AtkAttributeSet *
getDocumentAttributesCB(AtkDocument *aDocument)
  nsAccessibleWrap* accWrap = GetAccessibleWrap(ATK_OBJECT(aDocument));
  if (!accWrap || !accWrap->IsDoc())
    return nsnull;

  // according to atkobject.h, AtkAttributeSet is a GSList
  GSList* attributes = nsnull;
  nsDocAccessible* document = accWrap->AsDoc();
  nsAutoString aURL;
  nsresult rv = document->GetURL(aURL);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    attributes = prependToList(attributes, kDocUrlName, aURL);

  nsAutoString aW3CDocType;
  rv = document->GetDocType(aW3CDocType);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    attributes = prependToList(attributes, kDocTypeName, aW3CDocType);

  nsAutoString aMimeType;
  rv = document->GetMimeType(aMimeType);
  if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv))
    attributes = prependToList(attributes, kMimeTypeName, aMimeType);

  return attributes;
AtkAttributeSet *
getDocumentAttributesCB(AtkDocument *aDocument)
    nsAccessibleWrap *accWrap = GetAccessibleWrap(ATK_OBJECT(aDocument));
    if (!accWrap)
        return nsnull;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIAccessibleDocument> accDocument;
    NS_ENSURE_TRUE(accDocument, nsnull);

    // according to atkobject.h, AtkAttributeSet is a GSList
    GSList *attributes = nsnull;

    nsAutoString aURL;
    nsresult rv = accDocument->GetURL(aURL);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        attributes = prependToList(attributes, kDocUrlName, aURL);
    nsAutoString aW3CDocType;
    rv = accDocument->GetDocType(aW3CDocType);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        attributes = prependToList(attributes, kDocTypeName, aW3CDocType);
    nsAutoString aMimeType;
    rv = accDocument->GetMimeType(aMimeType);
    if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
        attributes = prependToList(attributes, kMimeTypeName, aMimeType);
    return attributes;
Example #3
File: array.c Project: fmccabe/cafe
listPo replaceListEl(heapPo H, listPo list, integer px, termPo vl) {
  if (px >= listSize(list))
    return appendToList(H, list, vl);
  else if (px < 0)
    return prependToList(H, list, vl);
  else {
    basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);
    int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&vl));
    integer delta = base->length / 8;

    basePo nb = copyBase(H, base, list->start, list->length, delta);

    nb->els[nb->min + px] = vl;

    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) &nb);

    listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, list->length);
    assert(saneList(H, slice));

    gcReleaseRoot(H, root);
    return slice;
Example #4
File: array.c Project: fmccabe/cafe
listPo insertListEl(heapPo H, listPo list, integer px, termPo vl) {
  basePo base = C_BASE(list->base);

  if (px <= 0)
    return prependToList(H, list, vl);
  else if (px >= listSize(list))
    return appendToList(H, list, vl);
  else {
    int root = gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&base));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&list));
    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&vl));

    integer delta = base->length / 8;
    integer newLen = base->length + delta + 1;
    basePo nb = (basePo) allocateObject(H, baseClass, BaseCellCount(newLen));
    integer ocount = list->length;

    assert(ocount >= 0);

    integer extra = newLen - ocount;

    nb->min = extra / 2 - 1;
    nb->max = nb->min + ocount + 1;
    nb->length = newLen;

    for (integer ix = 0; ix < px; ix++) {
      nb->els[nb->min + ix] = base->els[base->min + ix];

    nb->els[nb->min + px] = vl;

    for (integer ix = px; ix < ocount; ix++) {
      nb->els[nb->min + ix + 1] = base->els[base->min + ix];

    gcAddRoot(H, (ptrPo) (&nb));
    listPo slice = (listPo) newSlice(H, nb, nb->min, ocount + 1);
    gcReleaseRoot(H, root);

    assert(saneList(H, slice));
    return slice;
Example #5
XeTeXFontMgr_FC::readNames(FcPattern* pat)
	NameCollection*	names = new NameCollection;

	char*	pathname;
	if (FcPatternGetString(pat, FC_FILE, 0, (FcChar8**)&pathname) != FcResultMatch)
		return names;
	int index;
	if (FcPatternGetInteger(pat, FC_INDEX, 0, &index) != FcResultMatch)
		return names;

	FT_Face face;
	if (FT_New_Face(gFreeTypeLibrary, pathname, index, &face) != 0)
		return names;

	const char* name = FT_Get_Postscript_Name(face);
	if (name == NULL)
		return names;
	names->psName = name;

	// for sfnt containers, we'll read the name table ourselves, not rely on Fontconfig
	if (FT_IS_SFNT(face)) {
		std::list<std::string>	familyNames;
		std::list<std::string>	subFamilyNames;
		FT_SfntName	nameRec;
		for (index = 0; index < FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count(face); ++index) {
			char*	utf8name = NULL;
			if (FT_Get_Sfnt_Name(face, index, &nameRec) != 0)
			switch (nameRec.name_id) {
				case kFontFullName:
				case kFontFamilyName:
				case kFontStyleName:
				case kPreferredFamilyName:
				case kPreferredSubfamilyName:
						bool	preferredName = false;
						if (nameRec.platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_MACINTOSH
								&& nameRec.encoding_id == TT_MAC_ID_ROMAN && nameRec.language_id == 0) {
							utf8name = convertToUtf8(macRomanConv, nameRec.string, nameRec.string_len);
							preferredName = true;
						else if ((nameRec.platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_APPLE_UNICODE)
								|| (nameRec.platform_id == TT_PLATFORM_MICROSOFT))
							utf8name = convertToUtf8(utf16beConv, nameRec.string, nameRec.string_len);

						if (utf8name != NULL) {
							std::list<std::string>*	nameList = NULL;
							switch (nameRec.name_id) {
								case kFontFullName:
									nameList = &names->fullNames;
								case kFontFamilyName:
									nameList = &names->familyNames;
								case kFontStyleName:
									nameList = &names->styleNames;
								case kPreferredFamilyName:
									nameList = &familyNames;
								case kPreferredSubfamilyName:
									nameList = &subFamilyNames;
							if (preferredName)
								prependToList(nameList, utf8name);
								appendToList(nameList, utf8name);
		if (familyNames.size() > 0)
			names->familyNames = familyNames;
		if (subFamilyNames.size() > 0)
			names->styleNames = subFamilyNames;
	else {
		index = 0;
		while (FcPatternGetString(pat, FC_FULLNAME, index++, (FcChar8**)&name) == FcResultMatch)
			appendToList(&names->fullNames, name);
		index = 0;
		while (FcPatternGetString(pat, FC_FAMILY, index++, (FcChar8**)&name) == FcResultMatch)
			appendToList(&names->familyNames, name);
		index = 0;
		while (FcPatternGetString(pat, FC_STYLE, index++, (FcChar8**)&name) == FcResultMatch)
			appendToList(&names->styleNames, name);

		if (names->fullNames.size() == 0) {
			std::string fullName(names->familyNames.front());
			if (names->styleNames.size() > 0) {
				fullName += " ";
				fullName += names->styleNames.front();


	return names;