int main() { // print sin(abs(-0.5)) std::cout << compose(Abs<double>(),Sine<double>())(-0.5) << "\n\n"; // print abs() of some values print_values(Abs<double>()); std::cout << '\n'; // print sin() of some values print_values(Sine<double>()); std::cout << '\n'; // print sin(abs()) of some values print_values(compose(Abs<double>(),Sine<double>())); std::cout << '\n'; // print abs(sin()) of some values print_values(compose(Sine<double>(),Abs<double>())); std::cout << '\n'; // print sin(sin()) of some values print_values(compose(Sine<double>(),Sine<double>())); }
void MCFVariables::print(IloCplex &cplex) { print_values(cplex, &xs); print_values(cplex, &vs); for (auto &fs : fss) { print_values(cplex, &fs); } }
int main(int argc, char **argv){ double* b_1 =bessel_compute(.1); double* b_2 =bessel_compute(1); double* b_3 =bessel_compute(10); print_values(b_1,3,5,8,12,.1); print_values(b_2,3,5,8,12,1); print_values(b_3,3,5,8,12,10); free(b_1); free(b_2); free(b_3); return 0; }
/* Print out state, summarising long runs of the same value */ static void dump_mem_simple(const DBNZ_CELL_TYPE *state, size_t plen) { DBNZ_CELL_TYPE value = 0; size_t count = 0; size_t i; for (i = 0; i != plen; ++i) { if (state[i] == value) { ++count; continue; } print_values(count, value); count = 1; value = state[i]; } print_values(count, value); }
int main(void) { int res, creating = 0; struct memory_content *mem; res = shmget(KEY, sizeof(struct memory_content), 0); if ((res < 0) && (errno == ENOENT)) { printf("Memory area does not exist. Creating...\n"); res = shmget(KEY, sizeof(struct memory_content), IPC_CREAT | IPC_EXCL | 0644); if (res < 0) { perror("shmget"); exit(1); } creating = 1; } mem = shmat(res, NULL, 0); if (!mem) { perror("shmat"); exit(1); } if (creating) { printf("Setting values...\n"); set_values(mem); } print_values(mem); mem->last_access = getpid(); shmdt(mem); return 0; }
int wpEditPost(char *username, char *password, wppost_t *post) { int retval = 0; xmlrpc_env env; xmlrpc_client *clientP; xmlrpc_server_info * serverInfoP; xmlrpc_value *paramArrayP = NULL; char *methodName = "metaWeblog.editPost"; xmlrpc_value *resultP; wp_env_init(&env, &clientP); retval = wpCreatePostStruct(&env, username, password, post, ¶mArrayP, 1); if (retval != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error creating post structure, exiting\n"); goto out; } serverInfoP = xmlrpc_server_info_new(&env, post->url); xmlrpc_client_call2(&env, clientP, serverInfoP, methodName, paramArrayP, &resultP); print_values(&env, resultP); xmlrpc_DECREF(resultP); out: xmlrpc_DECREF(paramArrayP); wp_env_clean(&env, &clientP); return retval; }
int main () { double a, b, c, x1, x2, D = -1.0 ; printf("For equation 0 = ax^2 + bx + c\n") ; while( D < 0 ) { //get coefficients get_coefs(&a, &b, &c) ; //compute determinant D = comp_D(a, b, c) ; //compute roots get_roots(a, b, D, &x1, &x2) ; //print values print_values(x1, x2, D) ; } }
//prints all values of the entry with the given key void get(char key[MAX_KEY], entry *entryHead) { entry *inputEntry = get_entry(entryHead, key); if (inputEntry == NULL) { printf("no such key\n"); } else { print_values(inputEntry); } }
void print_state(t_state *state) { if (state == NULL) { return; } printf("== Environment ==\n"); print_values(state->environ); printf("\n== Scopes ==\n"); print_scopes(state->variables); }
//prints keys and values of all the entries in the list void list_entries(entry *entryHead) { if (entryHead == NULL) { printf("no entries\n"); return; } entry *currentEntry = entryHead; while(currentEntry != NULL) { printf("%s ", currentEntry->key); print_values(currentEntry); currentEntry = currentEntry->next; } }
/* * Insert a row into specified table * _h: structure representing database connection * _k: key names * _v: values of the keys * _n: number of key=value pairs */ int db_insert(db_con_t* _h, db_key_t* _k, db_val_t* _v, int _n) { int off; off = snprintf(sql_buf, SQL_BUF_LEN, "insert into %s (", CON_TABLE(_h)); off += print_columns(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, _k, _n); off += snprintf(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, ") values ("); off += print_values(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, _v, _n); *(sql_buf + off++) = ')'; *(sql_buf + off) = '\0'; if(begin_transaction(_h, sql_buf)) return(-1); if (submit_query(_h, sql_buf) < 0) { LOG(L_ERR, "db_insert(): Error while inserting\n"); return -2; } free_query(_h); commit_transaction(_h); return(0); }
/* * Insert a row into specified table * _h: structure representing database connection * _k: key names * _v: values of the keys * _n: number of key=value pairs */ int db_insert(db_con_t* _h, db_key_t* _k, db_val_t* _v, int _n) { int off, ret; if ((!_h) || (!_k) || (!_v) || (!_n)) { LOG(L_ERR, "db_insert: Invalid parameter value\n"); return -1; } ret = snprintf(sql_buf, SQL_BUF_LEN, "insert into %s (", CON_TABLE(_h)); if (ret < 0 || ret >= SQL_BUF_LEN) goto error; off = ret; ret = print_columns(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, _k, _n); if (ret < 0) return -1; off += ret; ret = snprintf(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, ") values ("); if (ret < 0 || ret >= (SQL_BUF_LEN - off)) goto error; off += ret; ret = print_values(CON_CONNECTION(_h), sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, _v, _n); if (ret < 0) return -1; off += ret; *(sql_buf + off++) = ')'; *(sql_buf + off) = '\0'; if (submit_query(_h, sql_buf) < 0) { LOG(L_ERR, "db_insert: Error while submitting query\n"); return -2; } return 0; error: LOG(L_ERR, "db_insert: Error in snprintf\n"); return -1; }
/* * Just like insert, but replace the row if it exists */ int db_replace(db_con_t* handle, db_key_t* keys, db_val_t* vals, int n) { int off, ret; if (!handle || !keys || !vals) { LOG(L_ERR, "db_replace: Invalid parameter value\n"); return -1; } ret = snprintf(sql_buf, SQL_BUF_LEN, "replace %s (", CON_TABLE(handle)); if (ret < 0 || ret >= SQL_BUF_LEN) goto error; off = ret; ret = print_columns(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, keys, n); if (ret < 0) return -1; off += ret; ret = snprintf(sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, ") values ("); if (ret < 0 || ret >= (SQL_BUF_LEN - off)) goto error; off += ret; ret = print_values(CON_CONNECTION(handle), sql_buf + off, SQL_BUF_LEN - off, vals, n); if (ret < 0) return -1; off += ret; *(sql_buf + off++) = ')'; *(sql_buf + off) = '\0'; if (submit_query(handle, sql_buf) < 0) { LOG(L_ERR, "db_replace: Error while submitting query\n"); return -2; } return 0; error: LOG(L_ERR, "db_replace: Error in snprintf\n"); return -1; }
int main() { std::ifstream _cfgFile; std::string _line; struc_tabColumn _cols; std::vector<struc_tabColumn> vecAllColsInfo; std::map<int,std::vector<std::string> > mapColValues;"./std.cfg"); if(_cfgFile.is_open()) { while(!_cfgFile.eof()){ getline(_cfgFile,_line); parse_line(_line,_cols); vecAllColsInfo.push_back(_cols); } } generateColValues(vecAllColsInfo,mapColValues); print_values(vecAllColsInfo,mapColValues); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Expected 2 arguments\n"); exit(1); } char *fname = argv[1]; Solver solver; solver_init(&solver); printf("reading %s\n", fname); solver_read_file(&solver, fname); const bool solution_found = solver_naive(&solver); if (solution_found) { print_values(solver.values, solver.n_variables); } write_results(&solver, solution_found); solver_destroy(&solver); }
/** * Function fmin contains Quasi-Newton function minimizer with * inexact line search using Wolfe conditions and * BFGS correction formula for Hessian update. * * The algorithm consists of the following steps (in the order of execution): * - Initial step with Hessian being an identity matrix (see call1) * - Line search test for step length satisfying Wolfe conditions (beginning of * call2) * - Line search backtracking and reducing alpha (label40) if the current * direction * is not a gradient descent one or the function value has increased * - Hessian update (labels 50-70) once all conditions are satisfied to assure * its * positive-definiteness * - Update of a vector of independent variables (label30) * * Convergence is detected if the maximal gradient component falls below small * constant (see label20) * * Requires: * \param _f Value of function to be minimized. * \param _x Vector of independent variables. * \param _g Vector containing the partial derivatives of _f with respect to * each independent variable. The gradient vector returned by \ref gradcalc. * Pre: * Some class member variables can be initialized by user prior to calling * this function. * These control variables may change the behavior of fmin, they are: * maxfn (maximal number of function evaluations, after which * minimization stops) * crit (convergence criterion constant) * imax (maximal number of function evaluations within one linear search* before to stop) * iprint (flag to allow (=1) or supress (=0) printing intermediate * statistics * min_improve (stop after 10 iterations with overall function decrease * less than this value) * The default values can be found in function set_defaults of class * fmm_control * Modifies: * The Hessian matrix (and not its inverse) h * Returns (via parameter vector x): * A vector x after a step of linear search in the direction of gradient * descent \ingroup FMM */ void fmm::fmin(const double& _f, const dvector &_x, const dvector& _g) { if (log_values_switch) { print_values(_f,_x,_g); } if (pfmintime==0) pfmintime=new adtimer; tracing_message(traceflag,"A3"); /* Remember gradient and function values resulted from previous function evaluation */ dvector& g=(dvector&) _g; double& f=(double&) _f; /* Create local vector x as a pointer to the argument vector _x */ independent_variables& x= (independent_variables&) _x; #ifdef DIAG cout << "On entry to fmin: " << *this << endl; #endif tracing_message(traceflag,"A4"); #ifdef _MSC_VER SetConsoleCtrlHandler((PHANDLER_ROUTINE)CtrlHandler, true); #else /* Check the value of control variable ireturn: -1 (exit status) 0 (initialization of function minimizer) 1 (call1 - x update and convergence check) 2 (call2 - line search and Hessian update) >=3 (derivative check) */ if (ireturn <= 0 ) { signal(SIGINT, &onintr); } #endif #ifdef __ZTC__ if (ireturn <= 0 ) { if (disp_inited == 0) { disp_open(); disp_usebios(); } } #endif tracing_message(traceflag,"A5"); if (ireturn ==1 && dcheck_flag ==0) { ireturn = 3; } if (ireturn >= 3) { /* Entering derivative check */ derch(f, x, g, n, ireturn); return; } if (ireturn == 1) goto call1; if (ireturn == 2) goto call2; /* we are here because ireturn=0 Start initializing function minimizer variables */ fbest=1.e+100; tracing_message(traceflag,"A6"); /* allocate Hessian h - object of class dfsdmat, the memory is allocated only for elements of lower triagonal matrix */ if (!h) h.allocate(n); /* initialize w, the dvector of size 4*n: w(1,n) contains gradient vector in the point x_new = x_old + alpha*p_k w(n+1,2n) contains direction of linear search, i.e. transpose(p_k) w(2n+1,4n) are used for Hessian updating terms */ w.initialize(); /* alpha - the Newton step size */ alpha=1.0; /* full Newton step at the beginning */ ihflag=0; /* validity check for dimensions and indexing of independent vector and gradient vector Note, this function will work correctly only if indices start at 1 */ if (n==0) { cerr << "Error -- the number of active parameters" " fmin must be > 0\n"; ad_exit(1); } tracing_message(traceflag,"A7"); if (x.indexmin() !=1) { cerr << "Error -- minimum valid index" " for independent_variables in fmin must be 1\n" << " it is " << x.indexmin() << "\n"; ad_exit(1); } if (x.size() <n) { cerr << "Error -- the size of the independent_variables" " which is " << x.size() << " must be >= " << n << "\n" << " the number of independent variables in fmin\n"; ad_exit(1); } tracing_message(traceflag,"A8"); if (g.indexmin() !=1) { cerr << "Error -- minimum valid index" " for the gradient vector in fmin must be 1\n" << " it is " << g.indexmin() << "\n"; ad_exit(1); } if (g.size() <n) { cerr << "Error -- the size of the gradient vector" " which is " << g.size() << " must be >=\n" << " the number of independent variables in fmin\n"; ad_exit(1); } /* end of validity check */ tracing_message(traceflag,"A9"); /* xx is reserved for the updated values of independent variables, at the moment put the current values */ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) xx.elem(i)=x.elem(i); tracing_message(traceflag,"A10"); /* itn - iteration counter */ itn=0; /* icc - obsolete calls counter? */ icc=0; /* initialize funval vector, it will contain last 10 function values (10-th is the most recent) needed to stop minimization in case if f(1)-f(10)<min_improve */ for (i=1; i< 11; i++) funval.elem(i)=0.; tracing_message(traceflag,"A11"); ihang = 0; /* flag, =1 when function minimizer is not making progress */ llog=1; np=n+1; n1=n-1; nn=n*np/2; is=n; iu=n; iv=n+n; ib=iv+n; iexit=0; /* exit code */ tracing_message(traceflag,"A12"); /* Initialize hessian to the unit matrix */ h.elem(1,1) = 1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) { for ( j=1; j<i; j++) { h.elem(i,j)=0; } h.elem(i,i)=1; } tracing_message(traceflag,"A13"); /* dmin - minimal element of hessian used to verify its positive definiteness */ dmin=h.elem(1,1); for ( i=2; i<=n; i++) { if(h.elem(i,i)<dmin) dmin=h.elem(i,i); } if (dmin <= 0.) /* hessian is not positive definite? */ goto label7020; /* exit */ if(dfn == 0.) z = 0.0; tracing_message(traceflag,"A14"); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { xsave.elem(i)=x.elem(i); x.elem(i)=xx.elem(i); } ireturn=1; /* upon next entry will go to call1 */ tracing_message(traceflag,"A15"); if (h.disk_save()) { cout << "starting hessian save" << endl;; cout << "finished hessian save" << endl; } tracing_message(traceflag,"A16"); return; /* End of initialization */ call1: /* first line search step and x update */ tracing_message(traceflag,"A17"); if (h.disk_save()) { cout << "starting hessian restore" << endl; h.restore(); cout << "finished hessian restore" << endl; } tracing_message(traceflag,"A18"); for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { x.elem(i)=xsave.elem(i); } ireturn=3; tracing_message(traceflag,"A19"); { } for ( i=1; i<=n; i++) gbest.elem(i)=g.elem(i); tracing_message(traceflag,"A20"); funval.elem(10) = f; df=dfn; if(dfn == 0.0) df = f - z; if(dfn < 0.0) df=fabs(df * f); if(df <= 0.0) df=1.; label20: /* check for convergence */ ic=0; /* counter for number of calls */ iconv = 1; /* convergence flag: 1 - convergence, 2 - not yet */ for ( i=1; i<=9; i++) funval.elem(i)= funval.elem(i+1); funval.elem(10) = f; /* check if function value is improving */ if ( itn>15 && fabs( funval.elem(1)-funval.elem(10))< min_improve ) ihang = 1; gmax = 0; /* satisfy convergence criterion? */ for ( i=1; i<=n; i++) { if(fabs(g.elem(i)) > crit) iconv = 2; if(fabs(g.elem(i)) > fabs(gmax) ) gmax = g.elem(i); } /* exit if either convergence or no improvement has been achieved during last 10 iterations */ if( iconv == 1 || ihang == 1) { ireturn=-1; goto label92; } /* otherwise proceed to the Newton step (label21) */ if(iprint == 0) goto label21; /* without printing */ if(itn == 0) goto label7000; /* printing Initial statistics first */ #if defined(USE_DDOUBLE) #undef double if(fmod(double(itn),double(iprint)) != 0) goto label21; #define double dd_real #else if(fmod(double(itn),double(iprint)) != 0) goto label21; #endif if (llog) goto label7010; #if defined (_MSC_VER) && !defined (__WAT32__) if (!scroll_flag) clrscr(); #endif label7003: /* Printing table header */ if (iprint>0) { if (ad_printf) { (*ad_printf)("%d variables; iteration %ld; function evaluation %ld", n, itn, ifn); if (pointer_to_phase) { (*ad_printf)("; phase %d", *pointer_to_phase); } (*ad_printf)( "\nFunction value %15.7le; maximum gradient component mag %12.4le\n", #if defined(USE_DDOUBLE) #undef double double(f), double(gmax)); #define double dd_real #else f, gmax); #endif } } /*label7002:*/ /* Printing Statistics table */ if(iprint>0) { fmmdisp(x, g, n, this->scroll_flag,noprintx); } label21 : /* Calculating Newton step */ /* found good search direction, increment iteration number */ itn=itn+1; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) x.elem(i)=xx.elem(i); w.elem(1)=-g.elem(1); pfmintime->get_elapsed_time_and_reset(); /* solving system of linear equations H_(k+1) * (x_(k+1)-x(k)) = -g_k to get next search direction p_k = (x_(k+1)-x(k)) = - inv(H_(k+1)) * g_k */ for (i=2; i<=n; i++) { i1=i-1; z=-g.elem(i); double * pd=&(h.elem(i,1)); double * pw=&(w.elem(1)); for (j=1; j<=i1; j++) { z-=*pd++ * *pw++; } w.elem(i)=z; } w.elem(is+n)=w.elem(n)/h.elem(n,n); { dvector tmp(1,n); tmp.initialize(); for (i=1; i<=n1; i++) { j=i; double * pd=&(h.elem(n-j+1,n-1)); double qd=w.elem(is+np-j); double * pt=&(tmp(1)); for (int ii=1; ii<=n1; ii++) { *pt++ +=*pd-- * qd; } w.elem(is+n-i)=w.elem(n-i)/h.elem(n-i,n-i)-tmp(i); } }/* w(n+1,2n) now contains search direction with current Hessian approximation */ gs=0.0; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) gs+=w.elem(is+i)*g.elem(i);/* gs = -inv(H_k)*g_k*df(x_k+alpha_k*p_k) */ iexit=2; if(gs >= 0.0) goto label92; /* exit with error */ gso=gs; /* compute new step length 0 < alpha <= 1 */ alpha=-2.0*df/gs; if(alpha > 1.0) alpha=1.0; df=f; tot=0.0; label30: /* Taking a step, updating x */ iexit=3; if (ialph) { goto label92; } /* exit if step size too small */ /* exit if number of function evaluations exceeded maxfn */ if( ifn >= maxfn) { maxfn_flag=1; goto label92; } else { maxfn_flag=0; iexit=1; } if(quit_flag) goto label92; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { /* w(n+1,2n) has the next direction to go */ z=alpha*w.elem(is+i); /* new independent vector values */ xx.elem(i)+=z; } for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { /* save previous values and update x return value */ xsave.elem(i)=x.elem(i); gsave.elem(i)=g.elem(i); x.elem(i)=xx.elem(i); fsave = f; } fsave = f; ireturn=2; if (h.disk_save()) { cout << "starting hessian save" << endl;; cout << "finished hessian save" << endl; } return; // end of call1 call2: /* Line search and Hessian update */ if (h.disk_save()) { cout << "starting hessian restore" << endl; h.restore(); cout << "finished hessian restore" << endl; } /* restore x_k, g(x_k) and g(x_k+alpha*p_k) */ for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { x.elem(i)=xsave.elem(i); //x_k w.elem(i)=g.elem(i); //g(x_k+alpha*p_k) g.elem(i)=gsave.elem(i); //g(x_k) } fy = f; f = fsave; /* now fy is a new function value, f is the old one */ ireturn=-1; /* remember current best function value, gradient and parameter values */ if (fy <= fbest) { fbest=fy; for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { x.elem(i)=xx.elem(i); gbest.elem(i)=w.elem(i); } } /* what to do if CTRL-C keys were pressed */ if (use_control_c==1) { #if defined(__BORLANDC__) if ( kbhit() || ctlc_flag|| ifn == dcheck_flag ) #elif defined(_MSC_VER) //if ( kbhit() || ifn == dcheck_flag ) if ( _kbhit() || ctlc_flag || ifn == dcheck_flag ) #else if(ctlc_flag || ifn == dcheck_flag ) #endif { int c=0; if (ifn != dcheck_flag) { #if defined(__DJGPP__) c = toupper(getxkey()); #else c = toupper(getch()); #endif } else c='C'; if ( c == 'C') { for (i=1; i<=n; i++) { x.elem(i)=xx.elem(i); } ireturn = 3; derch(f, x , w, n, ireturn); return; } else if(c=='S') { //set convergence criteria to something high to stop now crit=100000.0; return; } else { if ( c == 'Q'|| c == 'N') { quit_flag=c; goto label92; } else { quit_flag=0; } } } } if (quit_flag) { if (quit_flag==1) quit_flag='Q'; if (quit_flag==2) quit_flag='N'; goto label92; } /* Otherwise, continue */ /* Note, icc seems to be unused */ icc+=1; if( icc >= 5) icc=0; /* ic - counter of calls without x update */ ic++; if( ic >imax) { if (iprint>0) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)(" ic > imax in fminim is answer attained ?\n"); fmmdisp(x, g, n, this->scroll_flag,noprintx); } ihflag=1; ihang=1; goto label92; } /* new function value was passed to fmin, will increment ifn */ ifn++; gys=0.0; /* gys = transpose(p_k) * df(x_k+alpha_k*p_k) */ for (i=1; i<= n; i++) gys+=w.elem(i)*w.elem(is+i); /* bad step; unless modified by the user, fringe default = 0 */ if(fy>f+fringe) { goto label40; /* backtrack */ } /* Otherwise verify if the search step length satisfies strong Wolfe condition */ if(fabs(gys/gso)<=.9) goto label50; /* proceed to Hessian update */ /* or slightly modified constant in Wolfe condition for the number of calls > 4 */ if(fabs(gys/gso)<=.95 && ic > 4) goto label50; /* proceed to Hessian update */ if(gys>0.0) /* not a descent direction */ goto label40; /* backtrack */ tot+=alpha; z=10.0; if(gs<gys) z=gys/(gs-gys); if(z>10.0) z=10.0; /* increase step length */ alpha=alpha*z; if (alpha == 0.) { ialph=1; #ifdef __ZTC__ if (ireturn <= 0) { disp_close(); } #endif return; } f=fy; gs=gys; goto label30; /* update x with new alpha */ label40: /* new step is not acceptable, stepping back and start backtracking along the Newton direction trying a smaller value of alpha */ for (i=1;i<=n;i++) xx.elem(i)-=alpha*w.elem(is+i); if (alpha == 0.) { ialph=1; return; } /* compute new alpha */ z=3.0*(f-fy)/alpha+gys+gs; zz=dafsqrt(z*z-gs*gys); z=1.0-(gys+zz-z)/(2.0*zz+gys-gs); if (fabs(fy-1.e+95) < 1.e-66) { alpha*=.001; } else { if (z>10.0) { cout << "large z" << z << endl; z=10.0; } alpha=alpha*z; } if (alpha == 0.) { ialph=1; if (ialph) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("\nFunction minimizer: Step size" " too small -- ialph=1"); } return; } goto label30; /* update x with new alpha */ label50: /* compute Hessian updating terms */ alpha+=tot; f=fy; df-=f; dgs=gys-gso; xxlink=1; if(dgs+alpha*gso>0.0) goto label52; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) w.elem(iu+i)=w.elem(i)-g.elem(i); /* now w(n+1,2n) = df(x_k+alpha_k*p_k)-df(x_k) */ sig=1.0/(alpha*dgs); goto label70; label52: /* compute Hessian updating terms */ zz=alpha/(dgs-alpha*gso); z=dgs*zz-1.0; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) w.elem(iu+i)=z*g.elem(i)+w.elem(i); sig=1.0/(zz*dgs*dgs); goto label70; label60: /* compute Hessian updating terms */ xxlink=2; for (i=1;i<=n;i++) w.elem(iu+i)=g.elem(i); if(dgs+alpha*gso>0.0) goto label62; sig=1.0/gso; goto label70; label62: /* compute Hessian updating terms */ sig=-zz; goto label70; label65: /* save in g the gradient df(x_k+alpha*p_k) */ for (i=1;i<=n;i++) g.elem(i)=w.elem(i); goto label20; //convergence check label70: // Hessian update w.elem(iv+1)=w.elem(iu+1); pfmintime->get_elapsed_time_and_reset(); for (i=2;i<=n;i++) { i1=i-1; z=w.elem(iu+i); double * pd=&(h.elem(i,1)); double * pw=&(w.elem(iv+1)); for (j=1;j<=i1;j++) { z-=*pd++ * *pw++; } w.elem(iv+i)=z; } pfmintime->get_elapsed_time_and_reset(); for (i=1;i<=n;i++) { /* BFGS updating formula */ z=h.elem(i,i)+sig*w.elem(iv+i)*w.elem(iv+i); if(z <= 0.0) z=dmin; if(z<dmin) dmin=z; h.elem(i,i)=z; w.elem(ib+i)=w.elem(iv+i)*sig/z; sig-=w.elem(ib+i)*w.elem(ib+i)*z; } for (j=2;j<=n;j++) { double * pd=&(h.elem(j,1)); double * qd=&(w.elem(iu+j)); double * rd=&(w.elem(iv+1)); for (i=1;i<j;i++) { *qd-=*pd * *rd++; *pd++ +=w.elem(ib+i)* *qd; } } if (xxlink == 1) goto label60; if (xxlink == 2) goto label65; /*label90:*/ for (i=1;i<=n;i++) g.elem(i)=w.elem(i); label92: /* Exit with error */ if (iprint>0) { if (ialph) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("\nFunction minimizer: Step size too small -- ialph=1"); } if (ihang == 1) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)( "Function minimizer not making progress ... is minimum attained?\n"); #if defined(USE_DDOUBLE) #undef double if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("Minimprove criterion = %12.4le\n",double(min_improve)); #define double dd_real #else if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("Minimprove criterion = %12.4le\n",min_improve); #endif } } if(iexit == 2) { if (iprint>0) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("*** grad transpose times delta x greater >= 0\n" " --- convergence critera may be too strict\n"); ireturn=-1; } } #if defined (_MSC_VER) && !defined (__WAT32__) if (scroll_flag == 0) clrscr(); #endif if (maxfn_flag == 1) { if (iprint>0) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("Maximum number of function evaluations exceeded"); } } if (iprint>0) { if (quit_flag == 'Q') if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("User initiated interrupt"); } if(iprint == 0) goto label777; if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("\n - final statistics:\n"); if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("%d variables; iteration %ld; function evaluation %ld\n", n, itn, ifn); #if defined(USE_DDOUBLE) #undef double if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)( "Function value %12.4le; maximum gradient component mag %12.4le\n", double(f), double(gmax)); if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)( "Exit code = %ld; converg criter %12.4le\n",iexit,double(crit)); #define double dd_real #else if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)( "Function value %12.4le; maximum gradient component mag %12.4le\n", f, gmax); if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)( "Exit code = %ld; converg criter %12.4le\n",iexit,crit); #endif fmmdisp(x, g, n, this->scroll_flag,noprintx); label777: /* Printing final Hessian approximation */ if (ireturn <= 0) #ifdef DIAG if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("Final values of h in fmin:\n"); cout << h << "\n"; #endif #ifdef __ZTC__ { disp_close(); } #endif return; label7000:/* Printing Initial statistics */ if (iprint>0) { #if defined (_MSC_VER) && !defined (__WAT32__) if (!scroll_flag) clrscr(); #endif if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("\nInitial statistics: "); } goto label7003; label7010:/* Printing Intermediate statistics */ if (iprint>0) { #if defined (_MSC_VER) && !defined (__WAT32__) if (!scroll_flag) clrscr(); #endif if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("\nIntermediate statistics: "); } llog=0; goto label7003; label7020:/* Exis because Hessian is not positive definite */ if (iprint > 0) { if (ad_printf) (*ad_printf)("*** hessian not positive definite\n"); } #ifdef __ZTC__ if (ireturn <= 0) { disp_close(); } #endif }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *device = NULL; int command = -1; int o, longindex; int retval = 0; thresholds_t thresholds; values_t values; int fd; static struct option longopts[] = { {"device", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"immediate", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"quiet-check", no_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"auto-on", no_argument, 0, '1'}, {"auto-off", no_argument, 0, '0'}, {"nagios", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Parse extra opts if any */ argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); while (1) { o = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+d:iq10nhV", longopts, &longindex); if (o == -1 || o == EOF || o == 1) break; switch (o) { case 'd': device = optarg; break; case 'q': command = 3; break; case 'i': command = 2; break; case '1': command = 1; break; case '0': command = 0; break; case 'n': command = 4; break; case 'h': print_help (); return STATE_OK; case 'V': print_revision (progname, NP_VERSION); return STATE_OK; default: usage5 (); } } if (optind < argc) { device = argv[optind]; } if (!device) { print_help (); return STATE_OK; } fd = open (device, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { printf (_("CRITICAL - Couldn't open device %s: %s\n"), device, strerror (errno)); return STATE_CRITICAL; } if (smart_cmd_simple (fd, SMART_CMD_ENABLE, 0, TRUE)) { printf (_("CRITICAL - SMART_CMD_ENABLE\n")); return STATE_CRITICAL; } switch (command) { case 0: retval = smart_cmd_simple (fd, SMART_CMD_AUTO_OFFLINE, 0, TRUE); break; case 1: retval = smart_cmd_simple (fd, SMART_CMD_AUTO_OFFLINE, 0xF8, TRUE); break; case 2: retval = smart_cmd_simple (fd, SMART_CMD_IMMEDIATE_OFFLINE, 0, TRUE); break; case 3: smart_read_values (fd, &values); smart_read_thresholds (fd, &thresholds); retval = values_not_passed (&values, &thresholds); break; case 4: smart_read_values (fd, &values); smart_read_thresholds (fd, &thresholds); retval = nagios (&values, &thresholds); break; default: smart_read_values (fd, &values); smart_read_thresholds (fd, &thresholds); print_values (&values, &thresholds); break; } close (fd); return retval; }
/*----------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { xc_values_type xc; xc_lda_type lda_func; xc_gga_type gga_func; xc_hyb_gga_type hyb_gga_func; const xc_func_info_type *info; FLOAT *pv2rho = NULL; if(argc != 8){ printf("Usage:\n%s funct pol rhoa rhob sigmaaa sigmaab sigmabb\n", argv[0]); return 1; } init_values(&xc, argv); if(xc.nspin == 1){ xc.rho[0] += xc.rho[1]; xc.sigma[0] += 2.0*xc.sigma[1] + xc.sigma[2]; } info = NULL; switch(xc_family_from_id(xc.functional)) { case XC_FAMILY_LDA: if(xc.functional == XC_LDA_X) xc_lda_x_init(&lda_func, xc.nspin, 3, 0); else xc_lda_init(&lda_func, xc.functional, xc.nspin); info =; break; case XC_FAMILY_GGA: xc_gga_init(&gga_func, xc.functional, xc.nspin); info =; break; case XC_FAMILY_HYB_GGA: xc_hyb_gga_init(&hyb_gga_func, xc.functional, xc.nspin); info =; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Functional '%d' not found\n", xc.functional); exit(1); } if(info->provides & XC_PROVIDES_FXC){ pv2rho = xc.v2rho; } switch(xc_family_from_id(xc.functional)) { case XC_FAMILY_LDA: xc_lda(&lda_func, xc.rho, &xc.zk, xc.vrho, pv2rho, NULL); break; case XC_FAMILY_GGA: xc_gga(&gga_func, xc.rho, xc.sigma, &xc.zk, xc.vrho, xc.vsigma, pv2rho, xc.v2rhosigma, xc.v2sigma); xc_gga_end(&gga_func); break; case XC_FAMILY_HYB_GGA: xc_hyb_gga(&hyb_gga_func, xc.rho, xc.sigma, &xc.zk, xc.vrho, xc.vsigma); xc_hyb_gga_end(&hyb_gga_func); break; } if(xc.nspin == 1){ xc.vrho[1] = xc.vrho[0]; xc.zk *= xc.rho[0] ; }else{ xc.zk *= (xc.rho[0] + xc.rho[1]); } print_values(&xc); return 0; }
void MTZVariables::print(IloCplex &cplex) { print_values(cplex, &xs); print_values(cplex, &vs); print_values(cplex, &us); }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int fd; int opt; int error; int errorcount = 0; int rawvalues[RESULT_SIZE]; char *tty = DEFAULT_TTY; bool starttest = false; bool aborttest = false; bool switchbeep = false; struct smsstatus results; /*************************************************************************** * UPS QUERIES START ***************************************************************************/ /* Interrupt the battery test. No return. */ int query1[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x44', /* D */ '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xc0', '\x0d'}; /* Return strange values * 0x3b (;), 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, * 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0xe5, 0x0d; */ int query2[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x46', /* F */ '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xbe', '\x0d'}; /* Does nothing? */ int query3[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x47', /* G */ '\x01', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xbb', '\x0d'}; /* Return model name and firmware version? * 0x3a (:), 0x53 (S), 0x45 (E), 0x4e (N), 0x4f (O), 0x49 (I), * 0x44 (D), 0x41 (A), 0x4c (L), 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x20, 0x37 (7), * 0x2e (.), 0x30 (0), 0x62 (b), 0x0d; */ int query4[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x49', /* I */ '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xbb', '\x0d'}; /* Switch the buzzer ON/OFF. No return. */ int query5[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x4d', /* M */ '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xb7', '\x0d'}; /* Return standard values * 0x3d (=) - Just a mark * 0x08 - 0XAA - * 0x34 (4) - 0X AA - lastinputVac * 0x08 - 0XBB - * 0x34 (4) - 0X BB - inputVac * 0x04 - 0XCC - * 0x38 (8) - 0X CC - outputVac * 0x01 - 0XDD - * 0x22 (") - 0X DD - outputpower * 0x02 - 0XEE - * 0x58 (X) - 0X EE - outputHz * 0x03 - 0XFF - * 0xe8 - 0X FF - batterylevel * 0x01 - 0XGG - * 0x7c (|) - 0X GG - temperatureC * 0x29 ()) - HH - State bits (beepon, shutdown, test, upsok, * 0x01 - ?? - ?? boost, onacpower, lowbattery, onbattery) * 0x0d - Just a mark */ int query6[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x51', /* Q */ '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xff', '\xb3', '\x0d'}; /* Test the battery for 10 seconds. No return. */ int query7[QUERY_SIZE] ={'\x54', /* T */ '\x00', '\x10', '\x00', '\x00', '\x9c', '\x0d'}; /*************************************************************************** * UPS QUERIES END ***************************************************************************/ /* Command line parser */ while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "abst:")) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'a': aborttest = true; break; case 'b': switchbeep = true; break; case 's': starttest = true; break; case 't': tty = optarg; break; default: /* '?' */ fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s\n\t-s: Start battery test\n\t-a: " "Abort battery test\n\t-b: Switch buzzer ON/OFF\n\t-t: Path to TTY (Ex: /dev/ttyUSB0)\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } /* Avoid calling start and abort battery test simultaneosly */ if (starttest && aborttest){ printf ("ERROR: Can't start and abort battery test at same time.\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if ( (fd = open_config_tty(tty)) < 0){ perror("open_port: Unable to open DEFAULT_TTY - "); return -1; } if (switchbeep) send_query (fd, query5); if (starttest) send_query (fd, query7); if (aborttest) send_query (fd, query1); /* Device Startup * This is done on the official software but looks not necessary * send_query (fd, query3); send_query (fd, query4); get_results2(fd, rawvalues); send_query (fd, query4); get_results2(fd, rawvalues); send_query (fd, query2); get_results2(fd, rawvalues); send_query (fd, query6); get_results2(fd, rawvalues); */ while (errorcount < 2 ){ send_query (fd, query6); if (get_results2(fd, rawvalues) < 0){ perror("Error reading tty. "); return -1; } // printf("Errorcount: %d\n", errorcount); if ((error = check_results(rawvalues)) > 0){ // printf("Error: %d\n", error); errorcount++; usleep (250000); continue; } else break; } if (errorcount > 1){ perror("get_results: tty was opened but is sending incorrect values - "); return error; } results_to_human(rawvalues, &results); close_tty(fd); print_values(&results); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void SCFVariables::print(IloCplex &cplex) { print_values(cplex, &xs); print_values(cplex, &vs); print_values(cplex, &fs); }
/** The get-recrod command */ int cmd_get_record (int argc, const char *argv[]) { if (OPTIONS.tenant[0] == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%% No tenantid provided\n"); return 1; } if ([0] == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "%% No hostid provided\n"); return 1; } var *apires = api_get ("/%s/host/%s", OPTIONS.tenant,; if (OPTIONS.json) { var_dump (apires, stdout); var_free (apires); return 0; } #define Arr(x) var_get_array_forkey(apires,x) #define Vint(x) var_get_int_forkey(apires,x) #define Vstr(x) var_get_str_forkey(apires,x) #define Vfrac(x) var_get_double_forkey(apires,x) #define VDint(x,y) var_get_int_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y) #define VDstr(x,y) var_get_str_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y) #define VDfrac(x,y) var_get_double_forkey(var_get_dict_forkey(apires,x),y) #define VAfrac(x,y) var_get_double_atindex(var_get_array_forkey(apires,x),y) #define Vdone(x) var_delete_key(apires,x) /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ print_hdr ("HOST"); print_value ("UUID", "%s",; print_value ("Hostname", "%s", Vstr("hostname")); print_value ("Address", "%s", VDstr("agent","ip")); print_value ("Status", "\033[1m%s\033[0m", Vstr("status")); print_array ("Problems", Arr("problems")); Vdone("hostname"); Vdone("agent"); Vdone("status"); Vdone("problems"); char uptimestr[128]; uint64_t uptime = Vint("uptime"); Vdone("uptime"); uint64_t u_days = uptime / 86400ULL; uint64_t u_hours = (uptime - (86400 * u_days)) / 3600ULL; uint64_t u_mins = (uptime - (86400 * u_days) - (3600 * u_hours)) / 60ULL; uint64_t u_sec = uptime % 60; if (u_days) { sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu day%s, %llu:%02llu:%02llu", u_days, (u_days==1)?"":"s", u_hours, u_mins, u_sec); } else if (u_hours) { sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu:%02llu:%02llu", u_hours, u_mins, u_sec); } else { sprintf (uptimestr, "%llu minute%s, %llu second%s", u_mins, (u_mins==1)?"":"s", u_sec, (u_sec==1)?"":"s"); } print_value ("Uptime","%s",uptimestr); print_value ("OS/Hardware","%s %s (%s)", VDstr("os","kernel"), VDstr("os","version"), VDstr("os","arch")); const char *dist = VDstr("os","distro"); if (dist) print_value ("Distribution", "%s", dist); Vdone("os"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ print_hdr ("RESOURCES"); print_value ("Processes","\033[1m%llu\033[0m " "(\033[1m%llu\033[0m running, " "\033[1m%llu\033[0m stuck)", VDint("proc","total"), VDint("proc","run"), VDint("proc","stuck")); Vdone("proc"); print_value ("Load Average", "\033[1m%6.2f\033[0m / " "\033[1m%6.2f\033[0m / " "\033[1m%6.2f\033[0m", VAfrac ("loadavg",0), VAfrac ("loadavg", 1), VAfrac ("loadavg",2)); Vdone ("loadavg"); char cpubuf[128]; sprintf (cpubuf, "\033[1m%6.2f \033[0m%%", Vfrac("pcpu")); char meter[32]; strcpy (meter, "-[ ]+"); double iowait = VDfrac("io","pwait"); double pcpu = Vfrac("pcpu"); Vdone("pcpu"); double level = 4.5; int pos = 2; while (level < 100.0 && pos < 22) { if (level < pcpu) meter[pos++] = '#'; else meter[pos++] = ' '; level += 4.5; } print_value ("CPU", "%-40s %s", cpubuf, meter); if (iowait>0.001) print_value ("CPU iowait", "\033[1m%6.2f %%\033[0m", iowait); print_value ("Available RAM", "\033[1m%.2f\033[0m MB", ((double)VDint("mem","total"))/1024.0); print_value ("Free RAM", "\033[1m%.2f\033[0m MB", ((double)VDint("mem","free"))/1024.0); print_value ("Network in/out", "\033[1m%i\033[0m Kb/s " "(\033[1m%i\033[0m pps) / " "\033[1m%i\033[0m Kb/s " "(\033[1m%i\033[0m pps)", VDint("net","in_kbs"), VDint("net","in_pps"), VDint("net","out_kbs"), VDint("net","out_pps")); print_value ("Disk i/o", "\033[1m%i\033[0m rdops / " "\033[1m%i\033[0m wrops", VDint("io","rdops"), VDint("io","wrops")); Vdone("mem"); Vdone("net"); Vdone("io"); Vdone("badness"); print_values (apires, NULL); /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ print_hdr ("PROCESS LIST"); const char *top_hdr[] = {"USER","PID","CPU","MEM","NAME",NULL}; const char *top_fld[] = {"user","pid","pcpu","pmem","name",NULL}; columnalign top_align[] = {CA_L, CA_R, CA_R, CA_R, CA_L, CA_NULL}; vartype top_tp[] = {VAR_STR,VAR_INT,VAR_DOUBLE,VAR_DOUBLE,VAR_STR,VAR_NULL}; int top_wid[] = {15, 7, 9, 9, 0, 0}; int top_div[] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}; const char *top_suf[] = {"",""," %", " %", "", NULL}; var *v_top = var_get_array_forkey (apires, "top"); print_table (v_top, top_hdr, top_fld, top_align, top_tp, top_wid, top_suf, top_div); Vdone("top"); /* -------------------------------------------------------------*/ print_hdr ("STORAGE"); const char *df_hdr[] = {"DEVICE","SIZE","FS","USED","MOUNTPOINT",NULL}; const char *df_fld[] = {"device","size","fs","pused","mount",NULL}; columnalign df_aln[] = {CA_L,CA_R,CA_L,CA_R,CA_L,CA_NULL}; vartype df_tp[] = {VAR_STR,VAR_INT,VAR_STR,VAR_DOUBLE,VAR_STR,VAR_NULL}; int df_wid[] = {12, 14, 6, 8, 0}; int df_div[] = {0, (1024), 0, 0, 0, 0}; const char *df_suf[] = {""," GB", "", " %", "", ""}; var *v_df = var_get_array_forkey (apires, "df"); /*print_generic_table (v_df);*/ print_table (v_df, df_hdr, df_fld, df_aln, df_tp, df_wid, df_suf, df_div); Vdone("df"); /** Print any remaining table data */ print_tables (apires); printf ("---------------------------------------------" "-----------------------------------\n"); var_free (apires); print_done(); return 0; }
int HashmapCount(int verbose, struct cfg *cfg, char *args[]) { struct test t; char *mem = NULL; int ret = 0, fd = 0, data; int useal = atoi(args[0]); struct stat st; void *mm; if (useal) { if ((mem = malloc(0xFFFFFF)) == NULL || ( = suba_init(mem, 0xFFFFFF, 1, 0)) == NULL) { AMSG(""); ret = -1; goto err; } } else { = NULL; } if ((t.words = hashmap_new(hash_str, (cmp_fn)strcmp, NULL, == NULL || (fd = open(args[1], 0)) == -1 || fstat(fd, &st) == -1) { AMSG(""); ret = -1; goto err; } if ((t.src = mm = mmap(NULL, (int)st.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fd, 0)) == NULL) { AMSG(""); ret = -1; goto err; } t.slim = t.src + st.st_size; if (load_words(&t) == -1) { AMSG(""); ret = -1; goto err; } if ((data = (int)hashmap_get(t.words, args[2])) == 0 || atoi(args[3]) != data || (data = (int)hashmap_get(t.words, args[4])) == 0 || atoi(args[5]) != data) { errno = ERANGE; PMNF(errno, ": %d != %d", atoi(args[3]), data); ret = -1; goto err; } if (verbose) print_values(t.words); err: munmap(mm, st.st_size); if (fd) close(fd); hashmap_del(t.words, NULL, NULL, NULL); free(mem); cfg = NULL; return ret; }
void *watch_process(void* _pid) { pid_t pid = *((pid_t*)_pid); printf("%d\n", pid); int retval, EventSet = PAPI_NULL; //char events_name[NB_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN] = {"UNHALTED_CORE_CYCLES", "INSTRUCTION_RETIRED", "MEM_LOAD_RETIRED:L1D_HIT", "MEM_LOAD_RETIRED:L2_HIT", "LLC_REFERENCES"}; //char events_name[NB_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN] = {"UNHALTED_CORE_CYCLES", "INSTRUCTION_RETIRED", "MEM_LOAD_RETIRED:L2_HIT", "L2_RQSTS:LOADS", "L2_DATA_RQSTS:ANY"}; //char events_name[NB_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN] = {"UNHALTED_CORE_CYCLES", "INSTRUCTION_RETIRED", "L1I:READS", "L1D_CACHE_LD:MESI", "L1D_CACHE_ST:MESI"}; //char events_name[NB_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN] = {"UNHALTED_CORE_CYCLES", "INSTRUCTION_RETIRED", "L1D_CACHE_LD:MESI", "L1D_CACHE_ST:MESI", "L2_DATA_RQSTS:ANY" }; char events_name[NB_EVENTS][PAPI_MAX_STR_LEN] = {"UNHALTED_CORE_CYCLES", "INSTRUCTION_RETIRED", "L1I:READS", "L1D_CACHE_LD:MESI", "L1D_CACHE_ST:MESI", "MEM_LOAD_RETIRED:L2_HIT", "L2_RQSTS:LOADS", "L2_DATA_RQSTS:ANY", "BR_INST_RETIRED:ALL_BRANCHES", "BR_INST_EXEC:ANY", "BR_MISP_EXEC:ANY" }; unsigned int native_events[NB_EVENTS]; long long values[NB_EVENTS]; int err; /* Initialize the library */ if ( (err = PAPI_library_init(PAPI_VER_CURRENT)) != PAPI_VER_CURRENT) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI library init error! %d\n", err); exit(1); } if ( (err = PAPI_multiplex_init()) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI multiplex init error! %d\n", err); exit(1); } if (PAPI_thread_init(pthread_self) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI thread init error! %d\n", err); exit(1); } //sched_setaffinity(0, 0); //if ((retval = PAPI_set_granularity(PAPI_GRN_MAX)) != PAPI_OK) { // fprintf(stderr, "PAPI set granurality error! %d, %d, %d, %d, %d\n", retval, PAPI_EINVAL, PAPI_ENOEVST, PAPI_ENOCMP, PAPI_EISRUN); // exit(1); //} // Traduction des string en code name_to_code(events_name, NB_EVENTS, native_events); // Vérification des évènements check_events(native_events, NB_EVENTS); if (PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI EventSet init error!\n"); exit(1); } if ( (err = PAPI_assign_eventset_component( EventSet, 0 ) ) != PAPI_OK ) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI assign component error!\n%s\n", PAPI_strerror(err)); exit(1); } if ( ( err = PAPI_set_multiplex(EventSet) ) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI set multiplex error!\n%s\n", PAPI_strerror(err)); exit(1); } if ( (retval = PAPI_add_events(EventSet, native_events, NB_EVENTS) ) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI add events error!\n%s\n", PAPI_strerror(retval) ); exit(1); } if (PAPI_attach(EventSet, pid) != PAPI_OK) exit(1); while(while_watch) { /* Start counting */ if (PAPI_start(EventSet) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI start error!\n"); exit(1); } usleep(1000000); if (PAPI_stop(EventSet, values) != PAPI_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "PAPI stop error!\n"); exit(1); } print_values(events_name, values, NB_EVENTS); } return 0; }
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *device = NULL; int o, longindex; int retval = 0; thresholds_t thresholds; values_t values; int fd; static struct option longopts[] = { {"device", required_argument, 0, 'd'}, {"immediate", no_argument, 0, 'i'}, {"quiet-check", no_argument, 0, 'q'}, {"auto-on", no_argument, 0, '1'}, {"auto-off", no_argument, 0, '0'}, {"nagios", no_argument, 0, 'n'}, /* DEPRECATED, but we still accept it */ {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {0, 0, 0, 0} }; /* Parse extra opts if any */ argv=np_extra_opts (&argc, argv, progname); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); while (1) { o = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+d:iq10nhVv", longopts, &longindex); if (o == -1 || o == EOF || o == 1) break; switch (o) { case 'd': device = optarg; break; case 'q': fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", _("DEPRECATION WARNING: the -q switch (quiet output) is no longer \"quiet\".")); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", _("Nagios-compatible output is now always returned.")); break; case 'i': case '1': case '0': printf ("%s\n", _("SMART commands are broken and have been disabled (See Notes in --help).")); return STATE_CRITICAL; break; case 'n': fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", _("DEPRECATION WARNING: the -n switch (Nagios-compatible output) is now the")); fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", _("default and will be removed from future releases.")); break; case 'v': /* verbose */ verbose = TRUE; break; case 'h': print_help (); return STATE_OK; case 'V': print_revision (progname, NP_VERSION); return STATE_OK; default: usage5 (); } } if (optind < argc) { device = argv[optind]; } if (!device) { print_help (); return STATE_OK; } fd = open (device, OPEN_MODE); if (fd < 0) { printf (_("CRITICAL - Couldn't open device %s: %s\n"), device, strerror (errno)); return STATE_CRITICAL; } if (smart_cmd_simple (fd, SMART_CMD_ENABLE, 0, FALSE)) { printf (_("CRITICAL - SMART_CMD_ENABLE\n")); return STATE_CRITICAL; } smart_read_values (fd, &values); smart_read_thresholds (fd, &thresholds); retval = nagios (&values, &thresholds); if (verbose) print_values (&values, &thresholds); close (fd); return retval; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nx; int maxsteps; double threshold; FILE* outfile; /* NULL if output values are not to be printed */ double *uk; double *ukp1; double *temp; double dx, dt; double start_time, end_time; double maxdiff; int step; int nthreads; parse_arguments(argc, argv, &nx, &maxsteps, &threshold, &outfile); /* could use omp_get_wtime but get_time is what sequential code uses */ start_time = get_time(); #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp single { nthreads = omp_get_num_threads(); } } if ((nx % nthreads) != 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Number of threads must evenly divide %d\n", nx); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* uk, ukp1 have nx interior points plus fixed ends */ uk = malloc(sizeof(*uk) * (nx+2)); ukp1 = malloc(sizeof(*ukp1) * (nx+2)); if ((uk == NULL) || (ukp1 == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } dx = 1.0/nx; dt = 0.5*dx*dx; maxdiff = threshold; /* initialize(uk, ukp1, nx); */ initialize_end_points(uk, ukp1, nx); /* remainder of initialize in parallel section */ #pragma omp parallel { int step_local; double maxdiff_local; double diff; int my_id = omp_get_thread_num(); int loop_start = 1 + my_id * (nx/nthreads); int loop_limit = loop_start + (nx/nthreads); maxdiff = threshold; initialize_local_section(uk, ukp1, loop_start, loop_limit); #pragma omp barrier for (step_local = 0; (step_local < maxsteps) && (maxdiff >= threshold); ++step_local) { #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp single { maxdiff = 0.0; } /* compute new values and check for convergence */ maxdiff_local = 0.0; /* for (int i = 1; i < nx-1; ++i) */ for (int i = loop_start; i < loop_limit; ++i) { ukp1[i]=uk[i]+ (dt/(dx*dx))*(uk[i+1]-2*uk[i]+uk[i-1]); diff = fabs(uk[i] - ukp1[i]); if (diff > maxdiff_local) maxdiff_local = diff; } #pragma omp critical { if (maxdiff_local > maxdiff) maxdiff = maxdiff_local; } /* "copy" ukp1 to uk by swapping pointers */ #pragma omp barrier #pragma omp single { temp = ukp1; ukp1 = uk; uk = temp; } } /* save count of steps in shared variable */ #pragma omp single { step = step_local; } } end_time = get_time(); if (outfile != NULL) { print_values(outfile, uk, nx); fclose(outfile); } printf("OpenMP program, SPMD-style v2 (%d threads):\n", nthreads); printf("nx = %d, maxsteps = %d, threshold = %g\n", nx, maxsteps, threshold); if (maxdiff < threshold) { printf("converged in %d iterations\n", step); } else { printf("failed to converge in %d iterations, maxdiff = %g\n", step, maxdiff); } printf("execution time = %g\n", end_time - start_time); /* clean up and end */ free(uk); free(ukp1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
static void echo_query(NODE *n) { switch(n -> kind){ case N_CREATETABLE: /* for CreateTable() */ printf("create table %s (", n -> u.CREATETABLE.relname); print_attrtypes(n -> u.CREATETABLE.attrlist); printf(")"); printf(";\n"); break; case N_CREATEINDEX: /* for CreateIndex() */ printf("create index %s(%s);\n", n -> u.CREATEINDEX.relname, n -> u.CREATEINDEX.attrname); break; case N_DROPINDEX: /* for DropIndex() */ printf("drop index %s(%s);\n", n -> u.DROPINDEX.relname, n -> u.DROPINDEX.attrname); break; case N_DROPTABLE: /* for DropTable() */ printf("drop table %s;\n", n -> u.DROPTABLE.relname); break; case N_LOAD: /* for Load() */ printf("load %s(\"%s\");\n", n -> u.LOAD.relname, n -> u.LOAD.filename); break; case N_HELP: /* for Help() */ printf("help"); if(n -> u.HELP.relname != NULL) printf(" %s", n -> u.HELP.relname); printf(";\n"); break; case N_PRINT: /* for Print() */ printf("print %s;\n", n -> u.PRINT.relname); break; case N_SET: /* for Set() */ printf("set %s = \"%s\";\n", n->u.SET.paramName, n->u.SET.string); break; case N_QUERY: /* for Query() */ printf("select "); print_relattrs(n -> u.QUERY.relattrlist); printf("\n from "); print_relations(n -> u.QUERY.rellist); printf("\n"); if (n->u.QUERY.conditionlist) { printf("where "); print_conditions(n->u.QUERY.conditionlist); } printf(";\n"); break; case N_INSERT: /* for Insert() */ printf("insert into %s values ( ",n->u.INSERT.relname); print_values(n -> u.INSERT.valuelist); printf(");\n"); break; case N_DELETE: /* for Delete() */ printf("delete %s ",n->u.DELETE.relname); if (n->u.DELETE.conditionlist) { printf("where "); print_conditions(n->u.DELETE.conditionlist); } printf(";\n"); break; case N_UPDATE: /* for Update() */ { printf("update %s set ",n->u.UPDATE.relname); print_relattr(n->u.UPDATE.relattr); printf(" = "); struct node *rhs = n->u.UPDATE.relorvalue; /* The RHS can be either a relation.attribute or a value */ if (rhs->u.RELATTR_OR_VALUE.relattr) { /* Print out the relation.attribute */ print_relattr(rhs->u.RELATTR_OR_VALUE.relattr); } else { /* Print out the value */ print_value(rhs->u.RELATTR_OR_VALUE.value); } if (n->u.UPDATE.conditionlist) { printf("where "); print_conditions(n->u.UPDATE.conditionlist); } printf(";\n"); break; } default: // should never get here break; } fflush(stdout); }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int nx; int maxsteps; double threshold; FILE* outfile; /* NULL if output values are not to be printed */ double *uk; double *ukp1; double *temp; double dx, dt; double start_time, end_time; double maxdiff, diff; int step; parse_arguments(argc, argv, &nx, &maxsteps, &threshold, &outfile); start_time = get_time(); /* uk, ukp1 have nx interior points plus fixed ends */ uk = malloc(sizeof(*uk) * (nx+2)); ukp1 = malloc(sizeof(*ukp1) * (nx+2)); if ((uk == NULL) || (ukp1 == NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to allocate memory\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } dx = 1.0/nx; dt = 0.5*dx*dx; maxdiff = threshold; initialize(uk, ukp1, nx); for (step = 0; (step < maxsteps) && (maxdiff >= threshold); ++step) { /* compute new values */ for (int i = 1; i <= nx; ++i) { ukp1[i]=uk[i]+ (dt/(dx*dx))*(uk[i+1]-2*uk[i]+uk[i-1]); } /* check for convergence */ maxdiff = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= nx; ++i) { diff = fabs(uk[i] - ukp1[i]); if (diff > maxdiff) maxdiff = diff; } /* "copy" ukp1 to uk by swapping pointers */ temp = ukp1; ukp1 = uk; uk = temp; } end_time = get_time(); if (outfile != NULL) { print_values(outfile, uk, nx); fclose(outfile); } printf("sequential program:\n"); printf("nx = %d, maxsteps = %d, threshold = %g\n", nx, maxsteps, threshold); if (maxdiff < threshold) { printf("converged in %d iterations\n", step); } else { printf("failed to converge in %d iterations, maxdiff = %g\n", step, maxdiff); } printf("execution time = %g\n", end_time - start_time); /* clean up and end */ free(uk); free(ukp1); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }