Example #1
int Detector::test(IntegralImage &intg, SubwinInfoT &subwin)
	if (preTest(intg, subwin) == 0)
		return 0;

	double value = 0;
	int stage_count = 0;
	for (int i=0; i<ptr_model->weak_learner_num; i++)
		double temp = ptr_model->p_weak_learners[i].test(intg, subwin);
		value += temp;

		if (i != ptr_model->stage_idx[stage_count])

		if (value < ptr_model->stage_thd[stage_count])
			return 0;		
	return 1;
Example #2
bool Comb::calc(Point startPoint, Point endPoint, vector<Point>& combPoints)
    if (shorterThen(endPoint - startPoint, MM2INT(1.5)))
        return true;
    bool addEndpoint = false;
    //Check if we are inside the comb boundaries
    if (!checkInside(startPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&startPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
    if (!checkInside(endPoint))
        if (!moveInside(&endPoint))    //If we fail to move the point inside the comb boundary we need to retract.
            return false;
        addEndpoint = true;
    //Check if we are crossing any bounderies, and pre-calculate some values.
    if (!preTest(startPoint, endPoint))
        //We're not crossing any boundaries. So skip the comb generation.
        if (!addEndpoint && combPoints.size() == 0) //Only skip if we didn't move the start and end point.
            return true;
    //Calculate the minimum and maximum positions where we cross the comb boundary
    int64_t x = sp.X;
    vector<Point> pointList;
    //Now walk trough the crossings, for every boundary we cross, find the initial cross point and the exit point. Then add all the points in between
    // to the pointList and continue with the next boundary we will cross, until there are no more boundaries to cross.
    // This gives a path from the start to finish curved around the holes that it encounters.
        unsigned int n = getPolygonAbove(x);
        if (n == UINT_MAX) break;
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(minX[n] - MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        if ( (minIdx[n] - maxIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size() > (maxIdx[n] - minIdx[n] + boundery[n].size()) % boundery[n].size())
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i < boundery[n].size() - 1) ? (i + 1) : (0))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
            if (minIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) minIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            if (maxIdx[n] == UINT_MAX) maxIdx[n] = boundery[n].size() - 1;
            for(unsigned int i=minIdx[n]; i != maxIdx[n]; i = (i > 0) ? (i - 1) : (boundery[n].size() - 1))
                pointList.push_back(getBounderyPointWithOffset(n, i));
        pointList.push_back(matrix.unapply(Point(maxX[n] + MM2INT(0.2), sp.Y)));
        x = maxX[n];
    //Optimize the pointList, skip each point we could already reach by not crossing a boundary. This smooths out the path and makes it skip any unneeded corners.
    Point p0 = startPoint;
    for(unsigned int n=1; n<pointList.size(); n++)
        if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n]))
            if (collisionTest(p0, pointList[n-1]))
                return false;
            p0 = pointList[n-1];
    if (addEndpoint)
    return true;