int main(void) { unsigned int i; unsigned long long t[NRUNS]; pk = calloc(crypto_dh_PUBLICKEYBYTES,1); if(!pk) fail("allocation of pk failed"); sk = calloc(crypto_dh_SECRETKEYBYTES,1); if(!sk) fail("allocation of sk failed"); s = calloc(crypto_dh_BYTES,1); if(!s) fail("allocation of s failed"); for(i=0;i<NRUNS;i++) { t[i] = cpucycles(); crypto_dh_keypair(pk,sk); } print_speed(XSTR(crypto_dh_keypair),-1,t,NRUNS); for(i=0;i<NRUNS;i++) { t[i] = cpucycles(); crypto_dh(s,pk,sk); } print_speed(XSTR(crypto_dh),-1,t,NRUNS); free(pk); free(sk); free(s); avr_end(); return 0; }
int check (int n, int freq) { SchroBuffer *buffer; OilProfile prof; double ave, std; int x; int y; buffer = schro_buffer_new_and_alloc (100000); encode(buffer, n, freq); print_speed(); x = decode(buffer, n, &prof, 0); oil_profile_get_ave_std (&prof, &ave, &std); printf("orig %d,%d: %g (%g) %d\n", n, freq, ave, std, x); x = decode(buffer, n, &prof, 1); oil_profile_get_ave_std (&prof, &ave, &std); printf("ref %d,%d: %g (%g) %d\n", n, freq, ave, std, x); y = decode(buffer, n, &prof, 2); oil_profile_get_ave_std (&prof, &ave, &std); printf("test %d,%d: %g (%g) %d\n", n, freq, ave, std, y); if (x != y) { printf("BROKEN\n"); } schro_buffer_unref (buffer); return 0; }
static void track_disp_hdr_cb(const route_head *track) { cur_info = &route_info[route_idx]; cur_info->prev_wpt = NULL; cur_info->total = 0; current_trk = (route_head *)track; if (track->rte_waypt_ct <= 0) return; if (!gtxt_flags.track_header_written) { gtxt_flags.track_header_written = 1; gbfprintf(fout, "\r\n\r\nHeader\t%s\r\n", headers[track_header]); } print_string("\r\nTrack\t%s\t", current_trk->rte_name ? current_trk->rte_name : ""); print_date_and_time(cur_info->start, 0); print_date_and_time(cur_info->time, 1); print_distance(cur_info->length, 0, 1, 0); print_speed(&cur_info->length, &cur_info->time); print_string("%s", (track->rte_url != NULL) ? track->rte_url : ""); gbfprintf(fout, "\r\n\r\nHeader\t%s\r\n\r\n", headers[trkpt_header]); }
void reticolo () { double passo = 0.0;//passo del reticolo //contatori double rx = 0.0; double ry = 0.0; int q=0; int m=0; int i,j; double speed_cm[2]={0.0,0.0}; //Definisco il passo del reticolo cercando il minimo doppio di un quadrato: m >= n. //Questa procedur a permette di sfruttare l'intero spazio a disposizione per la creazione del reticolo. for (q = 0; m < number_of_particles; q++){ m = 2*q*q; } passo = sqrt(2/(double)m); printf("passo %lf\n", passo); //creazione reticolo rx=0; ry=0; genera_sottoreticolo(rx,ry,q,0,passo); rx = passo/2.0; ry = passo/2.0; genera_sottoreticolo(rx,ry,q,number_of_particles/2, passo); for (i =0 ; i< number_of_particles; i++){ for ( j = 0; j<N;j++){ speed_cm[j] += particleList[i].speed[j]; } } for ( i= 0; i<number_of_particles;i++){ for(j=0;j<N;j++){ particleList[i].speed[j] -= speed_cm[j]/((double) number_of_particles); } } print_coordinate(); print_speed(); }
static void track_disp_wpt_cb(const waypoint *wpt) { waypoint *prev = cur_info->prev_wpt; time_t delta; double dist, depth; gbfprintf(fout, "Trackpoint\t"); print_position(wpt); print_date_and_time(wpt->creation_time, 0); if IS_VALID_ALT(wpt->altitude) print_distance(wpt->altitude, 1, 0, 0); gbfprintf(fout, "\t"); depth = WAYPT_GET(wpt, depth, unknown_alt); if (depth != unknown_alt) print_distance(depth, 1, 0, 1); if (prev != NULL) { float temp; gbfprintf(fout, "\t"); delta = wpt->creation_time - prev->creation_time; temp = WAYPT_GET(wpt, temperature, -999); if (temp != -999) print_temperature(temp); gbfprintf(fout, "\t"); dist = waypt_distance_ex(prev, wpt); print_distance(dist, 0, 1, 0); print_date_and_time(delta, 1); print_speed(&dist, &delta); print_course(prev, wpt); } gbfprintf(fout, "\r\n"); cur_info->prev_wpt = (waypoint *)wpt; }
void handle_com_port_command(unsigned char *buf) { unsigned char cmd = *buf++; int cmdarg; int cmdidx; int is_notify = 0; int notify; cmdidx = (int) cmd; if (cmd >= RAS_COM_START && cmd <= RAS_COM_END) { cmdidx -= RAS_COM_START; } print_command(cmdidx); switch (cmd) { case RAS_COM_SIGNATURE: case RAS_COM_FLOWCONTROL_SUSPEND: case RAS_COM_FLOWCONTROL_RESUME: break; case RAS_COM_SET_BAUDRATE: Comport.portconfig.speed = GET_VALUE_4(buf); print_speed(Comport.portconfig.speed); break; case RAS_COM_SET_DATASIZE: Comport.portconfig.datasize = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_datasize(Comport.portconfig.datasize); break; case RAS_COM_SET_PARITY: Comport.portconfig.parity = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_parity(Comport.portconfig.parity); break; case RAS_COM_SET_STOPSIZE: Comport.portconfig.stopsize = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_stopsize(Comport.portconfig.stopsize); break; case RAS_COM_SET_CONTROL: cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_setcontrol(cmdarg); switch (cmdarg) { case COM_OFLOW_NONE: case COM_OFLOW_SOFT: case COM_OFLOW_HARD: Comport.portconfig.flowc = cmdarg; break; default: break; } break; case RAS_COM_NOTIFY_LINESTATE: is_notify = 1; cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_linestate(cmdarg); Comport.portstate.linestate = cmdarg; if (cmdarg & LINE_BREAK_ERROR) { notify = NT_BREAK; SET_EVENT(EV_RN, EV_RNNTFY, ¬ify, sizeof(int)); } if (cmdarg & LINE_PARITY_ERROR) { notify = NT_PARITY; SET_EVENT(EV_RN, EV_RNNTFY, ¬ify, sizeof(int)); } break; case RAS_COM_SET_LINESTATE_MASK: cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_linestate(cmdarg); break; case RAS_COM_NOTIFY_MODEMSTATE: is_notify = 1; cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); if ((cmdarg ^ Comport.portstate.modemstate) & MODEM_DCD) { if (Comport.portstate.modemstate & MODEM_DCD) { notify = NT_DCDOFF; SET_EVENT(EV_RN, EV_RNNTFY, ¬ify, sizeof(int)); } else { notify = NT_DCDON; SET_EVENT(EV_RN, EV_RNNTFY, ¬ify, sizeof(int)); } } Comport.portstate.modemstate = cmdarg; print_modemstate(cmdarg); break; case RAS_COM_SET_MODEMSTATE_MASK: cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_modemstate(cmdarg); break; case RAS_COM_PURGE_DATA: cmdarg = GET_VALUE_1(buf); print_purge(cmdarg); break; default: sysmessage(MSG_NOTICE, "Unnimplemented command: %d\n", cmd); break; } if (!is_notify) { if (IS_CMD_ACTIVE(cmdidx)) { CLR_CMD_ACTIVE(cmdidx); /* Synchronous operation */ } else { SET_EVENT(EV_RN, EV_RNCMDOK, 0, 0); } } print_all(); }
static void esp_spp_cb(esp_spp_cb_event_t event, esp_spp_cb_param_t *param) { switch (event) { case ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_INIT_EVT"); esp_bt_dev_set_device_name(EXCAMPLE_DEVICE_NAME); esp_bt_gap_set_scan_mode(ESP_BT_CONNECTABLE, ESP_BT_GENERAL_DISCOVERABLE); esp_bt_gap_start_discovery(inq_mode, inq_len, inq_num_rsps); break; case ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_DISCOVERY_COMP_EVT status=%d scn_num=%d",param->disc_comp.status, param->disc_comp.scn_num); if (param->disc_comp.status == ESP_SPP_SUCCESS) { esp_spp_connect(sec_mask, role_master, param->disc_comp.scn[0], peer_bd_addr); } break; case ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_OPEN_EVT"); esp_spp_write(param->srv_open.handle, SPP_DATA_LEN, spp_data); gettimeofday(&time_old, NULL); break; case ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_CLOSE_EVT"); break; case ESP_SPP_START_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_START_EVT"); break; case ESP_SPP_CL_INIT_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_CL_INIT_EVT"); break; case ESP_SPP_DATA_IND_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_DATA_IND_EVT"); break; case ESP_SPP_CONG_EVT: #if (SPP_SHOW_MODE == SPP_SHOW_DATA) ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_CONG_EVT cong=%d", param->cong.cong); #endif if (param->cong.cong == 0) { esp_spp_write(param->cong.handle, SPP_DATA_LEN, spp_data); } break; case ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT: #if (SPP_SHOW_MODE == SPP_SHOW_DATA) ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_WRITE_EVT len=%d cong=%d", param->write.len , param->write.cong); esp_log_buffer_hex("",spp_data,SPP_DATA_LEN); #else gettimeofday(&time_new, NULL); data_num += param->write.len; if (time_new.tv_sec - time_old.tv_sec >= 3) { print_speed(); } #endif if (param->write.cong == 0) { esp_spp_write(param->write.handle, SPP_DATA_LEN, spp_data); } break; case ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT: ESP_LOGI(SPP_TAG, "ESP_SPP_SRV_OPEN_EVT"); break; default: break; } }