Example #1
void Repo::attachLocal(const char* path, bool isWritable) {
  std::string repoPath = insertSchema(path);
  if (!isWritable) {
    // Make sure the repo exists before attaching it, in order to avoid
    // creating a read-only repo.
    struct stat buf;
    if (!strchr(repoPath.c_str(), ':') &&
        stat(repoPath.c_str(), &buf) != 0) {
  try {
    std::stringstream ssAttach;
    ssAttach << "ATTACH DATABASE '" << repoPath << "' as "
             << dbName(RepoIdLocal) << ";";
  } catch (RepoExc& re) {
  if (initSchema(RepoIdLocal, isWritable)) {
  m_localRepo = repoPath;
  m_localReadable = true;
  m_localWritable = isWritable;
  TRACE(1, "Local repo: '%s' (read%s)\n",
           m_localRepo.c_str(), m_localWritable ? "-write" : "-only");
dogen::formatters::file class_header_formatter_stitch(
    assistant& a, const formattables::class_info& c) {

        auto sbf(a.make_scoped_boilerplate_formatter());
        const auto odbs(a.get_odb_settings());
        if (!odbs || odbs->pragmas().empty()) {
a.stream() << "// class has no ODB pragmas defined." << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
        } else {
                auto snf(a.make_scoped_namespace_formatter(c.namespaces()));

a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "#ifdef ODB_COMPILER" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
                const std::string odb_key("odb_pragma");
                for (const auto& pg : odbs->pragmas())
a.stream() << "#pragma db object(" << c.name() << ") " << pg << std::endl;

                bool is_first(true);
                for (const auto p : c.properties()) {
                    const auto podbs(a.get_odb_settings(p.id()));
                    if (podbs) {
                        for (const auto pg : podbs->pragmas()) {
                            if (is_first)
a.stream() << std::endl;
                            is_first = false;
a.stream() << "#pragma db member(" << c.name() << "::" << a.make_member_variable_name(p) << ") " << pg << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << "#endif" << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
a.stream() << std::endl;
    } // sbf
    return a.make_file();
Example #3
bool Repo::openCentral(const char* rawPath, std::string& errorMsg) {
  std::string repoPath = insertSchema(rawPath);
  // SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX specifies that the connection be opened such
  // that no mutexes are used to protect the database connection from other
  // threads.  However, multiple connections can still be used concurrently,
  // because SQLite as a whole is thread-safe.
  if (int err = sqlite3_open_v2(repoPath.c_str(), &m_dbc,
                                SQLITE_OPEN_NOMUTEX |
                                SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE |
                                SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE, nullptr)) {
    TRACE(1, "Repo::%s() failed to open candidate central repo '%s'\n",
             __func__, repoPath.c_str());
    errorMsg = folly::format("Failed to open {}: {} - {}",
                             repoPath, err, sqlite3_errmsg(m_dbc)).str();
    return false;
  // Register a busy handler to avoid spurious SQLITE_BUSY errors.
  sqlite3_busy_handler(m_dbc, busyHandler, (void*)this);
  try {
    m_beginStmt.prepare("BEGIN TRANSACTION;");
  } catch (RepoExc& re) {
    TRACE(1, "Repo::%s() failed to initialize connection to canditate repo"
             " '%s': %s\n", __func__, repoPath.c_str(), re.what());
    errorMsg = folly::format("Failed to initialize connection to {}: {}",
                             repoPath, re.what()).str();
    return false;
  // sqlite3_open_v2() will silently open in read-only mode if file permissions
  // prevent writing, and there is no apparent way to detect this other than to
  // attempt writing to the database.  Therefore, tell initSchema() to verify
  // that the database is writable.
  bool centralWritable = true;
  if (initSchema(RepoIdCentral, centralWritable, errorMsg) ||
      !centralWritable) {
    TRACE(1, "Repo::initSchema() failed for candidate central repo '%s'\n",
    errorMsg = folly::format("Failed to initialize schema in {}: {}",
                             repoPath, errorMsg).str();
    return false;
  m_centralRepo = repoPath;
  TRACE(1, "Central repo: '%s'\n", m_centralRepo.c_str());
  return true;
Example #4
 * Annotate this function with the kernel's interface.
void FunctionInterface::annotate()

	string msg = "Annotating function " + NAME(function);
	DEBUG(TOOL, msg);

	//Insert the pragmas
	vector<SgStatement*> pragmas(6);
	SgScopeStatement* scope = function->get_scope();
	pragmas[0] = PragmaBuilder::buildVariablePragma(INPUT, inputs, scope);
	pragmas[1] = PragmaBuilder::buildVariablePragma(GLOBAL_INPUT, globalInputs, scope);
	pragmas[2] = PragmaBuilder::buildVariablePragma(OUTPUT, outputs, scope);
	pragmas[3] = PragmaBuilder::buildVariablePragma(GLOBAL_OUTPUT, globalOutputs, scope);
	set<SgFunctionDeclaration*> functions;
	set<FunctionInterface*>::const_iterator funcIt;
	for(funcIt = calledFunctions.begin(); funcIt != calledFunctions.end(); funcIt++)
	pragmas[4] = PragmaBuilder::buildFunctionPragma(functions, scope);
	pragmas[5] = PragmaBuilder::buildClassesPragma(classesNeeded, scope);

	insertStatementList(function, pragmas);