int main(){

    setvbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    state_t *state         = calloc (1, sizeof *state);
    state->pose            = (pose_xyt_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(pose_xyt_t));
    state->scan_pose       = (scanpose_xyt_t*)calloc(1,sizeof(scanpose_xyt_t));

    state->t_filt_mvag.window = 0;

    state->lcm = lcm_create (NULL);
    pose_xyt_t_subscribe (state->lcm,
                          pose_xyt_handler, state);

    rplidar_laser_t_subscribe (state->lcm,
                               rplidar_laser_handler, state);

    while (1){
        lcm_handle (state->lcm);
Example #2
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {
    // so that redirected stdout won't be insanely buffered.
    setvbuf (stdout, (char *) NULL, _IONBF, 0);

    maebot_shared_state_t sharedState;
    sharedState.running = 1;

    lcm_t *lcm = lcm_create(NULL);
    if(!lcm) return EXIT_FAILURE;

    maebot_sensor_data_t_subscribe(lcm, "MAEBOT_SENSOR_DATA",
            sensor_data_handler, &sharedState);

    maebot_processed_sensor_data_t_subscribe(lcm, "MAEBOT_PROCESSED_SENSOR_DATA",
            processed_sensor_data_handler, &sharedState);

    maebot_motor_feedback_t_subscribe(lcm, "MAEBOT_MOTOR_FEEDBACK",
            motor_feedback_handler, &sharedState);

    pose_xyt_t_subscribe(lcm, "BOTLAB_ODOMETRY",
            pose_xyt_handler, &sharedState);

    pthread_t lcm_thread;
    pthread_create(&lcm_thread, NULL, lcm_handler, lcm);

    // Wait for first sensor data to come in
    //printf("Waiting for a sensor datum to come in ... ");
    waitForSensorUpdate(&sharedState.sData.utime_sama5, &sensor_data_mutex);

    //printf("Waiting for a odometry datum to come in ... ");
    waitForSensorUpdate(&sharedState.oData.utime,       &sensor_data_mutex);
   // printf("Waiting for a processed sensor datum to come in ... ");
    waitForSensorUpdate(&sharedState.pData.utime_sama5, &sensor_data_mutex);

    pthread_mutex_lock(  &sensor_data_mutex);
    for(int i=0; i<3; i++) {
        sharedState.startup_int[i] = sharedState.sData.gyro_int[i];

    //pthread_t print_thread;
    //pthread_create(&print_thread, NULL, print_handler, &sharedState);

    pthread_t plot_thread;  // data for plots and graphs
    pthread_create(&plot_thread, NULL, plot_handler, &sharedState);


    // will probably never get here, 
    // but if for some reason I do, close gracefully

    sharedState.running = 0;

    usleep(10000);   // a little time to let buffers clear
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;