Example #1
void Ball::contactWith(CCNode* target)
    if( target->getTag() == NODE_TAG_BLOCK ){
        Block* block = (Block*)target;
    else if( target->getTag() == NODE_TAG_SLIDER ){
        Slider* slider = (Slider*)target;
        b2Vec2 v0( mpPhysicsSprite->getPositionX(), mpPhysicsSprite->getPositionY() );
        b2Vec2 v1( slider->getPositionX(), slider->getPositionY() );
        // 力学を適用する
        float angular = mpPhysicsSprite->getB2Body()->GetAngularVelocity() + 0.85f;
        b2Vec2 power1( v0 - v1 );
        b2Vec2 power2( mpPhysicsSprite->getB2Body()->GetLinearVelocity() );
        const float velocity = std::max( MIN_BALL_VELOCITY, std::min( MAX_BALL_VELOCITY, power2.Length() * ADDITIONAL_BALL_POWER ) );
        power1.y = fabsf(power1.y);
        power2.y = fabsf(power2.y);
        b2Vec2 force( power1 + power2 );
        force *= velocity;
        CCLOG("POWER %.1f", force.Length());
        mpPhysicsSprite->getB2Body()->SetLinearVelocity( force );
        mpPhysicsSprite->getB2Body()->SetAngularVelocity( angular );
int main (void)
	int x, n;
	printf("Please enter an integer: ");
	scanf("%d", &x);
	printf("How many times would you like to multiply it? : ");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	printf("Old way result of power of x is %d.\n", power1(x, n));
	printf("New way result of power of x is %d.\n", power2(x, n));
	return 0;
Example #3
int main()
	unsigned int n = 0;
	int i;

	printf("Enter Number: ");
	scanf("%d", &n);
	for (i=1; i<=100; i++) 
		printf("%10d 	%10uld	%10uld 	%10uld	%10d \n", i, power1(2, i), power2(2, i), power3(2, i), is_prime(i));
		//printf("%d is %sa prime number\n", i, is_prime(i)?"":"not ");

	return 0;
int main()
  double x = 2;

  for ( int n = 0; n <= MAX; ++n )
    power1_Mult_Cnt = 0;
    power2_Mult_Cnt = 0;

    std::cout << "power1(" << x << "," << n << ") = " << power1( x, n );
    std::cout << "\t# of multiplies = " << power1_Mult_Cnt << std::endl;

    std::cout << "power2(" << x << "," << n << ") = " << power2( x, n );
    std::cout << "\t# of multiplies = " << power2_Mult_Cnt << std::endl;
    std::cout << std::endl;
} // end main()
Example #5
unsigned long strtoint(char *argv)

	int i=0,j;
	unsigned long num=0;
	char *a=argv, *tmp;
	while (*tmp){
	//printf("%d \n",num);
	return num;
double power1( double x, int n )
        /* Fill in your code for power1() here. */
        /* Keep track of the number of multiplications with power1_Mult_Cnt */
  if(n == 0) // x^0 = 1
    return 1;

  else if(n == 1) // x^1 = x
    return x;

  else // If x != 0 or 1, recurse
    return x * power1(x, n-1);

} // end power1()
Example #7
int main() {

   long long t,i;
   long long m,n;

       scanf("%lld %lld",&n,&m);

    return 0;
Example #8
__ieee754_pow(double x, double y) {
  double z,a,aa,error, t,a1,a2,y1,y2;
#if 0
  double gor=1.0;
  mynumber u,v;
  int k;
  int4 qx,qy;
  if (v.i[LOW_HALF] == 0) { /* of y */
    qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;
    /* Checking  if x is not too small to compute */
    if (((qx==0x7ff00000)&&(u.i[LOW_HALF]!=0))||(qx>0x7ff00000)) return NaNQ.x;
    if (y == 1.0) return x;
    if (y == 2.0) return x*x;
    if (y == -1.0) return 1.0/x;
    if (y == 0) return 1.0;
  /* else */
  if(((u.i[HIGH_HALF]>0 && u.i[HIGH_HALF]<0x7ff00000)||        /* x>0 and not x->0 */
       (u.i[HIGH_HALF]==0 && u.i[LOW_HALF]!=0))  &&
				      /*   2^-1023< x<= 2^-1023 * 0x1.0000ffffffff */
      (v.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff) < 0x4ff00000) {              /* if y<-1 or y>1   */
    double retval;


    /* Avoid internal underflow for tiny y.  The exact value of y does
       not matter if |y| <= 2**-64.  */
    if (ABS (y) < 0x1p-64)
      y = y < 0 ? -0x1p-64 : 0x1p-64;
    z = log1(x,&aa,&error);                                 /* x^y  =e^(y log (X)) */
    t = y*134217729.0;
    y1 = t - (t-y);
    y2 = y - y1;
    t = z*134217729.0;
    a1 = t - (t-z);
    a2 = (z - a1)+aa;
    a = y1*a1;
    aa = y2*a1 + y*a2;
    a1 = a+aa;
    a2 = (a-a1)+aa;
    error = error*ABS(y);
    t = __exp1(a1,a2,1.9e16*error);     /* return -10 or 0 if wasn't computed exactly */
    retval = (t>0)?t:power1(x,y);

    return retval;

  if (x == 0) {
    if (((v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff) == 0x7ff00000 && v.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)
	|| (v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff) > 0x7ff00000)
      return y;
    if (ABS(y) > 1.0e20) return (y>0)?0:1.0/0.0;
    k = checkint(y);
    if (k == -1)
      return y < 0 ? 1.0/x : x;
      return y < 0 ? 1.0/0.0 : 0.0;                               /* return 0 */

  qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;  /*   no sign   */
  qy = v.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;  /*   no sign   */

  if (qx >= 0x7ff00000 && (qx > 0x7ff00000 || u.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)) return NaNQ.x;
  if (qy >= 0x7ff00000 && (qy > 0x7ff00000 || v.i[LOW_HALF] != 0))
    return x == 1.0 ? 1.0 : NaNQ.x;

  /* if x<0 */
  if (u.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0) {
    k = checkint(y);
    if (k==0) {
      if (qy == 0x7ff00000) {
	if (x == -1.0) return 1.0;
	else if (x > -1.0) return v.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0 ? INF.x : 0.0;
	else return v.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
      else if (qx == 0x7ff00000)
	return y < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
      return NaNQ.x;                              /* y not integer and x<0 */
    else if (qx == 0x7ff00000)
	if (k < 0)
	  return y < 0 ? nZERO.x : nINF.x;
	  return y < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
    return (k==1)?__ieee754_pow(-x,y):-__ieee754_pow(-x,y); /* if y even or odd */
  /* x>0 */

  if (qx == 0x7ff00000)                              /* x= 2^-0x3ff */
    {if (y == 0) return NaNQ.x;
    return (y>0)?x:0; }

  if (qy > 0x45f00000 && qy < 0x7ff00000) {
    if (x == 1.0) return 1.0;
    if (y>0) return (x>1.0)?huge*huge:tiny*tiny;
    if (y<0) return (x<1.0)?huge*huge:tiny*tiny;

  if (x == 1.0) return 1.0;
  if (y>0) return (x>1.0)?INF.x:0;
  if (y<0) return (x<1.0)?INF.x:0;
  return 0;     /* unreachable, to make the compiler happy */
Example #9
File: e_pow.c Project: kraj/glibc
/* An ultimate power routine. Given two IEEE double machine numbers y, x it
   computes the correctly rounded (to nearest) value of X^y.  */
__ieee754_pow (double x, double y)
    double z, a, aa, error, t, a1, a2, y1, y2;
    mynumber u, v;
    int k;
    int4 qx, qy;
    v.x = y;
    u.x = x;
    if (v.i[LOW_HALF] == 0)
    {   /* of y */
        qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff;
        /* Is x a NaN?  */
        if ((((qx == 0x7ff00000) && (u.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)) || (qx > 0x7ff00000))
                && (y != 0 || issignaling (x)))
            return x + x;
        if (y == 1.0)
            return x;
        if (y == 2.0)
            return x * x;
        if (y == -1.0)
            return 1.0 / x;
        if (y == 0)
            return 1.0;
    /* else */
    if (((u.i[HIGH_HALF] > 0 && u.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0x7ff00000) ||	/* x>0 and not x->0 */
            (u.i[HIGH_HALF] == 0 && u.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)) &&
            /*   2^-1023< x<= 2^-1023 * 0x1.0000ffffffff */
            (v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff) < 0x4ff00000)
    {   /* if y<-1 or y>1   */
        double retval;


            /* Avoid internal underflow for tiny y.  The exact value of y does
               not matter if |y| <= 2**-64.  */
            if (fabs (y) < 0x1p-64)
                y = y < 0 ? -0x1p-64 : 0x1p-64;
            z = log1 (x, &aa, &error);	/* x^y  =e^(y log (X)) */
            t = y * CN;
            y1 = t - (t - y);
            y2 = y - y1;
            t = z * CN;
            a1 = t - (t - z);
            a2 = (z - a1) + aa;
            a = y1 * a1;
            aa = y2 * a1 + y * a2;
            a1 = a + aa;
            a2 = (a - a1) + aa;
            error = error * fabs (y);
            t = __exp1 (a1, a2, 1.9e16 * error);	/* return -10 or 0 if wasn't computed exactly */
            retval = (t > 0) ? t : power1 (x, y);

        if (isinf (retval))
            retval = huge * huge;
        else if (retval == 0)
            retval = tiny * tiny;
            math_check_force_underflow_nonneg (retval);
        return retval;

    if (x == 0)
        if (((v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff) == 0x7ff00000 && v.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)
                || (v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff) > 0x7ff00000)	/* NaN */
            return y + y;
        if (fabs (y) > 1.0e20)
            return (y > 0) ? 0 : 1.0 / 0.0;
        k = checkint (y);
        if (k == -1)
            return y < 0 ? 1.0 / x : x;
            return y < 0 ? 1.0 / 0.0 : 0.0;	/* return 0 */

    qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff;	/*   no sign   */
    qy = v.i[HIGH_HALF] & 0x7fffffff;	/*   no sign   */

    if (qx >= 0x7ff00000 && (qx > 0x7ff00000 || u.i[LOW_HALF] != 0))	/* NaN */
        return x + y;
    if (qy >= 0x7ff00000 && (qy > 0x7ff00000 || v.i[LOW_HALF] != 0))	/* NaN */
        return x == 1.0 && !issignaling (y) ? 1.0 : y + y;

    /* if x<0 */
    if (u.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0)
        k = checkint (y);
        if (k == 0)
            if (qy == 0x7ff00000)
                if (x == -1.0)
                    return 1.0;
                else if (x > -1.0)
                    return v.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0 ? INF.x : 0.0;
                    return v.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
            else if (qx == 0x7ff00000)
                return y < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
            return (x - x) / (x - x);	/* y not integer and x<0 */
        else if (qx == 0x7ff00000)
            if (k < 0)
                return y < 0 ? nZERO.x : nINF.x;
                return y < 0 ? 0.0 : INF.x;
        /* if y even or odd */
        if (k == 1)
            return __ieee754_pow (-x, y);
            double retval;
                retval = -__ieee754_pow (-x, y);
            if (isinf (retval))
                retval = -huge * huge;
            else if (retval == 0)
                retval = -tiny * tiny;
            return retval;
    /* x>0 */

    if (qx == 0x7ff00000)		/* x= 2^-0x3ff */
        return y > 0 ? x : 0;

    if (qy > 0x45f00000 && qy < 0x7ff00000)
        if (x == 1.0)
            return 1.0;
        if (y > 0)
            return (x > 1.0) ? huge * huge : tiny * tiny;
        if (y < 0)
            return (x < 1.0) ? huge * huge : tiny * tiny;

    if (x == 1.0)
        return 1.0;
    if (y > 0)
        return (x > 1.0) ? INF.x : 0;
    if (y < 0)
        return (x < 1.0) ? INF.x : 0;
    return 0;			/* unreachable, to make the compiler happy */
Example #10
double upow(double x, double y) {
  double z,a,aa,error, t,a1,a2,y1,y2,gor=1.0;
  mynumber u,v;
  int k;
  int4 qx,qy;
 if (y==0.0)
      return 1.0;
  if (x==1.0)
    return 1.0;
  if (v.i[LOW_HALF] == 0) { /* of y */
   qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;
    /* Checking  if x is not too small to compute */
    if (((qx==0x7ff00000)&&(u.i[LOW_HALF]!=0))||(qx>0x7ff00000)) return NaNQ.x;
   if (y == 1.0) return x;
    if (y == 2.0) return x*x;
   if ((y == -1.0) && (x!=0))
      return 1.0/x;
  /* else */
 if(((u.i[HIGH_HALF]>0 && u.i[HIGH_HALF]<0x7ff00000)||        /* x>0 and not x->0 */
       (u.i[HIGH_HALF]==0 && u.i[LOW_HALF]!=0))  &&
                                      /*   2^-1023< x<= 2^-1023 * 0x1.0000ffffffff */
      (v.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff) < 0x4ff00000) {              /* if y<-1 or y>1   */
   z = logg1(x,&aa,&error);                                 /* x^y  =e^(y log (X)) */
   t = y*134217729.0;
    y1 = t - (t-y);
    y2 = y - y1;
    t = z*134217729.0;
    a1 = t - (t-z);
    a2 = (z - a1)+aa;
    a = y1*a1;
    aa = y2*a1 + y*a2;
    a1 = a+aa;
    a2 = (a-a1)+aa;
   error = error*ABS(y);
    t = exp1(a1,a2,1.9e16*error);     /* return -10 or 0 if wasn't computed exactly */
   return (t>0)?t:power1(x,y);

 if (x == 0.0) {
   /*if (ABS(y) > 1.0e20) return (y>0)?0:NaNQ.x;*/
    k = checkint(y);
    if (y < 0.0 ) 
      return  ((k==-1) && (u.i[HIGH_HALF]==0x80000000))? -INF.x:INF.x; 
    /* y>0  */
    else return (k==-1)?x:0;                  /* return signed 0 */
  qx = u.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;  /*   no sign   */
  qy = v.i[HIGH_HALF]&0x7fffffff;  /*   no sign   */
  if (qx > 0x7ff00000 || (qx == 0x7ff00000 && u.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)) return NaNQ.x;
  if (qy > 0x7ff00000 || (qy == 0x7ff00000 && v.i[LOW_HALF] != 0)) return NaNQ.x;

  /* if x<0 */ 
  if (u.i[HIGH_HALF] < 0) {
    if ((x==-1.0) && (qy == 0x7ff00000))
      return 1.0;
     k = checkint(y);
    if (k==0) return NaNQ.x;                              /* y not integer and x<0 */
    return (k==1)?upow(-x,y):-upow(-x,y);                      /* if y even or odd */
  /* x>0 */

  if (qx == 0x7ff00000)                      
    return (y>0)?x:0; 
  if (y>0) return (x>1.0)?INF.x:0;
  if (y<0) return (x<1.0)?INF.x:0;
  return 0;     /* unreachable, to make the compiler happy */
Example #11
int is_prime(unsigned int n)
	if (n == 2) return 1;
	else return (power1(2, n-1) %n == 1);
int power1 (int x, int n)
	if (n == 0) return 1;
	else return x * power1(x, n-1);