Example #1

START_TEST (expr_eval_group_and_test) {
  char *names1[3] = { "foo", "bar", NULL }, *names2[2] = { "test", NULL },
    *names3[2] = { "!baz", NULL };
  int res;

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(NULL);
  fail_unless(res == -1, "Failed to handle null argument");
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Failed to set errno to EINVAL");

  session.group = NULL;
  session.groups = NULL;

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names1);
  fail_unless(res == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got TRUE");

  session.group = "test";

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names1);
  fail_unless(res == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got TRUE");

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names2);
  fail_unless(res == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got FALSE");

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names3);
  fail_unless(res == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got FALSE");

  session.group = NULL;
  session.groups = make_array(p, 2, sizeof(char *));
  *((char **) push_array(session.groups)) = "test";
  *((char **) push_array(session.groups)) = NULL;
  *((char **) push_array(session.groups)) = "spank";

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names1);
  fail_unless(res == FALSE, "Expected FALSE, got TRUE");

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names2);
  fail_unless(res == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got FALSE");

  res = pr_expr_eval_group_and(names3);
  fail_unless(res == TRUE, "Expected TRUE, got FALSE");
Example #2
void pr_throttle_init(cmd_rec *cmd) {
  config_rec *c = NULL;
  char *xfer_cmd = NULL;
  unsigned char have_user_rate = FALSE, have_group_rate = FALSE,
    have_class_rate = FALSE;
  unsigned int precedence = 0;

  /* Make sure the variables are (re)initialized */
  xfer_rate_kbps = xfer_rate_bps = 0.0;
  xfer_rate_freebytes = 0;
  xfer_rate_scoreboard_updates = 0;
  have_xfer_rate = FALSE;

  c = find_config(CURRENT_CONF, CONF_PARAM, "TransferRate", FALSE);

  /* Note: need to cycle through all the matching config_recs, and using
   * the information from the current config_rec only if it matches
   * the target *and* has a higher precedence than any of the previously
   * found config_recs.
  while (c) {
    char **cmdlist = (char **) c->argv[0];
    int matched_cmd = FALSE;


    /* Does this TransferRate apply to the current command?  Note: this
     * could be made more efficient by using bitmasks rather than string
     * comparisons.
    for (xfer_cmd = *cmdlist; xfer_cmd; xfer_cmd = *(cmdlist++)) {
      if (strcasecmp(xfer_cmd, cmd->argv[0]) == 0) {
        matched_cmd = TRUE;

    /* No -- continue on to the next TransferRate. */
    if (!matched_cmd) {
      c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "TransferRate", FALSE);

    if (c->argc > 4) {
      if (strncmp(c->argv[4], "user", 5) == 0) {

        if (pr_expr_eval_user_or((char **) &c->argv[5]) == TRUE &&
            *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]) > precedence) {

          /* Set the precedence. */
          precedence = *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]);

          xfer_rate_kbps = *((long double *) c->argv[1]);
          xfer_rate_freebytes = *((off_t *) c->argv[2]);
          have_xfer_rate = TRUE;
          have_user_rate = TRUE;
          have_group_rate = have_class_rate = FALSE;

      } else if (strncmp(c->argv[4], "group", 6) == 0) {

        if (pr_expr_eval_group_and((char **) &c->argv[5]) == TRUE &&
            *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]) > precedence) {

          /* Set the precedence. */
          precedence = *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]);

          xfer_rate_kbps = *((long double *) c->argv[1]);
          xfer_rate_freebytes = *((off_t *) c->argv[2]);
          have_xfer_rate = TRUE;
          have_group_rate = TRUE;
          have_user_rate = have_class_rate = FALSE;

      } else if (strncmp(c->argv[4], "class", 6) == 0) {

        if (pr_expr_eval_class_or((char **) &c->argv[5]) == TRUE &&
          *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]) > precedence) {

          /* Set the precedence. */
          precedence = *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]);

          xfer_rate_kbps = *((long double *) c->argv[1]);
          xfer_rate_freebytes = *((off_t *) c->argv[2]);
          have_xfer_rate = TRUE;
          have_class_rate = TRUE;
          have_user_rate = have_group_rate = FALSE;

    } else {

      if (*((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]) > precedence) {

        /* Set the precedence. */
        precedence = *((unsigned int *) c->argv[3]);

        xfer_rate_kbps = *((long double *) c->argv[1]);
        xfer_rate_freebytes = *((off_t *) c->argv[2]);
        have_xfer_rate = TRUE;
        have_user_rate = have_group_rate = have_class_rate = FALSE;

    c = find_config_next(c, c->next, CONF_PARAM, "TransferRate", FALSE);

  /* Print out a helpful debugging message. */
  if (have_xfer_rate) {
    pr_log_debug(DEBUG3, "TransferRate (%.3Lf KB/s, %" PR_LU
        " bytes free) in effect%s", xfer_rate_kbps,
      (pr_off_t) xfer_rate_freebytes,
      have_user_rate ? " for current user" :
      have_group_rate ? " for current group" :
      have_class_rate ? " for current class" : "");

    /* Convert the configured Kbps to bytes per usec, for use later.
     * The 1024.0 factor converts for Kbytes to bytes, and the
     * 1000000.0 factor converts from secs to usecs.
    xfer_rate_bps = xfer_rate_kbps * 1024.0;