Example #1
int pr_session_set_protocol(const char *sess_proto) {
  int count, res;

  if (sess_proto == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  count = pr_table_exists(session.notes, "protocol");
  if (count > 0) {
    res = pr_table_set(session.notes, pstrdup(session.pool, "protocol"),
      pstrdup(session.pool, sess_proto), 0);

    if (res == 0) {
      /* Update the scoreboard entry for this session with the protocol. */
      pr_scoreboard_entry_update(session.pid, PR_SCORE_PROTOCOL, sess_proto,

    return res;

  res = pr_table_add(session.notes, pstrdup(session.pool, "protocol"),
    pstrdup(session.pool, sess_proto), 0);

  if (res == 0) {
    /* Update the scoreboard entry for this session with the protocol. */
    pr_scoreboard_entry_update(session.pid, PR_SCORE_PROTOCOL, sess_proto,

  return res;
Example #2

START_TEST (cmd_get_errno_test) {
  int res, *xerrno = NULL;
  cmd_rec *cmd = NULL;

  res = pr_cmd_get_errno(NULL);
  fail_unless(res == -1, "Failed to handle null cmd_rec");
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Failed to set errno to EINVAL");

  cmd = pr_cmd_alloc(p, 1, "foo");
  res = pr_cmd_get_errno(cmd);
  fail_unless(res == 0, "Expected errno 0, got %d", res);

  (void) pr_table_remove(cmd->notes, "errno", NULL);
  res = pr_cmd_get_errno(cmd);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to handle missing 'errno' note");
  fail_unless(errno == ENOENT, "Expected ENOENT (%d), got %s (%d)", ENOENT,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  xerrno = pcalloc(cmd->pool, sizeof(int));
  (void) pr_table_add(cmd->notes, "errno", xerrno, sizeof(int));

  res = pr_cmd_set_errno(NULL, ENOENT);
  fail_unless(res < 0, "Failed to handle null arguments");
  fail_unless(errno == EINVAL, "Expected EINVAL (%d), got %s (%d)", EINVAL,
    strerror(errno), errno);

  res = pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, ENOENT);
  fail_unless(res == 0, "Failed to stash errno ENOENT: %s", strerror(errno));

  res = pr_cmd_get_errno(cmd);
  fail_unless(res == ENOENT, "Expected errno ENOENT, got %s (%d)",
    strerror(res), res);
Example #3
int proxy_db_prepare_stmt(pool *p, const char *stmt) {
  sqlite3_stmt *pstmt = NULL;
  int res;

  if (stmt == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  pstmt = pr_table_get(prepared_stmts, stmt, NULL);
  if (pstmt != NULL) {
    res = sqlite3_reset(pstmt);
    if (res != SQLITE_OK) {
      pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 3,
        "error resetting prepared statement '%s': %s", stmt,
      errno = EPERM;
      return -1;

    return 0;

  res = sqlite3_prepare_v2(proxy_dbh, stmt, -1, &pstmt, NULL);
  if (res != SQLITE_OK) {
    pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
      "error preparing statement '%s': %s", stmt, sqlite3_errmsg(proxy_dbh));
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* The prepared statement handling here relies on this cache, thus if we fail
   * to stash the prepared statement here, it will cause problems later.
  res = pr_table_add(prepared_stmts, pstrdup(db_pool, stmt), pstmt,
    sizeof(sqlite3_stmt *));
  if (res < 0) {
    int xerrno = errno;
    pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
      "error stashing prepared statement '%s': %s", stmt, strerror(xerrno));
    errno = xerrno;
    return -1; 

  return 0; 
Example #4
MODRET copy_cpfr(cmd_rec *cmd) {
  register unsigned int i;
  int res;
  char *path = "";
  unsigned char *authenticated = NULL;

  if (copy_engine == FALSE) {
    return PR_DECLINED(cmd);

  if (cmd->argc < 3 ||
      strncasecmp(cmd->argv[1], "CPFR", 5) != 0) {
    return PR_DECLINED(cmd);

  authenticated = get_param_ptr(cmd->server->conf, "authenticated", FALSE);
  if (authenticated == NULL ||
      *authenticated == FALSE) {
    pr_response_add_err(R_530, _("Please login with USER and PASS"));
    pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, EPERM);
    errno = EPERM;
    return PR_ERROR(cmd);


  /* Construct the target file name by concatenating all the parameters after
   * the "SITE CPFR", separating them with spaces.
  for (i = 2; i <= cmd->argc-1; i++) {
    char *decoded_path;

    decoded_path = pr_fs_decode_path2(cmd->tmp_pool, cmd->argv[i],
    if (decoded_path == NULL) {
      int xerrno = errno;

      pr_log_debug(DEBUG8, "'%s' failed to decode properly: %s",
        (char *) cmd->argv[i], strerror(xerrno));
        _("%s: Illegal character sequence in filename"), cmd->arg);

      pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, xerrno);
      errno = xerrno;
      return PR_ERROR(cmd);

    path = pstrcat(cmd->tmp_pool, path, *path ? " " : "", decoded_path, NULL);

  res = pr_filter_allow_path(CURRENT_CONF, path);
  switch (res) {
    case 0:

      pr_log_debug(DEBUG2, MOD_COPY_VERSION
        ": 'CPFR %s' denied by PathAllowFilter", path);
      pr_response_add_err(R_550, _("%s: Forbidden filename"), path);

      pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, EPERM);
      errno = EPERM;
      return PR_ERROR(cmd);

      pr_log_debug(DEBUG2, MOD_COPY_VERSION
        ": 'CPFR %s' denied by PathDenyFilter", path);
      pr_response_add_err(R_550, _("%s: Forbidden filename"), path);

      pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, EPERM);
      errno = EPERM;
      return PR_ERROR(cmd);

  /* Allow renaming a symlink, even a dangling one. */
  path = dir_canonical_vpath(cmd->tmp_pool, path);

  if (!path ||
      !dir_check_canon(cmd->tmp_pool, cmd, cmd->group, path, NULL) ||
      !exists2(cmd->tmp_pool, path)) {
    int xerrno = errno;

    pr_response_add_err(R_550, "%s: %s", path, strerror(xerrno));

    pr_cmd_set_errno(cmd, xerrno);
    errno = xerrno;
    return PR_ERROR(cmd);

  if (pr_table_add(session.notes, "mod_copy.cpfr-path",
      pstrdup(session.pool, path), 0) < 0) {
    pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
      "error adding 'mod_copy.cpfr-path' note: %s", strerror(errno));

    _("File or directory exists, ready for destination name"));
  return PR_HANDLED(cmd);
Example #5
int pr_trace_set_levels(const char *channel, int min_level, int max_level) {

  if (channel == NULL) {
    void *v;

    if (trace_tab == NULL) {
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;

    v = pr_table_remove(trace_tab, channel, NULL);
    if (v == NULL) {
      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;

    return 0;

  if (min_level > max_level) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  if (trace_tab == NULL &&
      min_level < 0) {
    return 0;

  if (trace_pool == NULL) {
    trace_pool = make_sub_pool(permanent_pool);
    pr_pool_tag(trace_pool, "Trace API");

    trace_tab = pr_table_alloc(trace_pool, 0);

    /* Register a handler for churning the log pool during HUP. */
    pr_event_register(NULL, "core.restart", trace_restart_ev, NULL);

  if (min_level >= 0) {
    struct trace_levels *levels;

    levels = pcalloc(trace_pool, sizeof(struct trace_levels));
    levels->min_level = min_level;
    levels->max_level = max_level;

    if (strcmp(channel, PR_TRACE_DEFAULT_CHANNEL) != 0) {
      int count = pr_table_exists(trace_tab, channel);

      if (count <= 0) {
        if (pr_table_add(trace_tab, pstrdup(trace_pool, channel), levels,
            sizeof(struct trace_levels)) < 0) {
          return -1;

      } else {
        if (pr_table_set(trace_tab, pstrdup(trace_pool, channel), levels,
            sizeof(struct trace_levels)) < 0)
          return -1;

    } else {
      register unsigned int i;

      for (i = 0; trace_channels[i]; i++) {
        (void) pr_trace_set_levels(trace_channels[i], min_level, max_level);

  } else {
    if (strcmp(channel, PR_TRACE_DEFAULT_CHANNEL) != 0) {
      (void) pr_table_remove(trace_tab, channel, NULL);

    } else {
      register unsigned int i;

      for (i = 0; trace_channels[i]; i++) {
        (void) pr_table_remove(trace_tab, trace_channels[i], NULL);

  return 0;
Example #6
struct passwd *pr_auth_getpwnam(pool *p, const char *name) {
  cmd_rec *cmd = NULL;
  modret_t *mr = NULL;
  struct passwd *res = NULL;
  module *m = NULL;

  cmd = make_cmd(p, 1, name);
  mr = dispatch_auth(cmd, "getpwnam", &m);

    res = mr->data;

  if (cmd->tmp_pool) {
    cmd->tmp_pool = NULL;

  /* Sanity check */
  if (res == NULL) {
    errno = ENOENT;
    return NULL;

  /* Make sure the UID and GID are not -1 */
  if (res->pw_uid == (uid_t) -1) {
    pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "error: UID of -1 not allowed");
    return NULL;

  if (res->pw_gid == (gid_t) -1) {
    pr_log_pri(PR_LOG_ERR, "error: GID of -1 not allowed");
    return NULL;

  if ((auth_caching & PR_AUTH_CACHE_FL_AUTH_MODULE) &&
      !auth_tab &&
      auth_pool) {
    auth_tab = pr_table_alloc(auth_pool, 0);

  if (m &&
      auth_tab) {
    int count = 0;
    void *value = NULL;

    value = palloc(auth_pool, sizeof(module *));
    *((module **) value) = m;

    count = pr_table_exists(auth_tab, name);
    if (count <= 0) {
      if (pr_table_add(auth_tab, pstrdup(auth_pool, name), value,
          sizeof(module *)) < 0) {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 3,
          "error adding module 'mod_%s.c' for user '%s' to the authcache: %s",
          m->name, name, strerror(errno));

      } else {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 5,
          "stashed module 'mod_%s.c' for user '%s' in the authcache",
          m->name, name);

    } else {
      if (pr_table_set(auth_tab, pstrdup(auth_pool, name), value,
          sizeof(module *)) < 0) {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 3,
          "error setting module 'mod_%s.c' for user '%s' in the authcache: %s",
          m->name, name, strerror(errno));

      } else {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 5,
          "stashed module 'mod_%s.c' for user '%s' in the authcache",
          m->name, name);

  uidcache_add(res->pw_uid, name);

  /* Get the (possibly rewritten) home directory. */
  res->pw_dir = pr_auth_get_home(p, res->pw_dir);

  pr_log_debug(DEBUG10, "retrieved UID %lu for user '%s'",
    (unsigned long) res->pw_uid, name);
  return res;
Example #7
int pr_var_set(pool *p, const char *name, const char *desc, int vtype,
    void *val, void *data, size_t datasz) {
  struct var *v;
  size_t namelen = 0;

  if (var_tab == NULL) {
    errno = EPERM;
    return -1;

  if (p == NULL ||
      name == NULL ||
      val == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* The length of the key must be greater than 3 characters (for "%{}"). */
  namelen = strlen(name);
  if (namelen < 4) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* If the given variable type is not recognized, reject. */
  if (vtype != PR_VAR_TYPE_STR &&
      vtype != PR_VAR_TYPE_FUNC) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* Specifying data, but no length for that data, is an error. */
  if (data != NULL &&
      datasz == 0) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* Specifying no data, but providing a non-zero length for that data, is an
   * error.
  if (data == NULL &&
      datasz > 0) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* Variable names MUST start with '%{', and end in '}'. */
  if (strncmp(name, "%{", 2) != 0 ||
      name[namelen-1] != '}') {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return -1;

  /* Remove any previously registered value for this name.  For names whose
   * values change rapidly (e.g. session.xfer.total_bytes), a callback
   * function should be used, rather than always setting the same name as an
   * update; using a callback avoids the memory consumption that setting does
   * (set always allocates a new struct var *).
  (void) pr_var_delete(name);

  /* Note: if var_pool was used for allocating the struct var *, rather
   * than the given pool, then deleting an entry would not necessarily
   * lead to such memory consumption (assuming it would even be a problem).
   * However, if this was the case, then a churn counter would be needed,
   * and var_pool would need to be churned occasionally to limit memory
   * growth.

  switch (vtype) {
    case PR_VAR_TYPE_STR:
      v = pcalloc(p, sizeof(struct var));

      if (desc) {
        v->v_desc = (const char *) pstrdup(p, desc);

      v->v_type = PR_VAR_TYPE_STR; 
      v->v_val = pstrdup(p, (char *) val);
      v->v_datasz = strlen((char *) val);

    case PR_VAR_TYPE_FUNC:
      v = pcalloc(p, sizeof(struct var));

      if (desc) {
        v->v_desc = (const char *) pstrdup(p, desc);

      v->v_type = PR_VAR_TYPE_FUNC; 
      v->v_val = val;

      if (data) {
        v->v_data = data;
        v->v_datasz = datasz;


      errno = EINVAL;
      return -1;

  return pr_table_add(var_tab, name, v, sizeof(struct var));
Example #8
int proxy_ftp_sess_get_feat(pool *p, struct proxy_session *proxy_sess) {
    pool *tmp_pool;
    int res, xerrno = 0;
    cmd_rec *cmd;
    pr_response_t *resp;
    unsigned int resp_nlines = 0;
    char *feats, *token;
    size_t token_len = 0;

    tmp_pool = make_sub_pool(p);

    cmd = pr_cmd_alloc(tmp_pool, 1, C_FEAT);
    res = proxy_ftp_ctrl_send_cmd(tmp_pool, proxy_sess->backend_ctrl_conn, cmd);
    if (res < 0) {
        xerrno = errno;

        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
                     "error sending %s to backend: %s", (char *) cmd->argv[0],

        errno = xerrno;
        return -1;

    resp = proxy_ftp_ctrl_recv_resp(tmp_pool, proxy_sess->backend_ctrl_conn,
    if (resp == NULL) {
        xerrno = errno;

        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
                     "error receiving %s response from backend: %s", (char *) cmd->argv[0],

        errno = xerrno;
        return -1;

    if (resp->num[0] != '2') {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
                     "received unexpected %s response code %s from backend",
                     (char *) cmd->argv[0], resp->num);

        /* Note: If the UseProxyProtocol ProxyOption is enabled, AND if the
         * response message mentions a "PROXY" command, we might read an
         * error response here that is NOT actually for the FEAT command we just
         * sent.
         * A backend FTP server which does not understand the PROXY protocol
         * will treat it as a normal FTP command, and respond.  And that will
         * put us, the client, out of lockstep with the server, for how do we know
         * that we need to read that error response FIRST, then send another
         * command?

        errno = EPERM;
        return -1;

    proxy_sess->backend_features = pr_table_nalloc(p, 0, 4);

    feats = resp->msg;
    token = pr_str_get_token2(&feats, (char *) feat_crlf, &token_len);
    while (token != NULL) {

        if (token_len > 0) {
            /* The FEAT response lines in which we are interested all start with
             * a single space, per RFC spec.  Ignore any other lines.
            if (token[0] == ' ') {
                char *key, *val, *ptr;

                /* Find the next space in the string, to delimit our key/value pairs. */
                ptr = strchr(token + 1, ' ');
                if (ptr != NULL) {
                    key = pstrndup(p, token + 1, ptr - token - 1);
                    val = pstrdup(p, ptr + 1);

                } else {
                    key = pstrdup(p, token + 1);
                    val = pstrdup(p, "");

                pr_table_add(proxy_sess->backend_features, key, val, 0);

        feats = token + token_len + 1;
        token = pr_str_get_token2(&feats, (char *) feat_crlf, &token_len);

    return 0;
Example #9
conn_t *proxy_conn_get_server_conn(pool *p, struct proxy_session *proxy_sess,
    pr_netaddr_t *remote_addr) {
  pr_netaddr_t *bind_addr = NULL, *local_addr = NULL;
  const char *remote_ipstr = NULL;
  unsigned int remote_port;
  conn_t *server_conn, *ctrl_conn;
  int res;

  if (proxy_sess->connect_timeout > 0) {
    const char *notes_key = "mod_proxy.proxy-connect-address";

    proxy_sess->connect_timerno = pr_timer_add(proxy_sess->connect_timeout,
      -1, &proxy_module, proxy_conn_connect_timeout_cb, "ProxyTimeoutConnect");

    (void) pr_table_remove(session.notes, notes_key, NULL);

    if (pr_table_add(session.notes, notes_key, remote_addr,
        sizeof(pr_netaddr_t)) < 0) {
      (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
        "error stashing proxy connect address note: %s", strerror(errno));

  remote_ipstr = pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(remote_addr);
  remote_port = ntohs(pr_netaddr_get_port(remote_addr));

  /* Check the family of the retrieved address vs what we'll be using
   * to connect.  If there's a mismatch, we need to get an addr with the
   * matching family.

  if (pr_netaddr_get_family(session.c->local_addr) == pr_netaddr_get_family(remote_addr)) {
    local_addr = session.c->local_addr;

  } else {
    /* In this scenario, the proxy has an IPv6 socket, but the remote/backend
     * server has an IPv4 (or IPv4-mapped IPv6) address.  OR it's the proxy
     * which has an IPv4 socket, and the remote/backend server has an IPv6
     * address.
    if (pr_netaddr_get_family(session.c->local_addr) == AF_INET) {
      char *ip_str;

      /* Convert the local address from an IPv4 to an IPv6 addr. */
      ip_str = pcalloc(p, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN + 1);
      snprintf(ip_str, INET6_ADDRSTRLEN, "::ffff:%s",
      local_addr = pr_netaddr_get_addr(p, ip_str, NULL);

    } else {
      local_addr = pr_netaddr_v6tov4(p, session.c->local_addr);
      if (local_addr == NULL) {
        pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 4,
          "error converting IPv6 local address %s to IPv4 address: %s",
          pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(session.c->local_addr), strerror(errno));

    if (local_addr == NULL) {
      local_addr = session.c->local_addr;

  bind_addr = proxy_sess->src_addr;
  if (bind_addr == NULL) {
    bind_addr = local_addr;

  /* Note: IF mod_proxy is running on localhost, and the connection to be
   * made is to a public IP address, then this connect(2) attempt would most
   * likely fail with ENETUNREACH, since localhost is a loopback network,
   * and of course not reachable from a public IP.  Thus we check for this
   * edge case (which happens often for development).
  if (pr_netaddr_is_loopback(bind_addr) == TRUE) {
    const char *local_name;
    pr_netaddr_t *local_addr;

    local_name = pr_netaddr_get_localaddr_str(p);
    local_addr = pr_netaddr_get_addr(p, local_name, NULL);

    if (local_addr != NULL) {
      pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 14,
        "%s is a loopback address, and unable to reach %s; using %s instead",
        pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(bind_addr), remote_ipstr,
      bind_addr = local_addr;

  server_conn = pr_inet_create_conn(p, -1, bind_addr, INPORT_ANY, FALSE);
  if (server_conn == NULL) {
    int xerrno = errno;

    (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
      "error creating connection to %s: %s", pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(bind_addr),

    pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
    errno = xerrno;
    return NULL;

  pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 11, "connecting to backend address %s#%u from %s",
    remote_ipstr, remote_port, pr_netaddr_get_ipstr(bind_addr));

  res = pr_inet_connect_nowait(p, server_conn, remote_addr,
  if (res < 0) {
    int xerrno = errno;

    (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
      "error starting connect to %s#%u: %s", remote_ipstr, remote_port,

    pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
    errno = xerrno;
    return NULL;

  if (res == 0) {
    pr_netio_stream_t *nstrm;
    int nstrm_mode = PR_NETIO_IO_RD;

    if (proxy_opts & PROXY_OPT_USE_PROXY_PROTOCOL) {
      /* Rather than waiting for the stream to be readable (because the
       * other end sent us something), wait for the stream to be writable
       * so that we can send something to the other end).
      nstrm_mode = PR_NETIO_IO_WR;

    /* Not yet connected. */
    nstrm = proxy_netio_open(p, PR_NETIO_STRM_OTHR, server_conn->listen_fd,
    if (nstrm == NULL) {
      int xerrno = errno;

      (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
        "error opening stream to %s#%u: %s", remote_ipstr, remote_port,

      pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
      pr_inet_close(p, server_conn);

      errno = xerrno;
      return NULL;

    proxy_netio_set_poll_interval(nstrm, 1);

    switch (proxy_netio_poll(nstrm)) {
      case 1: {
        /* Aborted, timed out.  Note that we shouldn't reach here. */
        pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
        pr_inet_close(p, server_conn);

        errno = ETIMEDOUT;
        return NULL;

      case -1: {
        /* Error */
        int xerrno = errno;

        (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
          "error connecting to %s#%u: %s", remote_ipstr, remote_port,

        pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
        pr_inet_close(p, server_conn);

        errno = xerrno;
        return NULL;

      default: {
        /* Connected */
        server_conn->mode = CM_OPEN;
        pr_timer_remove(proxy_sess->connect_timerno, &proxy_module);
        pr_table_remove(session.notes, "mod_proxy.proxy-connect-addr", NULL);

        res = pr_inet_get_conn_info(server_conn, server_conn->listen_fd);
        if (res < 0) {
          int xerrno = errno;

          (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
            "error obtaining local socket info on fd %d: %s",
            server_conn->listen_fd, strerror(xerrno));

          pr_inet_close(p, server_conn);

          errno = xerrno;
          return NULL;


  pr_trace_msg(trace_channel, 5,
    "successfully connected to %s#%u from %s#%d", remote_ipstr, remote_port,

  ctrl_conn = proxy_inet_openrw(p, server_conn, NULL, PR_NETIO_STRM_CTRL, -1,
    -1, -1, FALSE);
  if (ctrl_conn == NULL) {
    int xerrno = errno;

    (void) pr_log_writefile(proxy_logfd, MOD_PROXY_VERSION,
      "unable to open control connection to %s#%u: %s", remote_ipstr,
      remote_port, strerror(xerrno));

    pr_inet_close(p, server_conn);

    errno = xerrno;
    return NULL;

  return ctrl_conn;
Example #10
pr_netio_stream_t *pr_netio_open(pool *parent_pool, int strm_type, int fd,
    int mode) {
  pr_netio_stream_t *nstrm = NULL;

  if (parent_pool == NULL) {
    errno = EINVAL;
    return NULL;

  /* Create a new stream object, then pass that the NetIO open handler. */
  nstrm = netio_stream_alloc(parent_pool);

  switch (strm_type) {
      nstrm->strm_type = PR_NETIO_STRM_CTRL;
      nstrm->strm_mode = mode;

      if (ctrl_netio != NULL) {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          ctrl_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (ctrl_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

      } else {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          default_ctrl_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (default_ctrl_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

      nstrm->strm_type = PR_NETIO_STRM_DATA;
      nstrm->strm_mode = mode;

      if (data_netio != NULL) {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          data_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (data_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

      } else {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          default_data_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (default_data_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

      nstrm->strm_type = PR_NETIO_STRM_OTHR;
      nstrm->strm_mode = mode;

      if (othr_netio != NULL) {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          othr_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (othr_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

      } else {
        pr_table_add(nstrm->notes, pstrdup(nstrm->strm_pool, "core.netio"),
          default_othr_netio, sizeof(pr_netio_t *));
        return (default_othr_netio->open)(nstrm, fd, mode);

  nstrm->strm_pool = NULL;

  errno = EPERM;
  return NULL;