void WebCoreClass::resumeUpload(DesuraId id, const char* key, WebCore::Misc::ResumeUploadInfo &info) { TiXmlDocument doc; PostMap post; post["siteareaid"] = id.getItem(); post["sitearea"] = id.getTypeString(); post["action"] = "resumeupload"; post["key"] = key; TiXmlNode *uNode = postToServer(getMcfUploadUrl(), "itemupload", post, doc); TiXmlNode* mNode = uNode->FirstChild("mcf"); if (!mNode) throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); gcString complete; XML::GetChild("complete", complete, mNode); if (complete == "1") throw gcException(ERR_COMPLETED); XML::GetChild("date", info.szDate, mNode); XML::GetChild("filehash", info.szHash, mNode); XML::GetChild("filesize", info.size, mNode); XML::GetChild("filesizeup", info.upsize, mNode); }
void WebCoreClass::newUpload(DesuraId id, const char* hash, uint64 fileSize, char **key) { gcString size("{0}", fileSize); TiXmlDocument doc; PostMap post; post["siteareaid"] = id.getItem(); post["sitearea"] = id.getTypeString(); post["action"] = "newupload"; post["filehash"] = hash; post["filesize"] = size; TiXmlNode *uNode = postToServer(getMcfUploadUrl(), "itemupload", post, doc); TiXmlNode* iNode = uNode->FirstChild("mcf"); if (!iNode) throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); TiXmlElement* cEl = iNode->ToElement(); if (cEl) { const char* text = cEl->Attribute("key"); if (!text) throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); Safe::strcpy(key, text, 255); } }
void WebCoreClass::getUpdatePoll(TiXmlDocument &doc, const std::map<std::string, std::string> &post) { PostMap postData; std::for_each(post.begin(), post.end(), [&postData](std::pair<std::string, std::string> p) { postData[p.first] = p.second; }); TiXmlNode* root = postToServer(getUpdatePollUrl(), "updatepoll", postData, doc); }
void WebCoreClass::updateAccountItem(DesuraId id, bool add) { TiXmlDocument doc; PostMap post; post["siteareaid"] = id.getItem(); post["sitearea"] = id.getTypeString(); post["action"] = add?"add":"delete"; postToServer(getUpdateAccountUrl(), "iteminstall", post, doc); }
void postWeather(char* temperature, char* humidity, char* uuid) { int portno = 80; char *host = ""; char *message_fmt = "POST /weather/newmeasurement.php HTTP/1.0\r\nContent-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\nContent-Length: %d\r\n\r\n%s\r\n"; char message[1024]; char data[255]; sprintf(data, "temperature=%s&humidity=%s&uuid=%s", temperature, humidity, uuid); sprintf(message,message_fmt,strlen(data), data); postToServer(host, portno, message); }
/*! * @brief 音声合成を行う * @param [in] lang messageの言語 * @param [in] argv 音声合成するテキスト * @param [in] filename 出力ファイル名 */ static void sayTextToSpeach( const std::string &lang, const std::string &message, const std::string &filename) { // サーバに投げるJSON文字列の作成 std::string json_str = JSON_HEADER + lang + "\", \"" + message + JSON_FOOTER; // 例外はmain側に投げる std::string body_str = postToServer(json_str, URL_HOST, URL_PATH, HTTP_PORT); std::ofstream ofs(filename.c_str(), std::ofstream::binary); if (!ofs) { throw "Cannot open " + filename; } ofs << retJsonToWave(body_str); ofs.close(); }
void WebCoreClass::getItemInfo(DesuraId id, TiXmlDocument &doc, MCFBranch mcfBranch, MCFBuild mcfBuild) { PostMap post; post["siteareaid"] = id.getItem(); post["sitearea"] = id.getTypeString(); if (mcfBuild != 0) post["build"] = mcfBuild; if (mcfBranch != 0) { if (mcfBranch.isGlobal()) post["branchglobal"] = mcfBranch; else post["branch"] = mcfBranch; } postToServer(getItemInfoUrl(), "iteminfo", post, doc); }
gcString WebCoreClass::getCDKey(DesuraId id, MCFBranch branch) { TiXmlDocument doc; PostMap post; post["siteareaid"] = id.getItem(); post["sitearea"] = id.getTypeString(); post["branch"] = (size_t)branch; #ifdef WIN32 post["token"] = UTIL::WIN::getRegValue("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Cryptography\\MachineGuid", true); #else post["token"] = "todo"; #endif TiXmlNode* root = postToServer(getCDKeyUrl(), "cdkey", post, doc); TiXmlElement* key = root->FirstChildElement("key"); if (!key) throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); return key->GetText(); }
DesuraId WebCoreClass::nameToId(const char* name, const char* type) { if (!name) throw gcException(ERR_BADITEM, "The name is NULL"); gcString key("{0}-{1}", name, type); uint32 hash = UTIL::MISC::RSHash_CSTR(key.c_str()); try { sqlite3x::sqlite3_connection db(getWebCoreDb(m_szAppDataPath.c_str()).c_str()); gcString q("select internalid from namecache where nameid='{0}' and ttl > DATETIME('NOW');", hash); DesuraId id(db.executeint64(q.c_str())); if (id.isOk()) return id; } catch(std::exception &) { } TiXmlDocument doc; PostMap post; post["nameid"] = name; post["sitearea"] = type; TiXmlNode *uNode = postToServer(getNameLookUpUrl(), "iteminfo", post, doc); TiXmlNode* cNode = uNode->FirstChild("item"); if (cNode) { TiXmlElement* cEl = cNode->ToElement(); if (cEl) { const char* idStr = cEl->Attribute("siteareaid"); const char* typeS = cEl->Attribute("sitearea"); DesuraId id(idStr, typeS); if (!id.isOk() || DesuraId::getTypeString(id.getType()) != type) { throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); } else { try { sqlite3x::sqlite3_connection db(getWebCoreDb(m_szAppDataPath.c_str()).c_str()); gcString q("replace into namecache (internalid, nameid, ttl) values ('{0}','{1}', DATETIME('NOW', '+5 day'));", id.toInt64(), hash); db.executenonquery(q.c_str()); } catch(std::exception &ex) { Warning(gcString("Failed to update namecache in webcore: {0}\n", ex.what())); } return id; } } } throw gcException(ERR_BADXML); }
TiXmlNode* WebCoreClass::loginToServer(std::string url, std::string resource, PostMap &postData, TiXmlDocument &doc) { return postToServer(url, resource, postData, doc, true); }
void WebCoreClass::getLoginItems(TiXmlDocument &doc) { PostMap postData; postToServer(getMemberDataUrl(), "memberdata", postData, doc); }