char __cdecl CToJavaCallHandler(DCCallback* callback, DCArgs* args, DCValue* result, void* userdata) { CallTempStruct* call; jthrowable exc; NativeToJavaCallbackCallInfo* info = (NativeToJavaCallbackCallInfo*)userdata; JNIEnv *env = GetEnv(); initCallHandler(NULL, &call, env, &info->fInfo); call->pCallIOs = info->fInfo.fCallIOs; BEGIN_TRY(env, call); CToJavaCallHandler_Sub(call, info, args, result); END_TRY(info->fInfo.fEnv, call); exc = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env); if (exc) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); printStackTrace(env, exc); //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } cleanupCallHandler(call); return info->fInfo.fDCReturnType; }
void StackTraceNoHeap::log(const char *errorType, const char *tracefn, const char *pid, const char *buildId, int debuggerCount) const { int fd = ::open(tracefn, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) return; dprintf(fd, "Host: %s\n",Process::GetHostName().c_str()); dprintf(fd, "ProcessID: %s\n", pid); dprintf(fd, "ThreadID: %" PRIx64"\n", (int64_t)Process::GetThreadId()); dprintf(fd, "ThreadPID: %u\n", Process::GetThreadPid()); dprintf(fd, "Name: %s\n", Process::GetAppName().c_str()); dprintf(fd, "Type: %s\n", errorType ? errorType : "(unknown error)"); dprintf(fd, "Runtime: hhvm\n"); dprintf(fd, "Version: %s\n", buildId); dprintf(fd, "DebuggerCount: %d\n", debuggerCount); dprintf(fd, "\n"); for (auto const& pair : StackTraceLog::s_logData->data) { dprintf(fd, "%s: %s\n", pair.first.c_str(), pair.second.c_str()); } dprintf(fd, "\n"); printStackTrace(fd); ::close(fd); }
static void signal_handler(int sig) { char *name; switch (sig) { case SIGILL: name = "SIGILL"; break; case SIGABRT: name = "SIGABRT"; break; case SIGBUS: name = "SIGBUS"; break; case SIGSEGV: name = "SIGSEGV"; break; default: name = "??"; } fprintf(stdout, "received signal %s\n", name); printStackTrace(); printProfileInfo(); signal(SIGILL, NULL); signal(SIGABRT, NULL); signal(SIGBUS, NULL); signal(SIGSEGV, NULL); abort(); }
void assertAlreadyDeclared(void *p, int len) { if( commitJob.wi()._debug[p] >= len ) return; log() << "assertAlreadyDeclared fails " << (void*)p << " len:" << len << ' ' << commitJob.wi()._debug[p] << endl; printStackTrace(); abort(); }
void StackTraceNoHeap::log(const char *errorType, const char *tracefn, const char *pid) const { int fd = ::open(tracefn, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, S_IRUSR|S_IWUSR); if (fd < 0) return; dprintf(fd, "Host: %s\n",Process::GetHostName().c_str()); dprintf(fd, "ProcessID: %s\n", pid); dprintf(fd, "ThreadID: %llx\n", (int64)Process::GetThreadId()); dprintf(fd, "ThreadPID: %u\n", Process::GetThreadPid()); dprintf(fd, "Name: %s\n", Process::GetAppName().c_str()); dprintf(fd, "Type: %s\n", errorType ? errorType : "(unknown error)"); dprintf(fd, "Runtime: %s\n", hhvm ? "hhvm" : "hphp"); dprintf(fd, "Version: %s\n", COMPILER_ID); dprintf(fd, "\n"); hphp_string_map<std::string> &extra = StackTraceLog::s_logData->data; for (hphp_string_map<std::string>::const_iterator iter = extra.begin(); iter != extra.end(); ++iter) { dprintf(fd, "%s: %s\n", iter->first.c_str(), iter->second.c_str()); } dprintf(fd, "\n"); printStackTrace(fd); ::close(fd); }
void signalHandler(int signum) { // associate each signal with a signal name string. const char* name = NULL; switch(signum) { case SIGABRT: name = "SIGABRT"; break; case SIGSEGV: name = "SIGSEGV"; break; case SIGILL: name = "SIGILL"; break; case SIGFPE: name = "SIGFPE"; break; default: break; } // Dump a stack trace to a file. QFile stackTraceFile; QString& tmpPath = OpenModelica::tempDirectory(); stackTraceFile.setFileName(QString("%1openmodelica.stacktrace.%2").arg(tmpPath).arg(Helper::OMCServerName)); if ( | QIODevice::Text)) { printStackTrace(&stackTraceFile, signum, name); stackTraceFile.close(); } if (name) fprintf(stderr, "Caught signal %d", signum); else fprintf(stderr, "Caught signal %d (%s)", signum, name); CrashReportDialog *pCrashReportDialog = new CrashReportDialog; pCrashReportDialog->exec(); // If you caught one of the above signals, it is likely you just // want to quit your program right now. exit(signum); }
void FatalError(const std::string & errorMessage) { std::cerr << "\n\n\nSparCraft Fatal Error: \n\n\n " << errorMessage << "\n\n"; printStackTrace(1); throw(SPARCRAFT_FATAL_ERROR); }
// TODO: if we get a segfault while saving, what then? void sigbadHandler ( int x , siginfo_t *info , void *y ) { log("loop: sigbadhandler. disabling handler from recall."); // . don't allow this handler to be called again // . does this work if we're in a thread? struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO ; //| SA_ONESHOT; sa.sa_sigaction = NULL; sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGFPE, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGSYS, &sa, NULL); // if we've already been here, or don't need to be, then bail if ( g_loop.m_shutdown ) { log("loop: sigbadhandler. shutdown already called."); return; } // unwind printStackTrace(); // if we're a thread, let main process know to shutdown g_loop.m_shutdown = 2; log("loop: sigbadhandler. trying to save now. mode=%" PRId32, (int32_t)g_process.m_mode); // . this will save all Rdb's // . if "urgent" is true it will dump core // . if "urgent" is true it won't broadcast its shutdown to all hosts g_process.shutdown ( true ); }
// takes an entry that was written _logTransactionOps // and applies them to collections // // TODO: possibly improve performance of this. We create and destroy a // context for each operation. Find a way to amortize it out if necessary // void applyTransactionFromOplog(BSONObj entry) { bool transactionAlreadyApplied = entry["a"].Bool(); if (!transactionAlreadyApplied) { Client::Transaction transaction(DB_SERIALIZABLE); if (entry.hasElement("ref")) { applyRefOp(entry); } else if (entry.hasElement("ops")) { applyOps(entry["ops"].Array()); } else { verify(0); } // set the applied bool to true, to let the oplog know that // this entry has been applied to collections BSONElementManipulator(entry["a"]).setBool(true); { LOCK_REASON(lockReason, "repl: setting oplog entry's applied bit"); Lock::DBRead lk1("local", lockReason); writeEntryToOplog(entry, false); } // If this code fails, it is impossible to recover from // because we don't know if the transaction successfully committed // so we might as well crash // There is currently no known way this code can throw an exception try { // we are operating as a secondary. We don't have to fsync transaction.commit(DB_TXN_NOSYNC); } catch (std::exception &e) { log() << "exception during commit of applyTransactionFromOplog, aborting system: " << e.what() << endl; printStackTrace(); logflush(); ::abort(); } } }
void abortHandler( int signum ) #endif { // associate each signal with a signal name string. const char * name = NULL; switch ( signum ) { case SIGABRT: name = "SIGABRT" ; break ; case SIGSEGV: name = "SIGSEGV" ; break ; #ifndef WIN32 case SIGBUS: name = "SIGBUS" ; break ; #endif case SIGILL: name = "SIGILL" ; break ; case SIGFPE: name = "SIGFPE" ; break ; } // Notify the user which signal was caught. We use printf, because this is the // most basic output function. Once you get a crash, it is possible that more // complex output systems like streams and the like may be corrupted. So we // make the most basic call possible to the lowest level, most // standard print function. if ( name ) fprintf ( stderr, "Caught signal %d(%s)\n" , signum, name ); else fprintf ( stderr, "Caught signal %d\n" , signum ); // Dump a stack trace. Will do Windows/Cygwin later. Randy #ifdef UNIX_BACKTRACE_OK printStackTrace(); #else // StackDump(); #endif // If you caught one of the above signals, it is likely you just // want to quit your program right now. exit ( signum ); }
extern void printMemoryLeaks() { // Dump general heap memory leaks if (__memoryAllocationCount == 0) { gameplay::print("[memory] All HEAP allocations successfully cleaned up (no leaks detected).\n"); } else { gameplay::print("[memory] WARNING: %d HEAP allocations still active in memory.\n", __memoryAllocationCount); MemoryAllocationRecord* rec = __memoryAllocations; while (rec) { #ifdef WIN32 if (rec->trackStackTrace) { gameplay::print("[memory] LEAK: HEAP allocation leak at address %#x of size %d:\n", rec->address, rec->size); printStackTrace(rec); } else gameplay::print("[memory] LEAK: HEAP allocation leak at address %#x of size %d from line %d in file '%s'.\n", rec->address, rec->size, rec->line, rec->file); #else gameplay::print("[memory] LEAK: HEAP allocation leak at address %#x of size %d from line %d in file '%s'.\n", rec->address, rec->size, rec->line, rec->file); #endif rec = rec->next; } } }
void repl(Interpreter &interpreter, const Settings &settings) { std::cout << "Enter some code, or type \'exit\' when finished:\n"; std::string line; int count = 0; while((std::cout << " > ") && std::getline(std::cin, line) && !(line == "quit" || line == "exit")) { ++count; try { Token token = lex("repl(" + str(count) + ")", line); Declarations declarations = interpreter.declarations(); InstructionList instructions = parse(token, declarations, settings); if (!instructions.empty()) { Value result = interpreter.exec(instructions); std::cout << " < " << result << std::endl; } } catch(const LexError &e) { std::cerr << "Lex error at " << e.sourceLocation() << " " << e.what() << '\n'; printStackTrace(std::cerr, e); } catch(const ParseError &e) { std::cerr << "Parse error at " << e.sourceLocation() << " " << e.what() << '\n'; printStackTrace(std::cerr, e); } catch(const ExecutionError &e) { std::cerr << "Execution error at " << e.sourceLocation() << " " << e.what() << '\n'; printStackTrace(std::cerr, e); } catch(const RaspError &e) { std::cerr << "General error: " << e.what() << '\n'; printStackTrace(std::cerr, e); } catch(const std::exception &error) { std::cerr << "Internal Error: " << error.what() << std::endl; } } // If you use CTRL-D, nice to output a newline... std::cout << '\n'; }
NOINLINE_DECL void msgasserted(int msgid, const char *msg) { assertionCount.condrollover( ++assertionCount.warning ); tlog() << "Assertion: " << msgid << ":" << msg << endl; raiseError(msgid,msg && *msg ? msg : "massert failure"); breakpoint(); printStackTrace(); throw MsgAssertionException(msgid, msg); }
WriteConflictException::WriteConflictException() : DBException( "WriteConflict", ErrorCodes::WriteConflict ) { if ( trace ) { printStackTrace(); } }
/* The given object 'sobj' must have a void println(char[]) method */ JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_java_lang_Throwable_printStackTrace0 (JNIEnv *env, jobject thisobj, jobject sobj) { StackTrace tr; tr = (StackTrace)FNI_GetJNIData(env, thisobj); if (printStackTrace(env, sobj, tr) != 0) printNumericStackTrace(env, sobj, tr); return; }
/** * Prints stack trace to stdout */ extern SERVER_DECL void printStackTrace() { #if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) char buffer[6400]; printStackTrace(&buffer[0], 6400); printf("%s", buffer); #endif }
void msgasserted(int msgid, const char *msg) { assertionCount.condrollover( ++assertionCount.warning ); tlog() << "Assertion: " << msgid << ":" << msg << endl; lastAssert[2].set(msg, getDbContext().c_str(), "", 0); raiseError(msgid,msg && *msg ? msg : "massert failure"); breakpoint(); printStackTrace(); throw MsgAssertionException(msgid, msg); }
/** * Used for assertions */ extern SERVER_DECL void arcAssertFailed(const char* fname, int line, const char* expr) { printf("Assertion Failed: (%s)\n", expr); printf("Location: %s(%i)\n", fname, line); //printf( "Expression: %s\n", expr ); #if defined(WIN32) && defined(_DEBUG) printf("Stack trace:\n"); printStackTrace(); #endif }
void Abort(const char* error, ...) { va_list argptr; va_start (argptr, error); fprintf(stderr,"Abort: "); vfprintf(stderr,error,argptr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); va_end (argptr); printStackTrace(); throw; }
void abortHandler ( int signum ) { #ifdef GNUC FILE* outfile = OpenStackFile (); FILE* out; if( outfile == nullptr ) { printf( "Unable to open !stacktrace.txt\n" ); out = stdout; } else { out = outfile; } // associate each signal with a signal name string. const char* name = NULL; switch( signum ) { case SIGABRT: name = "SIGABRT"; break; case SIGSEGV: name = "SIGSEGV"; break; case SIGBUS: name = "SIGBUS"; break; case SIGILL: name = "SIGILL"; break; case SIGFPE: name = "SIGFPE"; break; default: name = "Unknown signum"; break; } // Notify the user which signal was caught. We use printf, because this is the // most basic output function. Once you get a crash, it is possible that more // complex output systems like streams and the like may be corrupted. So we // make the most basic call possible to the lowest level, most // standard print function. if( name ) fprintf ( out, "Caught signal %d (%s)\n\n", signum, name ); else fprintf ( out, "Caught signal %d\n\n", signum ); // Dump a stack trace. // This is the function we will be implementing next. printStackTrace ( out ); // If you caught one of the above signals, it is likely you just // want to quit your program right now. if( outfile ) fclose ( outfile ); exit(signum); #else throw signum; // Just use C++ UnhandledException filters on windows. // This allows us to get current thread context without // the need to use assembly code. #endif }
static MongoMMF* findMMF_inlock(void *ptr, size_t &ofs) { MongoMMF *f = privateViews.find_inlock(ptr, ofs); if( f == 0 ) { error() << "findMMF_inlock failed " << privateViews.numberOfViews_inlock() << endl; printStackTrace(); // we want a stack trace and the assert below didn't print a trace once in the real world - not sure why stringstream ss; ss << "view pointer cannot be resolved " << hex << (size_t) ptr; journalingFailure(ss.str().c_str()); // asserts, which then abends } return f; }
void Assert(int assertion, const char* error, ...) { va_list argptr; if(!assertion) { va_start (argptr, error); fprintf(stderr,"Assertion Failed: "); vfprintf(stderr,error,argptr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); va_end (argptr); printStackTrace(); throw; } }
void printStackTrace(JNIEnv* env, jthrowable ex) { jthrowable cause; jclass thClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/Throwable"); jmethodID printMeth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, thClass, "printStackTrace", "()V"); jmethodID causeMeth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, thClass, "getCause", "()Ljava/lang/Throwable;"); if (!ex) { jclass exClass = (*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/RuntimeException"); jmethodID initMeth = (*env)->GetMethodID(env, exClass, "<init>", "()V"); ex = (jthrowable)(*env)->NewObject(env, exClass, initMeth); } (*env)->CallVoidMethod(env, (jobject)ex, printMeth); cause = (jthrowable)(*env)->CallObjectMethod(env, ex, causeMeth); if (cause) printStackTrace(env, cause); }
void abruptQuit(int x) { ostringstream ossSig; ossSig << "Got signal: " << x << " (" << strsignal( x ) << ")." << endl; rawOut( ossSig.str() ); ostringstream ossOp; ossOp << "Last op: " << currentOp.infoNoauth() << endl; rawOut( ossOp.str() ); ostringstream oss; oss << "Backtrace:" << endl; printStackTrace( oss ); rawOut( oss.str() ); dbexit( EXIT_ABRUBT ); }
char __cdecl CToJavaCallHandler(DCCallback* callback, DCArgs* args, DCValue* result, void* userdata) { CallTempStruct* call; jthrowable exc; NativeToJavaCallbackCallInfo* info = (NativeToJavaCallbackCallInfo*)userdata; JNIEnv *env = GetEnv(); initCallHandler(NULL, &call, env); BEGIN_TRY(env, call); call->pCallIOs = info->fInfo.fCallIOs; dcMode(call->vm, JNI_CALL_MODE); if (!info->fCallbackInstance) { throwException(env, "Trying to call a null callback instance !"); cleanupCallHandler(call); return info->fInfo.fDCReturnType; } if (0) { float value = dcbArgFloat(args); float ret = (*call->env)->CallFloatMethod(call->env, info->fCallbackInstance, info->fMethod, value); result->f = ret; } else { dcArgPointer(call->vm, (DCpointer)call->env); dcArgPointer(call->vm, info->fCallbackInstance); dcArgPointer(call->vm, info->fMethod); if (info->fIsGenericCallback) { followArgsGenericJavaCallback(call, args, info->fInfo.nParams, info->fInfo.fParamTypes) && followCallGenericJavaCallback(call, info->fInfo.fReturnType, result, (void*)(*env)->CallObjectMethod); } else { followArgs(call, args, info->fInfo.nParams, info->fInfo.fParamTypes, JNI_TRUE, JNI_TRUE) && followCall(call, info->fInfo.fReturnType, result, info->fJNICallFunction, JNI_TRUE, JNI_FALSE); } exc = (*env)->ExceptionOccurred(env); if (exc) { (*env)->ExceptionDescribe(env); printStackTrace(env, exc); //(*env)->ExceptionClear(env); } } cleanupCallHandler(call); END_TRY_BASE(info->fInfo.fEnv, call, cleanupCallHandler(call););
void CBattlegroundManager::DeleteBattleground(CBattleground* bg) { try { uint32 i = bg->GetType(); uint32 j = bg->GetLevelGroup(); Player* plr; m_instanceLock.Acquire(); m_queueLock.Acquire(); m_instances[i].erase(bg->GetId()); /* erase any queued players */ list<uint32>::iterator itr = m_queuedPlayers[i][j].begin(); list<uint32>::iterator it2; for (; itr != m_queuedPlayers[i][j].end();) { it2 = itr++; plr = objmgr.GetPlayer(*it2); if (!plr) { m_queuedPlayers[i][j].erase(it2); continue; } if (plr && plr->m_bgQueueInstanceId == bg->GetId()) { sChatHandler.SystemMessageToPlr(plr, plr->GetSession()->LocalizedWorldSrv(54), bg->GetId()); SendBattlefieldStatus(plr, BGSTATUS_NOFLAGS, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); plr->m_bgIsQueued = false; m_queuedPlayers[i][j].erase(it2); } } m_queueLock.Release(); m_instanceLock.Release(); //LOG_DETAIL("Deleting battleground from queue %u, instance %u", bg->GetType(), bg->GetId()); delete bg; } catch (...) // for Win32 Debug { LOG_ERROR("Exception: CBattlegroundManager::DeleteBattleground"); printStackTrace(); throw; } }
void WriteBackManager::queueWriteBack( const string& remote , const BSONObj& o ) { static mongo::mutex xxx( "WriteBackManager::queueWriteBack tmp" ); static OID lastOID; scoped_lock lk( xxx ); const BSONElement& e = o["id"]; if ( lastOID.isSet() ) { if ( e.OID() < lastOID ) { log() << "this could fail" << endl; printStackTrace(); } } lastOID = e.OID(); getWritebackQueue( remote )->queue.push( o ); }
int main ( int argc, char * * argv ) { int i; init_exception_handler(argv[0]); for (i = -3; i < 3; i ++) { int e; try { foo(i); throw(UnknownException); } catch (e) { e_getMessage(e, __func__); printStackTrace(); } } return (0); }
static void *threadLooper(void *x) { int runTime = 0; size_t lastStrokeSeen = sWatchdogStrokeCount; /* allow to run for up to 2 minutes */ while (runTime < sWatchdogTimeout) { safeSleep(5); runTime += 5; if (lastStrokeSeen == sWatchdogStrokeCount) { msg("Watchdog not stroked for a while, printing stack: \n"); printStackTrace(); } lastStrokeSeen = sWatchdogStrokeCount; } msg("Watchdog about to abort with a timeout after %d\n", runTime); _exit(20); return NULL; }
DBClientBase * get( const string& addr , const string& ns, bool ignoreDirect = false ) { _check( ns ); // Determine if non-shard conn is RS member for warning // All shards added to _hosts if not present in _check() if( ( logLevel >= 1 || ! printedShardConnWarning ) && ! ignoreDirect && _hosts.find( addr ) == _hosts.end() ){ vector<Shard> all; Shard::getAllShards( all ); bool isRSMember = false; string parentShard; for ( unsigned i = 0; i < all.size(); i++ ) { string connString = all[i].getConnString(); if( connString.find( addr ) != string::npos && connString.find( '/' ) != string::npos ){ isRSMember = true; parentShard = connString; break; } } if( isRSMember ){ printedShardConnWarning = true; warning() << "adding shard sub-connection " << addr << " (parent " << parentShard << ") as sharded, this is safe but unexpected" << endl; printStackTrace(); } } Status* &s = _hosts[addr]; if ( ! s ) s = new Status(); if ( s->avail ) { DBClientBase* c = s->avail; s->avail = 0; shardConnectionPool.onHandedOut( c ); return c; } s->created++; return shardConnectionPool.get( addr ); }