/** Handler for SIGILL (illegal instruction). */ void ill_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void*) { #ifdef CVC4_DEBUG safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 executed an illegal instruction in DEBUG mode.\n"); if(!segvSpin) { print_statistics(); abort(); } else { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Spinning so that a debugger can be connected.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Try: gdb "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " or: gdb --pid="); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); for(;;) { sleep(60); } } #else /* CVC4_DEBUG */ safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 executed an illegal instruction.\n"); print_statistics(); abort(); #endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */ }
int main(void) { LEDS_CONFIGURE(LEDS_MASK); LEDS_OFF(LEDS_MASK); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(WAVE_ON_PIN_NUMBER); // on this pin 2Hz wave will be generated #ifdef BSP_BUTTON_0 // configure pull-up on first button nrf_gpio_cfg_input(BSP_BUTTON_0, NRF_GPIO_PIN_PULLUP); #endif APP_GPIOTE_INIT(1); uart_config(); lpcomp_init(); printf("\n\rLPCOMP driver usage example\r\n"); while (true) { print_statistics(); LEDS_ON(BSP_LED_1_MASK); NRF_GPIO->OUTCLR = (1 << WAVE_ON_PIN_NUMBER); nrf_delay_ms(100); // generate 100 ms pulse on selected pin print_statistics(); LEDS_OFF(BSP_LED_1_MASK); NRF_GPIO->OUTSET = (1 << WAVE_ON_PIN_NUMBER); nrf_delay_ms(400); } }
/* The main function */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Generate the grids and populate them with the same set of random values. */ GRID_STRUCT *grid_1 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); GRID_STRUCT *grid_2 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); GRID_STRUCT *grid_3 = (GRID_STRUCT *)malloc(sizeof(GRID_STRUCT)); grid_1->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION; grid_1->num_elements = grid_1->dimension * grid_1->dimension; grid_2->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION; grid_2->num_elements = grid_2->dimension * grid_2->dimension; grid_3->dimension = GRID_DIMENSION; grid_3->num_elements = grid_3->dimension * grid_3->dimension; create_grids(grid_1, grid_2, grid_3); /* Compute the reference solution using the single-threaded version. */ printf("Using the single threaded version to solve the grid. \n"); int num_iter = compute_gold(grid_1); printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter); /* Use pthreads to solve the equation uisng the red-black parallelization technique. */ printf("Using pthreads to solve the grid using the red-black parallelization method. \n"); num_iter = compute_using_pthreads_red_black(grid_2); printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter); /* Use pthreads to solve the equation using the jacobi method in parallel. */ printf("Using pthreads to solve the grid using the jacobi method. \n"); num_iter = compute_using_pthreads_jacobi(grid_3); printf("Convergence achieved after %d iterations. \n", num_iter); /* Print key statistics for the converged values. */ printf("\n"); printf("Reference: \n"); print_statistics(grid_1); printf("Red-black: \n"); print_statistics(grid_2); printf("Jacobi: \n"); print_statistics(grid_3); /* Compute grid differences. */ compute_grid_differences(grid_1, grid_2, grid_3); /* Free up the grid data structures. */ free((void *)grid_1->element); free((void *)grid_1); free((void *)grid_2->element); free((void *)grid_2); free((void *)grid_3->element); free((void *)grid_3); return 0; }
static void print_detailed(const matstat_state_t *states, size_t nelem, unsigned int test_min, const stat_limits_t *limits) { if (LOG2_STATS) { print_str(" interval count sum sum_sq min max mean variance\n"); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nelem; ++k) { char buf[20]; unsigned int num = (1 << k); if (num >= TEST_NUM) { break; } unsigned int start = num + test_min; if (num == 1) { /* special case, bitarithm_msb will return 0 for both 0 and 1 */ start = test_min; } print(buf, fmt_lpad(buf, fmt_u32_dec(buf, start), 4, ' ')); print_str(" - "); print(buf, fmt_lpad(buf, fmt_u32_dec(buf, test_min + (num * 2) - 1), 4, ' ')); print_str(": "); print_statistics(&states[k], limits); } print_str(" TOTAL "); } else { print_str("interval count sum sum_sq min max mean variance\n"); for (unsigned int k = 0; k < nelem; ++k) { char buf[10]; print(buf, fmt_lpad(buf, fmt_u32_dec(buf, k + test_min), 7, ' ')); print_str(": "); print_statistics(&states[k], limits); } print_str(" TOTAL: "); } print_totals(states, nelem, limits); }
/** Handler for SIGSEGV (segfault). */ void segv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* c) { uintptr_t extent = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(cvc4StackBase) - cvc4StackSize; uintptr_t addr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(info->si_addr); #ifdef CVC4_DEBUG safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 suffered a segfault in DEBUG mode.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Offending address is "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, info->si_addr); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); //cerr << "base is " << (void*)cvc4StackBase << endl; //cerr << "size is " << cvc4StackSize << endl; //cerr << "extent is " << (void*)extent << endl; if(addr >= extent && addr <= extent + 10*1024) { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Looks like this is likely due to stack overflow.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "You might consider increasing the limit with `ulimit -s' or " "equivalent.\n"); } else if(addr < 10*1024) { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Looks like a NULL pointer was dereferenced.\n"); } if(!segvSpin) { print_statistics(); abort(); } else { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Spinning so that a debugger can be connected.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Try: gdb "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " or: gdb --pid="); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); for(;;) { sleep(60); } } #else /* CVC4_DEBUG */ safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 suffered a segfault.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Offending address is "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, info->si_addr); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); if(addr >= extent && addr <= extent + 10*1024) { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Looks like this is likely due to stack overflow.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "You might consider increasing the limit with `ulimit -s' or " "equivalent.\n"); } else if(addr < 10*1024) { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Looks like a NULL pointer was dereferenced.\n"); } print_statistics(); abort(); #endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */ }
int lazy_supervised_classification() { __START_TIMER__ CACHE.locked=0; evaluation_t evaluator; prediction_t prediction; initialize_evaluation(&evaluator); int n_tests=1; list_t* test=TEST; while(test) { struct timeval s; gettimeofday(&s, NULL); prediction=get_THE_prediction(test->instance, test->size, test->label); struct timeval e; gettimeofday(&e, NULL); long long tt=(e.tv_sec-s.tv_sec)*1000000+e.tv_usec-s.tv_usec; printf("time: %d %lf\n", n_tests, tt/(double)1000000); update_evaluation(&evaluator, prediction.label, test->label); print_statistics(n_tests, test->label, test->id, prediction, evaluator); n_tests++; list_t* x=test->next; free(test->instance); free(test); test=x; } printf("\n"); for(int i=0;i<MAX_CLASSES;i++) printf("CLASS(%d)= %d Prec= %f Rec= %f F1= %f ", i, evaluator.true_labels[i], evaluator.precision[i], evaluator.recall[i], evaluator.f1[i]); printf("Acc= %f MF1= %f * hits= %ld misses= %ld\n", evaluator.acc, evaluator.mf1, CACHE.hits, CACHE.misses); //finalize_evaluation(&evaluator); __FINISH_TIMER__ return(0); }
/* * Print statistics in global pane. */ static void print_sysglobal(void) { void *list; char header[256]; if (!display_initialized) { return; } (void) werase(sysglobal_window); (void) wattron(sysglobal_window, A_REVERSE); (void) snprintf(header, sizeof (header), "%s", "System wide latencies"); fill_space_right(header, screen_width, sizeof (header)); (void) mvwprintw(sysglobal_window, 0, 0, "%s", header); (void) wattroff(sysglobal_window, A_REVERSE); list = lt_stat_list_create(current_list_type, LT_LEVEL_GLOBAL, 0, 0, 10, sort_type); print_statistics(sysglobal_window, 1, 10, list); lt_stat_list_free(list); (void) wrefresh(sysglobal_window); }
cl_int clReleaseCommandQueue (cl_command_queue command_queue) { #if ENABLE_KERNEL_PROFILING == 1 print_statistics(0); #endif #if ENABLE_LEAK_DETECTION == 1 if (IS_MPI_MASTER()) { int i; struct ld_program_s *ldprogram; struct ld_kernel_s *ldkernel; struct ld_mem_s *ldmem; //struct ld_mem_offset_s *ldmem_offset; #define CHECK_ALL_RELEASED(_NAME) \ FOR_ALL_MAP_ELTS(i, ld##_NAME, _NAME) { \ if (!ld##_NAME->released) { \ warning("Memory leak: " # _NAME \ " %p not released. (#%d) %d\n", \ ld##_NAME->handle, ld##_NAME->uid, ld##_NAME->released); \ } \ } \ CHECK_ALL_RELEASED(program); CHECK_ALL_RELEASED(kernel); CHECK_ALL_RELEASED(mem); //CHECK_ALL_RELEASED(mem_offset); } #endif return real_clReleaseCommandQueue (command_queue); }
int lazy_semisupervised_classification() { __START_TIMER__ CACHE.locked=1; evaluation_t evaluator; prediction_t prediction; initialize_evaluation(&evaluator); int abstain=0, n_points=1, remaining_points=N_POINTS; float min_level=MIN_LEVEL; list_t* unlabeled=UNLABELED; while(unlabeled) { reset_rules(); prediction=get_THE_prediction(unlabeled->instance, unlabeled->size, unlabeled->label); if(prediction.score.points[prediction.score.ordered_labels[0]]>min_level || prediction.score.points[prediction.score.ordered_labels[0]]/(float)prediction.score.points[prediction.score.ordered_labels[1]]>=FACTOR) { update_evaluation(&evaluator, prediction.label, unlabeled->label); print_statistics(n_points, unlabeled->label, unlabeled->id, prediction, evaluator); N_TRANSACTIONS++; COUNT_TARGET[prediction.label]++; ITEMSETS[TARGET_ID[prediction.label]].list[ITEMSETS[TARGET_ID[prediction.label]].count]=N_TRANSACTIONS; ITEMSETS[TARGET_ID[prediction.label]].count++; for(int j=0;j<unlabeled->size;j++) { ITEMSETS[unlabeled->instance[j]].list[ITEMSETS[unlabeled->instance[j]].count]=N_TRANSACTIONS; ITEMSETS[unlabeled->instance[j]].count++; } n_points++; remaining_points--; abstain=0; list_t* x=unlabeled->next; free(unlabeled->instance); free(unlabeled); unlabeled=x; UNLABELED=unlabeled; } else if(abstain<remaining_points) { printf("abstaining %d %d %f %f %f\n", abstain, remaining_points, min_level, prediction.score.points[prediction.score.ordered_labels[0]]/(float)prediction.score.points[prediction.score.ordered_labels[1]], avg_size); abstain++; list_t* q=UNLABELED; while(q->next!=NULL) q=q->next; list_t* t=(list_t*)malloc(sizeof(list_t)); t->instance=(int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*unlabeled->size); t->size=0; for(int i=0;i<unlabeled->size;i++) t->instance[t->size++]=unlabeled->instance[i]; t->label=unlabeled->label; t->next=NULL; q->next=t; list_t* x=unlabeled->next; free(unlabeled->instance); free(unlabeled); unlabeled=x; UNLABELED=unlabeled; } else break; } printf("\n"); for(int i=0;i<MAX_CLASSES;i++) printf("CLASS(%d)= %d Prec= %f Rec= %f F1= %f ", i, evaluator.true_labels[i], evaluator.precision[i], evaluator.recall[i], evaluator.f1[i]); printf("Acc= %f MF1= %f * hits= %ld misses= %ld\n", evaluator.acc, evaluator.mf1, CACHE.hits, CACHE.misses); //finalize_evaluation(&evaluator); __FINISH_TIMER__ return(0); }
/* * Print per-thread statistics in process pane. * This is called when mode of operation is thread. */ static void print_thread(pid_t pid, id_t tid) { void *list; char header[256]; char tmp[30]; if (!display_initialized) { return; } list = lt_stat_list_create(current_list_type, LT_LEVEL_THREAD, pid, tid, 8, sort_type); (void) werase(process_window); (void) wattron(process_window, A_REVERSE); (void) snprintf(header, sizeof (header), "Process %s (%i), LWP %d", lt_stat_proc_get_name(pid), pid, tid); fill_space_right(header, screen_width, sizeof (header)); (void) mvwprintw(process_window, 0, 0, "%s", header); if (current_list_type != LT_LIST_SPECIALS) { (void) mvwprintw(process_window, 0, 48, "Total: %s", get_time_string( (double)lt_stat_list_get_gtotal(list), tmp, sizeof (tmp), 12)); } print_current_mode(); (void) wattroff(process_window, A_REVERSE); print_statistics(process_window, 1, 8, list); lt_stat_list_free(list); (void) wrefresh(process_window); }
/** * Ask for 20 numbers in a loop. When 20 valid numbers are entered, calculate * the average and report out the largest, smallest and average numbers. * * Control the loop by controlling the counter alone, letting the loop worry * about itself. */ int main() { int i = 1, quantity = 20; double number = 0, running_sum = 0, largest_number = 0, smallest_number = 0; print_greeting(quantity); for (i = 1; i <= quantity; i += 1) { printf("Enter number %d: ", i); if (scanf("%lf", &number)) { running_sum += number; smallest_number = compute_smallest_number(number, smallest_number, i); largest_number = compute_largest_number(number, largest_number); } else { printf("Please only enter numbers! Let's try again...\n"); i -= 1; number = 0.00; } clear_buffer(); } print_statistics(running_sum, quantity, smallest_number, largest_number); return 0; }
void ping(int signal) { int ret; struct in_addr from; float rtt; cmd.args.ping.ip_addr = addr.s_addr; sent++; ret = ioctl(f, IOC_RT_PING, &cmd); if (ret < 0) { if (errno == ETIME) goto done; perror("ioctl"); exit(1); } received++; from.s_addr = cmd.args.ping.ip_addr; rtt = (float)cmd.args.ping.rtt / (float)1000; if (rtt > wc_rtt) wc_rtt = rtt; printf("%d bytes from %s: icmp_seq=%d time=%.1f us\n", ret, inet_ntoa(from), cmd.args.ping.sequence, rtt); done: if (cmd.args.ping.sequence++ == count) print_statistics(); }
virtual void execute(cmd_context& ctx) { if (m_target == 0) { throw cmd_exception("invalid query command, argument expected"); } datalog::context& dlctx = m_dl_ctx->get_dl_context(); set_background(ctx); dlctx.updt_params(m_params); unsigned timeout = m_params.get_uint(":timeout", UINT_MAX); cancel_eh<datalog::context> eh(dlctx); lbool status = l_undef; { scoped_ctrl_c ctrlc(eh); scoped_timer timer(timeout, &eh); cmd_context::scoped_watch sw(ctx); try { status = dlctx.query(m_target); } catch (z3_error & ex) { throw ex; } catch (z3_exception& ex) { ctx.regular_stream() << "(error \"query failed: " << ex.msg() << "\")" << std::endl; } dlctx.cleanup(); } switch (status) { case l_false: ctx.regular_stream() << "unsat\n"; print_certificate(ctx); break; case l_true: ctx.regular_stream() << "sat\n"; print_answer(ctx); print_certificate(ctx); break; case l_undef: ctx.regular_stream() << "unknown\n"; switch(dlctx.get_status()) { case datalog::INPUT_ERROR: break; case datalog::MEMOUT: ctx.regular_stream() << "memory bounds exceeded\n"; break; case datalog::TIMEOUT: ctx.regular_stream() << "timeout\n"; break; case datalog::OK: break; default: UNREACHABLE(); } break; } print_statistics(ctx); m_target = 0; }
void statistics_connected_layer(layer l) { if(l.batch_normalize){ printf("Scales "); print_statistics(l.scales, l.outputs); /* printf("Rolling Mean "); print_statistics(l.rolling_mean, l.outputs); printf("Rolling Variance "); print_statistics(l.rolling_variance, l.outputs); */ } printf("Biases "); print_statistics(l.biases, l.outputs); printf("Weights "); print_statistics(l.weights, l.outputs); }
void print_statistics( const std::string& filename, const circuit& circ, double runtime, const print_statistics_settings& settings ) { std::filebuf fb; fb.open( filename.c_str(), std::ios::out ); std::ostream os( &fb ); print_statistics( os, circ, runtime, settings ); fb.close(); }
void interactive(){ while (TRUE){ char *command; int i; char *parameters[32]; struct timeval initial_clock; struct timeval final_clock; int num_params; do{ type_prompt();// displays prompt num_params = read_command(command, parameters);//get input from user and parse it into command and parameters if(num_params > 32){ printf("\nOnly 32 arguments allowed.\n"); } } while(num_params > 32 || num_params == -2); char **params = malloc((num_params + 1) * sizeof(char *)); for(i = 0; i < num_params; i++) params[i] = parameters[i]; params[i] = NULL; command = params[0]; if(strcmp("exit", command) == 0) exit(4); if(strcmp("cd", command) == 0){ chdir(params[1]); continue; } if(gettimeofday(&initial_clock, NULL) == -1) printf("\nCould not get time.\n"); pid_t pId = fork(); if(pId == -1){ //fork failed printf("Fork failed. Please try running again. %s\n", strerror(errno)); } if(pId != 0){ //parent process int status; if(waitpid(pId,&status, 0) != pId) printf("waitpid failed\n"); // once child process is done, print usage statistics if(gettimeofday(&final_clock, NULL) == -1) printf("\nCould not get time.\n"); long seconds_elapsed = final_clock.tv_sec - initial_clock.tv_sec; long microseconds_elapsed = final_clock.tv_usec - initial_clock.tv_usec; long milliseconds_elapsed = seconds_elapsed*1000 + microseconds_elapsed*0.001; printf("\nWall clock time for the command to execute:\n%ld milliseconds\n", milliseconds_elapsed); print_statistics(); } else{ //child process int returnnum; returnnum = execvp(command, params); if(returnnum == -1){ //error occurred during execvp printf("Your command didn't work: %s\n", strerror(errno)); prev_usr_milliseconds = 0; prev_sys_milliseconds = 0; prev_stats.ru_nivcsw = 0; prev_stats.ru_nvcsw = 0; prev_stats.ru_majflt = 0; prev_stats.ru_minflt = 0; } } } }
void cvc4unexpected() { #if defined(CVC4_DEBUG) && !defined(__WIN32__) safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n" "CVC4 threw an \"unexpected\" exception (one that wasn't properly " "specified\nin the throws() specifier for the throwing function)." "\n\n"); const char* lastContents = LastExceptionBuffer::currentContents(); if(lastContents == NULL) { safe_print( STDERR_FILENO, "The exception is unknown (maybe it's not a CVC4::Exception).\n\n"); } else { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "The exception is:\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, lastContents); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n\n"); } if(!segvSpin) { print_statistics(); set_terminate(default_terminator); } else { safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Spinning so that a debugger can be connected.\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "Try: gdb "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " or: gdb --pid="); safe_print<int64_t>(STDERR_FILENO, getpid()); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, " "); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, *progName); safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n"); for(;;) { sleep(60); } } #else /* CVC4_DEBUG */ safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 threw an \"unexpected\" exception.\n"); print_statistics(); set_terminate(default_terminator); #endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */ }
void UNUSED sig_handler(int signum) { switch(signum) { #if ENABLE_KERNEL_PROFILING == 1 case SIGUSR1: print_statistics(1); break; #endif } }
static void print_totals(const matstat_state_t *states, size_t nelem, const stat_limits_t *limits) { matstat_state_t totals; matstat_clear(&totals); for (size_t k = 0; k < nelem; ++k) { matstat_merge(&totals, &states[k]); } print_statistics(&totals, limits); }
//! Global Analyze of Quality void MESHQARoot::analyze() { // Nothing to Analyze if (!state) return; print_statistics(); for (int i = 0; i < nbases; i++) bases[i].analyze(); }
void utility_tools(long val) #endif { FILE *fd ; #if defined(SGI_GL) && defined(GL_NASA) long val = g_get_choice_val( ap, &choices[3] ) ; #endif switch( val ) { case CHOICE_UTIL_PS: /* Open PS file */ ps_open( "radiosity.ps" ) ; /* Change the view */ ps_setup_view( DFLT_VIEW_ROT_X, (float)disp_crnt_view_y, DFLT_VIEW_DIST, DFLT_VIEW_ZOOM) ; /* And redraw */ ps_display_scene( disp_fill_mode, disp_patch_switch, disp_mesh_switch, disp_interaction_switch, 0 ) ; /* Close */ ps_close() ; break ; case CHOICE_UTIL_STAT_CRT: print_statistics( stdout, 0 ) ; break ; case CHOICE_UTIL_STAT_FILE: if( (fd = fopen( "radiosity_stat", "w" )) == 0 ) { perror( "radiosity_stat" ) ; break ; } print_statistics( fd, 0 ) ; fclose( fd ) ; break ; case CHOICE_UTIL_CLEAR_RAD: clear_radiosity(0) ; } }
void NonDLHSSampling::print_results(std::ostream& s) { if (!numResponseFunctions) // DACE mode w/ opt or NLS Analyzer::print_results(s); if (varBasedDecompFlag) print_sobol_indices(s); else if (statsFlag) { s << "\nStatistics based on " << numSamples << " samples:\n"; print_statistics(s); } }
static void on_update (GdkFrameClock *frame_clock, gpointer data) { GdkFrameTimings *timings = gdk_frame_clock_get_current_timings (frame_clock); gint64 frame_time = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_time (timings); gint64 predicted_presentation_time = gdk_frame_timings_get_predicted_presentation_time (timings); gint64 refresh_interval; FrameData *pending_frame; if (clock_time_base == 0) clock_time_base = frame_time + PRE_BUFFER_TIME; gdk_frame_clock_get_refresh_info (frame_clock, frame_time, &refresh_interval, NULL); pending_frame = peek_pending_frame (); if (stream_time_to_clock_time (pending_frame->stream_time) < predicted_presentation_time + refresh_interval / 2) { while (TRUE) { FrameData *next_frame = peek_next_frame (); if (next_frame && stream_time_to_clock_time (next_frame->stream_time) < predicted_presentation_time + refresh_interval / 2) { g_slice_free (FrameData, unqueue_frame ()); n_frames++; dropped_frames++; pending_frame = next_frame; } else break; } if (displayed_frame) past_frames = g_list_prepend (past_frames, displayed_frame); n_frames++; displayed_frame = unqueue_frame (); displayed_frame->clock_time = stream_time_to_clock_time (displayed_frame->stream_time); displayed_frame->frame_counter = gdk_frame_timings_get_frame_counter (timings); variable_add (&time_factor_stats, time_factor); collect_old_frames (); print_statistics (); gtk_widget_queue_draw (window); } }
/** Command arguments are as follows * - argv[1]: The corpus file * - argv[2]: The search file * - argv[3]: The number of significant terms to display */ int main(int argc, char * argv[]){ // Create an index from the corpus create_corpus_index(argv[1]); // Create an index from the search file create_search_index(argv[2]); // Print statistics print_statistics(argv[2], (atoi(argv[3]))); // No errors encountered return 0; }
void cvc4terminate() { set_terminate(default_terminator); #ifdef CVC4_DEBUG LastExceptionBuffer* current = LastExceptionBuffer::getCurrent(); LastExceptionBuffer::setCurrent(NULL); delete current; safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "\n" "CVC4 was terminated by the C++ runtime.\n" "Perhaps an exception was thrown during stack unwinding. " "(Don't do that.)\n"); print_statistics(); default_terminator(); #else /* CVC4_DEBUG */ safe_print(STDERR_FILENO, "CVC4 was terminated by the C++ runtime.\n" "Perhaps an exception was thrown during stack unwinding.\n"); print_statistics(); default_terminator(); #endif /* CVC4_DEBUG */ }
void main (int argc, uchar **argv) { int i, j, c; struct stat f_stat; printf("compdic: Utility for compilation of word dictionaries\n"); if (argc!=4) error("Usage:\ncompdic <alphabet> <text_dic> <comp_dic>"); if ((fi=fopen(argv[1],"rb"))==NULL) error("Error opening alphabet file"); memset(codes, 0, 256); for (letter_count=1; (c=getc(fi))>=' '; codes[c] = letter_count++) ; fclose(fi); stat(argv[2],&f_stat); init_mem(letter_count, f_stat.st_size + 50000); if ((fi=fopen(argv[2],"rb"))==NULL) error("Error opening input file"); clear_state(0); owf[0]=0; wf1[0]=0; get_word_info(wf); // init of get_word_inf() while (get_word_info(wf)) { for (i=0; wf[i]==owf[i]; i++) ; // find difference location for (j=strlen(owf)-1; j>=i; j--) state(j, codes[owf[j]]) = save_state(j+1); for (j=i+1; j<=strlen(wf); j++) clear_state(j); state(--j,0) = 1; strcpy(owf, wf); } fclose(fi); for (j=strlen(owf)-1; j>=0; j--) state(j, codes[owf[j]]) = save_state(j+1); save_cell(0, 'S', save_state(0)); save_cell(1, 'T', last_full_cell+1); fo = fopen(argv[3], "wb"); fwrite (cells, sizeof(tcell), last_full_cell+1, fo); fwrite (strings, 1, last_string, fo); fclose(fo); print_statistics(); }
int main(const int argc, const char** argv) { double tstart1, tstop1, tstart2, tstop2, tstartall, tstopall; // start clocking tstartall = (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // mi will be the cards of the support sets and m is the total card std::vector<int> mi; int m; // construct an empty pointset and an index std::vector<std::vector<Field> > pointset; map<std::vector<Field>,int> points_index; //read input (points, mi, m), apply cayley trick // (now you have the pointset), make the index cayley_trick(pointset, points_index, mi, m); // compute the big matrix // BUT first homogenize the pointset, dirty way.. vector<vector<Field> > homo_pointset; homogenize(pointset,homo_pointset); std::cout << homo_pointset << std::endl; HD dets(homo_pointset.begin(),homo_pointset.end()); //define the projection vector<int> proj = proj_first_coord(PD,m,mi); // the data structure to hold the res polytope int numof_triangs=0, numof_init_Res_vertices; Convex_hull_d CH(PD); //compute the res polytope compute_res(pointset,points_index,m,mi,proj,dets,numof_triangs, numof_init_Res_vertices,CH); //compute_res_fast(pointset,points_index,m,mi,proj,dets,numof_triangs, numof_init_Res_vertices,CH); // stop clocking tstopall = (double)clock()/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC; // print the vertices of the res polytope for (Vertex_iterator_d vit = CH.vertices_begin(); vit != CH.vertices_end(); vit++) std::cout << vit->point() << " "; std::cout << std::endl; // print some statistics print_statistics(numof_triangs, numof_init_Res_vertices, CH.number_of_vertices(), tstopall-tstartall); return 0; }
static void reiserfs_put_super (struct super_block * s) { int i; struct reiserfs_transaction_handle th ; /* change file system state to current state if it was mounted with read-write permissions */ if (!(s->s_flags & MS_RDONLY)) { journal_begin(&th, s, 10) ; reiserfs_prepare_for_journal(s, SB_BUFFER_WITH_SB(s), 1) ; set_sb_state( SB_DISK_SUPER_BLOCK(s), s->u.reiserfs_sb.s_mount_state ); journal_mark_dirty(&th, s, SB_BUFFER_WITH_SB (s)); } /* note, journal_release checks for readonly mount, and can decide not ** to do a journal_end */ journal_release(&th, s) ; for (i = 0; i < SB_BMAP_NR (s); i ++) brelse (SB_AP_BITMAP (s)[i].bh); vfree (SB_AP_BITMAP (s)); brelse (SB_BUFFER_WITH_SB (s)); print_statistics (s); if (s->u.reiserfs_sb.s_kmallocs != 0) { reiserfs_warning ("vs-2004: reiserfs_put_super: allocated memory left %d\n", s->u.reiserfs_sb.s_kmallocs); } if (s->u.reiserfs_sb.reserved_blocks != 0) { reiserfs_warning ("green-2005: reiserfs_put_super: reserved blocks left %d\n", s->u.reiserfs_sb.reserved_blocks); } reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "journal" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "oidmap" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "on-disk-super" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "bitmap" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "per-level" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "super" ); reiserfs_proc_unregister( s, "version" ); reiserfs_proc_info_done( s ); return; }
void read_udp(int fd) { int nbytes; //char buf[MAXDATA]; int io = 0, total_bytes = 0; char *buf; buf = (char*) malloc(sizeof(char) * buflen); if(buf == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Not enough memory\n"); exit(0); } struct timeval my_time, start_time, end_time; struct s_adhdr ah; ah.mysize = 2 * sizeof(int) + sizeof(struct timeval); while(1) { //nbytes = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf)); nbytes = read(fd, buf, buflen); gettimeofday(&my_time, NULL); check("recvfrom", nbytes); buf[nbytes] = '\0'; memcpy(&ah, buf, ah.mysize); if(ah.seq == 1) { printf("Finished.\n"); break; } if(ah.seq == 0) { fprintf(stdout, "Got Connection.\nStarting measurement..."); fflush(stdout); gettimeofday(&start_time, NULL); continue; } insert_time_record(my_time, ah.tv, ah.seq); io++; total_bytes += nbytes; } gettimeofday(&end_time, NULL); printf("Connection closed by foreign host.\n"); free(buf); print_statistics(SOCK_DGRAM, start_time, end_time, total_bytes, io); }
/** Works like the main function of the program, it calls almost all other functions */ void run() { char **files = get_files_list(); read_matrix_from_file(files[1], 1); if (error_flag == 1) return; read_matrix_from_file(files[2], 2); if (error_flag == 1) return; post_read(); if (error_flag == 1) return; calculate_without_threads(); calculate_element_by_element(); calculate_row_by_row(); write_matrix_to_file(files[3]); print_statistics(); }