Example #1
 *   And now the big routine.
   register shalfword cmd ;
   register integer i ;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %ld\n", pagenum) ;
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   (void)fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %d\n", pagenum) ;
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
   skipover(40) ; /* skip rest of bop command */
   while ((cmd=dvibyte())!=140) {
     switch (cmd) {
/* illegal options */
case 129: case 130: case 131: case 134: case 135: case 136: case 139: 
case 247: case 248: case 249: case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253:
case 254: case 255:
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%ld)",cmd) ;
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd) ;
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
         error(errbuf) ;
/* eight byte commands */
case 132: case 137:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* four byte commands */
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170: case 238:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* three byte commands */
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169: case 237:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* two byte commands */
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168: case 236:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
/* one byte commands */
case 128: case 133: case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162:
case 167: case 235:
   cmd = dvibyte() ;
   break ;
/* specials */
case 239: i = dvibyte() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 240: i = twobytes() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 241: i = threebytes() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
case 242: i = signedquad() ; predospecial(i, 0) ; break ;
/* font definition */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246:
   fontdef(cmd - 242) ;
   break ;
default: ;
Example #2
 *   Now our scanpage routine.
static void
   register shalfword cmd;
   register chardesctype *cd;
   register fontmaptype *cfnt = 0;
   integer fnt;
   integer mychar;
   register frametype *frp = frames;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   fprintf(stderr,"PPrescanning page %ld\n", pagenum);
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   fprintf(stderr,"PPrescanning page %d\n", pagenum);
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
   curfnt = NULL;
   curpos = NULL;
   while (1) {
      switch (cmd=dvibyte()) {
case 255: /* pTeX's dir or undefined */
         if (!noptex) {
/* illegal commands */
case 131: case 136: case 139: /* set4, put4, bop */
case 247: case 248: case 249: /* pre, post, post_post */
case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254: /* undefined */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
case 132: case 137: /* eight-byte commands setrule, putrule */
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170:
   /* four-byte commands right4, w4, x4, down4, y4, z4 */
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169:
   /* three-byte commands right3, w3, x3, down3, y3, z3 */
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168:
   /* two-byte commands right2, w2, x2, down2, y2, z2 */
case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162: case 167:
   /* one-byte commands right1, w1, x1, down1, y1, z1 */
case 147: case 152: case 161: case 166: /* w0, x0, y0, z0 */
case 138: case 141: case 142: /* nop, push, pop */
case 130: case 135: /* set3, put3 */
         if (noptex) {
               "! DVI file contains unexpected pTeX command (%d)",cmd);
         mychar = dvibyte(); mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         goto dochar;
case 129: case 134: /* set2, put2 */
         if (noomega && noptex) {
               "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
         mychar = dvibyte(); mychar = (mychar << 8) + dvibyte();
         goto dochar;
case 128: case 133: cmd = dvibyte(); /* set1, put1 commands drops through */
default:    /* these are commands 0 (setchar0) thru 127 (setchar 127) */
         mychar = cmd;
         if (curfnt==NULL)
            error("! Bad DVI file: no font selected");
         if (mychar>=curfnt->maxchars) {
            sprintf(errbuf,"! invalid char %d from font %s", mychar, curfnt->name);
         if (curfnt->loaded == 2) { /* scanning a virtual font character */
            frp->curp = curpos;
            frp->curl = curlim;
            frp->ff = ffont;
            frp->curf = curfnt;
            if (++frp == &frames[MAXFRAME] )
               error("! virtual recursion stack overflow");
            cd = curfnt->chardesc + mychar;
            if (cd->packptr == 0) {
               fprintf(stderr, "Wrong char code: %04X\n", mychar);
               error("! a non-existent virtual char is being used; check vf/tfm files");
            curpos = cd->packptr + 2;
            curlim = curpos + (256*(long)(*cd->packptr)+(*(cd->packptr+1)));
            ffont = curfnt->localfonts;
            if (ffont==NULL)
               curfnt = NULL;
         } else if (curfnt->loaded == 3)
            curfnt->chardesc[mychar].flags = EXISTS;
case 171: case 172: case 173: case 174: case 175: case 176: case 177:
case 178: case 179: case 180: case 181: case 182: case 183: case 184:
case 185: case 186: case 187: case 188: case 189: case 190: case 191:
case 192: case 193: case 194: case 195: case 196: case 197: case 198:
case 199: case 200: case 201: case 202: case 203: case 204: case 205:
case 206: case 207: case 208: case 209: case 210: case 211: case 212:
case 213: case 214: case 215: case 216: case 217: case 218: case 219:
case 220: case 221: case 222: case 223: case 224: case 225: case 226:
case 227: case 228: case 229: case 230: case 231: case 232: case 233:
case 234: case 235: case 236: case 237: case 238: /* font selection commands */
         if (cmd < 235) fnt = cmd - 171; /* fntnum0 thru fntnum63 */
         else {
            fnt = dvibyte(); /* fnt1 */
            while (cmd-- > 235)
               fnt = (fnt << 8) + dvibyte();
         for (cfnt=ffont; cfnt; cfnt = cfnt->next)
            if (cfnt->fontnum == fnt) goto fontfound;
         error("! no font selected");
fontfound:  curfnt = cfnt->desc;
case 239: predospecial((integer)dvibyte(), 1); break; /* xxx1 */
case 240: predospecial((integer)twobytes(), 1); break; /* xxx2 */
case 241: predospecial(threebytes(), 1); break; /* xxx3 */
case 242: predospecial(signedquad(), 1); break; /* xxx4 */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246: fontdef(cmd-242); break; /* fntdef1 */
case 140: /* eop or end of virtual char */
         if (curpos) {
            curfnt = frp->curf;
            ffont = frp->ff;
            curlim = frp->curl;
            curpos = frp->curp;
Example #3
 *   And now the big routine.
   register shalfword cmd;
   register integer i;

#ifdef DEBUG
   if (dd(D_PAGE))
   fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %ld\n", pagenum);
#else   /* ~SHORTINT */
   fprintf(stderr,"Skipping page %d\n", pagenum);
#endif  /* ~SHORTINT */
#endif  /* DEBUG */
/* skipover(40); skip rest of bop command? how did this get in here? */
   while ((cmd=dvibyte())!=140) {
     switch (cmd) {
case 255: /* pTeX's dir or undefined */
   if (!noptex) {
      cmd = dvibyte();
/* illegal commands */
case 139: case 247: case 248: case 249: /* bop, pre, post, post_post */
case 250: case 251: case 252: case 253: case 254: /* undefined */
            "! DVI file contains unexpected command (%d)",cmd);
/* eight byte commands */
case 132: case 137:
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* four byte commands */
case 131: case 136:
case 146: case 151: case 156: case 160: case 165: case 170: case 238:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* three byte commands */
case 130: case 135:
case 145: case 150: case 155: case 159: case 164: case 169: case 237:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* two byte commands */
case 129: case 134:
case 144: case 149: case 154: case 158: case 163: case 168: case 236:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* one byte commands */
case 128: case 133:
case 143: case 148: case 153: case 157: case 162: case 167: case 235:
   cmd = dvibyte();
/* specials */
case 239: i = dvibyte(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 240: i = twobytes(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 241: i = threebytes(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
case 242: i = signedquad(); predospecial(i, 0); break;
/* font definition */
case 243: case 244: case 245: case 246:
   fontdef(cmd - 242);