Example #1
void RSAdecrypt(unsigned char* c_number, unsigned char* cryptbuffer, RSA_PUBLIC_KEY key)
	giant n = newgiant(GIANT_INFINITY);
	giant e = newgiant(GIANT_INFINITY);
	giant sig = newgiant(GIANT_INFINITY);

	gigimport(sig, c_number, 256);

	gigimport(n, key.KeyData.Modulus, 256);

	gigimport(e, key.KeyData.Exponent, 4);

	/* x := x^n (mod z). */
	powermodg(sig, e, n);

	memset(cryptbuffer, 0x00, 256);
	memcpy(cryptbuffer, sig->n, 256);
Example #2
	giant 		x = newgiant(INFINITY), y = newgiant(INFINITY),
				p = newgiant(INFINITY), r = newgiant(100);
	int 		j;

   	printf("Give two integers x, y on separate lines:\n");

   	gtog(y, p);  /* p := y */
   	mulg(x, p);
   	printf("y * x = "); 

  	gtog(y, p);
   	subg(x, p);
   	printf("y - x = "); 

   	gtog(y, p);
   	addg(x, p);
   	printf("y + x = "); 

   	gtog(y, p);
   	divg(x, p);
   	printf("y div x = "); 

   	gtog(y, p);
   	modg(x, p);
   	printf("y mod x = "); 

   	gtog(y, p);
   	gcdg(x, p);
   	printf("GCD(x, y) = "); 
	/* Next, test which of x, y is greater. */
   	if (gcompg(x, y) < 0 ) 
   		printf("y is greater\n");
	else if (gcompg(x,y) == 0) 
		printf("x, y equal\n");
		printf("x is greater\n");

	/* Next, we see how a giant struct is comprised.
   	 * We make a random, bipolar number of about 100 
   	 * digits in base 65536. 
	for (j=0; j < 100; j++) 
	{  /* Fill 100 digits randomly. */
		r->n[j] = (unsigned short)rand();
   	r->sign = 100 * (1 - 2*(rand()%2));

	/* Next, don't forget to check for leading zero digits,
     * even though such are unlikely. 
   	j = abs(r->sign) - 1;
   	while ((r->n[j] == 0) && (j > 0)) 
   	r->sign = (j+1) * ((r->sign > 0) ? 1: -1);
   	printf("The random number: "); gout(r);

	/* Next, compare a large-FFT multiply with a standard,
     * grammar-school multiply. 
   	itog(1, x); 
   	gshiftleft(65536, x); 
   	iaddg(1, x);
   	itog(5, y); 
   	gshiftleft(30000, y); 
   	itog(1, p); 
   	subg(p, y); 
	/* Now we multiply (2^65536 + 1)*(5*(2^30000) - 1). */
   	gtog(y, p);
   	mulg(x, p);  /* Actually invokes FFT method because
					bit lengths of x, y are sufficiently large. */
   	printf("High digit of (2^65536 + 1)*(5*(2^30000) - 1) via FFT mul: %d\n", (int) p->n[abs(p->sign)-1]);
   	gtog(y, p);
   	grammarmulg(x, p);  /* Grammar-school method. */
   	printf("High digit via grammar-school mul: %d\n", (int) p->n[abs(p->sign)-1]);

	/* Next, perform Fermat test for pseudoprimality. */
   	printf("Give prime candidate p:\n");
   	gtog(p, y);
   	itog(1, x); subg(x, y);
   	itog(2, x);
   	powermodg(x, y, p);
   	if (isone(x)) 
   		printf("p is probably prime.\n");
		printf("p is composite.\n");
static int sqrtmod(giant x, curveParams *cp)
/* If Sqrt[x] (mod p) exists, function returns 1, else 0.
   In either case x is modified, but if 1 is returned,
   x:= Sqrt[x] (mod p).
	int rtn;
	giant t0 = borrowGiant(cp->maxDigits);
	giant t1 = borrowGiant(cp->maxDigits);
	giant t2 = borrowGiant(cp->maxDigits);
	giant t3 = borrowGiant(cp->maxDigits);
	giant t4 = borrowGiant(cp->maxDigits);

	giant p = cp->basePrime;

    	feemod(cp, x);			/* Justify the argument. */
    	gtog(x, t0);  /* Store x for eventual validity check on square root. */
    	if((p->n[0] & 3) == 3) {  /* The case p = 3 (mod 4). */
		gtog(p, t1);
		iaddg(1, t1); gshiftright(2, t1);
		powermodg(x, t1, cp);
		goto resolve;
	/* Next, handle case p = 5 (mod 8). */
    	if((p->n[0] & 7) == 5) {
		gtog(p, t1); int_to_giant(1, t2);
		subg(t2, t1); gshiftright(2, t1);
		gtog(x, t2);
		powermodg(t2, t1, cp);  /* t2 := x^((p-1)/4) % p. */
		iaddg(1, t1);
		gshiftright(1, t1); /* t1 := (p+3)/8. */
		if(isone(t2)) {
			powermodg(x, t1, cp);  /* x^((p+3)/8) is root. */
			goto resolve;
		} else {
			int_to_giant(1, t2); subg(t2, t1);
				/* t1 := (p-5)/8. */
			powermodg(x, t1, cp);
			mulg(t0, x); addg(x, x); feemod(cp, x);
				/* 2x (4x)^((p-5)/8. */
			goto resolve;

	/* Next, handle tougher case: p = 1 (mod 8). */
	int_to_giant(2, t1);
	while(1) {  /* Find appropriate nonresidue. */
		gtog(t1, t2);
		gsquare(t2); subg(x, t2); feemod(cp, t2);
		if(jacobi_symbol(t2, cp) == -1) break;
		iaddg(1, t1);
	}  /* t2 is now w^2 in F_p^2. */
   	int_to_giant(1, t3);
   	gtog(p, t4); iaddg(1, t4); gshiftright(1, t4);
	powFp2(t1, t3, t2, t4, cp);
	gtog(t1, x);

   	gtog(x,t1); gsquare(t1); feemod(cp, t1);
    	if(gcompg(t0, t1) == 0) {
		rtn = 1; 	/* Success. */
	else {
		rtn = 0;	/* no square root */
	return rtn;