lhs, const sideeffect2t &code)
  expr2tc src_ptr = code.operand;
  expr2tc realloc_size = code.size;

  dereference2tc deref(get_empty_type(), src_ptr);
  dereference(deref, dereferencet::INTERNAL);
  // src_ptr is now invalidated.

  // Free the given pointer. This just uses the pointer object from the pointer
  // variable that's the argument to realloc. It also leads to pointer validity
  // checking, and checks that the offset is zero.
  code_free2tc fr(code.operand);

  // We now have a list of things to work on. Recurse into them, build a result,
  // and then switch between those results afterwards.
  // Result list is the address of the reallocated piece of data, and the guard.
  std::list<std::pair<expr2tc, expr2tc>> result_list;
  for(auto &item : internal_deref_items)
    expr2tc guard = item.guard;
    target->renumber(guard, item.object, realloc_size, cur_state->source);
    type2tc new_ptr = type2tc(new pointer_type2t(item.object->type));
    address_of2tc addrof(new_ptr, item.object);
    result_list.emplace_back(addrof, item.guard);

    // Bump the realloc-numbering of the object. This ensures that, after
    // renaming, the address_of we just generated compares differently to
    // previous address_of's before the realloc.
    unsigned int cur_num = 0;
    if(cur_state->realloc_map.find(item.object) != cur_state->realloc_map.end())
      cur_num = cur_state->realloc_map[item.object];

    std::map<expr2tc, unsigned>::value_type v(item.object, cur_num);

  // Rebuild a gigantic if-then-else chain from the result list.
  expr2tc result;
  if(result_list.size() == 0)
    // Nothing happened; there was nothing, or only null, to point at.
    // In this case, just return right now and leave the pointer free. The
    // symex_free that occurred above should trigger a dereference failure.

  result = expr2tc();
  for(auto const &it : result_list)
      result = it.first;
      result = if2tc(result->type, it.second, it.first, result);

  // Install pointer modelling data into the relevant arrays.
  pointer_object2tc ptr_obj(pointer_type2(), result);
  track_new_pointer(ptr_obj, type2tc(), realloc_size);

  symex_assign(code_assign2tc(lhs, result), true);