int main()
	const char* string = (char *)malloc(50);
	const char* sub = (char *)malloc(19);
	int a = 8; float b = 9.4444; int c = 2;
	int d;
	printf("Before swapping: a = %d c = %d\n", a , c);
	a = a + c;
	c = a - c;
	a = a - c;
	printf("After swapping: a = %d c = %d\n", a , c);
	string = "This is the company namded apple inc";
	sub = "is";
	printf("Substring: %d\n", isSubstring(string, sub));
	printf("Position of the MSB is: %d\n", msbPos(3));
	printf("Is bit set: %d\n", isBitset(8,4));
	printf("%x to little endian %x\n", a, BigToLittle(a));
	printf("%d is a power of 2: %d\n", a ,isPowerof2(a));
	printf("%s after reversed: %s\n", string, reverse(string));
	printf("%s is palindrome: %d\n", string, isPalindrome(string));
	printf("%d is a prime number: %d\n",a, isPrimeNumber(a));
	printf("\nFibonacci Series: ");
	printf("Factorial of %d: %d\n", a, factorial(a));
	printf("%s after reversing: %s\n", string, reverseString(string));
	printf("Nearest int of %f is: %d\n", b, nearestInt(b));
	printf("%d", (-1%8));
	return 0;
Example #2
//Main function
int main(int argc, const int * argv[])

#ifdef DEBUG //in Debug mode that shows program execution time
	clock_t startTime;
	startTime = clock();
#endif // DEBUG

	//container, which holds all threads for easy managment
	vector<thread*> threadsVector;
	//thread creation, for every function different thread
	//after this point all functions will start working
	thread fibonacci(fibonaccisSequence);
	thread primeNumber(primeNumberFinder);

	//put all created threads in vector
	//complete all active threads
	for (size_t i = 0; i < threadsVector.size(); i++)

#ifdef DEBUG  //in Debug mode that shows program execution time
	startTime = clock() - startTime;
	cout << "\nPROGRAM execution time is: " << ((float)startTime) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC << " seconds.\n" << endl;
#endif // DEBUG

	return 0;
Example #3
static HashTable *HashMakeTable( int num_pnts )
	HashTable  *hash;

	hash = (HashTable *) calloc( sizeof(HashTable), 1 );
	hash->size        = primeNumber( (int)(num_pnts * 1.5) );
	hash->points      = (HashPoint *) calloc( sizeof(HashPoint), hash->size );
	hash->addPoint    = addPoint;
	hash->searchPoint = searchPoint;
	hash->getEntry    = getEntry;

	return hash;
Example #4
int main()
    int N;
    int counter=1;
    if(N==1)    counter=0;
    else if(N==2)   counter=1;
    for(int i=3; i<=N; i++)
        if( i%2==0 )    continue;
        if( primeNumber(i) )
    printf("%d", counter );
    return 0;
/** answer is -59231 */
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	std::set<long> bchoices = primeList(1000);
	long c = 1e6;
	std::set<long> primeset = primeList(c);
	int ma = -1000;
	int mb = -1000;
	int mnum = -1;
	for(auto bi = bchoices.begin(); bi != bchoices.end() ; ++ bi)
		int b = *bi;
		int lb = static_cast<int>(std::sqrt(b));
		for(int a = -b ; a < 1000 ;  )
			int num = primeNumber(a,b,primeset);
				c = 2*c;
				primeset = primeList(c);
			else if(num>mnum)
				mnum = num;
				ma = a;
				mb = b;
				a += 2;
				a += 2;
	std::cout<<ma<<' '<<mb<<' '<<ma*mb<<' '<<mnum<<std::endl;