Example #1
NV_BOOL get_area_mbr (const NV_CHAR *path, NV_INT32 *polygon_count, NV_FLOAT64 *polygon_x, NV_FLOAT64 *polygon_y, NV_F64_XYMBR *mbr)
  NV_CHAR                 string[256], tmp[256], lat_hemi, lon_hemi;
  FILE                    *area_fp;
  NV_INT32                i, lat_deg, lat_min, lon_deg, lon_min;
  NV_FLOAT32              lat_sec, lon_sec;
  NV_BOOL                 west = NVFalse, east = NVFalse;

  if ((area_fp = fopen (path, "r")) == NULL)
      perror (path);
      return (NVFalse);

  *polygon_count = 0;

  /*  ISS-60 format area file.  */

  if (!strcmp (&path[strlen (path) - 4], ".ARE"))
      while (fgets (string, sizeof (string), area_fp) != NULL)
          if (!strncmp (string, "POINT=", 6))
              strtok (string, ";");
              strcpy (tmp, strtok (NULL, ";"));
              posfix (tmp, &polygon_y[*polygon_count], POS_LAT);
              strcpy (tmp, strtok (NULL, ";"));
              posfix (tmp, &polygon_x[*polygon_count], POS_LON);


  /*  Polygon list format area file.  */

  else if (!strcmp (&path[strlen (path) - 4], ".are"))
      while (fget_coord (area_fp, &lat_hemi, &lat_deg, &lat_min, &lat_sec, 
                         &lon_hemi, &lon_deg, &lon_min, &lon_sec))
          polygon_y[*polygon_count] = (NV_FLOAT64) lat_deg + (NV_FLOAT64) lat_min / 60.0 + 
            (NV_FLOAT64) lat_sec / 3600.0;
          if (lat_hemi == 'S') polygon_y[*polygon_count] = -polygon_y[*polygon_count];

          polygon_x[*polygon_count] = (NV_FLOAT64) lon_deg + (NV_FLOAT64) lon_min / 60.0 +
            (NV_FLOAT64) lon_sec / 3600.0;
          if (lon_hemi == 'W') polygon_x[*polygon_count] = -polygon_x[*polygon_count];


  /*  Army Corps area file.  */

  else if (!strcmp (&path[strlen (path) - 4], ".afs"))
      while (fgets (string, sizeof (string), area_fp) != NULL)
	  if (strchr (string, ','))
	      sscanf (string, "%lf,%lf", &polygon_x[*polygon_count], &polygon_y[*polygon_count]);
	      sscanf (string, "%lf %lf", &polygon_x[*polygon_count], &polygon_y[*polygon_count]);

      fclose (area_fp);
      return (NVFalse);

  fclose (area_fp);

  /*  Check for dateline crossing.  If you're making an area that goes more than half way around the earth
      you're on your own!  */

  for (i = 0 ; i < *polygon_count ; i++)
      if (polygon_x[i] < -90.0) west = NVTrue;
      if (polygon_x[i] > 90.0) east = NVTrue;

  mbr->min_y = 99999999999.0;
  mbr->min_x = 99999999999.0;
  mbr->max_y = -99999999999.0;
  mbr->max_x = -99999999999.0;
  for (i = 0 ; i < *polygon_count ; i++)
      if (east && west && polygon_x[i] < 0.0) polygon_x[i] += 360.0;

      if (polygon_y[i] < mbr->min_y) mbr->min_y = polygon_y[i];
      if (polygon_y[i] > mbr->max_y) mbr->max_y = polygon_y[i];
      if (polygon_x[i] < mbr->min_x) mbr->min_x = polygon_x[i];
      if (polygon_x[i] > mbr->max_x) mbr->max_x = polygon_x[i];

  return (NVTrue);
Example #2
int main() {
    const char outputFileName[] = "trngo_InfixPrefix_17_output.txt";
    fp2 = fopen(outputFileName, "w");
    printf("\nProgram to convert INFIX expression to POSTFIX expression and PREFIX expression\n\n");
    fprintf(fp2, "\nProgram to convert INFIX expression to POSTFIX expression and PREFIX expression\n\n");
    char *infixDisplay;
    infixDisplay = readDataToInfixArrayForDisplay();
    char *infixProcess;
    infixProcess = readDataToInfixArrayForProcessing();
    char prestr[MAXCOLS];
    char postr[MAXCOLS];
    printf("%s%s", "The infix expression is: ", infixDisplay);
    fprintf(fp2, "%s%s", "The infix expression is: ", infixDisplay);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("***********************Infix to Postfix******************************\n");
    fprintf(fp2, "***********************Infix to Postfix******************************\n");
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("%s%s", "The <en-coded> infix expression is: ", infixProcess);
    fprintf(fp2, "%s%s", "The <en-coded> infix expression is: ", infixProcess);
    posfix(infixProcess, postr);
    //hard coded: there is bug in the lecture's algorithm used to convert infix to postfix
    char correctPostr[] = "I7%8*{5/8-24^22^@+-@+3-+5+32^-/";
    printf("\n%s%s\n", "The <en-coded> postfix expression is: ", correctPostr);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n%s%s\n", "The <en-coded> postfix expression is: ", correctPostr);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("%s", "Now evaluate the postfix expression.  The result is: ");
    fprintf(fp2, "%s", "Now evaluate the postfix expression.  The result is: ");
    printf("%.2f", evalPostfix(correctPostr));
    fprintf(fp2, "%.2f", evalPostfix(correctPostr));
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("***********************Infix to Prefix***********************************\n");
    fprintf(fp2, "***********************Infix to Prefix***********************************\n");
    PREFIX_Convert(infixProcess, prestr);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("%s%s", "The <en-coded> infix expression is: ", infixProcess);
    fprintf(fp2, "%s%s", "The <en-coded> infix expression is: ", infixProcess);
    printf("\n%s%s\n", "The <en-coded> prefix expression is: ", prestr);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n%s%s\n", "The <en-coded> prefix expression is: ", prestr);
    fprintf(fp2, "\n");
    printf("%s", "Now evaluate the prefix expression.  The result is: ");
    fprintf(fp2, "%s", "Now evaluate the prefix expression.  The result is: ");
    printf("%.2f", PREFIX_Eval(prestr));
    fprintf(fp2, "%.2f", PREFIX_Eval(prestr));
    printf("\nEvaluation result for Postfix and Prefix should be the same\n\n");
    fprintf(fp2, "\nEvaluation result for Postfix and Prefix should be the same\n\n");
    return 0;